20 weeks

Oh My Baby--ies!?
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"Well, it looks like everything is still going well for you, Hyukjae-ssi." Dr. Rominov exclaimed with a happy smile as he continued to press lightly on the side of Hyukjae's stomach while pointing at the monitor screen of the ultrasound machine. "Heartbeats of both babies are okay and they seem to be growing quite well." He glided the wand across his stomach to show the other baby before shifting his eyes on Hyukjae and gave him a warm smile. "How about you? How are you feeling?"

"Uhh, I'm fine, I guess." Hyukjae kept his eyes on the screen and made sure he could see it well. "Is- Is that them? They...They look much bigger than before."

Dr. Rominov chuckled and tapped the space bar of the keyboard to leave the screen on a continous loop of replay before he pulled the probe away from Hyukjae's stomach. "Well, they are the reason that your body is going through this much change," he pointed out at the more than obvious roundness of his stomach. "I'm afraid they're only going to get bigger from here."

Hyukjae's eyes bulged at that last bit of information. "Bigger!? How- How much bigger?"

"Hmm, well, I can't say. Every pregnancy is different but since you're holding twins, I would have to say it would be quite a considerable change on your part." He pulled out a small binder from one of his cabinets and showed Hyukjae a diagram of a series of pregnancy developments at different stages. "You see, on average, someone with your um, stomach size, they would typically be around their 30th week of pregnancy. Seeing as your only at 20 weeks right now...well...I don't want to assume anything, but it would be safe to say that you have a long way to go from here." 

Hyukjae sweatdropped as he looked down his stomach and visibly cringed at the mental picture of himself turning into a physical hot air balloon. A loud groan came from his lips that Donghae and Dr. Rominov could only sympathize with. The loud groan he let out was then mimicked into a low growl by Seowon who was quietly sitting on Donghae's lap. Hyukjae blinked then sat up when he heard that sound come out from his daughter. 

"Seo-Seowon-ah, was that you?" 

Donghae was laughing too hard to himself as he carried her to stand on her feet before asking her to do it again. 

"Hey,Seowonnie. Can you do it again? Come on, go 'aaarrgghhh'"

Seowon looked at Donghae then at Hyukjae and ended up giggling and stomping her feet energetically when she saw how happy and excited they both looked. Donghae repeated the growling noise she heard from her and as if on cue, Seowon tilted her head down to her chest and growled.


The three adults found her growling incredibly endearing that the coo and laughter that followed it was almost like reflex. Seowon absolutely enjoyed the attention she was given that she ended up waving her arms up and down that Donghae had to stand up and carry her in his arms to keep her from falling. 

"Ahbahbah Bah Bah Woohmm Mm."

"Yes, Wonnie. Appa Hyukkie is carrying more babies so when they come out you'll have more people to play with it." Donghae said as though Seowon's babbles had meaning. He gave her cheeks a quick pinch before he turned his attention to the Doctor and went back to using his grown up voice. "Is there anything we need to do or be aware of in the future? I mean, you know, healthwise."

"Hm, well, so far his vitals seems to be okay. Just avoid any stressful situations and I wouldn't recommend any heavy lifting of any kind."

At this, Hyukjae had to scoff. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Doc. I can't even bend down anymore without having trouble getting back up. I will not be lifting anything any time soon."

Dr. Rominov chuckled, having heard that complaint over a thousand times in his career. 

"Okay, well, I also suggest lots of protein and vegetables in your diet. Your blood pressure is still within normal range but with such a high risk pregnancy, any changes in your lifestyly can tip the balance from okay to potentially dangerous so it's best to heir on the safe side."

Donghae furrowed his brows and couldn't help but ask, "So does that mean no ramen?" 

Hyukjae's eyes widened and snapped his head towards Donghae but before he could even scold the other for even suggesting such a blasphemous idea out loud, Dr. Rominov had given his answer. 

"Definitely not." Donghae's not quite sure if he'd ever seen Hyukjae's neck twist that fast before that he had to hide his face behind Seowon's shoulders to keep the other from seeing his smile and hide the way his shoulders shook with laughter. "As much as possible, I would recommend for him to have a fresh intake of food. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. If you could limit it to twice a week or less, then that would be better. I know this is a pretty stringent recommendation but like I said before, this is an extremely rare situation. He might be stable today but things could change fairly quickly." 

