Tenth - The New Edition

Always, Yours: Three Plus One! Edition
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You watched with a lopsided smile as your little - not so little - family baked away in the kitchen. The countertops were covered in either flour or cream and you bit a laugh back as you recorded the craze with your phone. Baekhyun was much more focused than the triplets combined but that didn’t matter. You were feasting your eyes on him as he kept his fingers and then giving the remaining cream to the demanding triplets whose tiny hands were covered in cream.

“Share it fairly,” he added when he saw Junhee indulge in more cream than necessary. “Junhee-yah, share it with your brother and sister! If you get to eat, they all have to get to eat.” He could only sigh when all the three of them looked just like the entire kitchen. Baking with four-year-old triplets was a challenge he didn't know he enjoyed as much. Was he to do that everyday, though, he would politely decline.

Flour in their hair and tad too much cream on their faces - that had to be just a one-time occasion.

You couldn’t keep in the silent giggle and Baekhyun zoomed in on you once he looked up from the triplets. He raised his eyebrows at you in question before he smirked in mischief.

“Hey, my babies, isn’t it unfair that mummy isn’t even covered in cream?” he asked innocently the munching triplets who looked up at their father in curiosity before they looked at you, still half-way the cream.

Juna gasped. “Right, daddy, that is not okay!” she puffed her cheeks up as she nodded seriously.

You were already shaking your head when Baekhyun said, lurking towards you. “So, who is going to help me catch mummy?”

“ME!” All three of them grouped up on you and you could barely escape. You squealed a loud no before turning, only to face a grinning Jun, challenge glistening in his eyes. Oh boy. Those eyes of his father's. You wanted to move around him but he and the girls threw themselves at you, their giggles loud and cheery as you felt a strong arm sweep you into a hold from behind.

“Got you,” whispered Baekhyun and put down your phone so it wouldn’t get dirty. “You’re not getting out of this.”

You whimpered, trying to free yourself. “No, Baekhyun, don’t you dare-“

“But it’s unfair that you are clean, mummy!” reasoned Junhee and you wanted to slap your forehead. 

What a wonderful way to raise your children, Baekhyun.

“Mummy isn’t going anywhere until she gets her portion,” reassured Baekhyun confidently. His breath was too ticklish on the shell of your ear and you squealed again, only making everyone around you laugh.

His grip on your waist was gentle when he brought his other hand up, a good amount of cream covering his long fingers. “One, two-“ you could only gasp when he smudged all of it on your cheeks, lips and forehead, effectively making the triplets burst out into loud cheers and squeals, their laugh a little aggressive and spiteful. Kids.

“Now it’s perfect! The perfect family,” your husband sweetly kissed the side of your neck as you held onto his arm around you tightly, scrunching up your face

You burst out into laughter as the sweet smell of the cream hit your nose and the cream itself was pleasantly cold on your warm skin. Junhee and Juna did a little dance and Jun could only follow his big sisters clumsily, shaking his hips.

That was before they almost jumped and smudged the cream over the kitchen counter.

“No, kids, the furniture is off limits,” scolded Baekhyun with authority, though there was still that fatherly gentle love in his voice. “Go and wash up so we can finish the cake.”

“But daddy, I want to play with cream a little more,” protested Juna with serious apprehension, tilting her head up so she could see Baekhyun's face that was right next to yours.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows in challenge. “No can do. Washing your hands takes thirty seconds at least, and I want each of you clean when you’re back.” When they didn’t move, instead grumbled, Baekhyun started counting down: “One, two, three…”

And just like that, they were storming down the corridor into their bathroom, screeching and laughing at the threatening tone in their father’s voice.

“No running in the house!” he shouted after them, amused.

You were already resting your entire body against his chest, your head on his shoulder while you let him deal with the kids. He was fast to nuzzle his nose covered in cream in your neck and you giggled again.

“You’re so mean,” you pouted and let him turn you in his arms so he could face you.

“Just wanted a little fun,” he murmured softly, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “Being covered in cream makes you look hotter, mummy,” he added and you could not miss the pun he made, making you groan.

He laughed handsomely, the way he laughed only when you both were having an intimate conversation. It was a husky, y laugh that always made your toes tingle. “It’s true,” he whispered, bringing you to him when you tried to step away.

Baekhyun kissed you slowly and gently before dragginging his plump lips over your cheek. He let his tongue the cream, cleaning it off your skin. He wanted to make use of the private moment he earned the two of you and as a result, had you letting out a quiet moan even though the triplets were washing up loudly in their bathroom and wouldn't be able to hear you.

Baekhyun hummed. “You taste great,” he said when he separated with a smooch, keeping his lips pressed to yours. “When don't you, huh…”

You couldn't help but snort, laughing into his mouth at which Baekhyun's smile only grew more affectionate, his teasing fingers trailing under your chin. “You tease.”

Baekhyun let out a deep, agreeing hum and quickly captured your lips in a sweet kiss before you’d have to separate. The kiss was more like him nibbling at your lower lip, the slightest of his tongue that brushed gently over yours before he’d bite you challengingly. Then smooch, smooch, nibble… you were growing dizzy with the creativity of his mouth and soon enough, you felt his lips stretch into a smile when he heard the kids thunder back towards the kitchen.

Before he could completely move away, you tipped your toes and pressed a final peck on his lips, making him laugh.

“Mummy, don’t kiss daddy,” chastised Junhee, quickly rushing over to you to try to separate you from your husband. “Dooooon’t,” she wailed louder when you and Baekhyun wanted to and he leaned in to kiss you on your cheek. 

“I can’t kiss mummy?”

“Ahhh, nooo,” joined Juna, looking absolutely devastated and ready to start crying.

Jun was pouting in the background and you wanted to laugh at the comical sight.

“Okay, okay, we won’t kiss,” you promised with a sigh.

Despite that Junhee spitefully pursed her lips, frowning at you.

“You’ll look all wrinkled and old if you don't stop frowning like that, Byun Junhee,” warned Baekhyun playfully but with enough authority for the little girl to smoothen her features.

You kept back a laugh as you moved ahead to retrieve your phone when Baekhyun briefly interlaced your fingers so that the kids wouldn’t see.

Your heart skipped a beat and you smiled widely, feeling happy and satisfied with the intimacy.

“You, kids, finish over here and mummy will start on the laundry, okay? Help out daddy well,” you told the triplets who were waiting for their father who, in change, couldn’t stop looking at you.

“Baek, the cake,” you reminded him as you took your phone and turned to face him.

“Hmm, kids, line up and show me your hands. I will check if they are clean enough,” he said, still looking at you.

You widened your eyes at him in question but he only shook his head and finally moved away to pay attention to kids, letting go off your fingers.

As you left them to work in the kitchen, you could only giggle for yourself. 

Your family was so cute even though you felt a lot of jealousy coming from the two girls. They were too focused on their father and you knew it was only enhanced with the way Baekhyun paid so much attention to them. Especially Junhee, who was also the most active one out of the three. You could already sense her huge interest in the martial art her father was a master of. It was only a matter of time before she would be kicking everyone in their behind.

Jun, on the other hand, was quiet but his cuddles to your side whenever you watched movies on your traditional Friday movie night spoke volumes. He adored Baekhyun too, but the little boy seemed to have a special place in his heart for his mother and it always made you feel soft.

Jun was a good boy, with each day looking more and more like Baekhyun in his childhood pictures. Baekhyun’s parents especially seemed to go through memory lane whenever they saw the kid.

“My little boy Baekhyun is back,” Baekhyun’s mum would exclaim, squishing poor Junnie exceptionally hard.

You could only smile as you went through the laundry, carefully selecting Baekhyun’s shirts and suits he used for work. You made sure they were always in top condition, and sometimes (almost always) you preferred to wash them by hand, too worried they would be ruined in the washing machine.

And so, as you listened to the kids’ loud chattering with their ever-so-patient father, you couldn’t help but sigh with affection as you prepared the warm water for Baekhyun’s suit to be immersed in.

Love was so much more than one would have thought.


“Little princess, focus on the movie,” you shushed gently when Junhee wouldn't sit still even though it was already evening hours.

It was your traditional Friday movie night, in which every member of the household had to participate. Therefore no matter how busy Baekhyun was, he would be there even if it cost a finger.

“Uh,” she huffed, annoyed, and you looked sideways at Baekhyun who pursed his lips in dissatisfaction at her unreasonable attitude.

You had a feeling she was a little irked since you brought her home from the kindergarten, but you tried not to give it too much attention. She was a moody child out of the three and even though you got used to it, you wished she wouldn’t act like that. Baekhyun always talked with her when he sensed she was a little negative, but with you, frankly, she would barely talk.

As of now, she was on your side, squirming, while Jun was in the middle and Juna was on Baekhyun’s side. You didn’t want to make it a set order, and so their positions would change weekly, so that every triplet could sit in between you and Baekhyun.

The movie progressed with Jun and Juna emerged deeply in the storyline while you rested your head on Baekhyun’s shoulder. His arm was around you, sometimes turning his head to pucker his lips against your hairline out of habit, or you would caress his arm or thigh. It was obvious neither of you were that interested in Bambi, the cute deer. The both of you were enjoying the peaceful moment you finally had.

However, Junhee was restless.

“Do you need to go to the toilet, little one?” spoke up Baekhyun quietly, not to disturb the rest. “Come, daddy will go with you to the toilet.“

“Noo,” she whined unhappily and threw her head in your lap, hitting Jun in the process. He wasn’t bothered though; unlike you.

“What’s the problem?” you asked gently, running your fingers through her hair only for her to move out of your touch, exasperated. You tried not to be hurt.

“Nothingg,” she whined again.

Baekhyun sighed. “Just ignore her,” he muttered to you. “She’s probably tired.”

You nodded silently and leaned back against Baekhyun, his arm welcoming you right away while his other hand was running through Juna’s hair, gently combing through her soft child hair.

When Bambi did something funny on TV, Juna and Jun giggled cutely, making you lift your lips into a small smile while Junhee had her index and middle finger deep in , vividly reminding you of someone (Baekhyun).

“Don't put your fingers into your mouth,” you told her gently, touching the top of her head.

She snapped her head up at you, scowling as she made sure to push her fingers in deeper, making you inwardly wince. “You will suffocate if you keep pushing them in any more,” you scolded now, growing tired.

Baekhyun once again frowned. “What's the problem, Junhee? Why won't you listen to mummy?”


“Oh god, I've had enough,” you muttered and wanted to move but Baekhyun held you back.

“Let me,” he whispered. Carefully, he untangled himself and leaned over you, gaining Junhee's attention. “Come with me, baby, let's get you to bed.”

“I DON'T WANT TO!” she screamed out of nowhere, making you jump. It seemed Baekhyun was expecting it, for he didn't flinch at all.

“Uuuuuhhh, be quieetttt!” whined Juna back.

Unconsciously you braced yourself for a possible meltdown of all three of them.

“Now, do not shout at your sister,” scolded Baekhyun sternly and frowned Juna.

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Daron128 #1
Chapter 14: Miss this story 😓
31 streak #2
Chapter 14: Woah... really enjoyed reading this sequel...loved it so much authornim... love thecway they're still together in this and living their best parenthood moments. The triplets so cuteeee... really loved their these new journey.. there was so many ups and downs but they fought and consoled each other together..they r really so admirable dreamy couple..I'm so in love with them and their so lovely family..woah.. another edition is coming up...hope all things go well for the couple and their family.. I'm already missing them but I'll eagerly wait fir the updates...thank you so much authornim for writing such an amazing story and sharing this prequel. Totally worth reading.. really glad that I find and read this awesome story. All the best authornim for your study. Fighting!! :) <3
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
mrvnrky #4
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
Chapter 14: It's been awhile and I'm excited for the next chapter! It's good to be pregnant again but i understand her concern. The triplets is still small and having another one can be so stressful. I've seen how stressful she is. She really need a time for herself away from them for awhile. She's been through so much. I hope Baekhyun will help her throughout this phase
Chapter 14: Yesss a baby is a blessing! Hardships won't matter as long as they are together as family
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 14: this is just so sweet and domestic
Chapter 14: Excited!!!
Chapter 14: I MISSED THIS STORY SO MUCH GLAD UR BACK!!! SLAY 💅This story is amazing 🥊👶🏻
Nlnz2016 #10
Chapter 14: I’m so happy to see an update from you. Hope you are well. Cant believe they’ve got another one on the way.