
Don't Fall for Him
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Nobody talk about what happened at the Halloween Party. After that ‘incident’ Kyungsoo-oppa, I mean D.O.-oppa, walked away from our table and went back to partying. Thankfully only Minseok-oppa saw what he did. Though he kissed me – or rather just placed his lips over mine for a split seconds (not that I’m disappointed or what) – that made my system went overdrive, I am honestly relieved Jongin-oppa or Sehun didn’t see that. Things might go south if they ever saw nor learned about that so we keep things between the two of us.

Minseok-oppa was quick to apologize for what happened. His eyes were as wide as mine because of surprise but we both settled down with the idea of Kyungsoo – err, D.O-oppa, was drunk enough to do that. It was the alcohol’s influenced that made him do it, that’s what I have been telling myself.

“This should be from Kyungsoo since this was not our story to tell. We asked him and respected his decision to let you know when he’s ready. I’m sorry for keeping this from you, but I hope you won’t feel bad at us because of this. Especially with Jongin and Sehun, it’s hard for them to keep this from you, but I do hope you’ll understand them.”

“Kyungsoo, he’s afraid to let people know about D.O. He have suffered enough when he was still a kid. Junmyeon and I have known him since he’s 7 years old so we understand where he is coming from. I think since he’s comfortable around you now he’ll be able to tell you about D.O. And I think it will best for him to explain the whole situation to you – if he’s ready enough.”

That what Minseok-oppa have told me and that’s almost two weeks ago. I’ve tried to act normal about it. Jongin-oppa and Sehun also did the same and told me what Minseok-oppa said. And I understand them completely so I didn’t bother asking them to tell me everything. My mind was actually in haywire since then but I understand where they are coming from. It was just right if it’s Kyungsoo-oppa who will let me know. And besides, who am I to demand answers right? I’m just a cousin of his friend.

So I tried to wait even if curiosity almost eats me up. However, when the following day came, I cannot bring myself go to the practice room like I used to. Thinking about being with near Kyungsoo-oppa or just being inside a room with him makes me nervous and uncomfortable. Not because I’m curious about his story but mainly because I cannot get that ‘kiss’ out of my system. And that’s driving me nuts!

I know it is already settled that it’s the alcohol’s work when he did that but I cannot stop myself to blush whenever I remember that incident. I mean how can I forget how soft his lips are? It was just a split second but it makes my heart beats erratically. And I know that I got this so bad already.

So I was convincing myself to let it go already for the past days. Oppa and Sehun has been suspiciously asking about it already, why am I not going in their practice room like I used to. But I just brushed them off and assured them that I was hanging out with Minhee during my free time when I’m waiting for them to finish their classes (mostly true since we do hang out but not in most days because we don’t have the same schedule). I don’t know if they buy it or not but they didn’t ask any further.

However today, since the finals period are fast approaching, the main library is full of students. My last class finishes a little bit later than the usual so I didn’t managed to find an empty seat. Nowhere to go, I decided to just go to the practice room even if there would be a high possibility that Kyungsoo-oppa would be there.

So I was feeling nervous when I was inputting the access code of their practice room. Each punched of the code makes me edgier as thinking about seeing Kyungsoo-oppa inside already makes my heart beats fast. The moment I opened the door a breathe of relief comes out from me.

The practice room was empty. No bags can be seen every where (I’ve checked the whole room including their locker room just in case) nor loud voices from EXO members goofing around each other can be heard. You see, you cannot really tell whether someone is inside the room unless you go inside. The room was soundproof so even if how loud the boys can be or their music, no one from outside can be disturbed.

Feeling at ease, I walked over the sofa and placed my bag their before going over their sound bar. For our final exam in Physical Education class, Mr. Choi decided that we would be having a dance partner exam. I was nervous at first because I am not a good dancer and Mr. Choi said that the partners would be randomly picked. But I felt relieved then he announced that Sehun and I would be partners. Now I just need to do my best and practice our dance steps so that I would not drag down Sehun’s grade by my performance.

Tying my hair up, I selected the music for our dance routine and watch the video of our dance steps on my phone. Jongin-oppa helped Sehun to choreograph our dance and they took the video yesterday so that I could learn the dance moves beforehand. The choreography for my steps was actually simple and easy and of course we would have practice for this one but I just want to be ahead this time. I can’t let Sehun

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for those of you who are interested, I've posted a new story (hopefully I can finish it too.) - https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1484206/hey-sehun


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Chapter 31: OMG I'm literally in tears!!! My heart broke for Hye Joon!! And Sehun!! And i can't even be mad with Kyungsoo.. i hope we can get a glimpse of their future where everybody has move on.. and let Hye joon be happy with Sehun..
Thank you for this beautiful angsty story <333
myungsoodaehyun36 #2
Chapter 31: Read this story in one go. It broke my heart T.T
Chapter 4: Why does the University layout looks like my University 🤣🤣 the building placement and even the clusters
736 streak #4
Chapter 31: Don't Fall For Him - I must admit that now I understand the meaning of the title and I thought it was going to have a happy ending but... either way I enjoy reading it. Thank you for this lovely story! <3
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 31: Poor HyeJoon. For sure she's confused... but anyway she'll be fine. Its for her good anyway.

And thanks for this story dear...
AiiSoo #6
Chapter 31: I know Kyungsoo is the softer one out of his two personalities. But I thought D.O. Has somewhat fallen for Hye Joon. Well maybe not from the last chapter. Poor Hye Joon probably confused as hell.
Thank you for wrapping up this story till the end. Probably not the most expected ending, but a good one nonetheless. So thank you for your hard work in writing this story..!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 31: I'm done reading the final chapter and I'm still can't believe that the story has ended. A bit disappointed that it's a sad ending, but I guess it was kinda expected. So, D.O still liked Wendy or did he not want Kyungsoo to be happy with Hye Joon? That's the only thing I was not understanding exactly. Anyway, will maybe see you around in your next stories. Wish you the best!! ^^
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 30: She said it all ... a very emotional chapter but worth reading... thanks.

Can't wait for the next update ....
2026 streak #9
Chapter 30: Oh no! Why??? I mean I knew it would eventually come down to this but still wasn't ready for it. It was quite an emotional chapter. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I'll be eagerly waiting for the next one ^^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 30: TTTT..... Why it has come to this...?
Thank you for this update.