Rule 8: My Precious Gift

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♫ Jo Yuri - My Love


“We fit together in ways that others cannot see. Our hearts united in perfect symmetry. I don’t understand it, this beautiful mystery- but I’ll never take for granted the gift you are to me.”

John Mark Green


“You know what is coming up soon, right?” Sakura said as she turned her attention from her studies to Chaeyeon, who was laying on her bed watching videos on her phone.


“I know.” Chaeyeon responded.


“You’ve been asking me for the past week now.” She added, slightly annoyed as she sat up.


“So, have you thought about what you’d like to do for Valentines Day yet? Anything special you would like?”


For the past week, Sakura had been stressing over what she should do or gift Chaeyeon since not only was it Valentines Day, it was their one month anniversary together. Sakura wanted to give Chaeyeon something she would like, so she’s been trying to pry and get hints from her, but nothing has been working. Her answers were always the same boring “chocolates are fine” but Sakura doesn’t want to be boring. She wanted to do something special for her. She even asked Hyewon and Chaeryeong for help, but Chaeryeong gave the same answer as Chaeyeon and Hyewon more or less tortured her with her “I don’t know~” answers.  


“I told you already, didn’t I? Nothing special needs to happen. You can just give me some chocolates and flowers and I’d be perfectly happy.” Chaeyeon said for the nth time.


“But I don’t want to~” Sakura whined as she got up and laid on her bed, placing her head on Chaeyeon’s lap. 


“Do you really not want to do anything? Or even a present?.” Sakura continued to ask with a pout.


Chaeyeon let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through Sakura’s hair.


“Why are you so insistent on doing something or getting me a gift?” 


“Well, it’s a special day after all.”


“It’s not like it’s been 100 days. It’s only been a month.”


“I know, but everyday is special to me. Isn’t it for you? Can we please do something to celebrate? Please~?” Sakura pleaded as she flashed her big doe eyes at Chaeyeon. 


Chaeyeon looked at Sakura for a few moments before letting out another sigh.


“They’re special for me too. I guess we can do something.”


“Yatta!” Sakura exclaimed as she bolted up.


“What should we do?” Sakura excitedly asked.


“A nice dinner is fine with me.” Chaeyeon replied with a little smile.


“Sounds great! I can’t wait. Where should we go? What foods should we eat? What should I wear or what should we wear?”


Sakura began to pace around her room and ramble on as thoughts raced through her head.


“I know you’re excited and all, but...” Chaeyeon interrupted as she got up and grabbed Sakura’s shoulders, stopping her in her tracks


“...don’t go overboard, okay Saku-chan?”




“Kang-chan~ help me~” Sakura begged as she clung onto Hyewon.


Sakura was feeling desperate. She had decided and made reservations to a popular sushi restaurant for their dinner already, but despite what Chaeyeon said, Sakura still wanted to do something special to show how much Chaeyeon meant to her. She has an idea in mind, but she needed some help.


“Please? You’re the only person in the world who I know that can help me out with this.” Sakura continued as she clasped her hands together while bowing her head.


“What do I get out of this? I’m already lonely as it is and now I have to help you with your lovey dovey ideas? Are you trying to rub it in that I’m single?” Hyewon replied with an annoyed pout as she pulled Sakura off her arm.


“No! I’m not rubbing anything in. Honestly, I’m asking you because you’re such an expert in recommending good places. If you help me out, I’ll see if I can introduce you to someone nice.”


“Ha! Who are you going to introduce me to? Maru-chan? You’re always head first in your studies. I’ll be surprised if you have anyone you’re close with besides me, Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong.” Hyewon said, crossing her arms and turning her head away from Sakura.


Sakura became speechless as Hyewon was annoyingly right. She was literally only close with those three people.


Dang it!


Sakura thought as she bit her lower lip.


“Fine, you’re right. I don’t know anyone else.” Sakura unwillingly admitted.


“But how about I treat you to your favorite meal and buy you whatever you want, and owe you favors for an entire month?” Sakura offered, hoping Hyewon would consider.


Hyewon’s eyebrow raised as Sakura’s proposition peaked her interest.


