R is for Rough drafts of ten page essays (often too incomprehensible for her to polish)

Let Me Sing for You a Song that We Both Know
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            Joohyun lingers outside of their bedroom door, watching her girlfriend furiously type away on the computer, probably finishing up one of her midterm papers. Unsure of whether she should leave the extra lights in the kitchen on or not, Joohyun decides to push back going to bed in favour of sitting next to the younger girl and staying with her for moral support.

            Seulgi doesn’t even notice her approaching, but when Joohyun seats herself on the couch, the college student glances up in surprise and makes space for the older girl to sit down. Joohyun makes herself comfortable and stares at the document opened up on Seulgi’s screen. It’s packed tight with words and has very little white space; not a good look aesthetically. She leans in, peering at the unfamiliar lingo scattered across the page.

            “That’s a lot of words, Kang Seul.” She doesn’t add in the ‘that I don’t understand’ part.

            Seulgi takes the distraction as a cue to stretch a bit, cracking the joints in her neck and hands to relieve the pressure built up, much to Joohyun’s displeasure. After she’s completely satisfied with her state of relaxation, Seulgi pulls Joohyun closer and nuzzles into the crook of the older girl’s neck.

            “I’d say so. About twelve pages worth of analytical writing, so I’d be doing something wrong if there weren’t a lot of words. At least in terms of formatting.”

            Joohyun Seulgi’s hair and gently presses her lips onto the crown before scrolling carefully through the pages. “Are you finished with it? How long is the paper supposed to be, anyway?”

            “Ten pages?” Seulgi lifts her head and tilts it to gaze sleepily at Joohyun, obviously not in the state to be writing a ten page midterm paper worth turning in for a grade. “This is my rough draft; I need to cut it down and edit any errors and then add in my works cited at the very end, so I’ve got a long night ahead of me.”

            “Do you want me to stay here with you? I’ll just be watching videos online or something; I don’t want you to be out here alone again.” Seulgi shakes her head, mentioning something about how it’ll take too long, so Joohyun lets her go to crawl in between the younger girl’s legs. “Here, if this isn’t too uncomfortable, I can fall asleep against you if needed. I can’t sleep without you anyway.”

            Seulgi kisses Joohyun’s ear but doesn’t push back. “It’s not uncomfortable, but I don’t think you’ll have a fun time here. You’re bound to wake up with a sore back at some point, and I’m not sure if you want to stare at this nonsen

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Should I be writing a new story when I have three ongoings and two collections? Absolutely not. Will I anyway? Hell yeah.


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