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Minjeong tells her about it first. It wasn’t that big of a deal, it wasn’t even that special or something to be bragged about, it just happened that Minjeong developed a hobby of telling Jimin everything first and it started long before they were even dating. It didn’t really matter if the news was good or bad, Jimin had to hear it from her first so she gave her a call.


“Do you remember Professor Yoon from the previous semester?” she asks once Jimin picked up.


“Yeah, he’s the professor that you like so much.” was the enthusiastic answer that she got from her girlfriend.


“It’s not like that, I don’t like like him, I–”


“I know that, dummy. But you liked the subject and his way of teaching. What about him?”


Minjeong purses her lips, uncertain about how she should break the news. She hears an expectant hum.


“Yeah he just sent me an email. He said that he was re-reading the term papers we sent for last semester and…” she hears another hum, encouraging her to continue.


“He said that my paper on polysomnography could actually be eligible for the Kim Yongchul award this year. That is of course with more research, revisions and stuff since I only wrote it as a term paper. He said he was willing to mentor me, if I wanted.” she said monotonously, as if hesitant to even share the little information since it wasn’t really that important. She was met with silence for a while and was about to regret telling Jimin about it, well, because it’s nerdy science stuff and she wasn’t really into that. Maybe it was selfish of her.


“You’re kidding right? Kim Yongchul award? The Kim Yongchul award? You’re doing it, right?” Minjeong hears the other woman, her voice filled with so much excitement.


“How’d you even know about that?” She asks genuinely. The Kim Yongchul award is given to the young researchers with the most promising study, a monetary award of a few million won is also awarded to the deserving candidate. Minjeong had never even thought about submitting her work for it, never even aimed to get the award in the first place. She only anticipated the winning research annually as their papers were good reads. She never expected Jimin to know about it since she’s more interested in the arts, majoring both in performing arts and business management.


“what? like I don’t watch the news?” When Minjeong didn't answer, the older woman chuckled and it was music to Minjeong’s ears.


“Let’s celebrate. If you’re free later, let me take you out after dance practice.”



Later didn't come by as fast as Minjeong would like it to be. It wasn’t even about her paper anymore, she just wants to see Jimin as soon as possible.

When she couldn’t take it anymore, she made her way to their practice room, despite their meet up being an hour later.

Then she sees her through the window, moving so gracefully. The raven haired woman stops to help the other members with a step, she demonstrates with such ease and Minjeong felt like she was watching a dance film instead of a practice.


“Stop staring like a ert and just call her.” A hand grabs both of her shoulders and she jumps in shock. When she turns around she sees the dance club president laughing her off because of her reaction. She gives her a glare.


“what the actual , Hwang?”


“Sorry,” the fox-eyed woman continued laughing. “You looked like a kid.” She then called Jimin.


They have been going out for quite a few months now but the way Jimin jogged towards them, with her long legs and raven hair tied in a bun was making her feel things, it was as if everything was in slow motion. She only snaps back to reality when she feels Yeji bumping her shoulder.


“Hey Jimin, you can go now. Your girlfriend’s been drooling over you from here and we don’t want that, do we?” She hears Jimin laugh with the president but she doesn’t really mind it. She had been lost since she heard the word girlfriend. It’s been months yet being called Jimin’s girlfriend still makes her feel giddy.


“I am Jimin’s girlfriend” She tells herself.


“Dude, you tend to say that every time we meet.” She hears the president say, she then feels an arm wrap around her shoulder. The position makes her feel like a small kid.


“Jimin said she’ll be taking a quick shower but you were too whipped to even comprehend.” she starts. They walk around the practice room with Yeji, introducing her to each dance club member as “Minjeong, Jimin’s girlfriend.”


When they get back to the entrance, Yeji sighs and Minjeong feels the situation get serious.

“As you have seen earlier, Jimin is not just a member here. She helps me and the others with a lot of stuff. I know that you know that she’s very nice and gentle and everyone just loves her here. I’m not saying this because I was interested in her in a different way before, I’m saying this as the dance club’s president and her friend; everyone in this room likes how you make Jimin happy, we’d like to keep that smile on her for as long as possible, so if you make her cry…” she then points towards the members who were still practicing.

“...we’re all gonna come after you. Understood?” Yeji tells her in a low voice that actually made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.


Jimin comes back with her hair still a bit wet only to see Minjeong’s face getting pale.


“President, are you threatening the baby?” she says jokingly, pulling her away from the president. “See? You scared her.” Jimin says, patting her head.

They bid them goodbye before leaving. Minjeong held her hand tightly as they walked.


"I'm never leaving you. I won't do anything to make you unhappy." Jimin only laughed at her antics, suspecting that what Minjeong and the president talked about had something to do with this. Jimin could only pull her closer to press a kiss on the side of her head.



Jimin listens. Be it an important thing, senseless rambling or even just random phrases and words, she listens. She listens first before saying anything.

So she doesn't miss it when Minjeong randomly tells her that she wants to paint her room blue while they were having drinks at a nearby shop. Minjeong's favorite color has always been yellow. So despite the majority of her flat's walls being white, she kept the walls in her room yellow.

Just like the dandelions they pass by on their way to the uni, just like the sunlight in the afternoon before it sets.

Bright yellow.

Just like how she makes Jimin feel every time she shows her a heart-stopping smile.


"I'm thinking of changing the yellow walls in my room into blue. Can you help me find the perfect shade?"


"Your favorite color is yellow though?" Jimin doesn't understand. Minjeong had adored her room the way it is now, how come she suddenly wants it to be blue.


"Yup and your favorite color is blue so you'd know what shade would look on my room." Minjeong says certainly, tucking hands under her chin. Her decision was final.

The walls are going to be blue.


"If you're free this weekend, would it be okay to help me paint the walls too? I mean, that is after you pick the perfect shade and we get to the shop to have the paint mixed and stuff." Jimin's pretty sure something was up. First, Minjeong wants her walls blue, second she wants them to paint it by themselves.


"I'm not quite sure about the painting, I'm not sure I'm the right person for it. Do you want me to ask Ning? I'm a hundred percent sure she's better than me at that."


Minjeong takes her hand and stares at her lovingly and Jimin would just love to melt at that moment.

"Ning sure is the best painter among the 3 of us, but I'd rather have messy walls if it means spending the weekend with my girlfriend." Jimin choked on her cola upon hearing those words.


The walls ended up better than they had expected despite Jimin's need to paint using her left hand as Minjeong wouldn't let go of her right hand. They started the day early, moving the bed as well as the other stuff and covering the floor with newspapers before heading to the shop to grab paint.

They finished the first coat just as the sun was setting and had the opportunity to watch it from the window of Minjeong's room.


Jimin watched the sunset for a while before her attention went to the woman beside her, eyes looking at the direction of the window, short hair tied in a low ponytail, she had a streak of blue paint on her left cheek. Her tank top and oversized jumper had splashes of paint all over.

Jimin chuckles at the thought that they wore jumpers because "that's what they wear in movies."


"Thanks for asking me to do this with you.” she whispers. Minjeong only hums slightly, turning her head towards her direction while her eyes are still focused on the view outside.


“I said I love you.” Minjeong snaps in her direction as if she just said something controversial. It was the first time that she said it first and directly so Minjeong reacted the way she did, for most part it was Minjeong saying I love you and Jimin saying it back. It was new, it felt amazing.


Before Minjeong could even move again, a small hand cups her cheek and Jimin leans in to close the gap between them. Minjeong’s eyes widened in shock, the only time Jimin ever initiated a kiss was on the hallway when they just started dating. It was overwhelming, the feeling of being kissed by Jimin, when she realizes the reality that she’s in, she gasps allowing Jimin access and soon tongue got involved in their once innocent kiss. Her hands fist Jimin’s shirt while Jimin’s thumbs the exposed skin of her torso just below the hem of her tank top.

Her heartbeat quickens.

Then her phone rings.


“.” she mutters as she catches her breath. Jimin just chuckles at her, giving her one quick peck.


“Food’s here, I’ll go get it at the lobby." She stands up a little too quickly, her gesture failing to hide her frustration.


When she comes back a few minutes later she sees Jimin holding her phone.

“Your phone rang, I accidentally picked it up thinking it was mine. Your mom and I had a lovely chat.”

She feels the heat crawling up her face, Jimin had just had a little chit chat with her mom just minutes after their heated make out,


“What did she say? She didn’t say anything embarrassing now, did she?” Minjeong says with the bravery that she doesn’t feel at the moment.


“I’m no snitch.”





They finished the second coat the afternoon of the next day. Both of them laid on the old newspapers sprawled on the floor, not caring if the droplets of paint there will get to their hairs or clothes. Jimin hums to the song playing on Minjeong’s phone. A can of unfinished cola stands beside the empty bottle of apple juice.


“Hey can I tell you something weird?” Jimin asks, eyes locked up on the ceiling.


“You can tell me anything. I like it when you tell me things.”


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Also this story was supposed to be a oneshot to be posted last January but I got busy and demotivated and stuff so here we are lol.
Thank you for your reactions and everything, let's get through the end of the story together 🥺


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Chapter 13: HELLOOOO
Chapter 13: Hi!
highhihi #3
Chapter 13: Yeay you’re back! Hiiiii🤭🤭
1_to_6 #4
Chapter 13: Omg hi I remember this as one of my fav fics ty for reminding me~~
Chapter 13: Ok if this story never gets updated (although I rlly wish it will be !!) im happy the whole angst was just a dream bc wtf the story literally went from 0-100 when it happened😭 imma just pretend it didn’t tbh and the last part was just Jimin and minjeong slow dancing under the moonlight and being so in love and cute and bestfriends and are in love and they just suit so perfectly well ahhh
Chapter 13: Hi!!! Just finished re-read this bcs I forgot about the story. Can't wait to see your update!
reveluv316 814 streak #7
Chapter 13: dang you got me, i really thought we were getting an update
Chapter 13: fine i’ll reread this while i wait 😩
AlyTigz #9
Chapter 13: the way my heart jumped when I saw there was an update.. hello again :')