
Don't Fall for Him
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“Want to grab something to eat?”

I turned to my left and saw Minhee standing there with her bag on. We just finished our class and it’s almost time for lunch. I briefly looked back at my phone and when I saw there’s no notification, I nodded at her.

“Sure.” I sighed as put on my bag. I saw her gave me a small smile before we started walking. We walked side by side for a couple of minutes towards the cafeteria in silence before I heard her sigh.

“Why?” I asked turning my head to looked at her. She stopped walking so I stopped as well. She stared at me for a few seconds before she shook her head and offered me a sad smile. The same smile I’ve been seeing from her and the guys when I’m around them these days.

“Nothing, how about we eat out? There’s a newly opened café place that I saw this morning while walking. It’s just a couple of blocks away from here, do you want to try it?”

I took a look at my phone again that I have been holding before a nodded at Minhee. Why do I keep on looking at my phone as if expecting something – someone? I know for a fact that he won’t be texting me. I don’t know why am I being like this to myself anymore.

“Let’s go.”

We have settled inside the café and already placed our orders. Minhee was right, this place is new since there’s only few people right now to think that it’s already lunch time. Maybe I’ll give this a few more days and it will be pack with college students since Finals are around the corner.

The whole place was filled with delicious smell of freshly grinded and roasted coffee beans mixed with cinnamon and other spices that they put inside your drinks. There’s a bookshelves at one corner of the store filled with different kinds of books – thick and thin; old and new. They have also turned some old books into decorations by hanging them from ceiling, like they were flying, making the place looked like not just a café shop but also a bookstore, a combination perfect for coffee and book lovers.

Having the smell of coffee and books around made the whole place feel warm and homey. Plus the fact that each table has its own chamber that gives you a little privacy from other customers. They also have this long coffee nook with your own cubicle and high chairs with it that you can occupy whenever you feel like coming in solo and just want to spend some alone time.

All in all, the place looks so aesthetically pleasing for your eyes and it really gives you this comfortable feeling. Some of the qualities that I look forward whenever I tried to visit a coffee shop aside from the taste of the coffee itself of course. The same qualities that Kyungsoo-oppa look for whenever we – I stopped myself.

What am I doing? I don’t know. I should be refraining myself from thinking about things like that. I should be stopping myself from assessing each places that I went to and think whether he will enjoy coming to that place or not.

“Hye Joon-ah?”  My attention focused back to Minhee and saw her sighed in disappointed. Oh shoot. I must be spacing out again.

“Sorry, what is it?” I smiled to her apologetically. I’m being a bad friend here honestly. I know that she’s worried about me as well and she’s trying her best not to pry about it until I open up to her myself. She’s being a good friend while here I was, spacing out on her most of the time. When all she did is to talk to me and tell stories even though all I do is nod, answer her once in a while or pretend to listen just so there won’t be a dead air around us. These days, I just find it hard to focus on something, I always spaced out, lost inside my thoughts.

She sighed once again and pushed my iced coffee latte closer to me that I didn’t notice to be there. I hold it using my hands, feeling the cold sweats that formed around the glass already. How long have I spaced out?

“Hye Joon-ah, I know we just met this year. And I know we are not really that close compared to how close you are with the EXO guys and Sehun-sshi since we really can’t hangout frequently due to my work shifts and such. But I just want you to know that I’m really glad to be your friend and I already feel so comfortable with you though we only see each other inside the campus and rarely outside.” She paused and gave me another sad smile before she continued.

“I don’t know what is happening with you and I don’t want to pry. I want to extend the same courtesy you gave to me in the past when I haven’t opened up to you about my situation yet. You waited for me to be ready to open up and just continued to be my friend – no questions asked. And I just want you to know that I can be like that to you as well. You can talk to me, I will only listen because you know me and my situation, I don’t have the right to give you the best advices.”

“But I’m worried already Hye Joon-ah. And I know the guys especially your cou

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for those of you who are interested, I've posted a new story (hopefully I can finish it too.) - https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1484206/hey-sehun


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Chapter 31: OMG I'm literally in tears!!! My heart broke for Hye Joon!! And Sehun!! And i can't even be mad with Kyungsoo.. i hope we can get a glimpse of their future where everybody has move on.. and let Hye joon be happy with Sehun..
Thank you for this beautiful angsty story <333
myungsoodaehyun36 #2
Chapter 31: Read this story in one go. It broke my heart T.T
Chapter 4: Why does the University layout looks like my University 🤣🤣 the building placement and even the clusters
736 streak #4
Chapter 31: Don't Fall For Him - I must admit that now I understand the meaning of the title and I thought it was going to have a happy ending but... either way I enjoy reading it. Thank you for this lovely story! <3
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 31: Poor HyeJoon. For sure she's confused... but anyway she'll be fine. Its for her good anyway.

And thanks for this story dear...
AiiSoo #6
Chapter 31: I know Kyungsoo is the softer one out of his two personalities. But I thought D.O. Has somewhat fallen for Hye Joon. Well maybe not from the last chapter. Poor Hye Joon probably confused as hell.
Thank you for wrapping up this story till the end. Probably not the most expected ending, but a good one nonetheless. So thank you for your hard work in writing this story..!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 31: I'm done reading the final chapter and I'm still can't believe that the story has ended. A bit disappointed that it's a sad ending, but I guess it was kinda expected. So, D.O still liked Wendy or did he not want Kyungsoo to be happy with Hye Joon? That's the only thing I was not understanding exactly. Anyway, will maybe see you around in your next stories. Wish you the best!! ^^
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 30: She said it all ... a very emotional chapter but worth reading... thanks.

Can't wait for the next update ....
2026 streak #9
Chapter 30: Oh no! Why??? I mean I knew it would eventually come down to this but still wasn't ready for it. It was quite an emotional chapter. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I'll be eagerly waiting for the next one ^^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 30: TTTT..... Why it has come to this...?
Thank you for this update.