Chapter 10 Sad Memories

Secret Admirer (inspired by TVXQ’s Wrong Number)

*Eum Yoonjin stays at Jang Dongyoon’s grave for a while longer still talking to him


Eum Yoonjin: If only you wouldn’t have been killed by Cha Eunwoo…


*Eum Yoonjin cries thinking about that day.




June 16, 2014


*Rain lashed against the windshield of Jang Dongyoon’s navy blue car, as he drove down a deserted, one lane highway, going a little over the speed limit in his rush. His wheels slipped a little on the wet slippery pavement, but he kept the car steady. Jang Dongyoon peered through the front window trying to see what was ahead of him; it was pitch black outside, with not even one star in the night sky, and only the moon’s faint light and the small square orange lights lining the road to see by. Outside the front window, the rain was coming down in torrents, blurring Jang Dongyoon’s vision even more. The windshield wipers whipped back and forth over the window, attempting to clear away the large droplets clinging to the glass – but it seemed they weren’t moving fast enough. Looking out his side window, Jang Dongyoon was a little uneasy to notice that trees walled him in on both sides. Two blinding lights suddenly blazed ahead like two shining eyes trying to pierce the impenetrable darkness – and with a jolt, Jang Dongyoon realized that those lights belonged to a car – a car that was speeding towards him from the opposite direction, but in his lane. Again Jang Dongyoon’s eyes took in the wall of trees on either side – he had no room to veer either right or left out of the oncoming vehicle’s way. he slammed on his brakes and turned the car so the passenger’s side was to the oncoming car. The sound of his car’s screeching brakes and tires skidding on the wet pavement shattered the immense silence that had been pressing in on Jang Dongyoon all night. Suddenly, as his car spun out of control towards the oncoming car, images flashed across Jang Dongyoon’s mind - images of his family, friends, girlfriend Eum Yoonjin, and clips of his life flashing past like a slideshow that was sped up. A huge blow hit the car, and it seemed like an immense weight was thrown on Jang Dongyoon; the last thing he saw was a waterfall of glass cascading down on him before everything went black, and the immense weight was lifted off her as he seemed to float away into complete and utter darkness.




*Eum Yoonjin tries to keep calling Jang Dongyoon’s number but he doesn’t answer. It keeps going straight to voicemail. Eum Yoonjin shakes her legs worried about him. Choi Hyunwook puts his hand on top of his stepsister’s hand.


Choi Hyunwook: Don’t worry, nuna, Dongyoon hyung will be here soon. 


Eum Yoonjin: I hope so. Today is our second year dating anniversary.


Choi Hyunwook: He’ll be here soon trust me.


*Eum Yoonjin nods but still stares at her phone hoping he’ll call her or something until suddenly she received a phone call from an unknown number. Hoping that it’s him she answers the call but gets a shocking message from the caller. 


Eum Yoonjin: Yeoboseoyo?


Doctor: Is this Eum Yoonjin shi?


Eum Yoonjin: Yes that’s me. Who is this?


Doctor: This is Doctor Park. I’m calling about patient Jang Dongyoon. He got into a car accident and is undergoing surgery right now. 


Eum Yoonjin: What?




*Eum Yoonjin and her family and his family are in the waiting room waiting for Jang Dongyoon to finish his surgery. She continues to pace back and forth biting her nails nervously.


Eum Yoonjin: Oppa please be okay please okay. 


*Soon the doctors and nurses leave the surgery room. His mother approaches the head doctor.


Jang Dongyoon’s mom: How is he, doctor?


Doctor Park: I’m sorry but he passed away during the middle of surgery. I’m so sorry about your loss.


*Doctor Park bows and walks away


Jang Dongyoon’s mom: No no this can’t be happening! *falls down onto the ground*


Eum Yoonjin: Oppa you promised you- *cries* please don’t leave me


End of flashback


*Eum Yoonjin wipes the tears off her face as she kneels down beside his grave and places the flowers there. 


Eum Yoonjin: I’ll come back next year, oppa. I miss you and I’ll always love you. 


*Eum Yoonjin heads home looking out the window not saying a single word throughout the entire car ride. As soon as she arrives home she heads upstairs with heavy footsteps. Her family looks at her worriedly. 


Eum Yoonjin’s mom: I hope this ends soon. I can’t watch my daughter suffer anymore.


Stepdad: Me too, yeobo, me too.




