
where do we go from here?

When she was young, Jimin had already been taught what is right and what is wrong. It was fine, at the time. It made sense. This is good. This is evil. Do this. Do not do that. Do not hurt people. Be kind to others.


It was fine until she started to desire for something else. Something...forbidden. Or so they say.


At first she thought love was an emotion she could control. That she could keep it at bay, way behind the line between platonic admiration and sinful romance. Yet alas, young as she was, she had underestimated love’s sly, deceitful tendencies, unknowingly letting it creep up to her from behind, covering every step closer with a lousy excuse and pretending it didn’t make her heart skip a beat.


(“Have you eaten?”


It’s nothing.


“Be careful on your way home.”


It’s probably nothing.


“I can make time for you.”


Is it…still nothing?


“I think...I think I like you, Yoo Jimin.”)


Until it pounced at her neck, axyphicating, smothering, overwhelming, and undeniable.


For the first time she felt lost. Those feelings were one thing, feeling it for a girl, however, was another. Realizing the weight and meaning of those emotions took time. Accepting them, even longer. Her moral compass skewed, coordinates blurred.


It was wrong, they said. It fell under the criteria of DON’T. Unacceptable. Unforgivable.


But why? Her heart cried. What’s so wrong about loving?


“You okay?”


Minjeong’s voice startled her out of her daze. She blinked, slowly gathering her wits, and turned to the girl seated behind the steering wheel.


“I…” she clenched and unclenched her fists, glancing at the house outside the car’s window before looking at Minjeong again. “I don’t think I can do this.” she admitted.


Minjeong reached out and took one of her fists that had unknowingly curled into a tight, trembling ball and gingerly opened it, entwining their fingers together and covering Jimin’s clammy hand with her warmth.


“You don’t have to force yourself.”


Worry creased her brows as her brown eyes scanned Jimin’s face, looking for the smallest of hints and ready to get her out of there as soon as she found it. She used to find Minjeong’s gaze quite sharp and cold. But now there’s nothing in it but warmth and something soft and gentle and fragile yet strong.


Jimin shook her head. “I’m going in there.”


Minjeong stared at her, still looking for that sign. “You sure?”


Jimin squeezed her hand. “I am.”


She glanced at the house. It’s still the same as she remembers. Only a little older. A little more frail. But no less beautiful--like her mother. Cerulean spread overhead, bright and void of clouds. Still. Quiet. Serene. Was this what they call the calm before the storm?


Jimin’s stomach began to churn again.


A tug on her hand made her turn. “I’ll wait for you.”


That made Jimin smile--grateful and apologetic both at once and hoping Minjeong understood what she was trying to convey.


“Okay.” she lifted their joined hands, pressing a kiss on Minjeong’s knuckles. “I won’t be long.”


Getting out of the car felt like entering another world. Each step closer to the house made her clench the paperbag in her hand a little bit tighter. She hadn’t thought of bringing a gift. It was the last thing on her mind, actually. But Minjeong insisted. It was a bottle of aged ginseng wine from Mrs. Kim herself who was quick to send the drink as soon as she found out about the upcoming reunion.


Minjeong’s mother had been ecstatic about the news and reassured her over and over that everything will be alright and if it didn’t (a big if, she had said), well, she’s always got a place in Busan. With Jimin’s trembling hand hovering over the doorbell stupidly wondering if it was y trapped to set off an anti-gay bomb at her face, she obviously found the former hard to believe.


Jimin looked back at the car. It was parked down the street and she couldn’t make out Minjeong’s face from the tinted windshield but her phone buzzed.


“Go. They’re waiting.”


Jimin nodded and with a deep breath pressed the doorbell.


It, in fact, did not explode on her face.


It did ring though and soon the gate swung open, revealing the person who was more likely to explode than the doorbell.


