
where do we go from here?




South Korea’s second largest city and largest sea port, known for its beaches, mountains, hot springs, and fantastic seafood and home to various prominent individuals such as Lee Mikyung, Patti Kim, Kim Jongchul, Gong Yoo...


And of course, Kim Minjeong.


(Jimin have argued that the latter was the best thing that ever came out of Busan but the girl in question just tossed a fry at her face in response)


The last time Jimin had been in Busan was probably during a debate competition way back in college and even then had been too caught up with the event to look around. She visited the city when she was younger as well. With her family for around three or four times. It had been too long ago and with all the travelling she’s been doing for the past years, the experience had become nothing but a vague memory. She couldn’t, for the life of her, remember what it was like.


Definitely not like this, she thought, lying on her side as she watched a certain girl sleep on the other bed. Her short dark hair was tousled, messy strands covering her peaceful face. Jimin wanted to brush it aside but was too lazy to stand.


They arrived at Busan yesterday. The ride left Jimin’s throat sore from singing along to songs at the top of their lungs as Minjeong drove through the length of Gyeongbu expressway. Rain poured as soon as they checked in which wasn’t something to worry about because Minjeong’s itinerary for the day didn’t require going outdoors because I’m burnt out from driving for four hours, or so she said.


They spent the rest of the day the Kim Minjeong way: Netflix and chill.


Jimin’s lips quirked up at the memory. Who knows what Minjeong had in store for them today?


The girl stirred and Jimin watched in amusement as the girl rolled around and stretched her limbs.


“Good morning.”


Minjeong turned to her. “Hi.” She replied hoarsely.


“It’s already 9.”


“It’s okay I planned each day so we don’t have to do anything until 12.”


Jimin laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”


Rubbing her eyes, Minjeong gave her a lazy smile, dimple showing. She’s stretched over tangled sheets, hair in a tousled mess, and sunshine dappling on her skin that peeked from the oversized shirt she wore.


Good morning indeed.


Jimin volunteered to shower first because Minjeong being Minjeong didn’t seem to want to leave her bed yet. When she finished, the girl already ordered room service and ate breakfast with her before washing up. By 12 PM, they were all ready to go.


It felt new. And a little weird. Jimin had been used to packed schedules of 8-to-8, wanting to see as much as possible in one day. The relaxed pace was a little jarring but she couldn’t deny it was nice not to stress about itineraries for a change.


“A little disclaimer,” Minjeong said as she maneuvered through the streets of Busan, off to their first destination which she refused to tell Jimin. “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.”


Jimin snorted. “For real.”


“No, seriously! I’ve never done this entire...tour guide thing before and I’m not the biggest fan of history either so don’t expect me to spew out facts and trivias like you do, okay?” she paused, frowning. “But I can read you something from Google if you insist.”


Jimin’s laughing now, finding Minjeong’s frank honesty refreshing. “I look forward to that, Siri.”


Minjeong pulled over at Haneul Maru Tourist Information Center and Observatory and told her to wait before rushing inside. Nothing seemed special about the place but Jimin looked around with interest--the cars speeding by the street, the locals walking along the sidewalk, and the residential buildings. It didn’t seem much different from Seoul. Few minutes later, Minjeong returned, papers in her hand.


Jimin raised a brow. “What are we going to do?”


“We,” Minjeong started, a goofy smile Jimin adored spreading on her lips. “Are going to go hunt for stamps.”


Whatever questions Jimin had about that information left her because Minjeong had grabbed her hand, dragging her off somewhere. The contact set off a pleasant spark after so long and her heart leapt with glee.


Jimin hadn’t realized just how much she craved for her touch. She inched closer, clinging to Minjeong’s arm. The familiar powdery fragrance filled her with warmth and a sense of belonging. Minjeong turned and smiled, gummy and dimpled, eyes crinkling into sparkling crescents and Jimin thought, this is the girl I risked everything for.


Lord, she could stare at her smile forever.


“You have gunk in your eye.”


So much for risking everything.


Jimin blinked and instantly wiped at her eyes before glaring at the laughing Minjeong, annoyed.


She just had to ruin the moment.


Here she was fantasizing about the stars in Minjeong’s eyes when all the latter saw was the gunk in hers.


God, she’s so annoying.


“Jerk.” She said, hitting the still chortling girl’s arm.


“What? I was just informing you!”


Another shove. “Get lost.”


Minjeong tried to meet her gaze. Jimin stubbornly looked away. “Aww, are you upset?”


“I’m not.”


“Want me to kiss it better?”


“Wha--'' Softness pressed against her cheek, hot breath leaving traces of warmth even as Minjeong pulled away. Jimin’s mouth opened and closed like a fish but she couldn’t find her voice. Minjeong’s lips had set her entire face on fire.


Not fair! Not fair at all!


Minjeong grinned at her stunned expression. “You okay there, bestie?”


“I am so going to get back at you.”


Minjeong bat her lashes. “But I would actually like that.”


God, Jimin could just kiss her right now.


Instead, she shoved her aside. “Oh, shut up.”


The moment she saw the colorful houses, she realized the place wasn’t so unfamiliar after all.


Busan’s Gamcheon Culture Village had been one of the places Jimin used to bump into a lot when browsing for places to go to which, for obvious reasons, she had ignored. The Machu Picchu of Busan had rows of pastel colored houses that reminded her of legos. There were fun murals and sculptures in every alley which they snapped photos with.


There was a statue of The Little Prince sitting and seemingly looking over the village. Vibrant paintings were everywhere--on the walls, on the ground, on the stairs, everywhere. There was a fish shaped mural, a giant guitar sculpture, and all sorts of fascinating street art that tickled Jimin’s inner art enthusiast.


Minjeong bought something from every street vendor: cute character cotton candies (Jimin got Kuromi while Minjeong got Melody), spicy tteokbokki, and steaming hot hotteok which was different from the one she usually had in Seoul, filled with nuts, sunflower seeds, and brown sugar. It easily became Jimin’s favorite.


Minjeong’s papers turned out to be a map to the sights all over the village and they could stamp each area to show that they had visited all the spots. Their competitive streak was ignited. They followed every route leading to galleries, cafés, and art shops almost obsessively, especially Minjeong who was excitedly pulling a laughing Jimin along. She should’ve done this at Paris. Maybe then she would’ve been able to convince Minjeong to walk.


“This village used to be a slum area back in the 50s where the refugees of war lived in.” Minjeong was saying, reading off her phone. “It got renovated in 2009. Apparently, artists were asked to stay in one house for free and in return, provide artworks.”


Jimin hummed, interested in both the history and Minjeong’s voice. “I didn’t know that.”


The girl grinned. She’s smiling a lot today. Jimin felt blessed. “So world tourism advocate Yoo Jimin actually has something she doesn’t know about, huh?”


Jimin rolled her eyes and gave her arm a light smack. “Hey, look. There’s something interesting over there.”


There was an entire wall with a painting of a man and a woman facing each other with lips puckered as though about to kiss. Above, there were metal fences filled with colorful locks.


“We have to have one.” Jimin said, incessantly tugging on Minjeong’s hand.


“We have to?”


“We have to.”


“Love locks?” Minjeong made a face. “Really?”


Jimin gave her her best puppy eyes. “Please?”


Minjeong stared at her. “Fine.”


She acted like she wasn’t interested but vehemently fought Jimin when she chose to get a cute padlock, insisting that they get the biggest, toughest looking one and even confirmed five times with the vendor if it was stainless.


“What are you smiling about?” Minjeong asked as they reached the rows of locks.


“I’m just remembering Pont des Arts again.” Jimin answered, “We could’ve put locks there too.”


Minjeong smiled. “Yeah. Bridge of love. Crazy.”


“Destiny.” Jimin bumped her shoulder, “I told you so.”


“Right. Destined besties?”


“No.” Jimin shook her head. “More than that.”


A pregnant pause followed Jimin’s statement. Neither spoke under the pretense of scribbling on the lock. Minjeong wrote JMJ CROSS on one side while Jimin put besties and doodled tons of hearts on the other.


“We never really talked about it but,” Minjeong broke the ice, fiddling with the lock. “What--what are we, Jimin?”


