Chapter 4

It Started With A Loan

Lisa fortunately arrived at the nearest police station in no time, thanks to Attorney Satan's Mercedes. She has never imagined that the first ever luxury car she'll get to drive, is a fruit of carjacking.


Well, not really carjacking since she's going to return the car to the lawyer once she made sure that the loan shark witch will be arrested and jailed. She didn't mean to make it look like she robbed Jennie, although that's precisely what it looked like and the woman's probably hunting her down now.


She also didn’t mean to leave her bestfriend in the middle of the road with her busted Chevy. Knowing how Jisoo’s practically a noob when it comes to the outside world (because she spends all her time infront of her computer), she just knows that the girl is going full-on hysterical right now. 


But she'll worry about that later, because if she doesn't hurry now, the loan shark will end her with her freaking katana.


"Excuse me, officer!", she frantically approached a uniformed personnel once she reached the station's help desk, "I'd like to report a case." 


The officer looked up at her with droopy eyes, "What is it, Miss?"


"I've been victimized by a loan shark", Lisa started, "I've applied loan from them because I needed money. I thought they're legit and all because they have this office and contract and what nots, until they practically kidnapped me for not paying in five days! And on top of that, they charged me with an unreasonable high interest and threatened my life if I don't give them the money within twenty four hours."


The officer stared at her dumbly, looking like he didn't comprehend a word she said, "So, what I get from this is, you borrowed money from a financing company, and you don't want to pay it."


"What, no!", the photographer flails her hands defensively, "I will pay for it. But I will only pay the amount I borrowed plus the rightful interest, and in the rightful due time."


"But, you've signed a contract with them, right? The terms should be written there. Didn't you read it?"


"I did! I mean, I haven't really...I mean, I thought—"


"It's their right to demand for their money because it's theirs. You should learn how to pay for what you owed, Miss."


"I'm sorry?? Didn't you hear a word I said??"


Lisa was now fuming in disbelief. Why does this officer make it seem like it's her fault? And why is he showing little to no interest on this matter? This is a serious case!


"I'm sorry, Miss. But, we cannot help you if you're the one who's in debt", the officer lazily shrugs his shoulders, "Just start saving up so you can pay for it."


Unbelievable. She has never wanted to punch someone this bad.


"This is absurd!", the photographer got up from the stool in annoyance, "How is it my fault when I'm the one who's being harassed?? I told you, they're loan sharks!"


"How can you be so sure that they are, Miss?"


"Well, does kidnapping someone for a loan sound legal to you?"


"If you were kidnapped, then why are you here?"


"I freaking escaped, of course! For goodness' sake, officer, I have evidences", she tries to argue once more.


"Miss, accusing someone of kidnapping is also punishable by law."


"And why would I make up a story?? I was even held with a katana on my face!"


Lisa brought her hands to her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair in frustration. What she doesn't understand is the fact that the officer wouldn't even listen to her argument and would straight up put the blame on her.


Like, why??


"Okay, miss, please calm down for a moment", the man told her before taking out a pen and a paper, "To be fair with you, we'll try to investigate this case. May we get the name of this financing company you're reporting?"


The photographer breathes out, kind of relieved that the officer is finally taking some action, "I don't know the official name. But as written on their website, I think it's 'P.C.Y'."


She notices how the officer stopped writing and took a subtle glance up at her. It was a knowing look. Like, he knew what she was talking about. 


Lisa was never skeptic. But this right here, is definitely suspicious.


Putting his pen down, the man just nodded before getting up from his seat. Lisa waited for his next move, but he just stood there in front of her. Baffled, she was about to speak up, when she suddenly felt an arm around her shoulders.


And she stood rooted to the ground, wide-eyed, when she heard a familiar voice she actually just heard earlier this day.


"Didn't expect to meet you here again, Manoban."


The voice was cold, raspy, and sly all at the same time.


Lisa gritted her teeth and tips her head to face her unexpected acquaintance. It just confirms her suspicion. That striking blonde hair is so distinct it burns her eyes just looking at it.


It’s the mother-freaking loan shark.


“Pleasure to see you, Miss Park”, the officer, who was earlier droopy and uninterested, suddenly becomes welcoming.


The blonde turns to the man, arm still slung around the photographer’s shoulders, “Ah, Officer Jung, it’s been a while.”


Now, what the ??


Lisa was snapping her head to the loan shark and the officer back and forth, eyes still wide as she couldn’t believe this is actually happening.


“Do we have a situation here, Officer?”, the blonde spoke again in that annoyingly cunning voice, “You seem to be interrogating my friend here.”


The officer spares Lisa a glance, and she saw a small smug subtly playing on his lips, “Ah, so you’re friends with Miss Loan.”


Miss Loan?? He got to be kidding Lisa.


“Yes, we’ve been friends for…”, the loan shark turns to her, plastering a sly smile, “…quite a while now.”


“I see. Nothing serious here, Miss Park. She just didn’t want to pay for her debts. But, we’ve talked already”, the man averted his eyes to the photographer again, “Right, Miss?”


Lisa could only clench her jaw in anger. She refused to answer because just what will she say to that? It’s apparent that there’s a connivance going on here. She just didn’t expect that this woman beside her actually has connections with the police and they’re protecting her.


Curse this sick, twisted system.


“Oh, so you’ve got debts to pay, Manoban?”, the blonde asks her before letting out a ‘tsk’ sound, “You could’ve come to me. I could’ve helped you, y’know?”


