
where do we go from here?


Minjeong was still reeling.


Yoo Jimin in Korea. Flesh and blood.


It was like the crow had turned white.


Like hell had frozen over.


Like pigs had suddenly learned how to fly.


The entire scene replayed in her mind over and over again: spotting the tall girl standing outside the company doors, the booming beats in her chest when she took off her hat and revealed a clearer view of the face Minjeong had been so used to seeing pixelated in her screen these past three months. At that moment, a song had started to play in her head, like a scene straight from a movie.


If you love me


Don’t hesitate


If you feel the same


Even if a painful tomorrow comes


We’ll be able to embrace


All of the moments we spent together


If you love me


Often, during the entire time they were together that night, Minjeong found herself discreetly pinching herself. It hurt. It wasn’t a dream.


Lord, Jimin was really there.


She badly wanted to fling her arms around her and squeeze her tight. Tell her she missed her so much. Bury her face in her hair and inhale her scent.


But she didn’t, settling on clenching and unclenching her fist under the table to grasp the last bits of control she had not to just pounce on her then and there.


And when Jimin asked her a little favor just before they parted, Minjeong was quick to let go of the reins.


“If it’s not too much to ask, can I, um, can I get a hug?”


Minjeong instantly dropped the bag she was holding and stood on her tiptoes, looping her arms around Jimin’s neck and pulling her close. The other girl stood there like a statue for a while before finally holding Minjeong around the waist.


She still smelled like blueberries.


They would have remained like that for the rest of the night and Minjeong would’ve happily obliged but Jimin’s phone rang and they had to detach themselves from each other and eventually say goodbye.


As soon as Minjeong told her friends about what happened that Saturday night, Yizhuo let out a squeal and was quick to arrange a dinner with her two friends and Jimin. Aeri was even faster to agree, saying that she really wanted to meet Jimin in person.


Minjeong couldn’t do anything about it. And that’s how she’s squirming in a cushy seat in a restaurant somewhere in Itaewon on a pleasant Monday evening instead of locking herself up in the studio.


Meeting Jimin again was a delight, of course. She looked forward to seeing her again. But meeting her with Yizhuo and Aeri was a different thing altogether. It was like introducing Jimin to her family. The idea made her extremely uneasy.


Jimin was fine. She wasn’t worried about that. Her friends would definitely love her. She’s amazing. The problem was Aeri and Yizhuo. Heaven knows what crap they might start saying about Minjeong. She could recall a handful of embarrassing stories she would not want to be unearthed.


“I wonder what’s taking Jimin-unnie so long.” Yizhuo pondered aloud. She was slightly exaggerating. They had only been waiting for fifteen minutes.


“She said she’s stuck in traffic. Apparently, it’s bumper to bumper at yeongjungno.” Minjeong informed, fiddling with the cutleries on the table. “She’ll be here soon--what?”


Her friends were giving her a look. The kind that’s annoying and made her want to poke their eyes out.


“Nothing.” Aeri waved her away. “You guys are just cute.”


“Oh, hey, she’s here.” Yizhuo perked up, waving a hand. “Unnie!”


Minjeong turned and saw the tall girl walk the distance from the door to their table. She looked a bit winded, but beautiful nonetheless. Her long dark hair was freely let down, her collarbones exposed in her white off-shoulder blouse. Minjeong’s hit by reality once again. Yoo Jimin is in Seoul.


Jimin took a seat beside Minjeong as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “Sorry I took so long. Traffic was--”


“Crazy, we know.” Yizhuo interrupted, Cheshire smile on her lips. “Minjeong-unnie told us about it.”


Jimin turned to her. Up close, Minjeong could see the droplets of water on her hair and even her face. Her clothes had some wet slashes as well.


“Hi.” Jimin smiled.


Minjeong frowned. “Is it raining outside?”


“Oh, just a light shower.”


Minjeong pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to her. “Did you run here?”


Jimin accepted it with a grateful smile, patting away on her hair. “Yeah. I kinda just parked wherever and made a wild dash in here.”


“You could get sick.”


“It’s just a light shower.”




“Ahem.” One of her friends cleared --Minjeong couldn’t tell who--and they both snapped forward like they just got caught red-handed.


Blood rushed to Minjeong’s cheeks. Oh, they’re so not going to let her hear the end of it.


Aeri and Jimin exchanged introductions and even shook each other’s hand across the table. So far, there was nothing disastrous, just pleasant how-are-yous and typical get-to-know-each-other stuff.


Jimin brought fridge magnets and postcards from all over the world for Yizhuo and Aeri who were delighted, fighting over getting the countries they like. Minjeong waited at the side, growing sulkier and sulkier.


“What about me?” She eventually whined when it was clear that Jimin had nothing for her. “


The girl just raised a brow. “What do you mean?” She said, “Your greatest gift is already sitting beside you.”


Yizhuo choked on her water while a -eating grin spread on Aeri’s face. “I mean, she’s not wrong.”


Lord, will she survive this night?


Finally, the chit chat was over and they remembered that they were there to have dinner and not just talk all night. Calling a waiter over, they picked up the menu and started ratting out their orders.


“I think you’d love guobaourou.” Jimin told her, looking at the list. “It would definitely fit your taste.”


“That’s actually her favorite dish.” Yizhuo said.


Jimin’s smile was wide and smug, like guessing that bit correctly was something to be proud of. Minjeong fought the urge to poke her cheek. She rolled her eyes instead. Dork.


“So how was your New York with Minjeong?” Aeri started when the waiter left with their orders, “She never really told us anything.”


“We didn’t really, um,” Jimin looked at her for permission before continuing, “Stay in New York.”


Before her friends could question that, Minjeong spoke. “I ran into Arin so I just…” she shrugged. “I just had to get out of there. You know what that place means to me.”


Aeri and Yizhuo both raised a brow. Minjeong couldn’t blame them. She never talked about her ex openly like this before. Not once did she mention her name until now.


“We were kind of surprised when you flew there without hesitation, you know?” Yizhuo commented. Minjeong could feel Aeri studying her. She didn’t mind. She had nothing to hide. Not anymore.


Everyone at the table knew.


She likes Jimin. And would be willing to disclose anything to her.


And that’s on period.


“It seems like we both made drastic decisions at that time.” Jimin spoke up, smiling wryly. “Anyway, we went to Yukon. That’s in Canada. It was still snowy even in March and we went camping. Minjeong kept hitting herself with the tent pole.”


“Excuse me? I only hit myself once.”


Jimin waved her off. “Same thing.”


The girl started retelling their activities at Whitehorse, Minjeong supplying stuff she forgot about every now and again. Jimin told about the snowy mountain slopes that they hiked, the adorable dogs that pulled the sleds, the campfire she single handedly made without any input from Minjeong (during this part, Minjeong received a pointed look), the Taikhini hot pools that kept them warm even in the cold wintry night, and of course, the aurora borealis.


“You seriously witnessed the northern lights in person?” Yizhuo gushed, “Wow, I’m envious!”


“Kim Minjeong you lucky brat.” Aeri jabbed. “How was the experience? Did you guys take any videos?”


“Unfortunately, no.” Minjeong answered, shifting uncomfortably.


“Aww, why not?”


“I have footage.” Jimin abruptly interrupted, whipping out her phone. “This one’s taken in Sweden last year. This one’s from Alaska. I think it’s from about three years ago? This one…”


The talk steered to Jimin’s other travels then, the different countries she visited throughout the years and Minjeong enjoyed the way her eyes lit up as she discussed the different cuisines and culture around the world.


The way she talked about it so enthusiastically made Minjeong want to visit all those places. They were probably as breathtaking as Jimin was preaching them to be.


“You’re quiet.” Jimin whispered when the conversation paused as the waiter served their dinner.


Minjeong shook her head slightly. “I like listening to you talk.”


Jimin paused, chewing on her lower lip. “I missed you, by the way.” Her voice was quiet, words only meant for Minjeong to hear. “I wasn’t able to tell you last Saturday.”