Jimin paused, pressing her lips together. A tough question. What were they? Friends? Lovers? Perhaps right now they lie somewhere in between. But when everything is finally settled...Jimin wouldn’t waste any more time.


“I still see you in my future.” she quietly said, looking at her. “But it depends if this time...if this time, you’re ready to give this--to give us a chance.”


She waited for Minjeong’s response but the girl remained silent. Jimin nervously shifted. There’s nothing to be worried about, right?


“You were right.” Minjeong finally muttered, eyes on the star she was drawing. “Just because it won’t come easily, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. So...yeah, I think...” she gave her a soft smile, gaze feeling like a gentle caress. “I think I am.”


Jimin felt her own lips curving up, shoulders feeling lighter and chest about to burst with affection. She reached out to Minjeong’s hand holding their padlock.


“For our future?” Minjeong asked.


Jimin shook her head. “For our forever.”


Together, they bolted the lock on the metal fence.




The next day started with leisure, as usual with Minjeong’s schedule. Jimin found herself loving the relaxed pace, the quiet mornings they spent lying on their beds and talking about everything and nothing and having an easy breakfast without hurry. It was almost like they were living together.


Living with Minjeong would definitely be annoying. They might fight and bicker and disagree a lot--Jimin would definitely give in first. But starting and ending the day with her would definitely be worth it.


“What are you thinking?”


Jimin blinked, snapping out of her daydream. They were currently on their way to somewhere Minjeong wouldn’t disclose but it was obviously a restaurant because she insisted not to eat lunch at the hotel.


“Just wondering where we’re going because I’m famished.”


Minjeong smiled apologetically. “We’re going to get seafood in a bit.” she paused. “You’re fine with seafood, right? No allergies I should know about?”






The weather was extra pleasant today. Or maybe that was just the Minjeong effect. God, she was becoming cheesy. At this rate, she would say that the weather is nice in the middle of a storm.


She was snapping photos and taking videos of the pretty blue sky when Ningning’s contact replaced the camera app.


“Ning’s calling.” she told Minjeong.


The girl gave her a glance, “You in the mood to pick it up?”


“Of course.” she answered the call and the loudspeaker. She would always be in the mood for Ningning.


“Jim-unnie!” came the girl’s instant whine. “I miss you!”


Jimin’s laughing and Minjeong’s rolling her eyes. “Wow. I feel betrayed.” the latter said.


Ningning fell silent for a moment. “Unnie, did you put me on loudspeak?”


“Yes, sweetheart, I’m sorry.”


Minjeong’s quick to give her an incredulous look, brows furrowed. Sweetheart?!


Jimin shrugged. The pet name just somehow stuck because Ningning acted so much like a child it made her feel like a mother.


Minjeong kept her eyes on the road and didn’t say a word after that.


Jimin was too busy answering Ningning’s questions to do something about Minjeong’s apparent change of mood. She filled her in with what they did in the duration of their stay, asked about what Ningning’s been up to nowadays, how her gecko was doing, and reassured her that she missed her just as much. Beside her, Minjeong had started grumbling under her breath, pouting and Jimin knew she had to end the call.


But before she could talk to her obviously sulking companion, they had arrived at their destination and Minjeong wordlessly got out of the car, all but stomping to a brick-walled restaurant. Jimin chuckled, finding her adorable, and quickly went after her.


With Jimin’s long strides, she caught up to her in no time and hugged her from behind, arms loosely wound around the girl’s shoulders.


Minjeong froze. “W-What are you doing?”


“Are you mad?”


“I have questioned my sanity numerous times since the day I met you, yes.”


“No! I mean, like, are you angry?”


“Angry? Pff. No. Why would I be?”


“Uh-huh.” Jimin murmured, subtly inhaling Minjeong’s scent. Mm. Like a baby.




Jimin tilted her head to the side, resting on her bicep so she could look at Minjeong’s side profile. “What do you think of pet names?”


Minjeong turned away. “Tacky.”




Minjeong’s skin flushed, from her neck to the tips of her ears. Jimin grinned.


“Ba-by.” she repeated, drawing it out. Minjeong finally looked at her, a grimace on her blushing face. Jimin batted her lashes. “Don’t be mad?”