*Hwang Inyeop and his gang Bloody Pirates arrive in front of Cha Eunwoo’s van. He nods signalling them to attack. The gang attacks the van smashing the windows and enters the van. Hwang Inyeop follows after them but to their surprise, Cha Eunwoo wasn’t there. 


Hwang Inyeop: Damn it! He’s not here!


*Just then a familiar voice appears from outside the van. He looks out and finds Cha Eunwoo smirking. Hwang Inyeop gets out and adjusts his jacket.


Hwang Inyeop: Stop your little game Cha Eunwoo. I’m sick of you ruining my fiancee’s life.


Cha Eunwoo: Why would I when I’m having so much fun?


Hwang Inyeop: Why you little-


*Hwang Inyeop punches Cha Eunwoo and Cha Eunwoo smirks as blood drips down his lips. He wipes it off with his hand and smirks. Cha Eunwoo attacks Hwang Inyeop and they get into a bloody fight. Hwang Inyeop and Cha Eunwoo fall onto the ground both out of breath. 


Hwang Inyeop: You think you can get away with this well, not this time. I swear I’ll kill you.


Cha Eunwoo: We’ll see about that.


*Hwang Inyeop attacks Cha Eunwoo with a punch on his face. Cha Eunwoo falls onto the ground too weak to attack back. Hwang Inyeop crawls on top of him and punches him more and more. Hwang Inyeop grabs onto Cha Eunwoo’s collar. 


Hwang Inyeop: You mother ing bastard!!


Cha Eunwoo: *laughs hysterically* Continue to hit me I dare you


Hwang Inyeop: Why you-


Cha Eunwoo: Do you think you know everything about your fiancee?


Hwang Inyeop: What are you saying? Don’t play with me-


Cha Eunwoo: *cuts him off* When she first confessed to you in grade twelve about her feelings to you and told you that you’re her first love she was lying. Her first love isn’t you, it’s Jang Dongyoon. She had a crush on him since childhood. She dated him for two years during her junior school days but she couldn’t date him long after that. Do you know why? Because I killed him. I killed that guy. 


Hwang Inyeop: No no you’re lying there’s no way- You’re crazy!!


*Hwang Inyeop punches Cha Eunwoo more in his anger denying the fact he’s heard. He felt betrayed. His fiancee has lied to him for all these years and he couldn’t believe what he had heard. 


Later that evening…


*Hwang Inyeop enters Yoonjin’s bedroom door with a loud bang. Eum Yoonjin smiles and hugs him but he pushes her away.


Eum Yoonjin: Oppa, what’s wrong? Why are you suddenly acting like this?


*Hwang Inyeop takes out an old news article and shoves it in her face.


Hwang Inyeop: Why didn’t you tell me that Cha Eunwoo killed your first love?


Eum Yoonjin: Oppa, please I-I-I can explain-

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 13: Whoa! I knew he was a psychopath but I never thought he would so easily take down a gangster. That's some skills he got there. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to find out what happened to Inyeop.
2033 streak #2
Chapter 11: I'm getting more and more with every chapter I read. How old is Jang Dongyoon? Anyway, why is Inyeop acting like she cheated on him? I mean, Dongyoon is someone from her past before they even dated. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 10: What the! So Eunwoo has killed someone because of his possessiveness? And if that guy is her first love, then I wonder how the killing had happened. So many unsolved questions. Hope they get resolved in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wait! I thought Eunwoo was caught? I'm a bit confused now. And poor her though! Having to experience all those nightmares and stuff. Was he that bad when they were married? Anyway, I hope I get to clarify my doubt soon. And will be back later to read more.
2033 streak #5
Chapter 5: The gang and the police did the investigation together? Hehe the conversation between the chief and the boys were a bit funny. Nonetheless, now that the stalker was arrested right at the beginning, I wonder how the story would go further. He's going to be let out for lack of evidence or something, isn't he? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 3: Why didn't she tell Inyeop about the stalker? Feel like she should have. Also did she recognise that the customer is her stalker? Even with the hood and the mask? Wow! That's some skill though! LoL and that's some crazy ex she got. Poor girl!
2033 streak #7
Chapter 2: Whoa! If I didn't know better, I would have wondered who that stalker was. But still wonder if my guess is right. And it's been way too long since I read a fic in this format. Need some getting used to. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 24: He can still escape from jail tho...should have killed him when they had the chance tsk tsk tsk
Chapter 23: I wonder why her and inyeop broke up in the first place?
Chapter 22: Bruh grab a knife and stab his !! It’ll be self defense so you won’t even get in trouble!!!!