The Great Demon King

God Save Our King
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Attention: I have added some parts in this chapter.



"What do you mean an attack?" Seungwan asked alarmingly.

She was sleeping soundly when the suddenly Lady Bae broke into her quarters. She almost shouted thinking it was an assassin but the latter put her hands on and asked her to get dressed and follow her outside. 

They were sneaking out of the palace. She would've thought it was romantic if it wasn't for what the Lady Bae just revealed.

"Humans from the neighboring village just outside the Great Demon Kingdom territory invaded our ally village in the middle of the night. Seulgi and her army are already there to help the villagers." 

Lady Bae Joohyun said mounting her horse, behind her was Seungwan who was still unable to ride a horse by herself.

"So we're going there to help? Shouldn't we let Solar know where we are going?", asked Seungwan concernedly.

"Knowing Solar she will not let you go with me. And we can't waste anymore time. We have to go now."

Behind them were some uniformed military men and women.

Joohyun addressed them, "Let's ride close together, it's still very dark and we don't know if we'll encounter enemies along the way."

"Who are these people Hyun?" asked Seungwan, unaware of her new nickname for the beautiful maiden. 

Joohyun who has heard it was surprised but chose to ignore it. There were more important matters at the moment. 

"They are part of my private army. They're trained in combat, magic and horse riding," she replied with pride.

"Oh wow, I can definitely feel my inferiority complex soaring right now." Seungwan can't help but remarked pathetically.

Lady Bae side eyed her with interest but chose not to comment.


The morning light had broken the skies by the time they saw the village on top of a hill. However, it was blazing with fire and covered with dark smoke. Just as they were about to continue their journey, they met a familiar horse back rider in black and pink military attire.

"Oh, fancy meeting you again your dim-wit. And hello to you too, Lady Joohyun," the rider with cat-like eyes said smirking towards them.

"I remember you! You were the one who hurt my head!" Said Seungwan accusingly. 

"I'm honored that you remember me well."

But she didn't look like she was glad, she looked dangerous and menacing.

"What-do-you-need-from-us J-jennie?", asked Joohyun, somehow struggling to articulate her words.

"What's wrong Hyun? Why are you so stiff? Also the others? What's happening?" , asked Seungwan as she noticed that even Lady Bae's privte army were not moving.

"She calls you "Hyun"? Did I hear it right? How did this brat even tamed you Lady Joohyun? You used to be untouchable and you detest humans so much.." Jennie said tauntingly.

"Hey, why do you talk to her like that? Do you know Joohyun personally? What do you even want from us?" 

Seungwan didn't like Jennie's tone and the familiar way she's talking to the Lady Bae.

"Isn't it obvious, I came here to rescue you dim-wit. Come with me and I'll free your companions from the magic that currently binds them."

"Huh? You're the one doing this to them? And why would I even need rescuing?!"

 Seungwan was so confused of what was happening.

"Because you are only being used by these traitors. Aren't you just an ordinary human? This isn't your world and you don't have to bear the responsibility of being the new demon king."

Seungwan can't help but think about what Jennie just said. All of it is true. She doesn't even want to be the Demon King in the first place.

"Seungwan-don't-list-en-to-her-she's-dang-erous." Joohyung struggled to speak and move. It seemed like she and the others were paralyzed and the mere task of talking drains her energy.

However Jennie just laughed out loud.

"Didn't you use to look down on humans Lady Joohyun? You cannot even stay in the same room as your human sister. Tsk" Jennie said.

Seungwan can't take to see Joohyun and the others struggling to move and speak, "I demand that you release them from their bind. If it's me that you one, then I will follow you"

"No-Seungwan-" Lady Joohyun wanted to protest but Seungwan already climbed off her back.

"It's a deal." Jennie said.

Seungwan maintained her eye contact with Jennie before hitting Lady Bae's horse which caused it to run ahead. She did the same with the others until it's only just her and Jennie left. Seungwan can hear Lady Bae's not so distant protests.

"Now that we're alone, let me be clear. I still don't trust you and I have no intentions of betraying my friends." Seungwan said adamantly.

She noticed that the spirit skeleton she calls boney was flying above them as if listening to her words.

"Oh so in the end, you still choose to commit yourself to these traitorous people? I guess you leave me no choice then... I will just have to kill you." Jennie's expression turned dark and murderous.

"Now wait a minute... Nobody said anything about killing. You said you wanted to rescue me, not kill me!" Seungwan said stepping back from Jennie, while the latter advances.

"I have no use for a naive dim-wit like you if you're going to ally yourself to these traitors. I think it's better if you just die " she swung her heavy sword toward Seungwan and latter couldn't do anything to defend herself.

