E is for Extra credit even though she doesn’t need it (according to her)

Let Me Sing for You a Song that We Both Know
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            Taking precautions is something Joohyun believes is necessary for any action, and she’s proud to say that she has instilled that value into her girlfriend even before they started dating. Of course, little Seulgi was a lot more obedient (not that adult Seulgi wasn’t), and Joohyun made sure to emphasize that overpreparation is better than under-preparation in ninety-nine percent of cases. The one percent being reduced because of stress factors.

            So as she watches Seulgi grumbling at her desk, Joohyun smiles in triumph, knowing that old habits die hard. Good thing she caught on when younger Seulgi was catching feelings for her and used it to her advantage. ‘If you don’t study hard and be a good girl, you won’t even have a chance to ask me out when you’re older,’ she had said. ‘Build good study habits now and maintain them to prove yourself to me.’

            Part of it stems from the fact that Joohyun didn’t get a chance to even finish high school, having jumped into the workforce at the age of sixteen to support her family after a factory accident left her father paralyzed and her mother working two jobs. She started off working reception at a small company through friend connections and eventually found time to complete a GED and get a certification online to start work as a web developer at the same place, but she misses the feeling of getting good grades and doesn’t want Seulgi to regret not having spent her student years fruitfully.

            That includes, and is not limited to, performing well, even at the extent of putting in extra efforts. Joohyun knows that Seulgi hates doing extra credit, but the older girl has drilled it into her for so long that it automatically happens with a look from Joohyun. To give due credit, at least Seulgi didn’t perform horribly in school—it’s just that Joohyun thinks having a cushion is always good in case she has a bad day and ruins a big exam.

            “Unnie, I got A pluses on all three of my quizzes and four of my short writing assignments. I really don’t think I need to do this.”

            Joohyun walks over to the younger girl and her hair. “I know, baby, but maybe you won’t have to take the final if you do it.”

            “Well, for starters, the final is mandatory for this class if we wanna pass.” Seulgi turns her head to look up at Joohyun from her lowered position on the chair. Her eyes are turned down at the corners, emulating a puppy’s face. “And you always make me take optional finals anyway, so I can ‘make the most of my learning experience and get my tuition’s worth,’” she says, air-quoting the l

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Should I be writing a new story when I have three ongoings and two collections? Absolutely not. Will I anyway? Hell yeah.


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64 streak #1
Chapter 13: IJBOL!!! MY FAVE PART
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Chapter 13: Reread. This is so funny
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