Chapter 1

It Started With A Loan

Winter really isn't for Lisa. She hates the cold. Especially the kind of cold after Christmas when snow was raging down like a Tropical Cyclone, 'cos she had to wear at least four layers of clothing to keep her from freezing. 


Hell, she envied Queen Elsa because the cold never bothered the girl anyway.


And speaking of the movie, Lisa also hates that everything was basically frozen. The trees were covered in ice, houses buried under a thick pile of snow, and the unpredictable road which can go from super rough to super slippery without notice.


Just like how she was struggling behind the steering wheel today. The snow fall has stopped, but the thick ice covering the road was too much of a hassle for her. She swears she had to drive at a fixed 40 kilometers per hour to avoid crash. She just doesn't know how to avoid her client's wrath because by that speed, she'll surely be late on their meeting.


Her phone rang, and her colleague's name appears on the screen. She hissed.


"Seul, I swear I'm on my way, just...", she answers the call and puts it on speaker, "This goddamn snow was messing with my wheels."


"Bruh, Mr. Lee's not looking good right now. He's been waiting for half an hour. And you know how he hates waiting", Seulgi spoke on the other line.


"I know, I know, I just can't really drive over 40. Why don't you start the presentation then I'll continue when I get there?"


"Trust me, I tried to suggest that. But this old man's looking for you. He doesn't want to talk to any photographer that is not Lisa Manoban."


Lisa gritted her teeth. Stubborn clients sure are stubborn.


"Alright, then tell him I'll be there in 5 minutes", she checks on her watch, "If I don't die from a crash, that is."


"Dummy, just drive carefully! I'll try to find a way to entertain him", Seulgi answers, "We can't afford to lose this one, Lis. We're going bankrupt."


"Gosh, I know. He's our only hope, or else we'll starve in the streets."


Mr. Lee is the last resort of their small, struggling photography business. They need to close this deal to save everything they've worked for. And no, not a snow storm could make Lisa lose this chance.


So she steps a little harder on the accelerator all the while checking on her watch, and hung up on Seulgi.


Five damn minutes.


She was approaching an intersection and slowed down a little. But the slippery mess created by the ice lost her friction, and before she knew it, her car's swerving towards a black Mercedes which already halted when the traffic light turns red.


Lisa tried hitting her brakes, but to no avail. She could only mutter series of curses when the bumper of her old Kia hit the back of the Mercedes.




Fortunately, the crash was not strong enough to hurt both drivers, but just enough to leave a damage on both of the cars' facade.


Lisa was still muttering strings of curses when she saw the owner of the Mercedes got out of the driver's seat. She checks on her watch and sends a quick text to Seulgi, informing the girl of what happened.


The last thing she wanted today was another cause of delay. But she guessed the universe is playing some stupid tricks on her today.


The owner of the Mercedes knocked on her window, and she could do nothing but to step out of her car and confront the girl.


"Were you playing some GTA or Mario Kart live action, miss?", the woman said in a failed attempt of humor, though her face's obviously annoyed.


She was wearing an expensive Chanel blazer matched with the same color Chanel skirt, and intimidating was an understatement to describe her aura.


Lisa presses her palms together, "Um, I'm sorry, it was an accident—"


"Oh, so this is an accident? Can you tell me something less obvious, miss?"


Lisa hissed by the sarcasm. She really needs to get this over with if she wants to attend the meeting.


"Look, miss, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump on your car. The road was slippery and I got it out of control. But I have an important meeting to attend to, so if we can settle this right now..."


"Oh, sure, we can settle this right now, only if you pay for the damages and for the inconvenience it has caused me."


"Aright, I will", Lisa takes out her checkbook and starts scribbling, "How much would the repair cost?"


The woman took elegant steps and went to inspect the damage of her car and came back to face Lisa again, "By the looks of it, it'll cost around twenty thousand dollars."


Lisa choked on the invisible lump in , "I'm sorry, what??"


"I said twenty thousand dollars", the woman with intimidating feline eyes replied, arms crossed over her chest.


Lisa went closer to the woman's car to inspect it herself, totally not believing this possible fraud.


Only a portion of the back of the car was damaged, what sorcery is this woman on?!


"Excuse me, but how could this damage cost twenty thousand dollars?", she questioned, pointing a finger at the car.


"This Mercedes is worth over a hundred thousand dollars, and you wouldn't expect its repair cost, including the replacement parts, to come cheap, would you?"


Damn, this woman's surely bragging. If she can afford a hundred thousand worth of car, why don't she pay for its repair as well??, Lisa thought.


"Look, miss, I cannot afford to pay the amount you're asking for. Can you just bring your car to some cheaper automobile repair shop?"


The woman uncrossed her arms and tiptoed a little to match Lisa's eyes. 


"You were the one who crashed my car, and it's only your responsibility to pay rightfully."


"But, I don't ha—"


The woman takes something out of her purse, and shows it to Lisa, "You know I could sue you."


Lisa squinted her eyes to read the letters written on the card, and swallows audibly.


'Corporate Lawyer, Jennie Kim'


Damn, Lalisa, you really had to engage yourself with a lawyer??, she thought again.


"I could take you to Mercedes to confirm the price if you're doubting", the woman, who's apparently a lawyer, said after putting her license back inside her purse.


Lisa's phone rang again, and she took a quick glance to see Seulgi's name on the screen. She knows Mr. Lee's already fuming, and they might lose their biggest client if she doesn't move now.


"Attorney Kim, I'm really sorry, but I really can't deal with this right now. I have a very very very important meeting to attend. Can I just get your number, I'll give you mine as well, then let's settle this maybe later this day? Please?"


The woman raises a brow at her, "You think you're the only one who has an important matter to attend to? Considering that this is your fault for being a wreckless driver."


"I— I know, and I apologize, but I can't give you the amount you're asking now—"


"Pay for the damages, or I'll prepare your subpoena in a minute."


Lisa muttered another series of curses under her breath. Out of all the billion people in the world, this must really happen to her. Of all the days in the calendar, it had to be today.


Can you believe her luck?


Not even a minute later when police cars arrived at the scene. They didn't realize their little accident has caused a traffic jam.


"Do you want to settle this at the police station so it will be reported properly?", one officer asked them.


"No problem with me. As long as I'll be rightfully compensated for the damages", the lawyer answered with sharp eyes.


Lisa could only wish to be swallowed by the ground. She can already visualize their bankruptcy for losing the deal with Mr. Lee all because of some stupid slippery snow.


She hated winter even more.


And on a more important note...


'Where do I get twenty thousand ing dollars to pay for a ing Mercedes??!'


Well, that sure is some serious problem.






"You look like you've been through hell", Seulgi commented after placing a cup of hot chocolate infront of the stressed Lisa.


"I've been through hell. And that Jennie Kim is satan herself", she said, taking a sip from the cup.


"I told you to drive carefully, bruh. I know you're persistent on closing the deal with Mr. Lee, but you didn't have to go around bumping cars like in video games."


"I was driving carefully. It was the snow!", Lisa pointed out, leaning back on her swivel chair as she massages her temples, "What happened to Mr. Lee?"


"Well, we're really lucky he had some long- patience today. He agreed to reschedule the meeting. He's still considering us."


Lisa heaved out a sigh of relief. Well, at least they won't be going bankrupt yet.


She has just another problem.


How to get the money to pay for Attorney Jennie satan Kim's hundred thousand dollar-Mercedes Benz.


They went to the police station earlier that day to talk it out, and after her endless pleas, and after proving that she really got no twenty thousand dollars with her, the lawyer let her out.


If you think it ended with that, nah-uh. Jennie Kim just let her out because she promised to get the money and pay her within this day.


Yes, within this day.


The woman even got her home address, her office location, her phone number, her parents' address and phone number to make sure she can't get away with this.


The second last thing she wanted to happen was to make her parents worry about her having a lawsuit. She's caused them enough trouble when their photography business started going downhill. She doesn't want to worry them more.


So, yeah, she'll deal with this like an adult.


She just doesn't know how.


"Damn that lawyer. Does she really think I could magically make thousands of dollars in a blink of an eye??", Lisa started ranting, visualizing how badly she wanted to strangle the woman with her very hands, "And my car's pretty damaged too! What a life."


Seulgi lets out a small chuckle, "How much does she want again?"


"Twenty thousand dollars."


"Man, that's a lot. I could've helped you, but you know we've spent almost all of our savings on Irene's bake shop. And I'm on a tight budget right now", her colleague said apologetically.


Lisa shook her head and waves a hand, "Hey, it's fine, I understand. And you really don't have to. I'm just really maxed-out too. I've spent my remaining savings to sustain our operations, and it's still not going well."


"What if you borrow money from your parents?"


"Nah, I don't want to trouble them again. They've already helped me a lot of times. I need to stand on my own now."


Seulgi gave her a sympathetic pat on her shoulder, and she could only muster a weak smile.


"Hey, Seul. I don't have anymore appointments today, Do I?", she asks the other girl.


Seulgi plops on her seat and checks on her laptop, "Hmm, no more appointments today. Why?"


Lisa got up from her chair and took her keys, "I'll take the rest of the day off. I'm trying my luck on my bestfriend."


Her bestfriend. Ah, right. That midget.


"Sure, Lis. Update me, yeah? And please drive more carefully now, geez."