After hearing the Doctor's warning, there was only one thing that echoed in Hyukjae's mind. 

"So...I can't eat ramen anymore?" 

Dr. Rominov showed him a sympathetic smile before shaking his head. "I'm afraid not." 

Hyukjae's face fell and was suddenly hit with the urge to cry so he closed his eyes tight and put his right arm over his eyes to to keep his tears from falling while he just whined quietly. Dr. Rominov quietly chuckled at his reaction and just gave his shoulders a gentle pat before nodding his head at Donghae then stepping out of his office. Donghae nodded back at him and once he was gone from the room, he gently placed Seowon by the side of Hyukjae's bed and guided her onto him while he gently assisted his husband with putting his shirt down. 

"I should've eaten one more ramen yesterday if I had known it would be the last time I could eat it."

He took his arms away from his eyes the second he felt Seowon's small hands on his chest and saw her smiling widely at him. Suddenly, ramen didn't matter anymore as he let Donghae help him sit up while he carried her onto his lap. She started shaking her head side to side, as though she was giving him an air snuggle, that Hyukjae was completely enamored by it. Donghae took that chance to steal a quick kiss on his cheek before turning around to grab their baby bag behind him. 

"Don't worry about it, Hyuk. I'll cook you the best and healthiest thing you'll ever have in your life."

"No weird smoothies," he said as he could already picture Donghae's menu in his head. 

Donghae pouted and adjusted the strap of Seowon's baby bag on his shoulder. "How about if I promise to keep it fruits only?"

"Strawberries only," Hyukjae countered. "Maybe bananas but absolutely no avocados, got it?"

"What?! But they're so good for you!" Donghae argued. He hasn't quite s

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This story was reported as plagiarized by this other story https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/90599/when-gd-baby-literally
I want to be fair and let you guys know and decide for yourself if it's true so I don't feel like an a**h**e trying to figure out how to finish writing this story.


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Chapter 14: I need an update from this story!! 😭😭😭
lydmoon #2
i hope you'll update soon its been awhile:)
Neha32 #3
Chapter 13: Such a cute chapter. Hae was oblivious as usual.
I love that you don't use mom's term for one of them. Honestly, I don't like it very much.
I'm going to read FwB and then I'll come back to read this one.
1586 streak #5
Chapter 14: It's winding down to the time the twins will come, so it's understandable the stress and panic is beginning to really set in. Good that Donghae vented a little. He always wants to be the strong one because Hyukjae is bearing all that physical toll, but there's an emotional one too, and he can't keep it all to himself. Neither of them planned that one would be basically bedridden with medical risks and the other would have to do most of the parenting of their toddler in the meantime. Once the babies come it will be even more hectic! But hopefully the happy kind, as long as everything goes well and Hyuk and the twins are all healthy. 🙏

Thanks for the update, happy new year!
Chapter 14: Well, my pregnancy was kind of normal, I actually didn't gain a lot of weight, you saw me for afar and I didn't look pregnant at all, but the morning sickness was awful all the 6 months (cuz I didn't know that I was pregnant until the 14th week....🙃) .

But yes the very first 5 days was like I couldn't sleep at all cuz I was either afraid of something happening or the cries all night....

Good luck Donghae and Hyuk, you will need it.
ReadRealize #7
Chapter 14: Teuk advice is really good ask hyukkie first before hae haha
16 streak #8
Chapter 14: ahhh happy new year... i can't wait for the twins to see the light... there are situations that pregnancy is so easy as pie but there's really mothers who are struggling even before the baby were born... pregnancies still the biggest mystery, carrying another life inside your body.. but being a patient partner to your loved one is a great support anyone can wish for, so kudos to donghae being so reliable in time like this where he was needed the most 💙
1586 streak #9
Chapter 13: Seowon picked the piano, aww. No camera, sorry daddy! And what an adorable and unexpected surprise Hyuk prepared for Donghae. 💙💙 I wonder if the twins will be fraternal or identical.
hellogemini #10
Chapter 13: Omg this is so cute. And yeah donghae is whipped indeed. It is so sweet how much he loves his Hyukkie and Seowonnie.