She closed her eyes and was expecting to get hit when a shadow followed by a broken sound was heard. 

When Seungwan opened her eyes, she saw a Boney was struck by Jennie's sword and it's skeletons were scattered on the ground.

"Damn I just struck something weird. These skeletons never behaved this way before." Said Jennie flatly.

"You just killed boney. How could you even call her 'weird'!"

"Because it's acting weird. If you have any problems with that, then fight me." Jennie advanced towards Seungwan while the latter backed away, clutching on her chest the broken Boney.

"Are you ready for your death? I'll make it swift." 

For the second time Seungwan closed her eyes. 'Is this really my end?' she thought.

But before Jennie's sword could even hit her, a voice was heard not so far away from them.

"Your highness!"

It was Seulgi, moving fast on her steed as she approaches them.

"Tsk. The same thing happened again. I guess I'll kill you next time your dim-wit. Until we meet again." Jennie was fast to retreat with her horse.

When Seulgi reached Seungwan, she hugged the latter tightly, like she wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"I'm glad you are safe." Seulgi said.

Seungwan returned hug. "Me too..Thank you for coming Seulgi. Now I understand how men feels when they hug at the end of the movies."

Seulgi chuckled and Seungwan hugged her tighter. They were at that position when Lady Bae arrived, her face devoid of any emotions.

"If you two are done, let's head off to the village.", she said coldly.

Seungwan noticing the change in the Lady's demeanor, broke off from the hug. But suddenly she remembered the broken Boney.

"We can't leave yet, I still have to bury Boney..." she said as she dug the hard soil with a stick.

"But your highness you can't do that...", Seulgi tried to stop her.

"You don't understand Seulgi, if it weren't for Boney here, I would've been sliced by Jennie's humongous sword. But Boney, this little girl sacrificed herself for me... the least I can do is bury her and send her off with prayers..." Seungwan kept on mumbling as she dug the soil with passion, however it barely left a dent on the soil.

"Seriously, how stupid can you get. That skeleton's still alive and it will fly again if you put the parts together." said Lady Bae irritatedly.

"...and I know I'll never be able to repay this Boney's sacrifice but I wish------- wait what did you say?it's alive?!"

Then boney started to clatter its teeth as if to say, 'Yes, I'm till alive.'

"Oh, Boney... I'm so glad you're alive'" Seungwan exclaimed.

Seulgi and the Lady Bae just can't help but sigh.


Meanwhile in the village...

The aftermath of the attack left many civilians injured from both sides and the village was on fire.

Seungwan enters the medical tent and meets the nurse who was attending one of the humans who set fire to the village.

"Oh hello, your highness." The nurse bowed when she recognized Seungwan walking towards her.

"Hi, what's your name?" 

"I'm Eunbi your highness."

"Thank you for treating our people Eunbi. Is there anythin

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Chapter 9: I stopped parachuting here and I'm obsessed, anxiously awaiting new updates 😩🤗
Chapter 7: hahahah and it's not like she got a bride out of nowhere
Chapter 1: omg how angry in this first chapter, how can they be cruel for nothing ¿¿¿
Chapter 9: Wait so she can go back? How will she go back to the demon world then? Through water again???

Seungwan needs training to control her powers. She's helpless and always needed help. She needs to learn swordsmanship, archery, or physical combat while she's figuring out her abilities. She can't always have other people's company and have them save her all the time. Not just for her safety but also to those around her she wants to protect. We can't have her die young.

I have zero knowledge about this but the story is interesting so I'm contemplating if I'll search about it later. But at the same time i don't want to spoil myself. I'm torn!

Lol at joohyun. She's basically jealous of her sisters interaction with her fiancé. What if you start being nice to her and not be a meanie just so you could trigger her powers. But at the same time i love her when she's mean like that's so tsundere of her. Also, seulgi is Seungwan's God mother! That means she's like double her current age??? Or everyone is just young looking or maybe the time there is so slow compared to the human world. Not young seungwan being a hot old woman attractor lmao. I mean it's a mythical world so they get a passed.

If what seulgi and Irene stated is right and it's their own doing that causes them food shortages. Then why not just do a barter? It's impossible that their village is not right with other things. It could be rich with gem stones or other metal elements. They could trade of. Or maybe it's just Jennie's groups doing so they could have other people on their side? Like manipulating them? It could also be the bad people from the demon realm that does it and exploit humans because they deemed them much more lowly than them??? I dunno I'm just guessing.

I wonder what was jisoos part in the story. If she's just Seungwan's neighbor in the human world or she could travel different worlds like seungwan.
1701 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Joohyun as Wolfram is too cute! Tbh I shipped Yuri with Kondrad.
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 7: Next please
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sksksks coming back here cause this story is honestly adorable as hell