The Great Demon Kingdom

God Save Our King
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Chirping birds...

Hardened ground....

The sunlight high and hot in the blue sky...

Seungwan's partially opened eyes tried to process her environment.

Where is she?

Her clothes were wet and cold. She could feel her body simmer from the sun's heat. 

'This must be how plants felt when they go through photosynthesis...'

Seungwan still felt weak and tired. She wondered if her bullies had left her in such a deserted place, at least not far away from the school premises. Looking at the picturesque blue sky, Seungwan just wanted to stare at it all day. The breezy wind was like a soft lullaby to her weary body, courting her to close her eyes again.

But she suddenly heard some rustling sounds not far away from where she lies on the ground. She glanced on her right and saw a little girl staring at her, eyes wide. Seungwan, smiled at the little girl. Realizing that it must have been stranged to see her lying on the ground, she slowly raised her upper body in a sitting position. Seungwan felt some ache in her bones. It seems like her bullies weren't gentle with her body while she was unconscious. They must have just dragged her without any care that she might bruise and ache after waking up. 

Stretching her arms gently, she looked at the little girl who was still staring at her.

"Hello there kid! Can you tell me where is this place right now?" she asked politely 

For a second, the child just stared at her. Then without warning, she shouted and ran away.

"What the---wait kid! I mean you no harm!", Seungwan shouted after the child. But the child did not look back at all.

"Do I look hideous and scary to her? She must have thought I was dangerous." Seungwan uttered to herself as she stood up.

Glancing around her, she realized that her school is not in sight. Neither was she in her neighborhood. Something felt familiar yet strange in this picturesque view of blue mountains, farmlands and forests... like a typical feudal setting with village settlements.

'Okay... this is weird.... I 'm sure farms like this are not in the metropolitan areas of Korea... which means, I may be far away from the school and my neighborhood.'

Seungwan started walking around, tracing the steps of the little girl who ran away... a few minutes of walking and she saw a group of men, who looked like farmers with their tools, gathered at the entrance of a village. Seungwan was glad to finally find some people to ask.

"Uhm... excuse me!!! Can you please tell me where am I?" she shouted towards the farmers as she walked excitedly towards them, even temporarily forgetting about her wet clothes.

When the men noticed her, Seungwan was suddenly halted by their reactions upon seeing her. She had expected them to be suprised but the look they were throwing at her was filled with anger and hostility. They even bared their tools towards her as if she was an intruder to their place. 'Am I tresspassing some sacred lands?'  Seungwan thought to herself.

"Please... I bear you no harm. I am just a lost student who wants to find my way home. I promise not to get into the village. I won't even ask you for dinner eventhough I am feeling hungry..." Seungwan explained. Her hands raised in surrender.

But even if Seungwan had already stated her intentions, the farmers just stood firm and fixed their eyes on her... as if she was a prey that everyone is threatened. One of the men even said some strange foreign words to his comrades... and then aimed their tools at Seungwan.

"auhh....what did you just say sir? Can you speak Korean?... You folks are Korean right???... I can't possibly be abroad... that would be impossible since I don't even have my own passport... and I doubt the bullies did too... This must still be in Korea right?" Seungwan asked question after question.. She was starting to  freak out...Why does it seem like she's in a foreign place with foreign people????

Seungwan accidentally took a step forward and it was met by rake thrown against her. Seungwan side stepped in reflex due to the sudden attack.

"W-wait... wait!!! I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to intrude at all misters....!" 

But the men were relentless towards her as they threw their tools and stones in her direction. Scared out of her wits.. Seungwan ran away from her attackers.

'I'm really sorry if I had offended anyone of you.. I promise that i'm harmless... pls. don't attack me!!!' she shouted to her attackers who were now chasing her. 

Seungwan's heart felt like it was going to explode. She was tired but her fight or flight response kept her going.

Then she heard some hooving and neighi

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Chapter 9: I stopped parachuting here and I'm obsessed, anxiously awaiting new updates 😩🤗
Chapter 7: hahahah and it's not like she got a bride out of nowhere
Chapter 1: omg how angry in this first chapter, how can they be cruel for nothing ¿¿¿
Chapter 9: Wait so she can go back? How will she go back to the demon world then? Through water again???

Seungwan needs training to control her powers. She's helpless and always needed help. She needs to learn swordsmanship, archery, or physical combat while she's figuring out her abilities. She can't always have other people's company and have them save her all the time. Not just for her safety but also to those around her she wants to protect. We can't have her die young.

I have zero knowledge about this but the story is interesting so I'm contemplating if I'll search about it later. But at the same time i don't want to spoil myself. I'm torn!

Lol at joohyun. She's basically jealous of her sisters interaction with her fiancé. What if you start being nice to her and not be a meanie just so you could trigger her powers. But at the same time i love her when she's mean like that's so tsundere of her. Also, seulgi is Seungwan's God mother! That means she's like double her current age??? Or everyone is just young looking or maybe the time there is so slow compared to the human world. Not young seungwan being a hot old woman attractor lmao. I mean it's a mythical world so they get a passed.

If what seulgi and Irene stated is right and it's their own doing that causes them food shortages. Then why not just do a barter? It's impossible that their village is not right with other things. It could be rich with gem stones or other metal elements. They could trade of. Or maybe it's just Jennie's groups doing so they could have other people on their side? Like manipulating them? It could also be the bad people from the demon realm that does it and exploit humans because they deemed them much more lowly than them??? I dunno I'm just guessing.

I wonder what was jisoos part in the story. If she's just Seungwan's neighbor in the human world or she could travel different worlds like seungwan.
1701 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Joohyun as Wolfram is too cute! Tbh I shipped Yuri with Kondrad.
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 7: Next please
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sksksks coming back here cause this story is honestly adorable as hell