Craving ice cream

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

Another Tuesday, another long day at school. Bora was super bored, and she just wanted to go home.

After school finally ended, Bora was having no more of it. She was ready to directly teleport back home. But right before she did the thing, she heard a voice calling for her. It was her close friend (who will not be named in this story).

"Bora! Wait!" she called out. Bora noticed her friend running towards her.

"What is it?" Bora asked as her friend finally reached Bora.

"I have something fascinating to share! I waited for school to end; I can't wait any longer!" the friend exclaimed.

"Couldn't you have told me between classes?" Bora asked.

"No, no! We need time and full attention on this!"

Before Bora could answer, her friend grabbed Bora's hand and teleported them to a secluded location near their school.

"Hey! Don't just do that without permission!" Bora said as her friend released her hand.

"Hehe... sorry. I'm just really eager to test this new thing out."

"What thing?"

"Okay, so listen. Last night, my mom mentioned something to me- and I've been thinking about it since. You like ice cream, right?"

"Huh? Well, can't say I don't like it..."

"Well, hear this- my mom said that when a person gets melted, the melted form tastes like ice cream too!" the friend grinned and said.

"What?? Really?"

Bora thought for a moment. "I must say, I haven't yet experienced the pleasure of melting myself..." she said.

"Not even once? You're missing out, Bora- know that."

"Well, I mean- I had melted a little when I was a baby when I accidentally put my hand on the stove a couple of times... wait- you're telling me you have melted fully?"

"Yeah! It's kind of a sad story, really. See, in elementary school, a girl did well in class every time. One day, I probably said something that made her mad, so she grabbed me, crumpled me up like a ball, turned her arm into a small cannon, put me into it, and fired me straight towards the sky. She fired me at such a speed that I completely passed out for some time. When I finally came to, it was too late- I was already about to reach the SUN. I got melted first, and THAT was the pleasant thing. But sadly, before I could understand much of it, I got completely vaporized from the heat. Being melted is one thing, and being vaporized is another thing. I had to take each MOLECULE of my body one by one and solidify them, and I couldn't do it near the sun. Do you realize how hard that is? It took me a many HOURS to restore myself! Not seconds, HOURS!"

"You talk a lot..." Bora mumbled.

The friend continued, "When I finally managed to come back home, it was already night. I was afraid about what I might've had to say to my mom, but she understood when I told her the whole story."

"That seems... convenient...? You sure that happened?" Bora asked.

"Bora- when did I ever lie to you? This might seem like I'm making this up, but it's all true! That girl eventually apologized to me too. But that's not the point. We're here today to melt YOU!"

"Wait, wait, wait- hold on! Melt me? Just like that?"

"Yes! The only problem is how to melt you though..." the friend tapped her chin. "Got any ideas?"

"I don't know... you're the one who brought me here," Bora said.

"Hmm, I think I have an idea. Give me your hand."

Bora gave her friend her hand, and her friend instantly yanked Bora's hand off of her forearm.

"Hey! What was that about?" Bora shouted and looked at her arm, which now only had a stump where her hand was.

"Hehe... I figured that I wouldn't need to melt your whole body to taste you, you know? Melting just a hand is way easier," the friend said. She then pulled out a bowl from nowhere and put Bora's hand on it.

"Now to melt this thing..." the friend said. She held the bowl near her face and fired a couple of laser beams from her eyes towards the hand resting in the bowl.

"Hey! Take it easy!" Bora shouted. But her friend didn't pay any heed and kept going. After a few moments, the hand started to melt and fill the bowl with a bit of Bora soup. That's when the friend stopped.

"Perfect! Now to taste it..." she said and tried to pick up the semi-liquid hand from the bowl. But as she touched it, she winced in pain.

"Hot! Hot! Oh my, that wasn't right..."

"It's on you. I didn't do anything," Bora commented.

"Yeah, yeah- I know. I just need to cool this thing down," her friend said and blew on the bowl. Her ice-cold breath lowered the temperature in no time, and the ingredients in the bowl were finally looking like ice cream- albeit a hand-shaped piece of it.

"Ooh! I can't wait to dig in now!" the friend said as she picked a little "ice cream" up with her finger and put it in .

"So...? Is it tasty?" Bora asked.

Her friend said nothing.

There was silence for some moments.

"I'm getting a weird feeling..." Bora mumbled. Suddenly, her friend took the bowl and drank up everything in it.

"OH... MY... GOD!!! You're so tasty, Bora!!! I have no idea what flavor is that, but it's good as hell!"

"Wha...?" Bora was dumbfounded.

"This is not enough; let me eat the rest of you!"

Bora sensed danger. She tried to flee, but it wasn't to be. Her friend quickly grabbed her and shoved her into the bowl. Bora's squishy body got crushed as it was forced to contort to the shape of the bowl. Her friend spared no time turning her hand into a whisk and mixing up Bora well. After Bora was softened entirely, the friend turned her hand back to normal and gobbled up all of the bowl's content. "No, WAIT!!!!" the Bora mixture shouted, to no avail.

"Ahh... that was refreshing," the friend said as she let out a big burp.

Some bits of Bora were still stuck to the bowl, and those bits slowly started shaking in an attempt to recover from this big mishap.

Her friend didn't notice it, though. She sat down on the ground and said to her visibly swollen belly, "Bora, I think I saw something. Your mixture had a purple tint to it, and your name is Purple too! What a coincidence! Ha-ha!"

The Bora bits stopped trying to move, as they had very little energy left. Bora felt (almost) her whole body slowly getting digested by her friend.

"If I'm late for school tomorrow, you're going to get it big time! Grrr..." Bora thought, "And I guess I'll get to know YOUR flavor too then!"

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1197 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1197 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1197 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1197 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1197 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1197 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1197 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1197 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1197 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol