Chapter 22 Shattered Memories

Secret Admirer (inspired by TVXQ’s Wrong Number)


February 14 2018


*The EunJin couple have finished eating dinner and are enjoying the sunset view together on the balcony. Cha Eunwoo was mesmerizing his eyes upon Eum Yoonjin. He wraps his arms around her waist as he brings her close to him.


Cha Eunwoo: Jagi, I have something to say to you.


Eum Yoonjin: What is it baby?


Cha Eunwoo: You know I love you so much and you mean everything to me. You are my universe, my sunshine, my moon and my stars. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you please marry me? 


*Cha Eunwoo kneels down holding a beautiful diamond ring box in his hand. Eum Yoonjin covers in shock by his sudden proposal.


Eum Yoonjin: YESSS!! I’ll marry you!!! 


Cha Eunwoo: Really? Thank you I’ll make you the happiest girl alive.



July 20, 2018


*For the first few months of the InJin couple’s marriage was a dream come true for her. He did everything to her like a prince charming would do to his princess. She was so happy with him at least she thought until one day-


*Today is Eum Yoonjin’s day off work and she had decided to clean the house. As she was cleaning the house she happened to discover a shocking and terrifying truth. She accidentally opened a secret door to a secret room.


Eum Yoonjin: Huh? What’s this? 


*Eum Yoonjin enters the secret room and finds pictures of her from junior high school to now. The pictures are all covered with red ink. On the walls there was also news articles of Jang Dongyoon’s car accident and pictures of her relationship with Hwang Inyeop. Eum Yoonjin slowly backs away shaking in fear horrified by what she saw. 


Eum Yoonjin: No… no… this can’t be true. No he’s not a monster… he’s not. 


*Suddenly Eum Yoonjin grabs her head as images of her relationship with Cha Eunwoo comes to light. Though he was sweet and loving to her, there were times he showed signs of emotional and physical abuse. But to Eum Yoonjin she thought that it was because he loved her. And she loved him. Isn’t that what matters? Eum Yoonjin starts to get dizzy. 


Eum Yoonjin: He loves me… he loves me… I know he does. 


Cha Eunwoo: So you found out my secret eh?


Eum Yoonjin: Baby, I- I didn’t mean to- I-


*Eum Yoonjin starts to back away as Cha Eunwoo comes closer to her. Suddenly the sweet, loving and caring husband she knew changed into a psychopathic monster he was. 


Cha Eunwoo: *smirks* You see I loved you nuna since junior high but you never really had feelings for me. You loved that Jang Dongyoon shi for most of your life and you know I couldn’t stand you two being so lovey dovey towards him. So you know what I did? I killed him. That’s what I did! I killed him! It wasn’t a stupid car accident that killed him, it was me. And you know what else nuna? I know you still have feelings for your ex boyfriend Hwang Inyeop shi, and I swear I’ll murder him too. You see nuna I can’t stand anyone who blocks our love between us. No one can make you happy but me… but how come you don’t understand that?


*Eum Yoonjin backs away shouting to herself denying the harsh reality in front of her. 


Eum Yoonjin: No…. no… that’s not true… no…. 


End of flashback


Eum Yoonjin: NOOO!!!


*Eum Yoonjin quickly sits up from the bed in cold sweat. She looks at her surrondings. Still in EunJin’s old newlywed apartment. She curls into a ball mumbling to herself.


Eum Yoonjin: Inyeop oppa… Inyeop oppa… Where are you? I miss you. Please save me…

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 13: Whoa! I knew he was a psychopath but I never thought he would so easily take down a gangster. That's some skills he got there. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to find out what happened to Inyeop.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: I'm getting more and more with every chapter I read. How old is Jang Dongyoon? Anyway, why is Inyeop acting like she cheated on him? I mean, Dongyoon is someone from her past before they even dated. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: What the! So Eunwoo has killed someone because of his possessiveness? And if that guy is her first love, then I wonder how the killing had happened. So many unsolved questions. Hope they get resolved in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wait! I thought Eunwoo was caught? I'm a bit confused now. And poor her though! Having to experience all those nightmares and stuff. Was he that bad when they were married? Anyway, I hope I get to clarify my doubt soon. And will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #5
Chapter 5: The gang and the police did the investigation together? Hehe the conversation between the chief and the boys were a bit funny. Nonetheless, now that the stalker was arrested right at the beginning, I wonder how the story would go further. He's going to be let out for lack of evidence or something, isn't he? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 3: Why didn't she tell Inyeop about the stalker? Feel like she should have. Also did she recognise that the customer is her stalker? Even with the hood and the mask? Wow! That's some skill though! LoL and that's some crazy ex she got. Poor girl!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 2: Whoa! If I didn't know better, I would have wondered who that stalker was. But still wonder if my guess is right. And it's been way too long since I read a fic in this format. Need some getting used to. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 24: He can still escape from jail tho...should have killed him when they had the chance tsk tsk tsk
Chapter 23: I wonder why her and inyeop broke up in the first place?
Chapter 22: Bruh grab a knife and stab his !! It’ll be self defense so you won’t even get in trouble!!!!