Chapter 2

It Started With A Loan

Lisa knew she should have been skeptical. She should've researched more about the financing company Jisoo told her about before driving to the address written on the website. And she should've backed out the moment her foot stepped in their almost empty creepy-looking establishment she couldn't even call office.


She shouldn't have pushed through.


But Attorney Jennie Satan Kim's text messages were pissing Lisa to no end. And she knew the girl wouldn't leave her alone until she gives her what she's demanding for.


So Lisa found herself seated across the desk of this bulky, tall man who didn't bother introducing himself. She was expecting some typical receptionist or secretary dressed in business attires to attend to her application, but was met with this big, tattoed guy with scary, long beard clad in fitted black jeans and leather vest that'll make you want to scream 'punks not dead' instead.


That was another red flag she ignored because she thought she shouldn't be judging people by their looks.


After telling him about her intention of applying for a loan, the guy excused himself and disappeared at the back door, saying he'll get the application form and the contract ready.


Lisa was astonished at how accurate Jisoo's information was. There are really no needed requirements other than her identification card. No background investigations as well. The contract was already being done not even ten minutes into the transaction.


That was unbelievably convenient.


She lets her eyes roam around this supposed office while waiting for the guy to come back. It was just a small, plain room with a single desk situated at the center. The chairs that she and the guy were seated on, were the only chairs she could see. As if this company was not expecting more than one client to entertain.


There's also a single pot of a tall plant standing by the corner of the room that apparently didn't help making the place less hollow anyway. Pinned on the wall was a black rectangular plate that had those three, bold letters Lisa saw on the website.




She wonders if that's the company's name. Heck, she didn't even bother searching for the company's name. 


Who on earth would engage with something they don't even know?


Apparently, Lisa would.


The big guy came back holding two papers in hand. One is the application form, (if you could even call it a proper application form when all it asks was the applicant's name, contact number, home address, office address, family's home number, and family's home address), and the other is the contract which was written in really small letters Lisa could swear she will be needing a magnifying glass to be able to read them.


Now, this really seems suspicious. That should've scared Lisa. Or at least made her question what she's getting into. 


She should've paid attention to the red flags.


But when her phone rang again, displaying Jennie Kim's number on the screen that irritates her to the moon and back, she fished out a pen from her sling bag and started filling out the application form. She contemplated whether to read, or in this case, try her hardest to read the content of the contract. But then she caught a glimpse of Jennie's message asking where the hell is her payment, and that willed her to just sign the contract without reading a single word.


She thought she'd just read it later. It won't mean any harm anyway...right?


"So, miss...Lalisa Manobal, is it?", the guy asked after making sure that she has filled out and signed everything.


Lisa had to roll her eyes at the mistake and casually clears , "It's Manoban. Lalisa Manoban."


"Oh, Lalisa Manoban, okay. How much are you borrowing?"


"Um, twenty-five thousand dollars", she answered, purposely adding a spare amount for the repair of her own car and other miscellaneous stuff.


The guy just nodded before excusing himself once more and disappeared at the back door. He came back not long after with a brown envelope in hand.


"Twenty-five thousand dollars. The terms and interest rates are written in the contract", the tattoed guy said before handing her the envelope containing the money, and her copy of the contract, "We expect you to pay on time, Miss Manoban."


Lisa took a quick look inside the envelope. It was cold cash. Dang, these people are efficient.


She nodded and held her hand out at the guy, "I will. Thank you so much."


But the guy just stared at her hand before shaking his head, "We don't do hand shakes. You may go now."


Oh wow, that was rude.


Lisa just chose to ignore that and mumbled a quick 'okay thank you again', before turning on her heels.


She was at the door when the guy spoke again, "Miss Manoban."


She turned her head at him, a questioning look on her face, "Uh, yes?"


The big guy gave her a grim look that sent shivers to Lisa's spine before saying, "Remember to pay on time, and with the right amount, Miss Manoban."


Lisa was weirded out by that. Why did he feel the need to repeat that reminder and emphasize it? But then again, this whole transaction was already weird. What was she even expecting?


She just nodded and gave him a quick bow before she left the room in haste. Being in that place gives her chills and goosebumps, so she immediately hopped inside her car and ran the engine, tossing the envelope and the contract on the passenger seat.


She checks her phone and found a new message from the annoying lawyer. She snickers at the screen.


Subpoena, my , Jennie Satan Kim.




Lisa drove straight to a Mercedes branch where Jennie insisted them to meet. The girl wanted to prove to her that the money she will pay will really be used solely for the repair of her car, and that she's not financially taking advantage of Lisa.


The photographer didn't need any convincing anyway. Why would someone as wealthy as Jennie Kim take advantage of her when the lawyer could practically buy her entire existence?


She reached the place in no time and immediately spotted the lawyer leaning against the door of her hundred-dollar Mercedes. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she looks like those middle school teachers who won't allow you to use the bathroom if you cannot solve a calculus problem.


Lisa parked her car just beside the lawyer's, soon approaching her once she got out.


"Good thing you complied, Miss Manoban. Saves the both of us from further inconvenience", Jennie said in a stern voice.


"How can I not comply when you kept ringing me every five minutes?", I shot back, subtly rolling my eyes.


"I was just making sure you'd do as discussed."


"I never run away from a responsibility, Attorney Kim."


"Then let's get this over with."




They proceeded to the branch, have Jennie's car checked, and have the cost quoted.


Lisa's head spins when she was handed the quotation, while the lawyer has this victorious smug on her face. The repair and replacement really costs over twenty thousand. That's a ridiculous amount of money for Lisa considering that she could buy at least another model of her car with that amount.


"You've seen it yourself. My car's not a cheap ride, you know", Jennie commented at the side, chin raised up proudly.


And Lisa wanted to strangle the girl so bad. She knew it was her fault. But couldn't Jennie be a little more humble? All this bragging makes her want to wreck her car even more.


She took a deep breath before speaking, "Alright, I'll settle it."


Lisa took out the bundle of bills from the envelope, signed some mutual agreement with Jennie, and paid for the costs. The repair would take at least a day so the lawyer will have to leave her precious car in the care of the branch.


In less than thirty minutes, they're good and settled. ing finally. It has been quite a day for Lisa and all she wanted to do now is throw herself on the comfort of her bed. She should thank Jisoo later for recommending her that financing company.


"I hope this leaves you a lesson not to be too reckless on the road so as to not trouble other people, Miss Manoban", Jennie told her while they walk out of the branch.


Lisa literally glared at her, not bothering to hide it anymore. She can't believe this girl doesn't even know how to say thank you.


Really a devil.


"And I hope I won't have to see you again, Attorney Kim."


With that, she got inside her car and sped away, not caring how the lawyer will get home without her Mercedes. She's rich anyway, Lisa bets she's got some spare lamborghini chilling inside her garage.


Lisa heaved out a sigh, noting to herself to wake up extra early tomorrow to have her car repaired this time.




It was almost dinner when Lisa reached her apartment building. She was about to hop off of her car when her eyes caught a piece of paper sitting on the passenger seat.


Ah, right, the contract.


She swiftly took it and got out. 


The photographer dived straight to her couch soon as she stepped inside her unit, not bothering to take off her shoes and her coat. She was both physically and mentally exhausted and she doesn't know if she's really glad she's home when her home doesn't feel like it at all.


She's used to it, though.


For the past few years, home for her is where she sleeps, where she takes a bath, and sometimes where she eats. And dinner for her means the never-ending japanese takeouts and a cup of hot chocolate.


She loves hot chocolate, though. It always calms her especially when the weather was anything but nice.


Lisa turns to sit up properly when she remembers the contract she's supposed to read. She reached for it and straightens the paper with her palm since it got a little crumpled when she jumped on the couch.


How can one even read this?


The letters were really small, Lisa had to squint her eyes real hard to comprehend even the key points on the contract.


'Interest rate : 100%.'

'Term of loan : Payable in five (5) days.'


Lisa brought the paper impossibly closer to her face, not believing what she read.


What the heck? This has got to be some typographical error, right? Maybe it's five 'months' instead of days. And '10%' instead of 100%.


Right. It must be a typo. What sicko company would lend money payable in only five days anyway?


She takes note in her mind to go back to that P.C.Y. company or whatever that's called tomorrow to clarify the contract since there was no contact number written on their website.


Again, what sicko company doesn't have an office number?


So, she decided she'll just drop by that establishment tomorrow.


Her phone rang inside the pocket of her coat, and she fished it out to find Seulgi's name on the screen.


"Yes, Seul?", she answered the call.


"Yo, how did it go, Lis? Were you able to get the money?", Seulgi asked on the other line.


"Ah, yes. Jisoo recommended a financing company. I've already settled with Attorney Satan."


She heard her business partner laughed on the other line.


"That's good to hear. By the way, I just called to inform you that Mr. Lee rescheduled the meeting tomorrow. So, be sure to be on time, and don't go crashing into someone's car again, Lis", Seulgi joked, earning a chuckle from Lisa.


"Don't worry, I'll wake up at 4am so I could drive at 20kph max. Is that safe enough?"


They shared a good laugh and talked about how the business operation went today.


And Lisa forgot about the contract in that instant.




Lisa got really occupied with the meeting the other day. It went pretty smooth, but Mr. Lee seemed to be looking for more. So he wanted them to present another proposal before fully considering the deal.


Seulgi and Lisa were mostly frustrated, of course. The old man was just really hard to please. But they needed the project, so they spent the following days working on the revised proposal.


The loan, the contract, and the P.C.Y. company completely left Lisa's mind.


So, when the 6th day came, Lisa's entire office was shaken as five bulky, tattoed men dressed in tight black jeans and leather vest looking ready to thrash the place, showed up and asked for her.


"Where is Lalisa Manoban?"


Her whole team couldn't utter a word at first, but when the men started knocking down swivel chairs, everyone in the room tremblingly pointed at Lisa who was standing at the far back.


The photographer could only gulp in fear.


'What the hell did I do?', was what she thought.


One of the five bulky men stepped forward and approached Lisa, knocking down some office equipment as he does.


"Lalisa Manoban...come with us."




Lisa has been a good citizen her entire life. She was not perfect, but she's been a good daughter to her parents, good friend to her friends, she has been good even to her rivals. She's not really religious, but she always prays at night.


She doesn't know anyone she has caused harm (except for Jennie Kim but that was an accident and unintentional). So, she was terribly clueless as to why these men are taking her, and where they are taking her.


Lisa was trembling in fear while muttering a prayer under her breath, when her questions were finally answered.


The men led her to the familiar establishment she went to six days ago. And that's when she knew. This has something to do with the loan.


"I told you to pay on time, but you didn't", one guy, whom Lisa could recognize as the one who entertained her application, spoke as they led her to the back door of the familiar office, "So the boss wanted to see you."


Boss? Does he mean the manager? Or the CEO?


They opened the door and let them in. What welcomed Lisa was another room almost similar to the one she's been to, except this one looks livelier. She immediately noticed someone sitting at the swivel chair behind the single desk. The person's back was facing her, but she could tell by the figure that it was a woman.


Maybe it's really the manager??


"Boss, Manoban is here", one guy said before they let go of Lisa and took considerable steps away.


The woman, whom the guy had just called 'boss', slowly turns her seat around, finally facing the ever confused and scared photographer.


Lisa felt went dry when the woman shot daggers to her direction. She looks pretty young, Lisa thought they're just the same age. She had long, blonde hair that even though a little disheveled, suits her fair complexion. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown, just by looking at them intimidates Lisa already. And the woman was wearing some gray oversized sweatshirt which was far from the usual look of an office manager.


Nonetheless, Lisa finds the woman beautiful, and she's surprised that she even had time to appreciate it considering the situation she's in.


"You", the blonde spoke, lazily pointing a finger at her, "Have you read your contract?"


Lisa cleared an invisible lump in before nodding hesitantly, "I-I did."


"It's been six days. You're past the deadline", the woman said again with cold voice.


So what's written on the contract was true??


"B-But, I thought it was just a typo! Why are you lending money payable in only five days? And a hundred percent interest? This is ridiculous!"


Lisa has raised her voice a little, and she instantly regretted it when the blonde stood up from her seat.


"You don't make the rules here, Miss Manoban", the woman said, her tone getting scarier each second, "You owe us the money. So you better pay for it plus the interest."


The photographer's eyes went wide. Where on earth would she get another twenty-five ing thousand plus interest, that's a total of fifty ing thousand in an instant?


"Excuse me but where would I get that amount?? I applied for a loan because I didn't have the money. What kind of company are you anyway??"


Lisa snapped and she knew it was a mistake when she noticed the woman's eyes squinted in apparent anger.


The blonde took out something from under the desk, and before Lisa could react, a long and sharp katana was already being pointed at her.


"Pay...or die."

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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Ohh this is getting interesting (・o・;)
Hyacinth_93 #2
Chapter 4: OMG this is so interesting can't wait for the next update
yslcoochxie #3
Chapter 3: Oh my God!! This is so Good
yslcoochxie #4
Chapter 2: This fic is so funny but pay LISAYAH
1129 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oh hahaha oh Lisa trouble is chasing you wherever you go
1129 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha after dealing with the devil Kim now she's facing another and with a katana too 😆😆😆
Next chapter please. 🙂
unknown_kx #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next chapter
Jayyyyy_M #9
Chapter 2: Dude don’t torture me like this
unknown_kx #10
Chapter 2: A katana??!? damn..