The horrifying experience - continuation

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

Minji stared blankly at Siyeon.

Not getting a response, Siyeon again shouted.


"Really?" Minji said, "You are the one asking this question? I know for a fact that Bora has melted you in the past, and you've seen Yoohyeon melt yourself. And you're asking how Gahyeon melted?"

"But, but... Gahyeon's not like us!" Siyeon's voice finally came down a little, "You know that! She's just a normal girl. She... you know, can't fly or duplicate like us!"

"Siyeon. I'll clear this up in the morning. You should go back to sleep now."

"I'm going nowhere until I know..."

Siyeon fainted before she could finish, as Minji snapped her fingers.

"Sorry, Siyeon. But now really is not the time for this."

Minji picked Siyeon up and carried her all the way to their room. Once there, she set Siyeon down on her bed and went to sleep herself afterwards.

Morning came. Gahyeon remained asleep as everyone else woke up and gathered in their living room at Minji's request.

Siyeon couldn't stand still. She paced around the room frantically.

"Siyeon?" Minji called, "I think you should tell everyone what you saw last night."

Siyeon came to Minji and looked to the other three. They were visibly confused.

"Fine. Okay. I'll tell you what happened. I saw... I saw a melted Gahyeon!"

Bora, Yoohyeon and Yubin gasped in unison.

"Yes! YES! It was true! Gahyeon was completely liquid! She couldn't even move, until Minji 언니 came and rescued her!" Siyeon was clearly tensed.

"Now, now, Siyeon. No need to get so worked up on this," Minji patted her back. Siyeon again started pacing around the room.

"What is she saying? How in the world can Gahyeon melt?" Yubin asked.

"I'll tell you everything. But first, let me clear some things up. What happened last night after we came back here?" Minji said.

The three looked back and forth at each other. "You had fallen asleep... we freshened up and soon went to bed too..." Yoohyeon answered quietly.

"Yes, I had fallen asleep. That's where the problem started. Had I been awake, I could've realized that Gahyeon was in trouble," Minji said.

"What? What are you saying??" Yoohyeon shouted this time.

Minji started explaining, "After we came back, Gahyeon went to take a shower. I'm guessing that the water was actually too hot for her, and so it melted Gahyeon's body and washed it down the drain. She went down the sewage pipes and flowed far away from here. Thanks to Siyeon- she heard the shower running and realized something was wrong. She woke me up, I realized that Gahyeon was not here, and then I had to go bring her back. That's when Siyeon saw Gahyeon, as she was saying," Minji pointed as Siyeon.

"But how? How did Gahyeon melt? She can't melt! She's an average girl!" Bora chimed in.

"Yeah, that's where everyone's question is, isn't it? Well, I actually do know the answer to that. Siyeon! Would you stop walking and come here, please?" Minji said.

Siyeon sighed and joined the other three.

"The truth is, she does have abilities like us. But she didn't have them from birth, as you know. She actually got them recently, from our very own Han Dong."

This time, all four gasped.

"DONG??? She too??? What the hell is happening here? Oh, someone please help..." Bora said as she left the room.

"Okay, this is getting more and more confusing," Yubin said, "How does Dong 언니 have those abilities?"

"That's a good question. The answer to that is easy- she always had these abilities. She just hid them from us." Minji said.

"Whoa... she really is cunning," Yubin said and started pondering.

"Ooh!" Yoohyeon put her hand up, "Did she teach Gahyeon everything, like you taught me? But that would've taken a lot of time..."

Minji thought for a bit. "I don't remember any time Dong spent teaching Gahyeon, actually. I just know that one day, they were together in their room- and a moment later, Dong took Gahyeon to help her fly for the first time. That's all," she said.

"So, she just snapped her fingers and Gahyeon got all the abilities? Easy as that?" Yubin asked.

"Maybe... it's certainly possible though."

"What? Why didn't you do that to me, 언니?" Yoohyeon suddenly started whining, "We could've saved so much time!"

"What are you saying? You think all that time was wasted?"

Minji approached Yoohyeon with a smirk on her face. Before Yoohyeon realized it, her lips were on Minji's. As Minji kissed her, Yoohyeon started sweating.

Minji broke the kiss soon enough, but what was done was done. Yoohyeon quickly started melting from the heat, and soon there was only a puddle where Yoohyeon was standing.

Yubin sighed.

"You really should learn how to stop yourself from melting when 언니 kisses you, you know?"

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1188 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1188 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1188 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1188 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1188 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1188 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1188 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1188 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1188 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol