Chapter 6

Mana Academy

Onew stayed with Taemin until night. He already called Changmin to pick G-Dragon and TOP who still unconscious in the school hallway. He trusted Changmin to settle it.


Taemin wake up slowly and noticed there’s someone next to him. He flinched and sat down abruptly when he saw Onew was sleeping on the chair, next to his bed.


“Oh, you wake up?”Onew opened his eyes because he felt the bed was moving.

“I……Where am I? What happened?”asked Taemin.

“You’re in the infirmary. TOP and G-Dragon from sophomore grade did something to your mind and you went out of control.”Onew explained. Taemin was just silent, he remembered what TOP made him saw. It was when he accidentally burning his house. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to your dorm.”said Onew.


They walked in silence again. They reached Taemin’s dorm in 5 minutes. Taemin just went in his room without saying anything to Onew. He felt so tired and weak after his power went out like that. He plopped down on his bed. Then something was knocking his window. When Taemin opened the curtain. It was the previous cat. The one he met yesterday.


“What? How did you find my room?”Taemin opened the window and let the cat in. The cat was meowing and rubbing its body to Taemin.


Taemin picked the cat and lain down on the bed with the cat. “Stay with me for tonight, will you?”asked Taemin sleepily. Then he fell asleep while hugging the cat tightly.


~~The Cat’s aka Onew’s mind~~


“Oh my god, I can’t let his grip away.”Onew -or the cat- was trying to free himself from Taemin’s arm. But his small body couldn’t win against Taemin.

“Sigh, I guess I have to stay like this for now.”Onew was giving up. He curled his body closer to Taemin, trying to make him comfort. “At least this is all I can do for him.”he thought.

Unknowingly Onew fell asleep in Taemin’s arm i his cat form.


"Key.. there's some stupid bullies in this school that do dumb stuff like that but try not to care about them.. though they sometimes might try and control your mind." Seungyeon said patting Key's back as they were on their way to the dorms.


Key nodded. "Noona, did something like that happen to you too when you first started here?"


Seungyeon looked up to the sky and nodded. "Yep. That happened often. There were some older girls trying to control my mind yes. When I first started here there were actually a bunch of guys who could teleport or walk through walls and stuff. They used their skills to sneak into the girls dorm to spy on the girls. That was a really uncomfortable time you never knew when there might be a guy spying on you when you were changing clothes.. especially those guys who have the ability to turn themselves invisible.. they are creepy! Key promise me that you won't start doing stuff like that when you are here.. you know since you can walk through walls and all.."


"I would never do something like that." Key said.

"Then promise me." Seungyeon said.

"I promise." Key nodded.


"Good then. Have a good night sleep.. oh and you might have some headache because of the mind controlling but it will soon go away. See you tomorrow." Seungyeon smiled and teleported herself to her room and went to sleep.




Taemin woke up earlier than Onew. He smiled when he saw the cat was snooring softly. He sat down slowly, trying not to wake up the cat and went to take a bath. When he finished, the cat was still sleeping on his bed, curling its body. Taemin dressed up like usual and sat beside the sleeping cat. The cat –aka Onew- woke up when Taemin was petting him.


“You awake? I need to take a abreakfast in the cafeteria. Ah, I know. Let’s go together. I’ll buy you some milks.”said Taemin happily. He felt better than yesterday. He picked up the cat and walked out from his room.


Onew was a little panic when Taemin brought him to the cafeteria. “Oh god, what if someone recognizing me? Oh wait, I’ve never changed into a cat before. No one will know. I just hope Seungyeon wouldn’t know me.”thought Onew.


In cafeteria, Taemin bought some sandwiches and a bottle of milk for the cat. He sat down on a table near the door and put the cat on the table. He poured the milk in a bowl and gave it to the cat.


“Here, drink it.”Taemin munched his sandwich. Onew was acting like a normal cat and drank the milk.


Seungyeon came to have a breakfast in the cafeteria too when she saw Taemin was eating with a cat alone. She came closer to him. “Hi Taemin. Good morning.”she smiled brightly.


Onew was shocked when Seungyeon came. He didn’t lift his head and busy drinking his milk, hoping Seungyeon wouldn’t regocnize him.


Seungyeon tilted her head as she looked at the cat. "When did that come here?"


"You haven't seen it before noona? I thought this cat was this schools cat.." Taemin said petting the cat gently.


"Hmm.. I have never seen that one. There's no animals in this school.. exept..." Seungyeon paused looking at the cat carefully. Exept those who are able to turn themselves into animals..


"Exept what noona?" Taemin asked curious.

Seungyeon shook her head. "Forget about it.."


Who might that cat be.. there's just a few people like that here.. maybe.. maybe Onew?


Seungyeon grew curious and wanted to find out wether it was just a normal cat or something else.

"Can I hold it?" Seungyeon smiled. "Sure." Taemin nodded.


The cat Onew tried to walk away quickly but Taemin was fast enought to catch him. Taemin handed the cat to Seungyeon. She held it very tightly against her.


"Hello kitty.. Taemin does it have a name?" she asked as she looked at it.

Taemin shook his head. "No."


"I think we should name it. I think a name starting with the letter O would be suitable for it.." Seungyeon grinned and winked slightly to the cat.

Taemin just laughed at Seungyeon, she really interested in the cat. The cat is trying to get away from Seugyeon but Seungyeon hold it tight so the cat can't go out.


"Hmm...this cat remind me of a certain friend of mine.....a bit clumsy and....."


The cat now really struggled to get out from Seungyeon's grip. And accidentally scratch Seungyeon's hand because of it.




"'re okay.."


Taemin look at Seungyeon's arm and the cat just dissapear to nowhere. The scratch is not that deep so it isn't even bleeding, Seungyeon wash her arm.


"Aish....that Onew,,,wait till I see him.."


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