The day after Siyeon got married

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles


Bora instantly covered her ears.

"My god, Yoohyeon! When did you become this loud?" she shouted.

But Yoohyeon didn't answer. She was panting.

"Why are you so surprised?" Bora asked.

Yoohyeon still didn't answer. Instead, she ran out of the room at super speed.

Before Bora could start wondering what Yoohyeon was up to, she returned. But she brought Minji along with her.

"Wha- huh? Why am I here?" Minji said, before she noticed Yoohyeon.

"Yoohyeon? What's wrong?" she asked.

Yoohyeon was still panting. "Bora 언니... Bora 언니..." she started, but couldn't finish.

"Bora?" Minji said and looked at Bora. "What did you do?"

"She... she... Siyeon 언니 is pregnant!!" Yoohyeon finally managed to say.

"Siyeon is... WHAT???" Minji shouted this time.

"What the hell? She shouted like this too! What's wrong with you two?" Bora asked.


Minji walked to Bora and grabbed her.


Bora tried to cover her ears again, but Minji didn't let her.

"Ow! Hey! What's your problem? You two already have a baby, is it wrong for me to want one too? I love babies!" Bora blurted out.

"Bora! It's not about the baby! YOU JUST GOT MARRIED YESTERDAY!!!"

"So? I want a baby; I'll make a baby!"

"Oh my god! How dumb are you?" Minji had her hand on her head. "You just made a very big mistake, you know that?"

"Minji 언니... I'm panicking..." Yoohyeon said.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Bora said. "And Minji, what mistake are you talking about? Making sure I have a baby on the very night of my marriage? Seems pretty fine to me! And anyway, when did YOU make Yoohyeon pregnant? That was also only a few days after your marriage, right?"

"Well, that was... accidental...?" Minji scratched her head.

"What did you say?" Yoohyeon spoke up from behind. "Are you saying that our baby is unwanted? I can't believe you! I love Haeun! Why don't you?"

"My god, no! No! I love her too! Don't get it wrong!" Minji said.

"Your daughter has a name?" Bora said.

Minji turned to Bora. "What? Of course she has a name! We didn't tell you?" she said.

Bora shook her head.

"Bah!" Minji said and sighed. "What I actually wanted to say is, you need to plan some things in advance when you take big life decisions like this. Like me, me and Yoohyeon... we rented an apartment right after our marriage..."

"What? You have a house?" Bora interrupted Minji and asked.

"Yes, Bora," Minji said. She then turned to Yoohyeon and whispered, "God, Yoohyeon- we've been keeping too many secrets."

Yoohyeon shrugged.

"Yes, we have a house. Where else did you think Yoohyeon stayed the whole time she was pregnant? She definitely didn't stay here at the dorm!" Minji said.

"I... actually didn't think about that," Bora said.

"Okay, now take Siyeon. She's pregnant, which means she can't perform with us. You or someone else will probably take her place for the time being, like I took Yoohyeon's place. But Siyeon? Where will she be? If she stays here, it'll be hard to hide her, you know? You don't want the world to know that you made Siyeon pregnant, do you?"

"Wow. That's really a lot to think about," Bora said. "I think... OH MY GOD! Siyeon! What did I do to that poor girl?"

"Easy, easy- there's still time to sort something out," Minji said and tried to calm Bora.

"Whew. Right. Anyway, I saw Yoohyeon's and your reaction; could you maybe keep this a secret from the others for now, especially Gahyeon?" Bora asked. "I don't think they're ready for this news yet."

"Why though?" Minji asked. "They're not babies anymore; they're more mature than you think."

"I know them! We all live together!" Bora said and sighed. "Still, I just feel like this'll be for the greater good. So, could you? Please?"

Minji and Yoohyeon looked at each other.

"I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean, we kept the news of our marriage secret for whole year!" Minji said.

"Isn't that because you were posing as me the whole time?" Yoohyeon creeped up and said. Minji threw a confused look at her.

"Can you not lump me in with the others?" a voice suddenly said from nowhere.

"Huh? Who said that?" everyone became startled.

"I did."

Yubin came out of one of the walls in the room.

"Yubin? How long have you been here for?" Yoohyeon asked.

"Long enough. And after hearing all this discussion, I've thought of something," Yubin said. "Is it possible for Siyeon 언니 to stay at your house, 언니?" she asked Minji.

Minji looked at Yoohyeon. "Is it?" she asked.

Yoohyeon scratched her head. "I'm not sure, 언니. Isn't our house kind of small?" she said.

"Oh, I know! Take me to your house. I want to see what it's like! Is it far from here?" Bora said.

"It is... pretty far," Minji said.

"What about Siyeon 언니? We're talking about her future, yet she's not here," Yoohyeon pointed out.

"I'll bring her, then we can talk it out with her," Yubin said and vanished.

"Wait- oh, come on," Minji said.

"So... if Yubin knows, why hide it from Dong 언니 and Gahyeon? Let's tell them too," Yoohyeon said.

Bora gave her a look.

"By the way... where is your daughter? I haven't seen her since that one time!" Bora said to Minji.

"Why, she's at home. We wouldn't want to carry a two-month-old all the time here, would we?" Minji said.

"She's alone??" Bora said, surprised.

"No! We're at home with her too!"  Yoohyeon exclaimed.

"Wait. So wherever Siyeon stays all this time- I have to be with her, here, and masquerade as Siyeon here too?" Bora said. "I have to keep doing three completely different things at the same time for like, 9 months?"

"Well, I did that; but I'm sure you can manage it somehow," Minji said.

But Bora didn't pay attention. She ran out of the room shouting, "Siyeon!!!"

"Their family is going to be a crazy one," Yoohyeon commented.

Minji just gave her a look.

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1197 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1197 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1197 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1197 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1197 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1197 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1197 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1197 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1197 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol