Baby -- mini baby

Oh My Baby--ies!?
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Donghae's mind conjured up many different thoughts and scenarios as to why Hyukjae would be in the hospital. It kept jumping from bad to worse to the unthinkable and there was nothing more he wanted to do in that moment than to step on the gas of his car and race to where Hyukjae was waiting for him but the soft babbling of Seowon in the back helped level his head a little. He can't be careless. If anything were to happen to the both of them now, Hyukjae would certainly make sure to kill him for it later. 

The car stopped on a red light and Seowon's car seat stopped lulling her to sleep making her fuss once again. Donghae heard her soft cries and looked back to give her a few soft pats to keep her from crying. 

"Sshh...Seowonnie, it's okay. We're gonna go see Hyukkie Appa right now."

Seowon grabbed Donghae's finger and held it tight, finding comfort with the small warmth it provided, but then the light turned green and Donghae had to pull away from her making her cry out loud. Donghae grimaced feeling his heart break from how loud she was crying. He kept trying to talk to her from the driver's seat but nothing he said made sense to her. Fifteen minutes later and Donghae quickly parked the car as close as he could to the hospital entrance and quickly unbuckled himself to pick Seowon up. 

As soon as Donghae opened the passenger door, Seowon immediately looked at him, face stained with her own tears, and her arms reaching out to him, clearly asking to be picked up. 

"Hi, baby." Donghae greeted her softly and unclasped her seat's buckle and clip. "We're here, my love. It's okay. I'm sorry Appa can't hold you when I'm driving."

After Donghae had her safely in his arms, Seowon's arms immediately wrapped around his neck and her cries turned into soft whimpers. Donghae patted her hair gently and closed the door followed by the prompt click of locking the car. He completely forgot about their groceries and her baby bag that was still in the car in his haste to see Hyukjae as soon as possible. 

The second he walked inside the hospital, he walked right up to the nurses station and spoke to the first person he found.

"Hi, excuse me." Donghae called for the attention of the lady who was scrolling through something on the computer. Seowon made some small noise that soon disappeared after Donghae felt and saliva on the side of his neck, but he didn't pay it too much attention as his sole focus at the moment was to find Hyukjae. 

"Yes? How can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Lee Hyukjae. I got a phone call earlier saying he was admitted here."

"Okay. Date of birth?"

"April 4, 1986." Donghae felt Seowon drop her head on his shoulders and adjusted her in his arms again so that it was easier for him to support her sleeping body. He propped her head up so she fell comfortably right between his neck and shoulder blade while he waited anxiously for the staff to tell him Hyukjae's room number. 

"May I know your relation to the patient?"

"I'm his husband." 


Donghae resisted the urge to groan from all the questions he was getting. "Lee Donghae."

"Okay, Mr. Lee. Just hang on a moment." 

Donghae remained standing on his spot and watched as she picked up the phone and dialed a few digits down. There was a brief pause on her end and Donghae heard her mutter and verify the details he had just given her. He felt Seowon's breathing even out and his free hand automatically caressed her back, trying to keep her and himself calm because now the nurse was giving him side glances while verifying with the person on the phone if the patient was waiting for his husband to come. Donghae would have made a fuss and called her out on it if Seowon wasn't sleeping peacefully in his arms. 

"Okay, thanks." The person hung up the phone and grabbed a post-it note to write down Hyukjae's room number. "He's in room 410. Just take the elevator on your right to the fourth floor. The nurse knows you're coming."

Donghae grabbed the post-it from her and muttered a quick "thanks" before brisk walking to the elevator. He pressed the up button a couple of times before he gave up and just waited patiently for it to come. Seowon stirred a little from the walk they did so Donghae carefully switched her to the other side where he can support her better. The doors finally opened and he got in quick then vehemently pressed the fourth floor until the doors of the elevator started to close.

Once the elevator doors closed, Donghae caught sight of how distressed he looked through the silver metal door. He snapped out of it and held Seowon tightly in his arms. He took in a deep breathe and allowed the small warmth Seowon provided him to help ease his some of his worries away. His heart still beating anxiously hoping that Hyukjae was okay and that nothing too bad has happened. The second the doors opened, Donghae's hands were supporting Seowon's head while he semi-jogged his way out of the elevator into room 410. He slid the door open and anxiously called Hyukjae's name. 