Minjeong froze for a moment, unable to come up with a coherent response because her heart was screaming louder than her brain. She absently stared at the dishes placed on the table.




Chow mein.




“Me too.”


The waiter left and Jimin could only give her the most genuine smile as Aeri and Yizhuo eagerly resumed asking Jimin all sorts of questions about the places she’s been to.


Minjeong sat back, watching them with a poorly suppressed smile.


It seems like she wasn’t the only one falling for Yoo Jimin’s charms.










Anyone who worked in the industry knew of Winter--famous for being a musical composition genius and...well, infamous for being an uptight perfectionist in producing said compositions.


“Okay, that was wonderful. But can we do that again one more time? A little brighter. I need you to sound like Spongebob high on dopamine. Or Dory overdosed on Kool-Aid. But not as annoying. Nobody likes annoying. Does that make sense?”


It didn’t make sense. Minjeong knew that. But the girl in the booth took a deep breath and nodded. Music played again and she sang her line. When she finished and the backtrack stopped, everyone looked at the woman seated by the controls with bated breaths, thoughtfully twirling her pen and waited for her judgment. Her stoic face betrayed no emotion, eyes blank and cold.


Finally, she sighed and reclined on her seat. “I think we need a break. Come back after ten minutes.”


Inside the booth, the poor girl muttered an apology before joining her members. When she passed the producer, the latter stopped her with a soft touch on her arm.


“Hey, you did great. It’s on me. Must be something wrong with my ears.” The girl just smiled and nodded in response. “Cheer up.” she added before finally letting her go.


“You sure are living up to your reputation, Ms. Winter. Rough week?” Soyeon popped up, bringing her a cup of coffee.


Minjeong muttered her thanks. “Mm.” She replied, sipping the drink and hoped the caffeine would lighten her gloomy mood.


“Did the talk with your girl not go well?”


Minjeong glared at her, pointing a threatening finger to her face. “I still haven’t forgiven you for what you did, by the way.”


“Oops. Did I ruin anything?” Soyeon asked but her poorly concealed smile said she wasn’t anywhere near apologetic.


“No but you could have.”


“Hey, it’s not my fault you’re sleeping around despite having a girlfriend.”


Minjeong looked away.


“Oh my god, she isn’t your girlfriend?” Soyeon exclaimed, “Does that mean I can shoot my shot?”


“I’m not interested. Don’t waste your breath.”


Soyeon laughed, “Me neither. Fortunately, I wasn’t referring to you.”


Minjeong paused and took a moment to understand that she meant shooting her shot with Jimin. Her nose flared. “Don’t you dare.”


Soyeon just grinned. “So what’s up with you two? From what I witnessed last Saturday I’m guessing...51,422 words, mutual pining, slowburn, friends to lovers?


Minjeong stared at her. “What?”


Soyeon shrugged. “I’m just saying there seemed to be a lot of history between you two. Was she, like, your childhood friend, long lost first love you haven’t seen in years or something?”


“What makes you say that?”


“Oh, you know. The yearning.”


“The what?”


“Just answer the question!”


“She’s not. I met her in Paris.” Minjeong said just to get the woman off her back.


“Oh.” Soyeon muttered, looking like she’s processing it. “Oh.” She uttered again, this time with a sparkle in her eyes. “That’s interesting. Tell me more, tell me more.”


Minjeong shoved her away. “Get lost.”


She abruptly called the girls to resume recording. It worked. Soyeon backed off but not without giving her a we’re-not-done-yet look.


She tried to go easy on them this time. They did nothing wrong, after all. Nobody did. It’s just Minjeong and her perpetual pettiness.


Almost a week had passed since that dinner and Minjeong hadn’t seen Jimin since. Not that she was needy (she was). They did see each other every now and then but never alone. There were the dinners with Aeri and Yizhuo. They hit it off well and while Minjeong was relieved, she was maybe a little miffed her friends were hogging Jimin all to themselves. Text messages were often exchanged between them, however, which Minjeong struggled to keep up with since she was more of a call person but she’s trying her best.


