Rest Easy, My Love


For those whom we love so dearly,

we would have moved the world,

to keep them safe and sound in our arms.






p.s forgive me for the inaccuracy of the different information in this fanfiction. This is solely a product of the author's imagination.


Author cannot sleep without writing this story. Writing without clear plot, let's see where my imagination takes me just to ease my broken heart.


For Wendy.


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Chapter 1: Good story :(
ReVeLuvyyy #2
Chapter 1: Wendy is back! Please give lots of love to her! <3
1692 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love Wendy, she is my bias the one who got me into RV. pelvic fracture isn't joke, that painful as hell and the bruises all of her body. Imagine if Us as fan Reveluv in this pain how about the members? 100x more hurt, while we keep sending our love to Wendy, please look after the other 4.
Irene looks lonely and sad when she Mcing. After Wannie "it's good moment being RV Wendy" clip vr Gosh that hurt, Irene looks ready to cry and had to take deep breath.
But Wendy is strong, she has us and members got her back right?
urmamaroxs #4
Chapter 1: Our Wannie is strong! She will get better and come back even stronger! Let’s believe in her!
We got your back Wendy! Just like you got ours!
Eririn #5
Chapter 1: I really hope Wendy is resting easy and her recovery and treatment is as painless and smooth as possible. I am still crushed and can’t forgive this world for letting this horrible incident happen to her. Wendy is such an angel that I find it unjust that she has to suffer so much. This should have been her time to shine. She was so happy and confidence and so beautiful inside and out. I wanted to see her successful and finally getting the recognition she deserves with the solo performance and year end shows. Psycho promotions and the Japan tour were coming up. All of these were her opportunities which she had worked so hard and waited so long for. But now everything is ruined and we don’t even know how those injuries will affect her future and career as a singer. Or even life in general. Wendy is so smart and talented and I am so afraid she wouldn’t be able to play instruments or write or even feed herself. I know I should be positive and think that she will recover well. But I’m just so affected and scared for her. I want to know her condition but at the same time I’m terrified that it will be bad news. I’ve been crying so much since Christmas and my eyes are so swollen. My heart hurts so much too. People probably think it’s crazy to feel this way for an idol who doesn’t know you exist. But Seungwan means so much to people who adore her. I can only hope that collective prayers and well wishes from those who support her will create miracles in her recovery and condition. Thank you for writing this story. I truly hope the members are there for her and can accompany her through this difficult time. And have her family arrived in Korea? She will need them by her side too. Please get well soon Seungwan. We love you so much.
ireneverse #6
Chapter 1: :(((
ilovetaekeyonly #7
Chapter 1: Our poor angel, i hope she is getting better
ShinHye24 1340 streak #8
Chapter 1: :( sbs !
Chapter 1: I’m crying