"Hyukjae!" He walked in frantically and saw him slowly get up from where he was lying down. Donghae's eyes were instantly filled with worry and stomped his way inside the room. "What happened?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Hae, relax. I'm fine." Hyukjae calmed him down by holding his hand tightly and smiling warmly when the other placed a worried kiss over his head. "Shindong hyung just kind of overreacted."

"Overreacted on what?"

"It got hot during rehearsals and when I took a seat, Shindong hyung thought I passed out."

"That's because you did." The both of them looked towards the door and saw Shindong carrying an ice cream cone in his hand. "Here. They didn't have the strawberry swirl you wanted so I had to go two blocks down to get it."

Hyukjae smiled and reached his hand out for it like a child. "Thanks, hyung!"

Donghae was confused and was still worried about Hyukjae's state that he kept his free arm over his shoulders while the other leaned into his body while enjoying the ice cream he asked  (Shindong would argue demanded) earlier. 

"Hyung, what happened?" Donghae asked Shindong who sat on the guest chair he brought for himself earlier by the foot of Hyukjae's bed. 

"Taemin came to get me from my office saying that Hyukjae took a nap in the middle of practice and wouldn't wake up." Shindong shook his head disappointingly at Hyukjae who's sole attention was on his ice cream. "I think you two need to talk some things out."

Donghae tilted his head a little on the side and missed the way Hyukjae glared at Shindong. "What do you mean? Talk about what?"

"I suggested to Hyukjae that maybe...while he's...uhm, eating for two," Shindong said carefully when he saw the other practically devour half of the ice cream in one go, "He should think about cutting his hours down at the studio. Maybe even-"

"Don't." Hyukjae sharply cut him off shifting Donghae's questioning gaze towards him. "I already told you, I'm fine. Even the Doctor said I was fine."

"Hyukjae, you really gave us a scare." Shindong argued to him and Donghae saw how worried the other really looked. "You said it yourself, this is uncharted water for a lot of people. I can take over for now until you're in a much better state to teach."

A knock on the door interrupted their discussion and Donghae got up to see that it was just Hyukjae's Doctor coming in to check on him. 

"Hello." She greeted Donghae automatically with a warm smile. "I'm Dr. Kim. Are you Hyukjae's husband

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This story was reported as plagiarized by this other story
I want to be fair and let you guys know and decide for yourself if it's true so I don't feel like an a**h**e trying to figure out how to finish writing this story.


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Chapter 14: I need an update from this story!! 😭😭😭
lydmoon #2
i hope you'll update soon its been awhile:)
Neha32 #3
Chapter 13: Such a cute chapter. Hae was oblivious as usual.
I love that you don't use mom's term for one of them. Honestly, I don't like it very much.
I'm going to read FwB and then I'll come back to read this one.
1586 streak #5
Chapter 14: It's winding down to the time the twins will come, so it's understandable the stress and panic is beginning to really set in. Good that Donghae vented a little. He always wants to be the strong one because Hyukjae is bearing all that physical toll, but there's an emotional one too, and he can't keep it all to himself. Neither of them planned that one would be basically bedridden with medical risks and the other would have to do most of the parenting of their toddler in the meantime. Once the babies come it will be even more hectic! But hopefully the happy kind, as long as everything goes well and Hyuk and the twins are all healthy. 🙏

Thanks for the update, happy new year!
Chapter 14: Well, my pregnancy was kind of normal, I actually didn't gain a lot of weight, you saw me for afar and I didn't look pregnant at all, but the morning sickness was awful all the 6 months (cuz I didn't know that I was pregnant until the 14th week....🙃) .

But yes the very first 5 days was like I couldn't sleep at all cuz I was either afraid of something happening or the cries all night....

Good luck Donghae and Hyuk, you will need it.
ReadRealize #7
Chapter 14: Teuk advice is really good ask hyukkie first before hae haha
16 streak #8
Chapter 14: ahhh happy new year... i can't wait for the twins to see the light... there are situations that pregnancy is so easy as pie but there's really mothers who are struggling even before the baby were born... pregnancies still the biggest mystery, carrying another life inside your body.. but being a patient partner to your loved one is a great support anyone can wish for, so kudos to donghae being so reliable in time like this where he was needed the most 💙
1586 streak #9
Chapter 13: Seowon picked the piano, aww. No camera, sorry daddy! And what an adorable and unexpected surprise Hyuk prepared for Donghae. 💙💙 I wonder if the twins will be fraternal or identical.
hellogemini #10
Chapter 13: Omg this is so cute. And yeah donghae is whipped indeed. It is so sweet how much he loves his Hyukkie and Seowonnie.