“Okay. That’s good. What do you think?” Soyeon looked at her.


“We can go over it again later.” Minjeong decided and Soyeon could only sigh. “Is that okay, Jina-ssi?”


The group’s vocalist smiled good-naturedly and sent her a thumbs up from inside the booth.


“Should we start recording the backing vocals?” She asked Soyeon.


The woman checked her watch. “I think we should--”


A knock on the door interrupted her and a security personnel poked his head in. “Ms. Winter, someone’s here for you. Are you expecting a Ms. Yoo Jimin?”


Yoo Jimin?


Did she hear that right?


Yoo Jimin? Not Park Jimin? Or Shin Jimin? Yoo Jimin?


Like, her Yoo Jimin?


Was this security dude trolling her?


Before she could come up with a coherent reply, a girl popped up behind him, craning her neck to look inside and breaking into a wide grin when their eyes met.


Okay. Definitely her Yoo Jimin.


Soyeon moved faster than she could. While she still reeled and had an internal crisis on whether this was real or not (something she often went through the entire week because Yoo Jimin in Seoul was just difficult to process), her colleague jumped to her feet and ushered her in.


Jimin came prepared. It turned out she brought food for everyone and only then did Minjeong realize it was already lunch. The studio was wide enough to accommodate all of them. They sat around the couch while Minjeong stayed on her usual seat while Jimin went around introducing herself as Minjeong’s Paris Bestie.


“We watched that!” Chaeeun, the group’s dancer, chirped, “We’re big fans of yours, unnie!”


Minjeong choked and violently coughed in the background. “By having watched that,” she spoke up, feeling her face burn. “Did you mean, like, one clip or--”


“We binged the entire Paris Bestie series!” the girl cheerfully replied and Minjeong sank deeper in her seat.


Soyeon, having observed the entire exchange and Minjeong’s obvious mortification, chimed in, “What series are you talking about?”


“Oh, you haven’t watched it? I’ll send you the link.”


Minjeong tried to put a stop to it. “Um, actually--”






Minjeong groaned into the surface of the table she just face planted in. It’s all over. She won’t have a face to show anymore.


There’s a sound of a chair being pulled up beside her. She knew it was Jimin before she could even speak.


“Should I take down the videos?”


“Nah. Damage has been done.” Minjeong sat up, wincing at the sharp pain on her forehead.


Then Jimin’s leaning over, cool fingers gingerly touching the red skin. “Don’t slam your face on tables like that. Does it hurt?”


“I-It’s fine. I’m used to it.”


Jimin quirked a brow, lips twitching. “You’re used to slamming your face on tables?


Minjeong broke into a grin and shrugged. “Unfortunately.”


Jimin snorted and shoved a lunchbox on her lap. “Alright, I won’t judge. Anyway, talk later. Eat now. I cooked that myself, you know.”


Minjeong stared at the sleek container. “You cooked this?”




“You’re full of crap.”


An outraged gasp. “You don’t believe me?”


“Jimin, name one dish you can actually cook.”




“No, boiled eggs and instant noodles do not count.”


Jimin burst out laughing, “Okay, you got me. I actually just bought that somewhere.”


Minjeong grinned victoriously before opening the lid. It was donkatsu with rice, cabbage salad, kimchi, and donkatsu sauce. Jimin’s favorite. The girl had a small smile on her face as she took a bite from her own lunchbox. Minjeong started eating before her own lips could curve upward.


Sooner than Minjeong wanted, Jimin left after they finished eating, saying she still had to go look for a house and squeezing Minjeong’s arm before she went, telling her that she’ll keep her updated. The sentiment of being included in her plans kindled a certain warmth that thawed the ice Minjeong had been stewing the entire week.


The notoriously cold Winter pretty much turned to spring from then on. Still a strict perfectionist but a lot more smiley and a lot less grumpy, even throwing jokes every now and again.


In the span of less than a week, Jimin had somehow lodged herself in Minjeong’s life and fit perfectly, like there’s a Jimin-sized hole in there waiting to be filled in. She seamlessly blended in as though she had always belonged. Suddenly, she’s everywhere and Minjeong couldn’t think about going back to life before Yoo Jimin decided to return and stay.


Breaking her own rules, Minjeong opened her phone at some point that afternoon and sent Jimin a quick message.


“Thanks for lunch”

“But what was that for??”



“Just wanted to see you”



Covering the unstoppable smile behind her hand, Minjeong decided she was done sulking.










After many, many years of living in a suitcase, Jimin was finally going to settle down.


She couldn’t believe it.


Her real estate friend had shown her different apartments, buildings, and houses in the past two days but this one, right now--this one was the one for her. Jimin knew it as soon as she saw it.


“I’ll take it.”


Park Sooyoung, full-time real estate agent, part-time scammer, made a face, “Sorry, what? You haven’t even seen the interior!”


“My gut feeling tells me this is it.”


Sooyoung scoffed, “Bull.”


It was a simple single-storey house located in one of the quieter neighbourhoods in Seoul. The flat-roofed bungalow had a swimming pool s around it like a moat and a spacious lawn. Jimin loved it.


“It’s the swimming pool, isn’t it?” Sooyoung asked as she led her inside the house.


Jimin grinned sheepishly. “Is it obvious?”


Sooyoung rolled her eyes. “It’s written all over your face.”


Inside, the house was unfurnished but the vacant space only made her envision what it could be. Over here would be the living room and there would be a couch--no, make it two. The kitchen didn’t have to be fancy--she doubted she would ever touch anything in there. A dining area would be useless either, knowing in herself that she would end up eating on the couch anyway but she’ll have one for formalities and just in case her friends decide to come over.


“I love this place.” Jimin said, spinning and staring at the white walls of the house. Maybe she could repaint too. “Hand me the contract.”


Sooyoung’s watching her, shaking her head. “You’ve never changed, have you?”


Jimin gave her friend a look. “What do you mean, unnie?”


“You always follow your heart without hesitation. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but it’s not really a good thing either, you know?”


Jimin leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and lips pressed together. That’s not true. She always thought through everything first. She had well-thought schedules: places to go, people to see, videos to shoot...was she really so rash?


“Did I hit too close to home?” Sooyoung asked, not really looking like she was concerned if she did.


“I’m just wondering what happened because the Park Sooyoung I know wouldn’t waste a second to get a client to sign that contract.”


Sooyoung snorted. “As much as I’d love to get a deal sealed, you’re not just a client. You’re a friend. You’re buying a house, Jimin. Not a dress. Not a pair of heels. Hell, not even a car. A house, Jimin. It’s a pretty big investment.”


Jimin huffed, pushing herself off the wall. “Fine. I’ll look around some more.”


Sooyoung laughed. “Knock yourself out. I’ll be outside.”


There really wasn’t anything else to see. Sooyoung had toured her in all the rooms and everything was literally barren. What her friend said was true, yes, but her pride still took a hit. She felt like a child. Maybe she was. And maybe she might just sign that contract just to spite her like, look, I can do whatever I want. BOO


Yeah, she’s definitely a child.


She took out her phone, debating on calling Minjeong. She knew the girl didn’t use her phone during work but these past few days, they had been texting a lot even when Minjeong’s in the middle of recording.


But she also really wants to talk to someone right now. And Minjeong’s the first person to come to mind.


She tapped the dial button.


A ring. Two. Three. And then-- “Hello?”


Jimin relaxed and it’s ridiculous how powerful a person’s voice could be. There’s a fluttering sensation in her stomach, tickling her lips to a stupid, giddy smile. “Hi.”


Minjeong hummed. “Why’d you call? Is everything okay?”


“Yes. Well--no. But--I don’t know? It’s just--” Jimin huffed. “Settling down is hard.”


Complaints spilled out of , Travelling had been all fun and games. It was easier to book hotels and rent cars--no ties, no strings attached, no commitments. Everything was temporary, even the countries she visited. This though. This felt very much permanent and she was starting to feel scared. What if she didn’t think about this decision hard enough?


But she did! She spent months thinking!