The photographer wanted to strangle her and snap her neck so bad for such great acting. Seriously, she could audition for a lead role.


“Anyway”, the woman continued, “I’ll just see what I can do to help my friend with her debts, Officer. Thank you so much for assisting her. I’ll take her from here.”


Nodding, the officer gave the blonde a toe-curling smile, “It was my pleasure to be of help, Miss Park. Have a good day.”


‘To be of help, my ’, Lisa thought.


The loan shark waved him goodbye before she pull Lisa towards the exit of the police station. The younger girl was honestly amazed by how skilled she seems at putting on an act, all smiles while greeting every officer they pass by. It seems that the loan shark got a hold of the entire station, and resisting would be useless, so Lisa just went with it with clenched fist.


She hated how powerless she is.


“Such audacity to report to the police, huh”, the blonde told her once they’re outside, finally taking her arm off of her, “Again, I admire the courage.”


Lisa pursed her lips and took a step back from the girl, “You—”


“I hope you now know that going to the authority is a useless idea. They won’t help you, little missy.”


The loan shark took steps towards her, while she took steps back. Lisa didn’t really learn self-defense and she cursed under her breath when she felt wall on her back. Smirking, the blonde props a hand against the wall, just beside Lisa’s head, making her gulp in slight fear.


“Well, now that you failed to keep your words and attempted to betray me…”, the woman leans her face dangerously close to the younger, “I wonder what I will do to you.”


Lisa held both of her hands infront of her defensively. She badly wants to punch that smirk off of the girl’s face but she’s reminding herself that they’re still at the station’s premises and she’ll just end up behind the bars for assault.


The fact that she could see the girl’s outlines from this angle was also not helping. Lisa scolds herself for even having the time to appreciate the girl’s flawless face. This loan shark is the last person she should be admiring.


“G-Get away from me”, she stuttered, earning a chuckle from the other girl.


“Goodness, you’re adorable.”


The photographer felt the girl’s other hand on her waist, and she jolted in surprise. She wanted to break free but she was trapped between the blonde’s arms.


Lisa swears if this witch ever advance to her, she’d really punch her pretty face, she doesn’t care about the police anymore.


A smug was still on the loan shark’s face as she inches even closer to the younger, it however fades seconds after when they were abruptly interrupted by a loud ringtone.


Much to Lisa’s relief.


The blonde backs away a little and fishes out her phone from the pocket of her pants. Glancing at the caller ID, her eyes voluntarily roll.


“Consider yourself lucky, Manoban”, she fully retracted from the photographer before starting to walk backwards, hands tucked in her pockets, “Hundred thousand, tomorrow. You know where to bring the money.”


Lisa stared dumbfounded as the girl left and disappeared from her sight. She’s not sure what’s happened but she’s eternally grateful for that phone call (whoever that was).


Despite getting away for now, she’s still doomed because the 24-hour deadline that the loan shark witch gave her is still on. And she could no longer trust the authority after the situation earlier.


‘Goddamn that woman and her annoying blonde hair’.


She timidly slumped on the sidewalk and grabs her head in frustration. She’s trying to think of other ways to escape the girl and put her in jail, but she lacks connections. Her family’s pretty average, too. And she couldn’t afford to put them in further inconvenience just because of a stupid loan.


‘Ugh, stupid Lisa. Why do you always have to put yourself in trouble??’, she scolds herself.


After minutes of her unnecessary monologue, Lisa got up from the sidewalk and was thinking of heading back to her office to pick up her car, when she painfully remembered something.


“Oh, shoot, Attorney Satan’s car!”


Realizing that she must return the lawyer’s Mercedes, she jogged back to the station’s main entrance where she has parked it. She’s only a few steps away from the car, though, when she heard her name being called.




The photographer turned to the direction of the voice, and almost lost it when she saw Attorney Jennie Kim escorting a handcuffed Kim Jisoo (who’s visibly going hysterical) inside the police station.


“Oh, !”


Lisa literally sprinted towards them to halt them, her palms pressed together when she came face to face with the lawyer. 


“Attorney Kim, it’s not what you think it is!”, she told the brunette.


Jennie crosses her arms over her chest, anger was evident on her face, “Bold of you to show up your face here, Miss Manoban. But saves me the time of hunting you down.”


“I— I can explain!”


“How can you explain carjacking, Miss Manoban?”


“I was going to… I mean, I didn’t mean to steal your car”, Lisa was all over the place, “I mean, I didn’t steal your car, I just borrowed it—”


It was not helping that poor handcuffed Jisoo was whining out loud beside the lawyer.


“Save your explanation for police interrogation, Miss Manoban”, Jennie pointed a finger at them, “You and your accomplice…I am going to put you two behind bars.”


It’s already been a long day for Lisa, she’s terribly surprised it could still go on.


And she doesn’t think it’ll be over anytime soon.


Such a life.




i’m having fun writing this 😭

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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Ohh this is getting interesting (・o・;)
Hyacinth_93 #2
Chapter 4: OMG this is so interesting can't wait for the next update
yslcoochxie #3
Chapter 3: Oh my God!! This is so Good
yslcoochxie #4
Chapter 2: This fic is so funny but pay LISAYAH
1129 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oh hahaha oh Lisa trouble is chasing you wherever you go
1129 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha after dealing with the devil Kim now she's facing another and with a katana too 😆😆😆
Next chapter please. 🙂
unknown_kx #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next chapter
Jayyyyy_M #9
Chapter 2: Dude don’t torture me like this
unknown_kx #10
Chapter 2: A katana??!? damn..