Chapter 7 Insane

Secret Admirer (inspired by TVXQ’s Wrong Number)

*Little did she know before Eunwoo left he hid a mini camera in the top right corner of the ceiling of her bedroom. Outside of her house parked a black van, the family didn't care to notice and so shrugged it off. But inside that van was Cha Eunwoo and his secret steakout. He could see all that she was doing, especially private stuff.


Eunwoo: This is great stuff, Yoonjin yeobo, if only you know how pleasurable this is to me, hahahaha!!!!


*Yoonjin knew that she felt that was being watched, so she searched for more hidden cameras. She started going crazy again.


Yoonjin: DAMN!!! Where is that dang camera!!! AHHHHH!!!!


*Her mother jumped and raced upstairs and went to Yoonjin’s bedroom, she saw her running all around searching for the cameras.


Yoonjin’s mom: Dear, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?


Yoonjin: Umma, where is it? Where are all the cameras???


Yoonjin’s mom: I thought we took them all down.


Yoonjin: No, umma I know there’s one more camera here, I just know it!!! Where the hell is it????


Yoonjin’s mom: I don’t know hon, please stop screaming and running, calm down!!!! Please!!!!


Yoonjin: I can’t umma, I can’t!!!!




Back in the van, Eunwoo is having the time of his life, seeing poor little Yoonjin suffer.


Eunwoo: Awww, man this is some good stuff. Quality content! Now’s the time to win her back.


*He changes into normal men’s clothing, gets out of the van and heads to Yoonjin’s parents house to greet her. He knocks on the door. Yoonjin's mom opens the door and sees him.


Yoonjin’s mom: How dare you show up at my house, what are you doing here?


Eunwoo: I came here to see my wife.


Yoonjin’s mom: You mean your ex-wife??? You know what I don’t have time for this, you don’t belong here, get out!!! GET OUT!!!


Yoonjin: Mom, who’s that?


Yoonjin’s mom: It’s no one, dear.


Yoonjin: No, really who is it?


*She comes to the door and sees Eunwoo.


Yoonjin: Well, Eunwoo, what brings you here?


Eunwoo: I came here, to win you back yeobo. I even brought you flowers, here. *He hands her the flowers.*


*Yoonjin brushes him off and throws the flowers back at him. Eunwoo tries to hide his madness, but puts on a fake smile and says goodbye to Yoonjin and Yoonjin’s mom. He heads back to the van and smashes the flowers against the wall of the van; yells in anger. 


Eunwoo’s mind: I will get you back Yoonjinnie nuna!!! I will get you back!!!


*Then he notices on the T.V. monitor, Yoonjin had just come out of the bathroom in a bathrobe.


Eunwoo: Ohhh, this is going to be good….


*He saw her undressed for a few moments before she got into her pajamas, boy he was excited for those few moments and he took a few snapshots.


Eunwoo: These are going to be a keeper!!! Hahaha!!!!


*Back at the house…


Yoonjin: Damn it!!! Why does he always invade our privacy???


*Choi Hyunwook comes home from work.


Hyunwook: Hey, guys I’m home!!!


Yoonjin’s mom: Oh, hello dear, how was school today?


Hyunwook: School was fine today. 


Yoonjin’s mom: Come on it’s time for dinner. Your father is going to be late today. 


Hyunwook: Oh okay. Sounds good I’m starving *rubs his stomach*


Yoonjin: Oh, bro, you’re back!


Hyunwook: Yeah and are you doing ok?


Yoonjin: Um, yeah. Though I did have another slip up.


Hyunwook: Nunaaaa.


Yoonjin: Broooo.


Yoonjin’s mom: Ok, guys that’s enough, it’s time for dinner.


*The stepfather joined in for dinner, but Yoonjin sat there repeatedly tapped her spoon on her plate which annoyed her mother.


Yoonjin’s mom: Yah, Yoonjin quit it, that is disrespectful. 


Yoonjin: Sorry, umma.


Hyunwook: Are you ok, nuna?


Yoonjin: Yeah, I’m fine. *continues to eat her food*.


*The family ate quietly then finished their meal, cleaned up the dishes, washed up for bed and went to sleep. Yoonjin started to have another nightmare.




In a basement, Yoonjin is chained to the wall; now this is a horrible nightmare, she gets drowned in a bucket of water then gets hugely slapped in the face leaving a red burn on her face. She continuously gets beaten up by Eunwoo, leaving bruises all over her face. She wakes up from her nightmare.

End of nightmare...


Yoonjin: *Gasps* Woah!  What a nightmare!!!!


*She quickly gets out of bed and runs downstairs to get a glass of water. While Inyeop is still on the investigation for the hunt of Eunwoo at the police station, he calls her up.


Yoonjin: Oh, oppa! How are you? How’s the investigation going?


Inyeop: Ok so far, we’ve gotten some leads and we’re getting closer and closer.


Yoonjin: That’s good to hear.


Inyeop: What about you? How are you?


Yoonjin: Not so good, I just had another nightmare.


Inyeop: Again?


Yoonjin: Yup.


Inyeop: Do you want me to come over?


Yoonjin: No, I don’t want to keep you busy. I’ll be fine.


Inyeop: Ok, well take care. I love you.


Yoonjin: I love you too.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 13: Whoa! I knew he was a psychopath but I never thought he would so easily take down a gangster. That's some skills he got there. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to find out what happened to Inyeop.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: I'm getting more and more with every chapter I read. How old is Jang Dongyoon? Anyway, why is Inyeop acting like she cheated on him? I mean, Dongyoon is someone from her past before they even dated. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: What the! So Eunwoo has killed someone because of his possessiveness? And if that guy is her first love, then I wonder how the killing had happened. So many unsolved questions. Hope they get resolved in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wait! I thought Eunwoo was caught? I'm a bit confused now. And poor her though! Having to experience all those nightmares and stuff. Was he that bad when they were married? Anyway, I hope I get to clarify my doubt soon. And will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #5
Chapter 5: The gang and the police did the investigation together? Hehe the conversation between the chief and the boys were a bit funny. Nonetheless, now that the stalker was arrested right at the beginning, I wonder how the story would go further. He's going to be let out for lack of evidence or something, isn't he? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 3: Why didn't she tell Inyeop about the stalker? Feel like she should have. Also did she recognise that the customer is her stalker? Even with the hood and the mask? Wow! That's some skill though! LoL and that's some crazy ex she got. Poor girl!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 2: Whoa! If I didn't know better, I would have wondered who that stalker was. But still wonder if my guess is right. And it's been way too long since I read a fic in this format. Need some getting used to. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 24: He can still escape from jail tho...should have killed him when they had the chance tsk tsk tsk
Chapter 23: I wonder why her and inyeop broke up in the first place?
Chapter 22: Bruh grab a knife and stab his !! It’ll be self defense so you won’t even get in trouble!!!!