...what if she needed to think more?


When she’s done, Minjeong’s laughing softly. “Your friend’s right though.”


Jimin gasped. “You think I’m reckless?”


“That’s not what I’m talking about but yes, that, too.”


“Excuse me?”


Minjeong’s laughing again and Jimin’s smiling along, despite herself. “You do make decisions on a whim, let’s be real.”


“I do not.”


“You do too.” Minjeong shot back. “You insisted on spending five days in Paris with a complete stranger, remember? Because, what was it? We were destined to be besties?”


“Okay, I admit that was a pretty questionable thing to do. But! For the record, I don’t regret it and I never will.”


Minjeong’s line was quiet for a moment before she’s clearing . “Anyway. Your friend was right about the house. You can’t just buy it right away.”


“But it’s really pretty!”


“Was that also why you were so determined to show me around Paris?” Minjeong teased, “Because I’m really pretty?”


“Yes! I mean, well, among others, that is.”


Minjeong’s smile was apparent in her voice. “Are you still at the house? I can go over there right now and look at it with you, if you like.”


Jimin perked up. “You would?”


“Yeah, I mean, if you want to?”


“You’re not busy?”


“I’m--yeah, no, I’m not.” in the background, she could hear someone--was it Aeri?--say, “Whipped.”


Jimin got the feeling she’s not telling the truth. But she also really wanted to see her. So she let herself be selfish. “Great! I’ll send you the address.”


It didn’t take long for Minjeong to arrive. Jimin ran out to meet her as her car pulled over and the girl stepped out of the vehicle in an oversized t-shirt tucked into denim shorts, running her fingers through her short dark hair. She spotted Jimin and her stoic face brightened into a smile that had Jimin’s heart stuttering.


Beside Jimin, Sooyoung whistled. “She’s cute.” She whispered, waving back.


“Stop that, she’s waving at me.”


“And? I can’t wave at her now?”


Jimin elbowed her. “Unnie, you’re embarrassing.”


Sooyoung elbowed her back. “Shut up, she’s--ha-ha-ha hi, there, cutie.”


Minjeong had walked up to them, still smiling but a lot more confused. She gave Jimin a look like is-your-friend-okay before returning Sooyoung’s greeting, “Um, hi..?”


Sooyoung’s smile was wide. Which sent alarms off in Jimin’s head. “It’s nice to finally meet Jimin’s girlfriend. I don’t really follow her channel but our friends started talking about that confession video and I got curious and wow, you’re much prettier in person, Paris Bestie. Love the new hair too.”


Minjeong looked bewildered. And pale. Jimin sympathized. What Sooyoung just said was a lot to take in. She tried to step in, “I--uh...she’s not my--”


“Thanks.” Minjeong cut her off, back to smiling. When did she become so smiley? “The name’s Minjeong, by the way. Kim Minjeong.”


Sooyoung shook her hand. “Park Sooyoung, Jimin’s senior from college.” She winked. “Should we go have a look inside, hm?”


“We’ll be right behind you.”


“Take your time, love birds.” Sooyoung gave her an ‘ok’ hand gesture and entered the house. When they were finally alone, Jimin’s eyes awkwardly darted around, landing on everywhere but Minjeong and when their gazes eventually met, they burst into silly, unnecessary giggles.


“We should head in.” Jimin said, ing a thumb at the house.


“Yeah, um, wait.” Minjeong reached for her, fingers loosely looped around Jimin’s wrist. “I…”


Jimin waited, trying to ignore the deafening beats of her heart as her skin tingled from Minjeong’s touch.


“Um,” she stuttered, “What I’m trying to say…I m-mi--it’s been a while.” She rushed out, looking constipated.


Jimin smiled, adoring the pink that had settled on Minjeong’s pale cheeks. “We literally just saw each other a week ago.”


“With Aeri and Yizhuo.” Minjeong asked and did she sound sullen? “That’s different. What I mean”


Jimin couldn’t help it. She tapped her nose, making Minjeong adorably blink at her in surprise.


“I know. I missed you too, bestie.”