Minjeong’s squirming. “F-Fine, just--let’s move along. People are staring.”


“So you were angry.”


“Oh my god, Jimin. Let it go.”


Mipomaru was a seafood heaven. It was a simple and comfortable place with polished wooden tables and benches but the walls were taken up by autographs of various celebrities who have visited and vouched for the restaurant. The menu was mouthwatering and Minjeong barely stopped her from ordering every single dish.


Watching the girl interact with the staff was fascinating because contrary to her French, her satoori was top-notch. Her lilting tone was almost addicting and there was that certain personality in her voice that was strangely charismatic.


“You should try ordering next time.” Minjeong suggested when Jimin kept trying to imitate her accent as soon as the waiter left.


Jimin pouted. “But my satoori is terrible.”


“So was my French.” Minjeong pointed out. “Did that stop me?”


“But that’s because you’re shameless.”


“Please. We know you loved it.”


Lunch was served. Jimin basically drooled at the platters of sliced raw fish, stir-fried octopus, spicy squid rice bowl, lettuce, perilla and sesame leaves, a pot of boiling spicy fish stew, and a bottle of soju. With the side dishes, it was quite a lot for two people.


They finished it all.


Jimin sat back, smacking her lips and patting her full stomach. “Ugh, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk after this.”


Minjeong’s sipping on her cold ginger ale tea, “Did ‘ya like it?” she asked in her Busan accent.


Jimin giggled. There’s just something in Minjeong’s accent that makes her seem cooler. “Yuh, I dig it.”


She smiles as she watches Minjeong double over laughing at her poor attempt and thought, well, maybe embarrassing herself a few more times wouldn’t be so bad after all.


They left the restaurant with Minjeong trying to teach Jimin a few more phrases and the latter drawing looks from the terrible way she was saying them (she was doing it on purpose, okay?) which resulted in Minjeong cackling and saying ‘No! That’s not how you say it! It’s ‘fresh veggies’ not ‘fresh vaggies’!


While Minjeong maneuvered through the Busan streets, her phone on the phone holder rang, momentarily interrupting their music, screen flashing an unfamiliar contact name: kim let’s go to the sea


“That’s Aeri-unnie.” Minjeong explained, “Can you pick it up for me, please?”


“You changed it? Wasn’t she saved as ‘soft-boiled egg’?”


“Yeah.” Minjeong glanced at her. “I didn’t think you’d remember.”


“What’s mine?”




“My contact name.”


“Um, just Yoo Jimin?”


She sat up. “Just Yoo Jimin?”


Minjeong shrugged. “I like your name.”


Jimin fought back a smile, finally taking Minjeong’s still ringing phone. “Okay.” she answered the call and held it up to the girl’s ear.


“Hello?” and that was the last thing Minjeong said for the next three minutes and from where Jimin’s seated, she could vaguely hear Aeri’s voice going on and on in the other line. She stifled a laugh.


Eventually, her arm started to hurt and Minjeong noticed. The latter gently pushed the device away and mouthed, please talk to her.


“...and then you know what happened? He’s ist as fu--


“Um, Aeri? This is Jimin.” she interrupted.


“Oh. Did you hear all of that? No, never mind. I actually don’t care. Where’s Minjeong?”


“She’s driving.” Jimin answered, looking at said girl. “And I didn’t hear everything.”


“I did,” Minjeong added, raising her voice. “The part where you said you got asked out on a date by that cute guy who was rude to everyone but you.”


“Great,” Aeri huffed. “Well, Jimin, if you didn’t hear everything, you’re about to.”


Jimin patiently listened to their friend ranting on and on about her terrible date but not without putting it on loudspeaker mode because she wasn’t going to go down alone. Aeri’s complaints replaced their summer tunes but it turned out listening to how she drove an entire knee to a grown man’s groin was far more entertaining than Sistar’s Shake It.


“Anyway, that isn’t why I called.” Aeri said after her tirade, making Minjeong shoot Jimin a look that said riiight. “How’s Busan?”


“It’s great. We should all come together sometime, us, Ning and you both.”


“Ah, a vacation would be lovely.” Aeri dreamily sighed. “What’s your favorite part of the trip so far?”


“My favorite part of the trip?” Jimin caught Minjeong stealing looks at her, “’s the company, of course.”


The hour-long ride finally ended and Jimin’s eyes were treated with the marvelous sight so very traditional.


Haedong Yonggungsa Temple was perched on a beautiful cliffy coastline surrounded by gleaming grey rocks with the sea’s waves splashing underneath every now and then on the right and a thicket of trees to the left. The temple itself boasted of beautiful tiled roofs and statues, the entire place founded from way back in the Goryeo Dynasty.


“Like in Moon Lovers, right?” Jimin asked as they walked towards the entrance.


Minjeong snorted. “You’re not a foreigner but you sure talk like one.”


“It’s just been too long.”


“You’re so well-versed in other countries’ history but unfamiliar with your own? Treason!”


Instead of retorting, Jimin just took a deep breath, eyes tracing every corner, “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I kind of neglected it.” she said, making a mental note to read up when she’s free.


A row of Chinese zodiac statues greeted them before entering the temple--twelve human-sized upright animals hewn from stone with their hands primly clasped.


At the end of the statues stood a towering seven-story pagoda that rose up to the heavens with a car wheel shrine at the bottom. From then on, the path split to a flight of stone stairs to the left and a narrow road leading up ahead.


“That leads to the sunrise platform. People go there to, well, watch the sunrise.” Minjeong said. “We can’t do that now but I want to show you something.”


Jimin grabbed her hand. “Let’s go then.”


The stairs (with 108 steps which was an auspicious number in Buddhism--or so Minjeong read from her phone) led to a bamboo forest, the trees exuding cool and fresh air. Jimin insisted on taking a bunch of pictures which Minjeong rolled her eyes at but complied anyway.


“They said you can rub this guy’s belly for good luck.” Minjeong said, patting the stone surface of the statue’s enormous stomach.


Jimin snapped a photo, “So are you feeling lucky now?”


Minjeong looked at her, gaze softening. “Yeah.” she muttered, almost inaudible. “So damn lucky.”


Jimin turned away, biting her lip to prevent herself from smiling wide. “Smooth talker.”


Up ahead, there were five sculptures Minjeong (with the help of the internet) identified as statues of Buddha for academic achievement. She insisted for Jimin to touch them because ‘If you fail law school you’re going to regret not rubbing them! It’s a once in a lifetime experience!’


Jimin figured she might have to acknowledge them in her future theses.


A sign imprinted with 日出 pointed to the sunrise platform. Minjeong linked their arms and excitedly pulled her there.


Everything was visible on top of the platform. The rocky outcrop, the waves hitting the side of the cliffs with a splash that sprinkled salt in the air, and the temple’s beautiful traditional facade.


For the first time, Jimin felt truly back in her motherland.


“Come on,” Minjeong tugged at their joined arms, pulling her past food stalls and locals and tourists both flocked around the Golden Jijang Bosal statue.


They continued along the seaside path, away from the crowd and closer to the sea. Her stomach fluttered. It’s like they were running away from the rest of the world.


“Welcome,” Minjeong said, letting go of Jimin and walking ahead backwards, grinning at her. “To one of my favorite places--well, way back in middle school anyway but, yeah.”


Jimin’s breath was caught in . They were at a section of the coast closest to the edge that the light spray of sea water touched their skin. Hundreds of little rock people like tiny stone figurines were facing the sea.


But the prettiest view was none other than Minjeong herself. She’s crouched down beside the rock figures, looking up at Jimin with her wind swept hair and dazzling dimpled smile.




“Long time no see Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy--”


Jimin burst out laughing. “Did you seriously name them after the seven dwarfs?”


“I didn’t.” Minjeong answered. “My middle school self did. Come here! I’ll introduce you.”


Still chuckling, Jimin sat beside her and tried to memorize which was which because they honestly look identical. She joked that beside Grumpy, Minjeong finally looked tall. The girl threatened to push her down the cliff.


“You haven’t been here in a while, huh?” Jimin asked after they attempted to name the rest of the statues.


“Yeah. Life’s been...busy.” Minjeong replied, tapping the top of Grumpy’s head. “I honestly didn’t know where to take you because, as you already know, I’m more of a homebody. My most special place is my bedroom.”


Jimin smirked and wriggled her brows, “Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind if you took me there instead.”


Minjeong shoved her, ears red. “Oh, shut up.”


Jimin laughed at her expression before draping an arm around her, pulling her close. Warm. Soft. She closed her eyes and let out a breath of satisfaction.


“Thanks for making an effort for this trip. I needed this, you know? Seeing local sights, reconnecting with our culture, spending alone time with you…”


Minjeong rested her head on her shoulder. “Thank you for staying.”


Jimin tightened her hold. “I’m not going anywhere.”




At nightfall, Minjeong drove them to the Songdo beach but not without stopping by multiple drive-thrus and stocking up on junk food in the car. Jimin questioned this and the answer came as they rolled into the beach where a drive-in theatre was put up. Minjeong parked in a good spot and they dug into burgers and pizzas as the movie The Classic played on the large screen.


“This doesn’t always happen but,” Minjeong said. “I used to sneak out of the house and go here with friends when I was young.”


“What doesn’t always happen--the drive-in theatre or you sneaking out?”


Minjeong batted her lashes innocently. “Both.”


“Liar.” Jimin snorted, tossing a fry at her face and laughed when she tried to catch it with .


They watch the film in silence save for the munching and slurping sounds and the random bursts of ‘wow she’s so pretty’ every time Son Yejin was on screen which was a lot, considering that she was the main lead.


Jimin was actually engrossed. The Classic was, well, a classic. It’s been so long since she saw this movie. Was it in high school? In one of those film viewing activities they had to write reflections about and answer questionnaires right after?


Beside her, she notices Minjeong throwing glances her way but as soon as she attempts to do something about it, an interesting scene plays on screen and steals her attention away.


“Do you want a bite of my pizza?”


Jimin threw her a quick glance. “Huh?”


“I said, do you want a bite of my pizza?”


“Thanks, but I have mine.”


“But this one’s a different kind. It has pineapples.”


Jimin relented. “Okay then.” She said, about to grab a slice from Minjeong’s box but the latter all but shoved her own slice to her face. Jimin raised a brow but took a bite anyway, secretly smiling at her antics. Minjeong was just one big unpredictable mess. One second she’s cool and aloof, the next she’s an adorable clingy attention .


“Aww, isn’t that romantic?” Jimin commented during the scene where Son Yejin and Jo Insung shared a jacket as they ran under the rain.


Minjeong let out a non-committal hum. “I suppose it is.”


Jimin turned to her, eyes sparkling. “I want to do that too.”


Minjeong just laughed, “We’re going to get sick if we do.”


Halfway through the film, she felt something on her lap--Minjeong’s hand, palm up and fingers wriggling. She glanced at the girl and shook her head at her attempt at nonchalance, pretending to be focused on the movie. Smiling, she took the hand, entwining their fingers. Minjeong played with her fingers--Jimin’s guessing she’s probably bored. Romance wasn’t really her cup of tea after all.


During the scene where Son Yejin’s character raced through the rain while clutching Jo Insung’s umbrella, Jimin noticed the hand on hers was slack and unmoving. She turned and surely, Minjeong was already dozing off. Giggling to herself, she took out her phone and snapped a photo before watching her sleep, the movie’s soundtrack playing in the background.


To me, you became the one ray of sunshine


That lit up my lonely hours gone by,


And became the promise of eternity


That glitters like a jewel upon your small white palm


Jimin reached out, gingerly brushing the hair away from Minjeong’s face. The light from the screen danced on her skin, like colorful paints splashed on pristine canvas. Had her lashes always been this long? Her right cheek was squished against the headrest and her lips…


I want to become the countless stars


She leaned in, leaving behind a lipstick mark on Minjeong’s cheek, just beside her lips.


That glistened in your pretty eyes and shine forever










chapter 11 song for context

Me to You, You to Me - Jatanpung/Mido and Falasol

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wdwgfh got a smol star!! tysm yall! <3 <3 <3


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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
163 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
163 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
163 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3