Please let me live (part 2)

Iz*one's baby - Season 2
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It has been a few weeks since the funeral of Jihoon oppa. Ever since I have mostly been locked up in my room and never really gotten it except when I needed to eat or go to the toilet. Our company had announced my hiatus as I still needed to heal from the gun wound.  The other girls still had to do their schedules but none of them wanted to leave me alone in the dorm. But they were reassured when the company assigned both my personal manager and a security guard to be with me whenever everyone expect me was out of the house. As I was laying in my bed while watching Kep1er's Vlive, I heard a knock on the door. It opened to reveal Eunbi unnie. She walked inside and closed the door behind her as she sat next to me on my bed.

Eunbi: How are you doing?

Jahoon: I'm okay unnie. You don't have to worry.

Eunbi: Jahoon. You know that you don't need to be strong all the time. It is okay to feel sad or/and weak sometimes. No one is gonna judge you for that and you know that we, your members, would never do it. We will always be here for you if you need a shoulder or an ear to listen.

Jahoon: Unnie~

I sat up in bed and threw my phone to the side before giving Eunbi unnie a big hug. I could feel her return the hug as she lightly patted me on my back.

Eunbi: It is okay Jahoon. You can let it all it. Unnie is here for you.

Right as she said that I could feel my tears coming. We sat there hugging each other, as I cried my eyes out. After a while, we pulled away from each other when I had no more tears to cry. Eunbi unnie grabbed some tissues and wiped the rest of my tears away. She then kissed me on my forehead and lightly caressed my cheek.

Eunbi: Feeling better?

Jahoon: A lot better unnie. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder.

Eunbi: As I said it is fine. Also, you have done it so many times for me. It is my time to repay you back at least once.

I smiled as I grabbed Eunbi unnie's hands from my cheek and held it. Another knock was heard. We turned out attention to the door, seeing it open and revealing Yujin and Yena standing behind it.

Yena: Hey unnie~ We wanted to hear if you wanted to go out with us today? Maybe going to the arcade with me, Yujin, Sakura unnie, and Hyewon unnie? And getting something to eat after that? It has been a long time since unnie has been outside.

I thought about it for a while before I nodded while smiling. They cheered before running away to tell Sakura and Hyewon about it. I looked back at Eunbi unnie who was looking at me with a motherly smile.

Eunbi: I'm glad that you are beginning to be yourself again Jahoon. I have missed seeing you spend time with our members and I have especially missed seeing you smile like this. Now go and get ready and also take care of yourself and the other girls. Make sure that they don't make any trouble and that you don't overdo yourself too much. You still need to heal a bit more before you are back to normal. Call me if you get exhausted or anything and-

Jahoon: Don't worry unnie. I will call you as soon as I don't feel like myself and also if they get in any trouble. Don't worry unnie.

Eunbi unnie smiled softly as she pay my head and exited the room leaving me to change my clothes. After I was done, I got out of the room and exited the dorm with Sakura, Hyewon, Yena, and Yujin in the direction of our favorite arcade.












Yena: And another win for Yena!

Yujin: That is because you are cheating unnie! If you didn't push me right before the ending line then I would have won.

Yena: You just are a sore loser Yujin. That is all.

Hyewon: I won! I won again!

Sakura: It's just because you are lucky! If I had gotten your character I would have won too!

Jahoon: And I didn't know that I would get to see a puppy and a duck arguing as well as a hamster and a cat.

I stood behind them as I watched them arguing about who won and who would have won. I shook my head as I tried to stop them.

Jahoon: Okay guys. This is just a game. Don't get too upset about it.

Sakura, Hyewon, Yena & Yujin: This isn't just a game!

Jahoon: What did you say?!

I looked at them with a poker face. I could see them trying to swallow their saliva as they began to become scared and nervous.

Sakura, Hyewon, Yena & Yujin: Nothing unnie! We are sorry for yelling at you! Please don't kill us!

Jahoon: I will let it go just this one time but if I ever caught you doing it again, then say goodbye to games for at least one month.

Sakura, Hyewon, Yena & Yujin: Yes ma'am!

They quickly got up on their feet and bowed at me. I waved my hands in front of me as I tried to stop them.

Jahoon: Okaaaay. You guys don't need to go to that degree. I'm not like Eunbi unnie you know. Now you guys play. I will go and buy us something to drink.

Yujin: Do you want me to go with you unnie?

Jahoon: It's fine Yujin. Unnie will be back in a few minutes, don't worry.

I pat her head as she smiled at me before returning back to play, this time with Sakura instead. I grabbed my wallet and exited the store as I walked in the direction of the nearest coffee shop. I walked inside and placed my order and paid for them. As I was waiting at the side and looking at my phone, I saw a group of girls off three walking over to me. Just at the moment that I was looking up, one of the girls suddenly slapped me.

???: It is your fault that our precious got taken away from us! If it weren't for you then our Jihoon would still be with us now! W

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