Minjeong stared at her, and then hastily looked away. “I--that--uh, yeah...that.”


Jimin giggled. Minjeong’s just too cute. She shifted so Minjeong’s loose hold on her wrist slid down to her hand and intertwined their fingers. “Let’s go.” she tugged and led her in the house.


They let go the moment they entered, just before Sooyoung could see them holding hands. Jimin’s friend repeated her tour, showing them different rooms. Minjeong asked questions every now and then, questions Jimin never bothered asking.


How old is the roof?


What’s the condition of the plumbing?


Is there a basement like the one in Parasite?


When they were finished, Jimin found out that the house’s roof was at least four years old, the pipes were pretty much brand new, and it didn’t have a basement that housed an entire grown man.


“Calling your girlfriend was a wise decision, Jimin. I’ll give you that.” Sooyoung said before leaving them alone to look around some more.


Jimin huffed, cheeks burning. “Will she stop calling us girlfriends?”


Minjeong, who was checking the water pressure in the sink, raised a brow. “Don’t like it?”


“No! I mean--you know. We’re not really together together yet and I’m worried it might make you uncomfortable and--”


Minjeong’s chuckles made her stop rambling. “I’m just messing with you. Calm down.” she said. “And it doesn’t make me uncomfortable. Don’t worry.'' She moved to lean against the kitchen counter and with the afternoon light spilling in from the windows, she looked like a breathing, living work of art.


God, she wants her here, in this house, when she moves in.


Jimin blushed at the thought.


“So what are your plans for this place?” Minjeong asked, pulling her out of her trance.


Jimin perked up. “I’m thinking of repainting. I still have a month before I start getting busy and I’ve always wanted to try it on my own.”


Minjeong’s propping her chin on her palm, watching her. “What color do you want?”


“Blue.” Jimin instantly answered. “And I want a portion of the here maybe. I want it to be dedicated to all my travels. A corner where I can stick fridge magnets and postcards and show off the pretty pictures I took throughout the years.”


“You can put up a world map.” Minjeong suggested, eyes sparkling. “With pins on every country you’ve been to.”


“That’s a lot of work. I love it.” Jimin grinned. “Oh, and I want to have plants in the backyard.”


“What kind of plants?”


“Succulents. You can help me name them.”


Minjeong’s lips twitched. “I’ll start thinking now.”


“I also want cats.”


“A cat?”


“No, I want cats. Plural. And a puppy.”


“What breed?”


“Kim Minjeong.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes at Jimin’s echoing laughter in the empty space.


The sun was already setting by the time they finished discussing what Jimin wanted to do with the place, only stopping because of Sooyoung’s interruption, grumbling about how they’re taking forever and not being paid enough for this.


Minjeong offered to give her a ride back. Yeji was using the car Jimin’s been borrowing because she had somewhere to be tonight and Jimin just hitched a ride with Sooyoung earlier on her way to the house.


It felt a little backwards sitting in the passenger’s seat instead of holding the wheel but Jimin liked it. Here, she could stare at Minjeong all she wanted without worrying about a rear-end collision.


“Do you wanna head somewhere first?” Minjeong asked as she maneuvered through the streets of Seoul, one hand on the steering wheel and her other arm propped on the window, forefinger tapping on her lip. Attractive. Jimin made a mental screenshot.


“Is this you asking me out on a date?” Jimin asked, feeling playful.


“Maybe.” Minjeong allowed, shrugging.


Jimin chuckled. “What do you have in mind?”


Minjeong shot her a sideway grin. “It’s a secret.” she said, making Jimin roll her eyes.


They got stuck in traffic and the car’s stopping motion every meter was lulling Jimin to sleep. Minjeong played a song, quietly singing along.


After all this time


After all these vibes


After all these highs


We’re still on this ride


“Jimin?” Minjeong softly called just as Jimin’s eyelids were getting heavy.


“Yeah?” She groggily responded.


“Welcome back to Seoul.”


Never wanna say goodbye


You brought me back to life


And forever it’s just us


No more you and I










Minjeong feels like she’s running out of time.


