Twelfth - When it All Starts to Go Wrong

Always, Yours: Three Plus One! Edition
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“But mummy, you will be there, right? And daddy?”

“And will there be many children?”

“And can we eat dessert after that?”

“I want daddy to be there toooo.”

Baekhyun and you could barely answer one question before the next one would be shot by the eager triplets.

You were holding hands with Juna and Jun. The youngest was also holding hands with Baekhyun and he held Junhee’s hand on the other side. You were like a long Byun chain.

It was Baekhyun’s idea to sign the kids up for swimming lessons. You were fast to agree and even wanted to join; so while the kids would have a fun swimming lesson in the local aqua park, you two were ready to venture off and enjoy alone time.

It had been a week since the wonderful time in Busan. None of the days you had any time for each other. You were ready to snatch the opportunity and make the most out of it.

“Daddy will be nearby, don’t worry, Junhee,” you told your eager daughter. She was pushing her free hand into and you could only click your tongue and shake your head. No matter how many times you told her not to do it, she would unconsciously do it anyway.

“Mummy, will you be filming us?” Jun looked up at you with a thoughtful look.

“Nope, no work for mummy today,” piped Baekhyun with a soft smile. “No one is allowed to work today.”

You could only smile as you observed the crowd that was moving towards the locker rooms. With tickets already purchased and swimming suits neatly packed, it was only a matter of time how fast both you and Baekhyun could change the lively triplets into their swimming suits so that you could catch the class on time.

“Should have changed them at home,” you murmured as you eyed the crowd with concern. “Will we make it?” You looked at your husband.

“We will, don’t worry, sweetheart,” he said, “our babies will listen well, right?” he added a little louder to show he was talking to the triplets.


A formal “yes” resounded and you laughed. Baekhyun enjoyed it a little too much; to have the kids under control.

Once you stood in front of the lockers, it was time to separate for a little while.

“Jun, darling, you’ll go with daddy, okay?” you told your little baby boy as you crouched down, his gaze not really focused on you. He was distracted with the commotion going on in the park.

“Yes, buddy, we will go together and the girls will go with mummy, alright?” added kindly Baekhyun. He shook Jun’s hand gently to get his son's attention.

You giggled when Jun only nodded distractedly.

“Will you be okay?”

Baekhyun scoffed teasingly and made a step to you so that only you could hear him. “You know I will. You look so damn beautiful, princess,” he murmured, not far from your lips. “You make sure you come back to me quickly.”

You beamed at him, nodding, while Baekhyun observed that smile he adored so much. With him changing the topic so swiftly, you could only imagine he was a little too eager to be alone.

“Mummy, let’s GO,” whined Juna, shaking your hand violently.

Baekhyun pecked you quickly and stepped away. Junhee added: “We wanna go and play quickly.”

“The water will still be here, babies, be a little patient,” you said to them and nodded at Baekhyun to let him know you’d be leaving.

He took Jun to the man’s changing room while you were fast to yourself to the ladies room. 

The girls were curiously observing the mothers with their kids; they were particularly interested in shrieking high school or college students that most probably came to have lots of fun with boys they had a crush on.

“Turn around,” you ordered Juna so she would be facing you while you prepared her swimming suit. You found your relevant locker and started stripping her. “Junhee, you sit on the bench and wait for mummy,” you added to the second baby who was bulging her eyes on the girls.

It was too loud inside, but you didn't pay it much attention as you changed the baby girls into cute swimming suits. Making sure they would be safe, you quickly ran a stick of sunblock over their puffy cheekies. “Kiss,” you murmured with gentle authority and both girls smiled brightly, always happy to share pecks with their parents. At the same time, both of them leaned in, pressing their small moist lips against your cheeks. Instantly you had a pleasant smile on your face. “Good girls,” you praised in satisfaction.

Quickly packing up your belongings, you ensured you had everything you needed, including babies’ water bottles and towels before shrugging on their princess backpack and taking their hands in yours.

“Are you excited about the swimming lesson?” you asked them in a chirpy tone, trying your best to maneuver them safely through the crowd.


“I want to be a mermaid!”

“I want to be like Nemo!!”

“You will be just that!” you exclaimed in a calm excitement, relieved you were out of the stuffy changing room.

The dark corridor led you straight out to the acqua park, the splashing of the water, distant screams and laughter reaching you along with the familiar humidity of the space.

“Mummy, where will you and daddy be?” Junhee asked softly, looking up at you as she accidentally bumped into your side.

“Mummy and daddy will be nearby, waiting for you, alright?”

“But will you be watching us?” piped in Juna as she pulled on your arm. “I want you to watch me become a Nemo.”

Looking around, you spotted Baekhyun with Jun whom he held in his arms, Jun scanning the crowd while he listened to his father. Baekhyun was looking at his son, explaining to him something with a soft smile while Jun barely reciprocated the look, too distracted.

The sight made you so, so warm. They looked alike; indeed a father and son.

Upon spotting you, Baekhyun's smile stretched even more as he propped Jun, telling him you were finally coming. 

“Ha, who was worried about me?” teased Baekhyun when you were close enough to hear him.

“MUMMY!” wailed Juna, dissatisfied that you didn't reply to her previous question.

“Oh, yes, Juna, we will be closeby, okay?” you added in.

Baekhyun caught up on the little frustration in his daughter's behavior and he was fast to head towards the kids’ ward. “Just as mummy said, we will be there, okay?”

Juna pouted wordlessly.

“Why is Junnie in daddy's arms?” you asked, throwing a glance at your son.


“He got a little tired,” mumbled Baekhyun so that only you could hear him. He sent you a look and you could only frown in worry. “But my son is strong enough, right, Junnie? Will you be okay in the swimming class?”

Jun nodded slowly, not quite looking at you or Baekhyun.

Finally, you reached the small pool for kids, the teachers already welcoming the children with their parents. They ticked your names off the list as you sent off your daughters who looked suddenly unsure.

“We will be close,” you murmured gently, you and Baekhyun crouching in front of them.

“Junnie, a kiss,” you said and he obediently walked over, his gentle hands resting on your shoulders as he pressed his lips to your cheek. “Hm, good boy. Have fun!”

Baekhyun had the girls give him a kiss and then you made them hold hands as they were taken by a young looking swimming instructor. She was cheerful and reassured you about their safety.

You took Baekhyun's hand at which he quickly intertwined your fingers as the both of you watched the triplets carefully approach the small crowd of kids of various ages. They were so cute. Maybe you were biased, but they were the cutest, prettiest babies out there.

Once the class started, you dispersed into the acqua park along with other parents.

“Did you see how we were the youngest there?” spoke up Baekhyun as you were searching for a pool where you could chill out.

You hummed, swinging your hands. “That is because we are young, honey.”

He smiled and let go of your hand so he could wrap his arm around your shoulders, bringing you to his side. With a gentle kiss to your temple he said: “And we are the coolest.”

You laughed shortly, shaking your head. “I'm just worried the fourth baby will pee all over our house.”

Baekhyun slowed down, his face in a minute shot before he breathed out a dazzled laugh. He told you quietly, his lips by your ear. “Damn, baby, for a second I thought you were talking about an actual baby.”

Your heart jumped at the way he said it, but were fast to shake your head, tsking. “I'm talking about our four legged baby. He is furry, too. And so cute,” you said, scanning the surroundings. It seemed you reached a pool that wasn't too deep and there weren't many people around.

“Cuter than me?” pouted Baekhyun and you quickly looked at him, growing warm inside because he looked otherworldly gorgeous. 


“Nooo, he isn't.”




“Of course he isn't,” you finally murmured and pressed a chaste kiss against his parted lips.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, squeezing your shoulders.

After deciding to go inside the pool, Baekhyun went down first and once he could easily reach the bottom with his feet, he nodded and prepared his arms just in case you’d slip on the ladder.

Lowering yourself in the water, you smiled at the pleasantly warm temperature. Baekhyun’s hands were on your hips, guiding you to a lonely corner.

“I’m good, Baek, don’t worry,“ you told him but his chest was still pressed against your back, not letting go of you.

“Yeah well, not risking what happened last time.”

You rolled your eyes playfully, though he couldn’t see you. “That was years ago.”

“So did you learn to swim since then?” he breathed into your ear.

You groaned and Baekhyun repeated with a cheeky smirk. “I thought so.”

“Well, my teacher gave up on me,” you said once you reached the corner where you could sit. There were some couples around, so you didn’t feel too out of place when your husband took you in his hands and swiftly placed you on his lap. You automatically reached for his shoulders, shimming yourself closer.

Baekhyun’s palm was drawing circles into your outer thigh when he told you intimately as if to a petulant child he didn’t want to scold in the public. “Your teacher was heading to the military. But I’m glad to know no other handsome country boy took the opportunity.”

You scoffed. “You knew very well there was no one else ever.”

He hummed pleasantly. “Still not happy you can’t swim, baby. We literally just have our four-year-old babies learn how to swim.”

“They have to start early.”

“Well, but what if they will need help? And I won’t be there?”

“Baek, c’mon. We live on land, not in water.”

He tickled your sides in spite and you squirmed, pressing out a laugh. “You always have an argument, don’t you?” he growled playfully as he bit your shoulder.

You giggled even more, tilting your head back. “You’re such a meanie.”

“You're such a meanie,” he mocked your voice and you stopped laughing right away. Swatting his chest, he was now the one to laugh. “Okay, okay, no hitting my precious chest.”

You rolled your eyes again and shook your head at his antics.


“Phew, my little lady is in a biting mode today,” noted Baekhyun in a murmur, his eyes flickering over your features. He pressed his nose into your hair. “Why is that, hmm?”

“Excuse you, you literally just bit me in my shoulder,” you rebutted, enjoying his proximity, though you admitted you were a little snappy today.

“Well, I didn’t mean it.”

You sighed. “I don’t even know what’s the matter,” you shrugged, telling the truth. You’d been feeling like this for a few days and you blamed it on Baekhyun’s work.

But that wasn’t a topic you wanted to talk about on your little trip.

“Are you feeling okay?” asked Baekhyun as he moved a little back so he could see you. He eyed your lips and you did the same to his, but neither of you leaned in for a kiss.

You nodded. “I’m fine. It’ll be over soon.”

Baekhyun’s hand travelled to your tummy, massaging the soft skin. “You lost a lot of weight recently. Maybe that’s why?”

You shook your head, not wanting to talk about your weight. That was something that was constantly fluctuating. There were days when you would go a little too wild with stealing the kids’ sweets, munching on chocolate. You would, of course, lose weight whenever you were making a video and try to religiously follow your own schedule. Keeping up with the schedule was important so that it could give you a sense of commitment. 

“Is your period coming?” he murmured quietly, so that only you could hear him.

You nodded. “Yeah, it’s been a little overdue but I’m feeling under the weather so it’ll be here any minute.”

Baekhyun nodded, kissing your shoulder that he previously bit. “Don’t bleed all over the pool, babe.”

You flicked his forehead. “You, oppa, are pushing it.”

“I’m serious though,” he shrugged, biting his smiley lips.

“Well, I put in a tampon. Satisfied?”

“Hmm, so no funny business in here then...”

“We’ve had enough funny business,” you said, your hand coming up to smoothen the reddened skin on his forehead. He closed his eyes at your soft touch.

“Well, how was that enough, huh.”

“You literally spent both of us and made it quite the pain to walk,” you said, a little surprised you didn’t feel the typical shyness when talking about this topic. “What more do you want, honey.”


“I could do that to you everyday,” he whispered and opened his eyes to meet yours. He kissed your shoulder again, letting his lips brush the skin when he said: “I could be in you even now.”

You pushed him, causing him to start to cackle and you only murmured: “You’re impossible. Beyond reparation.” With that, you untangled yourself from him, ready to move your body in the water.

You barely took three slow steps (because of the water) before you’d feel his arms wrapping up around your tummy, his chest plastered to your back, his head coming to your neck.

“Where are you off to,” he pouted and smooched your cheek.

You crinkled your nose but enjoyed his attention. “Well, oppa, since you’re all smart mouth, just teach me how to swim then.”

He groaned gently against you. “Uh, okay.. god, shouldn’t have talked about funny business because now,” he yanked you closer, pressing his hips to yours, “I just can’t stop thinking about it.”

You felt him on your behind and it sent shockwaves down to your center but you had to stand your ground.

“I’ll drop you in the cold water, that should help with the problem,” you replied nonchalantly as you eased yourself out of his prying hands, smirking in victory.

“Babe, you’re really in the meanie mood,” he shook his head and followed you when you attempted to swim. Your feet could still safely reach the bottom, but you knew that wouldn’t help if you wanted to learn to swim. So you spread your arms, ready to attempt it when Baekhyun appeared by your side, already focused on your technique.

As soon as you tried to float and swim, you’d mess up the posture, immediately sinking, but your husband's arms held you up, helping with the correct posture.

“Keep your chin above the surface,” he said softly. 

You went like this for a little while until you became quite drained. Swimming was hard.

Baekhyun laughed once he took you in as you climbed at his front like a koala. His hands came to support you under your thighs as he felt you hug his neck, your face hiding in the crook between his neck and shoulder.

“Tired,” you mumbled, the movement of your lips against his neck tickling him.

“Hmm, it’s soon time to pick up the munchkins,” he said once he checked his sports wrist watch. He kissed your cheek as he made his way to the ladder. “Feeling any confidence in swimming yet?”

“It’s hard,” you pouted and you let out a quiet gasp when his hand squeezed your backside. “Baekhyun!”


He laughed handsomely, pretending as if it were nothing and once you were by the ladder he helped you up safely, your limbs heavy and pained.

You arrived a little early at the kids' pool, so you enjoyed watching the ending of their swimming class, the triplets happily grinning when they spotted their mother and father from afar.

Your hands were once again interlaced, as you observed and laughed at the funny class.

Jun seemed tired, Junhee was unusually quiet and Juna had downturned eyes more than usual; all three of them were knackered when they finally came over to you.

Boy, you’d be certainly busy if you and Baekhyun didn’t act swiftly.

Before their tired tantrum could start, you quietly agreed to meet outside of the changing rooms once you were done.

You took a quick shower with the girls, having a baby-safe soap to wash away the smell of chlorine. They were tire

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Daron128 #1
Chapter 14: Miss this story 😓
42 streak #2
Chapter 14: Woah... really enjoyed reading this sequel...loved it so much authornim... love thecway they're still together in this and living their best parenthood moments. The triplets so cuteeee... really loved their these new journey.. there was so many ups and downs but they fought and consoled each other together..they r really so admirable dreamy couple..I'm so in love with them and their so lovely family..woah.. another edition is coming up...hope all things go well for the couple and their family.. I'm already missing them but I'll eagerly wait fir the updates...thank you so much authornim for writing such an amazing story and sharing this prequel. Totally worth reading.. really glad that I find and read this awesome story. All the best authornim for your study. Fighting!! :) <3
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
mrvnrky #4
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
Chapter 14: It's been awhile and I'm excited for the next chapter! It's good to be pregnant again but i understand her concern. The triplets is still small and having another one can be so stressful. I've seen how stressful she is. She really need a time for herself away from them for awhile. She's been through so much. I hope Baekhyun will help her throughout this phase
Chapter 14: Yesss a baby is a blessing! Hardships won't matter as long as they are together as family
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 14: this is just so sweet and domestic
Chapter 14: Excited!!!
Chapter 14: I MISSED THIS STORY SO MUCH GLAD UR BACK!!! SLAY 💅This story is amazing 🥊👶🏻
Nlnz2016 #10
Chapter 14: I’m so happy to see an update from you. Hope you are well. Cant believe they’ve got another one on the way.