Meeting EXO, Almost

Don't Fall for Him
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Anticipation and excitement builds up inside me the moment we reach the door of their practice room. Jongin-oppa punched the code before opening the door. Which, I kind of admit, this university is way advance. Their room doors do not require keys, they installed a device wherein you need to punch the right code to unlock the door. And every room door in this university, as I observe, has it already.

Anyway, back to the topic, all anticipation and excitement has been washed down the moment we step inside. Instead room with guys probably goofing off with each other or dancing to some pop music, there was no one. I frown at what I saw.

“Oh. I guess their classes were not yet over.” Sehun muttered behind me. Jongin-oppa glanced over his wrist watch and give off a chuckle as we walk inside, closing the door behind us.

“Well yeah, it’s still 3:30pm. I think the hyungs have their classes ends by 4:30?” Oppa said as he walk towards the chairs placed beside the water dispenser they have.

I scanned the room with my eyes as I step further inside. This is no doubt a practice room, the wall on the left side of it has a big mirror. It stretches from the ceiling down the floor and it occupies the whole wall. In front are just windows, while at the right side is where the chairs and the water dispenser is placed. There is also a sound bar located at the right most corner of the room where speakers and a laptop where also placed.

I turn around and found a door near the sound bar which leads to the locker room as what the sign above the door tells me. There are also guitars and an electric keyboard placed beside the door where we enter, just beside the mirror wall. Though it looks empty now that there’s only the 3 of us inside but the room is spacious enough to accommodate at least 30 students – I think. I smiled widely as I continued to look around, feeling the excitement again as I knew what my guts are telling me was right.

“You two are part of dancing club?” I exclaimed excitedly as I turned to them. They are now both out of their college uniform – a simple short sleeve white polo with their college name embroidered on it and black slacks paired with black shoes – and has changed into comfortable clothes: sweatpants and white tshirt. Sehun is changing into his rubber shoes while oppa had just done adjusting his shoe lace.

“Hm. I would say we are not particularly formed as a school club or organization. EXO is actually all boys group that dances and sings, performing to everyone, representing our university. We–“ he said as he jogged beside me but I put my hand up to cut him off. My eyes widen in surprise and my mouth fell open as I realized what he had said.

“EXO? But wait, sing? You two sings here as well?” I said eyeing the both of them. Both blushed at my question out of embarrassment. They are avoiding my eyes as if I said something scandalous. Sehun just turned his attention to his laces and cleared his throat as he continues to tie his shoes. I look over to Jongin oppa who is now beside me, guiding me to the direction where the chairs are place. He had his hand place on his neck as he looked at me.

Don’t get me wrong. I both know this guys can dance so well. I have already guessed that they will be a part of the dance club. You can particularly see both of them do and make choreography to some of songs they have been listening to just to kill of their boredom.

Do I know that they also sing? The answer is yes, but they are too shy to boast that talent. Both have a nice voice but they are not confident enough to let others hear them sing. Also, they have never dance AND sing together in front of everyone. And that what surprises me the most – both of them performing for everyone and oppa said that they also represents our university!

Back when I went here for a vacation, that was 2 summers ago I think, there was this competition that I would really like to enter. I really want to get the prize so I literally beg the two of them to enter the dance competition for me but they decline. They are too shy to perform in front of a crowd.

But look at them now. Ha, dancing and singing in front of many people, even carrying the university’s name. What changed?

“Uh, well yeah. As I’ve said dancing and singing in front of everyone during events, sometimes being invited outside to represent the school.” He said as we both sit on the chairs. I turned to him, eyeing him for some more explanation. Sehun went over the sound bar, going over the laptop, probably to put on some music for warm up.

“So how does all of this happened?” I asked, eager to know the story behind this.

“Well, Sehun and I were trying out this particular famous choreography we found out in internet one afternoon last year. You know us, whenever we are bored we just dance. EXO’s leader, Junmyeon-hyung, saw us that time and invited us over. Though we don’t know what’s happening since we were still in senior high school while they were already in college, we went with him. And yes, we shouldn’t have come with him because we don’t know who is he that time, but then again he offered us a place to dance freely and he looks trustworthy okay.” He said defensively when he saw me looking at him disapprovingly. I raised my hands in surrender and laugh at him.

“Anyway, back to the story. So we went here with him. As I’ve said, we don’t know what’s happening that time, we were just asked to dance freestyle with the music

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for those of you who are interested, I've posted a new story (hopefully I can finish it too.) -


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Chapter 31: OMG I'm literally in tears!!! My heart broke for Hye Joon!! And Sehun!! And i can't even be mad with Kyungsoo.. i hope we can get a glimpse of their future where everybody has move on.. and let Hye joon be happy with Sehun..
Thank you for this beautiful angsty story <333
myungsoodaehyun36 #2
Chapter 31: Read this story in one go. It broke my heart T.T
Chapter 4: Why does the University layout looks like my University 🤣🤣 the building placement and even the clusters
736 streak #4
Chapter 31: Don't Fall For Him - I must admit that now I understand the meaning of the title and I thought it was going to have a happy ending but... either way I enjoy reading it. Thank you for this lovely story! <3
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 31: Poor HyeJoon. For sure she's confused... but anyway she'll be fine. Its for her good anyway.

And thanks for this story dear...
AiiSoo #6
Chapter 31: I know Kyungsoo is the softer one out of his two personalities. But I thought D.O. Has somewhat fallen for Hye Joon. Well maybe not from the last chapter. Poor Hye Joon probably confused as hell.
Thank you for wrapping up this story till the end. Probably not the most expected ending, but a good one nonetheless. So thank you for your hard work in writing this story..!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 31: I'm done reading the final chapter and I'm still can't believe that the story has ended. A bit disappointed that it's a sad ending, but I guess it was kinda expected. So, D.O still liked Wendy or did he not want Kyungsoo to be happy with Hye Joon? That's the only thing I was not understanding exactly. Anyway, will maybe see you around in your next stories. Wish you the best!! ^^
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 30: She said it all ... a very emotional chapter but worth reading... thanks.

Can't wait for the next update ....
2026 streak #9
Chapter 30: Oh no! Why??? I mean I knew it would eventually come down to this but still wasn't ready for it. It was quite an emotional chapter. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I'll be eagerly waiting for the next one ^^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 30: TTTT..... Why it has come to this...?
Thank you for this update.