Jimin had updated her on her enrollment. That her friend from college knew someone in SNU who can speed up the process and she would start attending in fall. That will be next month.


It’s always been like that with Jimin. There was always a time limit. One day. Five days. A month. And none of them was enough.


Jimin would most likely be very busy when she starts law school. Would this be how things between them would be? Surviving on text messages and short friendly dinners that would probably be even shorter…


The following week, they had been meeting even more scarcely, with Jimin being high in demand amongst her own friends. Minjeong understood, of course. Jimin was definitely the type to be famous among her peers.


But the thing’s been a week since they last saw each other and Minjeong didn’t think she could hold out any longer knowing Jimin’s so close.


She started planning.


She had been seated at the kitchen counter all day, frowning at her laptop.


“Another block?” Aeri sauntered in, rummaging her fridge as though it was hers. Minjeong felt a pang of nostalgia.


“No,” she replied. “I’m making a move.”


Aeri got an apple and peeked out from the refrigerator door. “What move?”


Minjeong gave her a slow smile. “Forward.”


Jimin’s call came after and everything led them to this moment now, sitting by the famous Han River while snacking on spicy rice cakes. The sun had already completely set, the sky dark with a sparse sprinkle of stars. The sound of the river flowing reminded Minjeong of something, she couldn’t pinpoint what.


“Remember when we happened to bump into each other at Pont des Arts?” Jimin asked.


Ah. So that’s what it was. The seine.




“You were about to throw my calling card into the river, weren’t you?”


Minjeong burst out laughing, embarrassed. “Was it obvious?”


“You looked so guilty when I found you so yes, it was obvious.”


“Even if I succeeded in throwing your card away, it would’ve been useless. I already got your number memorized by then.”


Jimin looked at her. “Really?”


“Really.” Minjeong confirmed. The memories were hilarious, now that she looked back on it. “I was being ridiculous back then. I locked myself up in my hotel room because you pop out everywhere every time I try to go out. You were there when I went to a Mcdonald’s at, like, one in the morning. When I went to Le Procope the next day, you were also there. It was getting creepy.”


“Wait, what?” Jimin burst out laughing. “How come I don’t know this?”


“Because I’m a ninja and got out of there before you could even notice. I decided to go back home but the flights to Korea were all cancelled due to a storm. I was about to go crazy.”


Jimin’s laughing so hard now she’s leaning over Minjeong for support. “You really didn’t want to go with me, huh? What changed your mind?”


Minjeong looked up at the sky. It’s a cloudless night. “It’s not like that. I actually...I actually wanted to. So much that I was starting to get scared.” she admitted, spilling her heart out. She glanced at Jimin. “And I’m glad I took that risk.”


Jimin smiled. “I’m glad too.”


In the distance, the cityscape of Seoul glittered in the dark. The river reflected its copious lights, a scatter of colors on the murky surface. Minjeong recalled Jimin telling her that every city’s lights were different and realized that it was true. Sitting here in Yeouido and standing over Paris wasn’t the same. But the company makes it memorable nonetheless.


“Say,” Minjeong started, playing with her fingers. She took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “Are you free next week?”


Jimin’s eyes are on her. “Why?”


“I’ve been thinking…” was closing up. Oh my god, why was she so nervous?


“Yes?” Jimin urged, now facing her completely. No please stop looking at me like that.


Minjeong looked away, focusing on the lights in the horizon, and tried again. “You’ve brought me to places that are close to your heart, shared your favorite sights and I...I just want to...I want to return the favor.”


She stole a glance to see how Jimin was taking it. She’s still looking at her, a disgustingly soft look in her eyes that made Minjeong want to combust and melt into nothing.


“Yoo Jimin, will you be my Korea Bestie?”


Jimin smiled. It was small and delicate but overwhelmingly beautiful and at that moment, Minjeong thought this was a view she would never get tired of seeing.


“I'm all yours next week, Korea bestie."









chapter 10 songs for context

sleeping beauty - end of the world x epik high
if you just love - Jang Dong Geun

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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
163 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
163 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
163 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3