The weariness that had settled on him was jarring. Gray spread around his temples, specks of startling white in the midst of thick, lush black. Lines have deepened on his forehead and around his mouth and he had gained an almost imperceptible hunch. Time had not been too kind to him and guilt clutched Jimin’s heart, knowing she was one of the reasons why.


“J-Jimin?” he spluttered. He seemed surprised. Jimin wondered if he’d been informed of her visit at all.


Swallowing the rising lump in , she tried to smile. But surely, the way it wavered around the edges revealed more of her apprehension than she would’ve ever allowed.


“Hello.” she said, trying not to wince at how the syllables shakily tumbled out of her lips. “It’s been a while. Can I--Can I come in?”


She winces for real then. The last time she checked, this man had roared at her to never to step food into this property ever again. Yet here she was, seeking permission to enter.


He stared at her. Jimin half expected him to slam the gate to her face. But what he did was merely look away and clear his throat.


“Sure.” he stepped aside to let her pass. “Come on in.”


Sending one last glance to Minjeong’s car, Jimin swallowed and entered the house.


The heavy grip on her heart tightened with each step she took--into the foyer, then to the living room where her photos and achievements were still proudly sitting on the shelves and tabletops. The lump in had subsided in exchange of a steady yet restless stirring in her gut. Hot needles prickled behind her eyes. She clenched her jaw, trying to retain a semblance of control.


“Your mother is in the kitchen.” his voice brought her out of her thoughts. “Dinner should be served soon.”


He could not seem to meet her eyes. Which was just as well since Jimin could not stop staring at the floor either, or the wall behind his head. Silence stretched and lay heavily between them like a deep, unending ocean.


“I brought ginseng wine.” Jimin blurted out, akin to a swimmer gasping for breath.


“Oh. Thank you.” he gingerly took the paper bag and stood unmoving for a moment before pointing towards the kitchen. “I’ this somewhere.”


Jimin nodded, even though he was already rushing away. She took a seat on the couch and allowed herself to look around. She couldn’t tell if the arrangement had changed or not, her last memory of the place a blurry havoc mixed with the older versions of the house. Has that table always been there? Did that china set really face that direction? That painting is definitely new--or at least hung up sometime after she had left.


Nevertheless, it settled heavily in her chest. Not exactly unpleasant but rather uncomfortable. She felt like a sore thumb stiffly sitting in this space where everything stood on the line between familiar and strange. It dawned on her then: this house was no longer her home.


Strangely, it didn’t hit her like sudden lightning and roaring thunder. It was more like a soft fabric gently tugged away to reveal something she had already predicted from its silhouette alone. The churning in her gut settled, even just for a bit. It was simply how things have inevitably become and perhaps way back from the moment she stepped out of this house years ago, she had already known.


There’s a certain kind of pain, however, in the way she could list at least a dozen other places from all over the world that she would rather be right now.


The clacking and tinkling of utensils could be heard from where she sat and then--”Jimin? Food’s ready.”


She had thought she had successfully taken hold of her emotions but everything came rushing back once more the moment she sat at the dinner table with the two people she thought she would never get to eat with again.


She tried to ignore the tight, languid squeeze in her chest and picked up the metal chopsticks with trembling hands, knuckles turning white. She waited for her father to take the first bite but when she looked up, they had already been staring at her. Waiting. Expecting.


Taking the hint, she picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork and popped it in . It tasted familiar. Nostalgic. Like her younger days of training taekwondo with her father, of the days she sat on the piano next to her mom. It was a taste that every cuisine she had ever eaten through her days of travelling could never compare with. She swallowed, forcing the food down clogged with memories.


“How is it?”


“It’s--” she gulped again because it never really went away. “It’s great.”


They seem appeased, taking their heavy gazes off Jimin to eat. The food was probably amazing but Jimin was too focused on quenching the hot pressure pushing behind her eyes and trying not to choke at the block of ice stuffed in to take note of its flavors. She moved stiffly, the atmosphere bearing down on her too heavily and making her fumble with her chopsticks.


She could name two dozen other places she’d rather be right now.