They exchanged some teasing laughs before Lisa went out and drove off with her damaged old Kia.






She reached the apartment building in no time, and rings the door at the end of the hallway. It took a good 2 minutes and at least 20 rings before the person inside the room finally decided to take the door.




The girl was wearing some oversized black shirt with her hair a bit disheveled. She looked like she never left her apartment in months, but Lisa's used to seeing her bestfriend's state.


"Why, hello there, Kim Jisoo. Can I come in?"


Lisa didn't wait for an answer and invited herself inside the apartment room. The shorter girl following after.


Kim Jisoo. Her bestfriend since highschool. The one who sticks with her through thick and thin, through better and through worse.


"Yah, what brings you here, Lali? You haven't visited me in weeks", Jisoo jumps on her and tackles her in a hug.


Lisa laughs while trying to wriggle out of the girl's hold, "Exactly. I haven't visited you in weeks, and I realized I miss my alien bestfriend."


Jisoo playfully smacked her in the head before letting go of her, and plops down on her gaming chair, "Liar. You only visit me when something is up."


"Excuse me, I don't?"


The shorter girl tosses her a knowing look before turning to her computer to resume her game, "Just spill it, Lalisa."


She drops her shoulders and took a seat beside her bestfriend's, "Well, I kinda crashed someone's car this morning."


"Ohh, you play GTA now?"


"Chu, I'm not kidding!"


Jisoo bubbles in a laugh, "Chill, buddy. Okay, and then?"


Lisa took a breath and continued, "And then the owner of the car's demanding me a huge amount of money for the damages. You know how my business was struggling, right? I got no spare in my bank account."


"And you're maybe asking if I could lend you some?"


"You got it right, genius!", she playfully ruffles the girl's already messy hair.


"How much is it?"


"Do you have twenty thousand dollars?"


Jisoo paused her game and looked at her dumbly, "I have twenty thousand coins on KartRider."


"Yah, Kim Jisoo!"


"What? Do I look like I have twenty thousand dollars, Lalisa Manoban? How do you expect someone who plays video games all day to have such amount?"


Lisa puffs her cheeks, "But your parents are rich, right?"


"You said it yourself, buddy. My parents are. Not me", the short girl turns back to her game, "And no, they won't lend me money anymore because they're sick and tired of my lazy ."


"So, they'll just let you starve in the streets??"


"No, because I know you'll take me in."


Lisa wriggles her hands in the air, "How can I take you in when I'm just as broke?? And this Jennie witch is filing a lawsuit against me if I don't pay her. So, maybe just visit me in jail?"


"Jennie? That's her name?", Jisoo asks without taking her eyes off of the screen, "That sounds y."


"What do you mean y?? She's basically a devil dressed in Chanel."


"Ohh, and rich too. Could be a sugar momma."


"Kim Jisoo, I swear to god-"


"Hey, actually, I think I know where you could get the money", Jisoo exits her game and opens a new tab on her computer, "I've seen this ad somewhere and saved it just in case my parents decide to cut all my credit cards and disown me."


"What is?", Lisa scoots closer to the girl and takes a look at the screen.


"This...financing company who grants loans to people without much requirements needed", her bestfriend shows her the advertisement.


The website looks...suspicious. The background was just pitch black, and the texts were written in bold, white letters. And for a financing company who needs enticing marketing to gain clients, this one's pretty empty.


"Are you sure this is legitimate, Chu?"


"I don't know. But they don't do background investigations whatsoever. Just apply for a loan, and they'll give you the money right away. That's what I've heard."


"Right away?"


"Yeah. I mean, you wouldn't really know if you wouldn't try, right?"


Lisa's not really a skeptic person. Especially in times of desperation. So, no matter how suspicious it may seem, trust her that she'll try it anyway.


She reads through the very minimal texts posted on the website, and found the complete address of the company where you would go to apply. 


Written above in bold and much bigger font are three letters:









I'm laughing at the title! Send help 😭🤣

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chapter 5 up for the early view of crowdfund sponsors! :))


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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Ohh this is getting interesting (・o・;)
Hyacinth_93 #2
Chapter 4: OMG this is so interesting can't wait for the next update
yslcoochxie #3
Chapter 3: Oh my God!! This is so Good
yslcoochxie #4
Chapter 2: This fic is so funny but pay LISAYAH
1120 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oh hahaha oh Lisa trouble is chasing you wherever you go
1120 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha after dealing with the devil Kim now she's facing another and with a katana too 😆😆😆
Next chapter please. 🙂
unknown_kx #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next chapter
Jayyyyy_M #9
Chapter 2: Dude don’t torture me like this
unknown_kx #10
Chapter 2: A katana??!? damn..