Eighth - “I’m thankful for what we have.”

Always, Yours: Three Plus One! Edition
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Warnings: suggestive themes


"Hi, honey,” you spoke up as he finally reached your awaiting figure.

You had Jun still in your grasp and all the triplets were sleeping peacefully in their respective carriers. His eyes roamed over you once, as if making sure you were alright. You knew Baekhyun was anything but hot headed, but you were also aware that you did him dirty. If he was mad, then he’d be rightfully so.

“Sweetheart,” Baekhyun mumbled distractedly as a greeting. His focus was set on you, as if trying not to look elsewhere.

You smiled at him and walked the remaining steps to give him a small hug. As soon as your scent wafted over Baekhyun’s senses, he smiled a small smile and carefully enveloped you in a hug, pressing his forehead to yours and looking down at Jun nestled between your chests. “I missed you, my angel,” he breathed and pressed a quiet, longing peck on your cheek, before leaning lower and kissing the top of Jun’s head. “Hi there, little buddy.”

“I missed you too. Welcome home,” you smiled wider when he looked you in the eyes.

Baekhyun nodded with a smile all too aware that you and him were now in your personal bubble. Eventually he had to address the elephant in the room. Clearing his throat he straightened up, letting his hand slide down your back. “The girls?”

You turned swiftly and finally the both of you faced Sonhee and Junho, each with a baby. You could see Baekhyun’s face going blank, only wanting to greet and retrieve his little baby girls, until he finally looked at the lady next to Lee Junho. His face expression morphed instantly; shock and surprise were an understatement.

“Sonhee?” he asked loudly and to that, the mentioned girl brightened up even more and with her free hand took Junho’s hand, leading him to the both of you.

“Nice to see you again, Baek,” she giggled. “We thought we would help out by giving your sweet wife a ride - me and my boyfriend Junho,” she emphasized and you thanked her through a short eye contact.

You could sense Baekhyun became tense before easing up a bit, his hand that was around your waist now leaving you so he could reach out for his daughters. He didn't know what to ask first; how did Sonhee meet you? Or how did Sonhee come to meet Junho?

“You’re in a relationship?” he finally asked politely as both Junho and Sonhee handed him the carrier baskets, the babies lying inside, sleeping. He thought it was a miracle. Even Junhee wasn’t keen on being up. While waiting for an answer, he looked over the sleeping munchkins, noting the way their faces were so focused on sleeping, lips glistening from saliva as their cheeks were rosy and puffed up. His heart swelled with affection at the sight of his healthy offsprings.

“Yes, we are,” grinned Sonhee and hugged Junho’s arm to herself while Junho nodded in agreement, not talking. 

Baekhyun had a lot of thoughts at that moment. Of course, the small anger about spotting you with Junho around was still present, albeit dying down quickly. Seeing his long-time childhood friend was a shock by itself. He would have never thought he’d see you with her out of all people. There was also a sort of relief that Junho was taken but he still had an uneasy feeling about him. Did Sonhee know about Junho coming to seek you in the past?

“You guys met in the village?” questioned Baekhyun, trying to keep the awkward conversation rolling. He felt you move close to him, your arms touching.

“Yes, it’s all surreal to be honest. We first met in Junho’s gym where I work in the baby corner,” Sonhee told him, smiley and cheerful. “We didn’t know we come from the same village and even though her last name is Byun, there are still quite a lot of Byuns around, so I couldn’t connect it to you.”

“How long have you been together?”

“Three years,” replied Junho, his face calm and collected.

Baekhyun met his eye, nodding. “I see. That’s great. Thanks a lot for bringing my family home safely.”

Baekhyun found himself internally cringing. He already once thanked Junho for bringing his wife home. It just enhanced the fact that he was never around when the family needed him.

“The pleasure is ours, Baek,” mumbled gently Sonhee. There was something in her eyes that you couldn't decipher. “We will keep in touch. Go up and rest, both of you.”

You nodded and went to hug Sonhee from the side since you had Jun on your chest. You noticed Baekhyun and Junho nodding at each other before you stepped back.

“I’ll text you soon,” promised Sonhee and looked at the babies for the last time. “I hope to see you soon, little biscuits.”

You smiled at the term and said bye to the couple. Before you knew it, you were already walking inside the building to the elevators, the tension leaving your body after separating from Junho.

“So happy to be home,” you smiled pleasantly.

Baekhyun hummed, throwing you a gentle smile himself when he pressed the button for your floor and the doors closed.

“Were the babies okay?” he asked you quietly and looked at the still sleeping girls in the baskets.

“Yeah, they were all fine, don’t worry,” you reassured him as you observed his face. His hair was longer and fluffy and fell over his forehead, making him look younger. Wordlessly you reached up and brushed away some strands so they wouldn’t obscure his vision. “Are you okay, baby?”

He hummed, reciprocating now the eye contact. “Much better now that you guys are home with me. I didn’t like coming home to an empty apartment.”

You tiptoed to peck him on the lips just when the elevator stopped and you arrived at your floor. “We are together now.”

You were fast to type in the code and step in the apartment that you left one week ago. 

You left it quite in distress and exhaustion, and you couldn’t have been more relieved at how refreshed and happy you were to be back.

Baekhyun already opened the windows and you heard the washing machine working. He must have already started on the chores. “Let's put them in their crib,” he told you. Quickly following him, you undid the safety straps around Jun, trying to be as quiet as possible, and lowered him in his baby blue blanket. He stirred a little, whimpering, but you shushed him gently and rubbed his head which worked right away.

Baekhyun didn’t have problems with Juna but the crybaby Junhee was always a little nightmare. As soon as he placed her on the baby yellow blanket, she scrunched up her face and let out a wail, unsatisfied with the placement. He, just like you, shushed her while caressing her soft baby hair but she wasn’t that easy to convince. So his hand went to rub on her belly gently as he whispered: “It’s okay, daddy’s here. Sleep, sweetheart, sleep.” 

He could feel her tummy going up and down, the muscles tightening frantically but a few more careful drags of air and she gradually relaxed. He didn’t stop caressing her even after she went silent and fell back into her slumber, worried she would start crying. His palm could feel the nappy underneath her overall, and hear the way it rustled gently under his touch. Each baby was dressed in overalls, covering their feet and hands. It wouldn't be long before they would grow them out and the clothes would be exchanged with bigger ones.

You giggled into your palm and left him in the room to go clean yourself up. Baekhyun wasn’t dependent on you with the babies and you knew he could take equally good care of them as you did.

After a thorough shower and collecting all of yours and babies clothes, you went into the washing room and put them in the basket, ready to wash once Baekhyun’s batch was done.

You found your husband sitting on the stool chair,waiting for you. He smiled when he saw you approaching and he opened his arms widely so you could finally greet him properly. His arms enveloped around your waist, your figure standing between his legs. You buried your face in his neck and smelled that familiar scent of his. 

Ah, finally, finally.

His grip tightened and his lips pressed a kiss to your jaw. “I missed you so much.”

You smiled. Even though you texted and called and kept reminding how much you missed one another while being separated, he still had to remind you.

“I missed you too. It wasn’t the same without you back home.”

He pulled away far enough to see your face up close. “Speaking of home - what exactly happened, baby?” he asked and eyed your lips. He pecked you quickly as if to say I’m not mad but please explain. “You know… I asked you something before I left.”

You sighed but affectionately. Naturally, your hand went to cup his soft cheek and he leaned into the touch, keeping the eye contact. “I know, and I promise I felt guilty for not telling you but I didn’t want you to be worried or get mad. We met in the middle of the week— well, more like Kyunga’s younger sister brought us together. She is friends with Sonhee’s sibling and this is how he came to hang out.”

“You already met a few days ago?” Baekhyun was hurt as he frowned gently, pouting. Both of you were in close touch with each other while he was in Japan and yet you didn’t even mention Sonhee or Junho.

You your lips in, knowing this could hurt him and make him potentially angry at you. “Yeah, but I didn’t want you to worry…”



He sighed, his hold around you loosening. “Should I consider you keeping stuff from me as lying? Have you been lying to me? I asked you not to meet Junho and yet you spent time with him.”

Your heart made a painful jump at his accusatory words. “No, no, Baek! I was mostly with Kyunga’s sister and Sonhee, and they explained to me why was Junho acting the way he was-“

“So you’re telling me that Sonhee is okay with Junho following married women and letting him into other people's businesses? She is okay with him eyeing other women that are taken and have children?”

Well, when he put it like that... 

You looked at him with wide, innocent eyes as you made a step even closer to him. “Let me tell you what they told me. He has his reasons.”

“It just doesn’t make sense, babe,” Baekhyun reasoned with a hint of seriousness. “And I don’t see how Sonhee is okay with this. Out of all people - Sonhee? She is scared of men and everything that they can potentially do to harm her. What if Junho is also doing something to her?”

You pouted. “Let me explain, honey,” you tried one more time and caressed his cheek, fighting with your own anxiety at a possible fight. 

Baekhyun looked you in the eyes, seeing the way you were honest and ready to talk. If you were lying you’d be cowering away from him, he knew that for sure.

With another sigh, he nodded. “You know when I tell you that I trust you, I don’t mean that you should keep any secrets from me. When I say I trust you I expect you to tell me things that can potentially hurt me.” He paused when he saw your prominently growing pout. “Your secrecy doesn’t sit well with me. You’ve kept stuff away from me with your work, then your jealousy and now this. Should we talk about trust again?”

A little taken aback at him pulling out the happenings of the past, you only blinked a few times, feeling guilty. He wasn't wrong. After all, you were a secretive girlfriend and you would understand if he got mad at you keeping stuff away from him again. It wasn't even about Junho. It was about you.

“Hm?” he prodded, tapping your chin from under with his index finger. “Hiding things from me doesn't help. It makes it worse,” he told you in a somber voice, raising his eyebrows.

With a sigh, you quickly tucked some unruly hair behind your ear, feeling like a scolded child. “I know. This is... '' another sigh, “just… can you hear me out? I promise I won't keep anything away from you.”

He observed you for a moment with a calm countenance. He wasn’t being unfair but you also wished he didn’t think of you the way he did.

After his lips in and popping them back out, he uttered: “Tell me everything.” 

And with that he took your hand away from his cheek and you almost felt hurt. Then you felt him standing up but he interlaced your fingers and went over to the couch where you sat down, facing each other. He prompted you to talk with an eyebrow raise and you nodded, telling him everything just as he wished. Just as you should have from the beginning.


You managed to become a little emotional when you told Baekhyun about Sonhee’s sister but, of course, he already knew all of it and probably even more. As soon as he saw you tear up, he was fast to hug you to him, shushing you gently while he murmured that it was okay. “Sonhee’s little sister is a happy child. Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

“I’m just… how can the world be so cruel…” you hugged him tighter around his neck and he didn’t respond anymore, instead letting you cry out your heavy heart. He tapped your leg, prompting you to sit on his lap and you did while not leaving the spot in his neck.

“And it made me realize how thankful and lucky I am to have you, Baekhyun oppa,” you weeped. Baekhyun felt the moisture from your tears on his neck, your breathing hot as you exhaled harshly through your pants. He felt the same way you did, and his heart swelled with warmth and love for you. Now that he had you sniffling and crying like this in his arms, he was reminded of a crying Junhee a while back. 

“I’m thankful for what we have had since the beginning. I’m thankful that you appreciate me and respect me and that you’re there for the babies whenever you can be. I love you so much,” you said through sobs and squeezed your eyes shut, letting out more tears.

Baekhyun could only continue with rubbing your back, hoping to console you. “I love you so much, sweetheart,” he murmured into your ear. “I’m forever thankful that I have you and our healthy babies. What Sonhee’s father did is animalistic and should be punished by law. But know that both Sonhee’s mother and sister are alright and they are healthy.” He heard you sniffling more and he added: “Don’t cry, it breaks my heart.”

With the help of his words and his soft, shushing voice, you tried to ground yourself. You didn’t realize how much Sonhee’s story affected you and how much you’d been trying not to think about it. Maybe seeing Baekhyun who was the hero of Sonhee’s story made you finally weak and realize just what a gem of a man you were blessed enough to marry and receive his attention.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he shushed gently, and you heaved out one final, heavy sigh. “Everything is alright.”

your dry lips, you pulled away to look at his expectant orbs. He cooed when he saw you, and his hands were on your cheeks, tapping away the tears. “You’re not mad anymore, are you?”

He looked you in the eyes, his more down-wards from the sadness swimming in them. He shook his head. “No, I’m not mad. I was just hurt. Surely you can see why oppa was hurt, right, baby?”

You nodded, pressing your lips together to will the burning tear

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Daron128 #1
Chapter 14: Miss this story 😓
41 streak #2
Chapter 14: Woah... really enjoyed reading this sequel...loved it so much authornim... love thecway they're still together in this and living their best parenthood moments. The triplets so cuteeee... really loved their these new journey.. there was so many ups and downs but they fought and consoled each other together..they r really so admirable dreamy couple..I'm so in love with them and their so lovely family..woah.. another edition is coming up...hope all things go well for the couple and their family.. I'm already missing them but I'll eagerly wait fir the updates...thank you so much authornim for writing such an amazing story and sharing this prequel. Totally worth reading.. really glad that I find and read this awesome story. All the best authornim for your study. Fighting!! :) <3
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
mrvnrky #4
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
Chapter 14: It's been awhile and I'm excited for the next chapter! It's good to be pregnant again but i understand her concern. The triplets is still small and having another one can be so stressful. I've seen how stressful she is. She really need a time for herself away from them for awhile. She's been through so much. I hope Baekhyun will help her throughout this phase
Chapter 14: Yesss a baby is a blessing! Hardships won't matter as long as they are together as family
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 14: this is just so sweet and domestic
Chapter 14: Excited!!!
Chapter 14: I MISSED THIS STORY SO MUCH GLAD UR BACK!!! SLAY 💅This story is amazing 🥊👶🏻
Nlnz2016 #10
Chapter 14: I’m so happy to see an update from you. Hope you are well. Cant believe they’ve got another one on the way.