“Jimin,” her mother spoke, voice soft but it rang jarringly in the charged silence and Jimin inadvertently flinched. “I’m glad you made it this evening.”


It was strange how her own mother was taking such a polite tone with her. But perhaps it was better than the yelling she had expected. “I...had always planned on visiting you but things have been...busy.”


“What have you been busy with?”


Getting a new house. Meeting old friends. Juggling law school and her vlogs. And...her girl friend (with a space).


“This and that.” she ended up saying.


“I see.” her mother conceded. A soft thud made Jimin look up and saw her father wincing, rubbing his arm.


“Uh...thank you for the ginseng wine, by the way.” he stammered out.


“It’s nothing.”


“Where did you get it from?” her mother chimed in, “It looked homemade. Did you make it yourself?”


“No, I…” Jimin pressed her lips together. “I got it from...from my friend’s mother.”


“Oh? Which friend? Yeji?”


Jimin shook her head, shifting uncomfortably on her seat. “No...not Yeji.” she simply said and chose not to elaborate.


Her mother laughed softly, the sound jarringly out of place in the palpable tension, making Jimin’s eyes dart to her in surprise. “It seems you have made new friends. I’m glad.”


Jimin looked away just as quickly, mumbling something in lieu of a response under her breath, and picked at her food.


“Jimin,” her father spoke up, unprompted this time. He cleared his throat. “I can’t help but’re not wearing a ring.”


Jimin instinctively glanced at her hands. A ring? Why would--Oh. Right.


She cleared . “The wedding fell through.”


She didn’t have to look at them to know of their surprise. Her mother’s audible gasp was telling enough.


“Oh dear. Why?”


Jimin shrugged. “It didn’t work out.”


She chanced a glance to gauge their expression, expecting to see smug victory mocking her with an I told you so. But then there wasn’t anything like that there. Just surprise. And maybe sympathy.


“Then…” his father started, “Have you changed your mind about--ouch! What’s that for?”


Her mother just responded with a sharp look and a meaningful quirking of brows.


If what he had asked (or tried to) hadn’t made her so indignant, Jimin would have smiled.


“Unfortunately, my uality isn’t something I can just…’change my mind’ about on a whim.” she took a sharp inhale through her nose and sat a little straighter. “I’m sorry but you would have to deal with that. Otherwise, I can always just disappear from your life. I won’t hold it against you. I’m kind of…” she looked away, “Already not in it anymore anyway.”


They took a moment to process her outburst before her mother snapped out of it and quickly said, “No, no. There’s no need for that. Your father was just...curious. Yes, curious. Isn’t that right, honey?”


He looked constipated but he sighed and nodded regardless, grunting in affirmation.


Jimin regarded them warily. They seem...genuinely contrite.


She pointed out the elephant in the room with a frown. “But you don’t agree with my preference.”


“We didn’t.” her mother slowly said. “But I believe time has taught each one of us a lesson or two, don’t you agree?”


Dinner breezed by with the different random topics her mother brought upon the table. Jimin appreciated her effort of trying to lift the mood but she was distracted the whole time, preoccupied with warring with churning thoughts and emotions, forcefully tying and wrapping them up as they thrashed around like those rodeo bulls she once witnessed at Barcelona.


“Thank you for coming tonight.” her mother said as they walked outside the house. Her father had insisted on staying back and clearing the table.


Jimin smiled, albeit shaky. “I told you I would come, didn’t I?”


Her mother chuckled. “You did.” she opened the gate and Jimin stepped out before facing her.




“I’m sorry about your father.” Jimin blinked, startled. “He’s...he’s trying his best. I hope you understand.”


She clenched her fists behind her back. The winter night was cold, her breath coming out in white puffs. Surely that’s why she had started shivering.


“I…” she swallowed thickly. “I’ll get going now.”


Her mother nodded. “Be safe.”


Giving her mother one last bow, Jimin turned, immediately spotting Minjeong’s car glinting in the dark but before she could start approaching it, her mother called, “Jimin?”


She paused, turning.


With her arms wrapped around herself and the shadows of the night cast on her face, Jimin thought she looked vulnerable.


“Do you--Have-Have you ever hated us?”


The question was asked softly. So soft the night breeze could’ve carried it away. Yet it pierced Jimin’s chest with so much force she almost staggered.


“No.” she choked out, the word grating raspily against . “I never did.”


Her mother smiled and under the moonlight, her eyes glistened. “We’re on the same page then. I’m glad.” she breathed out. “Can...Can we expect to get more visits from our daughter?”


Jimin averted her gaze. “If you’re okay with that.” she replied, voice coming out small. Restrained.


“We would love that. Thank you.”


Jimin’s smile felt genuine, for the first time that night.


“Thank you.”


This house may not be her home anymore, but it would never be too late to try again.


Jimin walked away briskly after bidding her mother goodbye. Minjeong had stepped out of the car, waiting for her. Jimin took her time admiring her from afar--how the street lights bathed her in golden light, how her eyes seemed to glitter in the night, how she looked warm and snuggly in that white parka that matched Jimin’s. The sight of her brought a certain sort of much needed comfort. She picked up her pace.


“Hey.” Minjeong said with a warm smile as Jimin stopped a few steps away.


“You’re still here.” Jimin pointed out rather dumbly, “You didn’t have to.”


“I told you I’ll wait, didn’t I?” she held out a hand, palm open and inviting.


Jimin reached out, not minding that her mother might be watching. The warmth of Minjeong’s skin had the bundle of emotions she had spent all night tucking away bursting out, keeling over and spilling hot streams quietly down her cheeks. Her shoulders shook uncontrollably. Damned winter wind.


Minjeong let go of her hand to cup her face, cradling ever so gently and brushing the tears away. Jimin closed her eyes, basking in her warmth and continued to let it all out in quiet sobs, each heave taking away a fraction of weight she had suppressed and hidden.


“I…” she hiccuped. “I’m sorry.”


“Shh.” Minjeong stepped in, gingerly pulling her into a hug. “You’ve done nothing wrong. Did...did something bad happen during the dinner?”


Jimin shook her head, squeezing tighter and snuggling even closer. Minjeong’s arms around her waist felt strongly like reassurance.


“No.” she murmured, voice muffled by Minjeong’s coat. “I’m just--I’m relieved. And--” her voice got caught by the lump rising in once more. “And...happy.” she breathed out, feeling lighter than ever.


“I’m happy.” She repeated, more to herself than to anyone. Pulling back, she looked at Minjeong and let her brush away her tears. “I did it, Minjeong.”


“Yes, you did.” Minjeong smiled, caressing her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”









Only the sound of pencil scratching on paper accompanied by the ticking of the clock could be heard in Jimin’s bedroom. The flipping of pages followed. And then the clacking of the keyboard. Brows furrowed and lips pursed in concentration, she pushed her glasses up and continued on reading the casebook that she had been poring over for the past hour that the words seem to start bleeding into each other. Nevertheless, she rubbed her eyes and went on.


Case number eight was about a Seoul-based clothing company with stores in 67 countries and 100,000 employees is in the process of localizing its image. In addition to continuing to use its traditional supply chain and manufacturing process for many of the store’s clothing lines, it is also introducing new, local lines of fashion. The store’s ability to do this is based on the company’s ongoing acquisition of a dozen high-end boutiques and specialty clothing shops. These acquired businesses exclusively use fair trade sourcing, have close relationships across their supply chain and buyer base--


Beep. Beep. Beep.


Jimin flinched, startled out of her tiny bubble. She turned off the alarm and smiled at the camera on the desk. Two monitors were set up on her desk: one for her studies and another showing the ongoing livestream on YouTube with her face on the screen and a massive influx of comments rushing down the side so fast it was like a blur.


“Hey, we just finished the third pomodoro! Y’all did a very good job sticking around until now. Let’s give ourselves a good massage as a reward!” she pressed on the chinks on her shoulder, grimacing. “We can take a 3 to 5-minute break and while we chill, we can drink water, stay hydrated, chat for a while...if you have something you want to discuss or anything you wanna ask --”


“Hey, Jimin, have you seen my favorite shirt? The plaid one.”


Jimin jumped so hard she swiveled around and the sight of Minjeong walking into the door right behind her that the camera can definitely catch----


“Can’t you knock?” Jimin snapped, quickly moving to cover the camera then in a loud whisper added, “I’m doing a livestream!”


Realization dawned on Minjeong’s face. “Oh! Sorry.” she immediately fled the room only to open the door again, head popping in. “You really haven’t seen my shirt?”


“Kim Minjeong!”


The door slammed shut. Her alarm went off. Her notifications exploded. Beep. Ping! Beep. Beep. Ping! Beep. Ping!


Jimin closed her eyes. Inhale. Exhale. Her ears burnt. Inhale. Exhale. She turned off her phone and alarm and faced the camera again but this time, her smile was shaky.


“Um, sorry about that.” she dutifully avoided trying to read the comments that were popping up twice as fast now. They definitely saw her. All twenty thousand of them. “I’ll, uhh, I’ll have to cut this week’s study with me short. I apologize for that. I’ll make it up to you next week.”


After saying her closing remarks, she ended the livestream and slumped over her reading materials, groaning. A mess. A very big mess. She didn’t even want to turn on her phone right now.


Huffing, Jimin collected herself and walked out of her room to where Minjeong sat in the living room wearing a different kind of plaid shirt. She had a guitar on her lap, fingers absentmindedly playing a tune on its strings which abruptly stopped as soon as she noticed Jimin approaching.


“Oh, hey. You’re done?” Minjeong asked, watching her take a seat on the other end of the couch.


“Yes, thanks to you.” Jimin sent her a glare, albeit weak.


Minjeong laughed, “Hey, sorry about that. I didn’t know you were live. Besides, it doesn’t really matter, does it? I mean--” her phone on the center table buzzed. And buzzed. And buzzed. It was endlessly vibrating. “Uh...what is happening?”


“Let’s just say your quiet days are over.” Jimin said, chuckling as she reached over and turned off Minjeong’s phone.


“Oh no.” Minjeong groaned, throwing her head back on the backrest.


“The plaid shirt you’re looking for is in the wash, by the way.” Jimin suddenly remembered. “You wore it the other day.”


Minjeong scratched her cheek. “Oh, did I?”


“That being said, you should stop leaving your stuff around in my house.”


“Only if you stop doing the same in mine.”


“Why don’t we just move in together?”


Jimin’s living room was too quiet, all of a sudden. She missed the incessant buzzing of Minjeong’s phone. A flustered flush rushed up to her neck, to the tips of her ears, and then spread all over her cheeks. She had meant to ask that in an off-handed manner and it sounded a lot more casual in her head but now that she did, she kinda wished she didn’t.


Two weeks had passed since her first dinner with her parents. In that duration, she had met up with them a few more times and little by little and the air didn’t seem to asphyxiate her anymore. A great progress. She couldn’t say the same with Minjeong, however...


While she should’ve immediately asked her to officially be her girlfriend (without a space), she couldn’t. The timing never felt right and she was busy sufferingtudying for her exams which she just finished yesterday, leaving her with only one left to worry about due tomorrow. The past two weeks have been too physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing that she wanted nothing more than to snuggle up in bed with Minjeong under the covers and share each other’s warmth.


But she couldn’t--well, at least not everyday like she would’ve preferred.


And whose fault is that?


Well, Minjeong has been terribly busy too. Aeri had managed to convince her to agree to join that new TV show project revolving around songwriters. She had been swamped with meetings after meetings and earlier this week, they had started shooting. It’s been all she's been talking (grumbling) about lately so she probably didn’t have time to think about matters of the heart, unlike Jimin, who had been continuously stressing about it.




Jimin snapped out of her thoughts. “Hm?”


Minjeong was smiling at her, leaning against her guitar. “I was asking if you’d be fine with me moving in with you but you’re spacing out.”


“Oh. Um--” she stopped, belatedly processing Minjeong’s words. “Wait, what?”


Minjeong laughed. “I said, I’ll move in with you. If you’re okay with it.” she repeated, tone light and jovial. “This place has a lot of memories, after all.”


“Wait, for real?” Jimin rapidly blinked, still reeling.


Minjeong’s laughing again, “You’re so out of it today. Is everything alright?” she asked, humor making way for a more serious tone.


Jimin looked away. “Yes, I’m just...tired. Too much studying. And stuff.” she murmured, eyes on the floor.


Guitar chords rang and Jimin looked up. Minjeong’s still looking at her, smiling soft. Indecipherable.


“Then, want me to sing you a song?”


A thought came to Jimin then. “I want to hear you sing that one.” she chirped. “The one you sent me a demo of.”


“Ah, that.” Minjeong nodded knowingly. She sat up, practicing the chords.


“By the way…” Jimin said, watching Minjeong strum. “I asked Aeri about this song but...she says she doesn’t know anything about it. Aren’t you releasing it?”


Minjeong let out a small laugh. “No.” she said, like she never even thought about it.


Jimin pouted. “That’s a pity. I liked that song.”


“I’m glad you do. Because I wrote this song for you.” Minjeong said. “And only you.”


A beat.




“Oh, I’m obsessed

With the way your head is laying on my chest

How you love the things I hate about myself

That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again”


Jimin watched in awe as the song smoothly flowed out of Minjeong’s lips, seemingly effortless. The pulse hammering on provided a decent percussion. She gripped the throw pillow on her lap a little tighter.


“Oh, I’m a mess

When I overthink the little things in my head

You seem to always help me catch my breath
But then I lose it again

When I look at you, that’s the end


And why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes?

Butterflies can’t stop me fallin’ for you”


Something about her voice in a lower register. Something about her singing, soft and quiet and heartfelt. Something about hearing this in person, just an arm’s reach away. Something about the way this song sounded like a confession meant for her only. Something. Something that makes Jimin’s heart pound in a certain beat.


Minjeong opened her eyes, meeting her gaze as she belted out the chorus.


“And darlin’, this is more than anything I felt before

You’re everything that I want, but I didn’t think I’d find

Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak

But I know now I found the one I love”


A certain comforting calm came with a realization.


With Minjeong, she didn’t have to worry about anything. She could take hundreds of years and Minjeong would still be there, patiently waiting. As Jimin would do the same.


She closed her eyes, focusing on Minjeong’s voice. Her lips cradled a small smile. Content. Reassured. Secure.


“Come close, let me be home for anything

Good or bad, I know it’s worth it, whoa



And darlin’, this is more than anything I’ve felt before

You’re everything that I want, but I didn’t think I’d find

Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak

But I know now I found the one I love”


“Minjeong-ah, do you want to go on a trip with me this Christmas?”













Airports had always left a bitter taste in .


Years ago, she had stepped into the place with unshed tears and anger, young and willful. Multiple times after that, it was with anxiety. During that one particular day in fall last year, she went in filled with dread and sadness, and left feeling much more complicated. Summer this year, she arrived with a new kind of hope, each step back into the country she had sworn never to return to made with determination.


But she would never have thought she would enter the place with excitement and bliss, a dash of melancholic nostalgia balancing it out. She definitely wouldn’t have ever imagined there would be someone holding her hand.


“Are you sure you didn’t forget anything?”




“Your passport?”






“Got it.”


“Sunscreen?” Minjeong paused, frowning. “What are you smiling at?”


Jimin shook her head, trying to look serious. “Nothing.”


She had been travelling for years. And here’s Minjeong, double, triple checking if she forgot anything.


It’s adorable, really.


Minjeong leaned in, eyes narrowing. “Share the joke.”


Jimin burst out laughing then. “No, really, it’s just--do you know you’ve asked me that for the tenth time now?”


Minjeong huffed, rolling her eyes. “No, because I’ve only asked four times.”


Jimin’s laughing again. She’s just too cute. “Are you really sure you’re fine with this?” she asked, referring to the filming camera in her hand.


“Do you know you’ve asked me that for the tenth time now?” Minjeong mocked.


Jimin scoffed, “Yeah. Okay. Point taken, smartass.”


They board the plane and settle on their seats with Minjeong by the window. Jimin removed her jacket, revealing the cute blue sweater that matched Minjeong’s (she may or may not have wrestled the girl to wear it). She couldn’t help but giggle.


Minjeong noticed. “You’re in a really good mood today.” she pointed out.


Jimin’s grin widened. “Aren’t you?”


“I’m really excited for this trip too.”


Ah, there it is. Her favorite smile.


“Minjeong-ah, take off your coat. I wanna show off our couple sweaters.”


Minjeong’s face contorted. “Can you not?”


“But it’s cute!”


“Yeah, it’s just--it’s embarrassing.”


Jimin pouted, “Please?”


Minjeong stared at her and sighed. At that point, Jimin knew she’d already won.


“Fine.” Minjeong huffed, taking off her coat, showing the ‘every short girl needs a tall girlfriend’ sweater printed in rainbow colors for everybody to see.


Jimin was about to about it but then a flight announcement rang out and the plane started to move. Her nerves silenced her, clammy hands gripping the seat’s armrest as she lost herself in her mind, trying to convince the irrational fear that no, this plane will not crash. It might feel like it would several times but it definitely wouldn’t. Unless--


I see her smile through the curtains, waiting

I’m sitting here in my car

It’s been so long since I’ve felt this strongly about anything…

About anyone...


She blinked, startled at the music that had suddenly interrupted her thoughts. Touching the headphones on her ears, she turned and Minjeong’s there with a knowing look. And a silly sweater.


I watch her locking the door

So daintily, she turns and waves from afar

She makes her way down the driveway

Smiling, I lean over, open her door


Minjeong opened her palm. Jimin let go of the breath she’s holding and put her hand on Minjeong’s, fingers slotting together snug and warm. The tension in her stomach started to dissipate.


I sit and wait ‘til her seatbelt’s on

I hit the gas and we’re gone

I tell her, “I’ve no idea where we’re going”

She laughs. That’s all




Jimin nodded and managed a smile.


The plane took off and Jimin was forced further into her seat. She gripped Minjeong’s hand and squeezed her eyes shut, focusing on the song from Minjeong’s headphones in her ears.


I’ll go anywhere, I’ll do anything

‘Long as it’s with you, ‘long as I’m with you

Know it could be the smallest thing

If you give me a ring

I’ll always answer your call


Make it a point, I’ll always be prepared

Wherever you are, love, I’ll be there

‘Cause I’ll go anywhere and I’ll do anything with you


The plane’s finally steady. A little tilted still, but definitely better. Jimin relaxed, exhaling.


“Thanks.” she told Minjeong, about to let go but the girl held on.


“I like this.” Minjeong explained at Jimin’s questioning look. “Do you mind?”


Jimin looked at the small smile on Minjeong’s face and couldn’t help but be reminded of a similar scene, a little more than a year ago during that plane ride where she learned Minjeong’s name and she had, for the first time in a long while, let her guard down in an airplane.


She’s still the same snarky, grumpy pretty girl in red flannel, only this time, a lot softer and sweet—a warm interior beneath the cold façade that Jimin had somehow managed to break into.


“What?” Minjeong tilted her head to the side.


Jimin blinked. “What?”


Minjeong let out a breath of laughter. “You’re staring.”


Jimin chuckled, shaking her head. “It’s nothing. I’m just remembering our plane ride to Paris.” She mused. “Destiny really did permit, yeah?”


Minjeong smiled fondly at the memory, squeezing her hand. “Yeah. As it should.”


Jimin loathed plane rides. Heights make her sick. Yet a fifteen hour plane ride to Miami on a winter day didn’t seem to be so bad with Minjeong by her side, holding her hand.


It's getting late as I walk her to her door.

She bites her lip, touches my face, smiles as she closes the door.

We've never kissed, believe me, there's no rush...

I'd have waited forever for that one touch.


And I'd go anywhere and I'd do anything with you.


Suddenly, it hit Jimin out of nowhere like a duck slamming into the windshield of a plane.                                                            

She’s overcome with a feeling so strong the slight turbulence went unnoticed in her racing mind. Her heart pounded, loud and booming as though trying to tell her something. Yelling—screaming at her to do something. Say something.


A comfy metal contraption flying 38,000 feet over the Korean peninsula in a time zone that’s probably somewhere in between KST and JST on their way to the other side of the world strangely felt like the right place and the right time.


Her heart thrashed. Egging—urging her. And Jimin had always been one to follow her heart.


“Minjeong?” her voice trembled and her heart leapt. Finally. Finally.


“Hm?” Minjeong looked over and damn, she’s beautiful.


“I love you.”


Her heart leapt out of the plane, shooting through the clouds. There’s an unspeakable bliss. The ease of release made her heart land softly back in her chest, humming with a satisfied lull.


Minjeong stared at her with wide eyes. Blinking once. Twice. Thrice.


Jimin her lips. “What if…what if I ask you right now,” she started, “If you could give me a chance to make your winters special again?”


She took a deep, shaky breath, letting her eyes fall to their intertwined hands. “Not only your winters,” she continued quietly, Minjeong’s knuckles with her thumb. “But also your springs…your summers…your falls…” she looked up, meeting Minjeong’s gaze that never once left her. “Can I be the tall girlfriend to your small girl?”


Minjeong doesn’t say anything for a while and then she opens and closes , yet no words come out. Jimin waited, as patient as Minjeong had waited for her.


“Can you say that again?”


“Which part? The part where I ask to be your tall girlfriend?”


“No, the one before that.”


“Making your seasons special?”


“No, not that one.” Minjeong huffed, exasperated now.


Jimin forced down her growing smile. “Well, you’ve got to be specific because I said a lot.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.”


Jimin laughed, leaning into Minjeong’s shoulder and whispering into her ear. “I love you Kim Minjeong.” She repeated. “Can I be your girlfriend? Officially? Without a space?”


Minjeong’s smile is radiant, brighter than the sun shining through the clouds drifting behind her.


“Only if you let me be yours.”


Jimin had imagined it happen a thousand times before but the real thing still exceeded her expectations. Minjeong’s lips were soft against her own, her skin smelling of baby powder, and her breath hot on Jimin’s cheek. A tingling current travelled from the toes of her feet up to the top of her head and she could feel her pulse pounding in . She basked in every touch, each movement, and the sweetness of Minjeong’s strawberry lip balm.


She smiled into the kiss and felt Minjeong do the same.


“I’ll outgrow you.” Minjeong said as they pulled away, uneven breaths mingling in the tiny space between them.


“Good luck with that,” Jimin retorted, “You have quite a lot to catch up on.”


Minjeong bumped Jimin’s forehead with hers. “.” she leaned in, planting a quick, deep kiss that left Jimin in a daze. “I love you too, Yoo Jimin.”






Karomi just uploaded a video:
















Chapter 14 songs for context

I Guess I’m in Love – Clinton Kane

Anywhere Anytime – Gabe Bondoc

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wdwgfh got a smol star!! tysm yall! <3 <3 <3


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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
163 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
163 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
163 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3