Chapter 20

Mana Academy

Onew laid Taemin on the bed in infirmary. Joon already gave Junki to Sooro and the other teacher to take Junki’s mana from him. He won’t dead, but he will live as normal human from now on, without power. Onew and Seungyeon were sitting beside Taemin’s bed. Seungyeon’s condition was gone worse. She leaned on Onew’s shoulder weakly and panting slowly. When Joon came in, Onew remembered something.


“Joon, you said you can transfer other people’s energy to other people, right?”Onew asked Joon. Joon was nodding his head, confused with what Onew meant. “Transfer my energy to you, so you can heal Seungyeon and Taemin now.”said Onew sure.

“What? Are you crazy? You are injured, and some of your mana were absorbed by Junki before. It’s dangerous, Onew.”Joon protested.

“Do see any other option to heal Seungyeon? She was getting weaker. She can’t wait until tomorrow.”said Onew.

“No, Onew. Don’t. I’m fine.”Seungyeon was trying to stop Onew from doing anything for her.

Onew shook his head and dragged Joon to sit beside Seungyeon and him. He placed Joon’s hand on Seungyeon’s and the other Joon’s hand on him. “Take it some to heal Seungyeon until the poison come out from her.”

“I…....Onew, you know your energy will be drained out from your body, right? Which mean you can die if there’s no energy left in you.”Joon was looking with sad eyes at Onew.


Onew didn’t answer but just kept staring at Joon. He knew Onew understood the consequences. Joon started to take Onew’s energy and used it to heal Seungyeon. She was crying hardly when she heard Joon said Onew can die. But she can’t do anything. The healing process went smoothly. The poison came out from Seungyeon in black smoke from her body. Onew was keep smiling to her, trying not to make her worried.


“Onew, you okay?”asked Seungyeon.

“I’m fine. I’m glad you’re healed, Seungyeon.”Onew said her name gently. “Joon, now Taemin. I don’t know how much my energy left, but at least heal him until he’s in stable condition.”


Joon nodded his head and took Taemin’s hand in him. He took Onew’s energy again to replace Taemin’s mana and heal him. Seungyeon was looking at Onew worriedly. Although Onew didn’t show any pain expression, his face went paler in minutes. Joon was concentrating on Taemin and not realized this. After a few minutes, Joon let go of Taemin’s hand. Slowly, Taemin opened his eyes, he was conscious.


“Taemin?”Onew called softly and leaned closer to him, and so did Seungyeon.

“Wh-what happened? Where’s Junki?”Taemin was looking left and right confused.

“It’s okay. It’s fine now. Everything’s over.”Seungyeon hugged Taemin gently. She looked back at Onew. “Onew, why did you do this? You can endanger yourself.”

Onew just smiled to her. “I won’t let you lose another people you cared again, like your brother.”said Onew. He leaned closer to Seungyeon. “And I don’t want to lose you.”he kissed her cheek lightly. Seungyeon was shocked by Onew’s bold action.

Onew turned back to Taemin and smiled again. “Glad you’re back. Now, protect her while I’m gone, will you?”asked Onew.

Seungyeon and Taemin were confused with what Onew meant. Then, before Taemin can ask him, Onew fell forward to his arms. Taemin hugged Onew who unconscious, but there’s something strange. Onew was breathing slowly, really slow. And his heart was beating weakly. Taemin almost can't feel it.

"Hyung, hyung! Why are you like this? Say something, Onew hyung!" Taemin shook Onew.

Seungyeon stared at Onew in horror. She then grabbed Joon's hand. "You got to do something, save him!!" she pleaded.


Joon looked at Onew with tears in his eyes. "I don't .. have enough energy right now.. it will take hours for me to get back my energy so I can heal him."


"NO! You must heal Onew!! You must try!!" Seungyeon screamed desperately and kneeled beside Onew.

"Oh.. right.. Joon your grandmother. I will just teleport Onew there and she will heal him." Seungyeon suddenly got and idea and grabbed Onew's hand.


She tried to teleport but she still had not reagined all her energy so she couldn't do so. She tried again and again but she couldn't.

"Onew.. just wait. I will take you to a place you will be healed!" Seungyeon said and tried to teleport again with all her might. But failed once again.


Joon walked to Seungyeon and put his hand on Seungyeon's shoulder. "There's no use trying to teleport now.. it takes time for you to gain your energy again."


Seungyeon shook her head and looked at Onew and Taemin who was holding onto him tightly. Seungyeon shook Onew. "Onew.. you have to wake up.. you have to hang in there for as long as Joon gain's back his powers again.. I can't lose you, I don't know what i'd do if I lose you.. so just wake up!"


Seungyeon's tears fell on Onew's hair as she cried.

Taemin looked up at Joon."Isn't there the other girl Min who could teleport also.. maybe she could take Onew hyung to your grandmother to be healed."


Seungyeon turned to look at Joon also. "Yes, Min!! Joon please go get Min!!"

Joon went to get Min, and TAemin was still holding Onew while Seungyeon just stared at both of them


"Noona I am sorry this is all my fault."


Taemin just hung his head sown, he really feel guillty, if it wasn't for him Onew and Seungyeon and others wouldn't have to suffer like this.


Seungyeon look at the young boy and hug him.


"No it wasn't your fault. we did that because we cared for you."


Taemin just look at Seungyeon, he was still blaming himself. Seungyeon hug him harder, she doesn't know what to do if the both of them leave her,


"We're here."


"I will teleport Onew, but I can't teleport a lot of people at the same time."


Joon was with Min, Min then take Onew and Joon teleported them to Joon's grandmother. While Seungyeon and Taemin was left alone.


"Noona..he will be fin, right?"


Seungyeon just hide her face in Taemin's shoulder, nodding her head. Then she let go of Taemin smiling at him.


"yes he will be okay."


she said that not only to assure Taemin but to assure herself also.


"You should rest Taemin, you look pale. Just sleep."


"but you should rest too noona."

Seungyeon then forced TAemin so he sleep in the bed, she then sit beside him and wait for Onew to comeback.


“Grandma!!! Grandma!! Help us!”Joon screaming, calling his grandmother.

“Oh, dear, what’s wrong?”Joon’s grandma came out and saw Joon and Min holding Onew.

“I….I transferred his energy to heal Seungyeon and Taemin. Now he’s going weaker and colder.”Joon explained.

“Oh no, his energy almost gone. Bring him here.”Joon’s grandma led then to her room and asked Joon to laid Onew on the bed.


She ran her hand from Onew’s head to chest, trying to heal and replenish his energy again. Joon and Min were waiting and watching Joon’s grandma doing her best. After a while, Onew’s face color went better, and his body warm again. He’s also breathing well.


“Grandma, why Onew still hasn’t wake up?”asked Joon when he saw Onew didn’t show any sign to awake.

Joon’s grandma let out a deep sigh and turned facing Joon. “I already replenish his energy and he’s stable now. But I think he’s still too weak to wake up. Let’s just wait for a few days.”

“Then, he won’t wake up for a while.”Min eyed Onew worried.

“Maybe, but I hope not.”said Joon. “Let’s go back Min. I’m sure Seungyeon was worried.”Joon scooped Onew. “Oh, and thanks Grandma.”said Joon to his beloved grandma.


Min held Joon’s hand and teleported back to the infirmary.

As soon as Seungyeon saw Joon, Min and Onew appear back she rushed to them as fast as she could, Taemin followed her also.


"Is he alright?" Seungyeon asked.

"Onew is stable now but grandma said it might take a few days for him to wake up again." Joon said.

Seungyeon Onew's hair gently. "It's a relief he is okay." She then hugged Taemin also. "It's a relief you are okay too."


Taemin smiled slightly. "And a relief noona is alright too."

Seungyeon looked at Joon and Min. "Thank you." she said to them then turned to look at Onew who was breathing steadily now.


"You do care a lot about Onew." Joon said. "My teasing wasn't pointless was it."


Seungyeon nodded. "Yes.. I.. I do.. I.. love him." she suddenly admitted what she had felt for him.

Joon smirked looking at her. "I knew there was something like that!"

Seungyeon didn't care about his teasing just looked at Onew.


"So your grandma said Onew hyung will wake up.. when?" Taemin asked. He felt really thankful to Onew who had been willing to give up his own life for him and Seungyeon.

"In a few days. We just have to wait and see.." Joon said.


"But he will surely wake up right?" Taemin asked.

"That I hope." Joon said glancing at Onew.

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