Baby mystery

Oh My Baby--ies!?
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The following morning, Donghae was laying face down on the bed with his head on its side, mouth hanging open as he drooled on the pillow he was sleeping on. He was still very much stuck in dreamland when the sound of loud high pitched cries broke through his ear drums and the sound of someone hurling their guts out caused him to squint his eyes open. His mind was still foggy from just waking up but the sound of Seowon's cries were too loud to ignore and it didn't help that he could see Hyukjae kneeling on the floor of their bathroom floor practically wrenching his stomach out. 

"Hyuk? Are you okay?" He called but the the other didn't turn around and kept his head over the toilet bowl. He used his left arm to wave him off and motioned with his hands for Donghae to go check on Seowon as the baby monitor continued to light up with the sounds of her loud cries. Even though he was still very worried about Hyukjae, Donghae did jump out of bed and quickly ran to where Seowon was currently screaming her lungs out in. By the time Donghae walked in the room, she was standing inside her crib, hands holding the rails while her face was completely covered in tears. 

"Seowonnie, what's wrong?" Donghae talked to her as soon as he saw her. Her hands automatically going up in the air asking Donghae to pick her up while still screaming and crying as she remained stuck inside her crib. 

Donghae slowly picked her up and wiped her face with his hands while lightly bouncing her around to ease her cries. It helped soothe her a little but the extra weight Donghae felt when she picked her up was enough indication for the reason why she woke up so cranky. Walking over to the baby changing table in Seowon's room, Donghae tried to gently lay her down on her back but every time he tried to put her down, Seowon's arms would tighten around Donghae's neck and refused to let go, even going as far to threaten to scream again with her cries if Donghae so much as attempt to put her down. Donghae laughed lightly and made Seowon face him directly while Donghae poked her nose. 

"Why is my baby Seowon being so clingy today?" He playfully asked her while kissing her warm cheeks. "Appa has to change your diaper, baby. Otherwise you'll get a rash and you'll be even more cranky. I can only handle one cranky baby at a time."

"And who's your other cranky baby, hm?"

Donghae jumped a little when he heard Hyukjae's voice and turned to see the other standing behind him, arms crossed and basically glaring at him disapprovingly. 

"Hyuk! Baby!" Donghae greeted suddenly aware that the other heard his teasing right now. "What-...What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Hyukjae rolled his eyes at him and walked to get Seowon from Donghae's arms. Their baby girl willingly went to Hyukjae and didn't even fuss when Hyukjae laid her down on the changing table as she focused her eyes on Hyukjae's face who cooed closely to her while his baby voice lovingly jabbed at Donghae's idiocy. 

"Donghae appa is such a dummy, isn't he, Seowonnie~." Hyukjae pretended to tickle her stomach while simultaneously undoing her diaper and pulling away for a brief second to get a clean one to change her into. "He doesn't know what he's talking about even though he's the reason Hyuk Appa has to throw up every single day. Hae Appa has no self control and we should make sure we punish him later, okay?" Seowon's answer to Hyukjae's question was a laugh and a look that she sent to Donghae who couldn't really move from where he stood and just had to take all the jabs Hyukjae sent his way quietly. 

Hyukjae glanced briefly and laughed seeing the pout and defeated look on Donghae's face. He shook his head at him before focusing his attention on Seowon and making funny faces at her to make sure she stays distracted while he cleans her and changes her diaper. 

"That's not fair." Donghae whined as he walked closer to the change table over Seowon's head and lightly poked her soft cheeks with his forefinger. "Baby, are you really mad at me about that? I didn't know you twins ran in my family." Donghae argued but then cowered a little when Hyukjae looked up to glare at him. 

"Shut up and call Dr.Rominov for the appointment."

Donghae looked at the digital clock they placed by Seowon's mini library area and frowned.

"It's 7:45. His office is closed." His assessment was met with a hard glare from Hyukjae that sent chills down Donghae's spine and had him slowly backing away. "But I can always call and check if someone came early for their shift."

"Yeah, you go do that." Hyukjae snided before shifting his attention back on Seowon and playing with her. 

Donghae placed a quick kiss on Seowon's forehead before sending a flying one to Hyukjae and then bouncing out of the room. Hyukjae silently groaned while rolling his eyes to the back of his head then finishing to change Seowon's diaper and clothes for the day. 

"Appa Hae is such a pabo." Hyukjae muttered to her then bended down closer to give her an eskimo kiss. "But we love that pabo so bare with him, okay, my love? Donghae Appa is doing his best."


Hyukjae came out of Seowon's room several minutes with her freshly dressed and back to her bubbly and happy self. She was clapping her hands while Hyukjae sang a nursery rhyme song to her on his way to the kitchen. Donghae was already there with a freshly made smoothie ready for him and Hyukjae. 

"I called the office but no one answered." Donghae informed Hyukjae dutifully while sliding down the dark stale green colored drink to him. "I'll try again around 9:00am just to be sure."

Hyukjae hummed and carefully placed Seowon in her high chair and strapping her down safely so she doesn't fall. Donghae smiled at his daughter and started making funny faces and sounds to her which she liked. She clapped her hands and made babbling noises trying to communicate to Donghae making the other laugh with glee. Hyukjae chuckled hearing her so happy and very carefully attached her table around her high chair. Once he heard both sides click, Donghae took his spot next to her and started to feed her her puréed vegetable while Hyukjae took the vacant seat on her right side. Donghae lightly squeezed her cheeks, just to play with her first, before putting in a little bit of food on her spoon and feeding her. 

Hyukjae placed his chin over his hand while he watched Donghae feed their daughter with a fond smile. In all the years he'd known Donghae, through their ups and downs, through the seemingly endless fights and making ups, and the decade long harbored thoughts of I-love-you-please-love-me-too, Hyukjae never thought he'd ever sit across Donghae like this, admiring him as his husband while he plays and feeds their daughter. It was too good to be true and too good for him to even dream about. He's very grateful and very happy with his life...most days. 

"What the hell is in this drink?" Hyukjae covered his nose and pushed the drink away from him. "Why does it smell like that?"

Donghae looked up from where he was feeding Seowon with a small frown. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"It smells disgusting." Hyukjae made a face and got up from his seat to throw the drink down the drain. 

Donghae watched after him curiously and then pouted to see the drink he made for Hyukjae go down the drain. He wasn't particularly hurt that the other didn't want to drink his smoothie, but he was a tad bit disappointed Hyukjae didn't even try to taste it. After stealing his morning drink the other day, now he decides he didn't like it afterall. 

"That was good for you." Donghae mumbled then slowly brought the spoon closer to Seowon's mouth. Her tongue darting out of her lips trying to reach the food in front of her that but Donghae's distracted state with his husband made him bring the spoon higher than what she could reach. A small scowl appeared on her face and she started banging her hands on her table, trying to catch Donghae's attention and tell him that he'd missed his intended target all together. She was annoyed and made a shrill shrieking sound that had both Donghae and Hyukjae looking at her with slight alarm. 

"Yah! Pabo, feed her correctly." Hyukjae scolded as he opened the fridge to look for something to eat. 

"I am!" Donghae argued and poute

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This story was reported as plagiarized by this other story
I want to be fair and let you guys know and decide for yourself if it's true so I don't feel like an a**h**e trying to figure out how to finish writing this story.


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Chapter 14: I need an update from this story!! 😭😭😭
lydmoon #2
i hope you'll update soon its been awhile:)
Neha32 #3
Chapter 13: Such a cute chapter. Hae was oblivious as usual.
I love that you don't use mom's term for one of them. Honestly, I don't like it very much.
I'm going to read FwB and then I'll come back to read this one.
1586 streak #5
Chapter 14: It's winding down to the time the twins will come, so it's understandable the stress and panic is beginning to really set in. Good that Donghae vented a little. He always wants to be the strong one because Hyukjae is bearing all that physical toll, but there's an emotional one too, and he can't keep it all to himself. Neither of them planned that one would be basically bedridden with medical risks and the other would have to do most of the parenting of their toddler in the meantime. Once the babies come it will be even more hectic! But hopefully the happy kind, as long as everything goes well and Hyuk and the twins are all healthy. 🙏

Thanks for the update, happy new year!
Chapter 14: Well, my pregnancy was kind of normal, I actually didn't gain a lot of weight, you saw me for afar and I didn't look pregnant at all, but the morning sickness was awful all the 6 months (cuz I didn't know that I was pregnant until the 14th week....🙃) .

But yes the very first 5 days was like I couldn't sleep at all cuz I was either afraid of something happening or the cries all night....

Good luck Donghae and Hyuk, you will need it.
ReadRealize #7
Chapter 14: Teuk advice is really good ask hyukkie first before hae haha
16 streak #8
Chapter 14: ahhh happy new year... i can't wait for the twins to see the light... there are situations that pregnancy is so easy as pie but there's really mothers who are struggling even before the baby were born... pregnancies still the biggest mystery, carrying another life inside your body.. but being a patient partner to your loved one is a great support anyone can wish for, so kudos to donghae being so reliable in time like this where he was needed the most 💙
1586 streak #9
Chapter 13: Seowon picked the piano, aww. No camera, sorry daddy! And what an adorable and unexpected surprise Hyuk prepared for Donghae. 💙💙 I wonder if the twins will be fraternal or identical.
hellogemini #10
Chapter 13: Omg this is so cute. And yeah donghae is whipped indeed. It is so sweet how much he loves his Hyukkie and Seowonnie.