“Anything?” Hyewon asked, slowly turning back towards Sakura.


Got her!


Sakura thought, trying to conceal her smirk.


“Yes. Absolutely whatever food you want, no matter the price, and whatever you ask.” 


After a little bit more thinking, Hyewon finally agreed to help.


“Okay, fine. So what are you looking for exactly?”


Hyewon began to interrogate Sakura, absorbing in every detail Sakura wanted for her surprise. She asked her about the atmosphere she wanted, food, price, decorations, etc. It was almost as if Hyewon was some experienced event planner. Sakura was definitely thankful she had a friend like her that she can rely on.


“So you want somewhere quiet like a cafe with nice desserts for after dinner, and nice decorations?” Hyewon asked again, making sure she got all of Sakura’s requests down.




Hyewon placed her finger on her chin and thought about something for a moment before excusing herself to make a phone call. After about 15 minutes, Hyewon came back with a huge smile on her face.




The special day had finally arrived and Sakura was nervous. She really wanted to make this special surprise a success, but according to Hyewon and Chaeyeon, when Sakura is lying or anxious about something, it’s pretty easy to tell. In order to calm her nerves, Sakura stood in front of her mirror to try to hype herself up, but it’s been an hour now and Sakura wasn’t feeling any better. Even though she triple checked everything and Hyewon was taking care of the cafe end, she couldn’t help but worry. She sighed deeply as she looked at her watch to check the time. 


Chaeyeon should be here soon. 


Sakura thought. 


After sitting for a moment longer, Sakura heard the doorbell ring. She got up quickly and shook her head as she made her way towards the door.


No more worrying. Just trust Kang-chan and do your part well.


Sakura reached the front door. She took one last deep breath before opening the door. As Chaeyeon came into sight, Sakura couldn’t help but stare. She wasn’t wearing anything extravagant. In fact, it was something Chaeyeon would wear on a regular basis; a long sleeve black top with a denim skirt, but for some reason, something about her tonight caught Sakura’s attention.


“What are you staring at? Do I look weird or something? Am I underdressed?” Chaeyeon asked after feeling slightly awkward at Sakura’s long stare.


“Uh-Uh no. Nothing’s wrong.” Sakura replied, breaking her gaze.


“Then why were you staring?”


“It’s just…. you’re really beautiful tonight.” Sakura said, suddenly became a little shy, unable to look at Chaeyeon.


Sakura often tells her how beautiful she is, but it’s been a while since she’s been shy about it, so Chaeyeon was a little surprised at Sakura.


“Stop being so weird. You see me dressed like this all the time. It’s not like I’m wearing some magnificent dress.” Chaeyeon said with a gentle smile, while her cheeks began to blush.


“I know, but I just wanted to let you know.” Sakura replied.


“Well, you look good too.” Chaeyeon said, clearing .


“We should get going.” She added before rushing Sakura.


Since it was a special day, Sakura decided to call a taxi. She didn’t want Chaeyeon to get tired walking since she’s been getting easily tired lately. After a few minutes' drive and a quick walk, they arrived at their destination. As Chaeyeon laid her eyes on the sign of the restaurant’s name, her eyes widened.


“Saku-chan! I told you a nice dinner, but not this nice!” Chaeyeon freaked out as she found out their dinner was at Sushi Sugita.


“You know how expensive this place is, right?” Chaeyeon added.


“Of course I do.” Sakura replied, unphased by Chaeyeon’s reaction.


“If you know, why’d you pick this place?! Even I, a foreigner here, knows how popular and expensive this place is.”


“I told you, didn’t I? It’s a special day. We don’t usually get to go out on dates or give each other anything, so splurging a little for today isn’t a problem. Besides, I know you love your spicy food and all, but let’s change it up a bit with your other favorites and mine, okay?”


After fuming for a moment, Chaeyeon sighed.


“Nothing we can do about it now since you already made reservations. With that said, I’ll help you pay for it. I can’t make you pay for this all by yourself. It just doesn’t sit right with me.”


“No! It’s fine, Chaeyeon-ah. I’ll handle it since I planned this anyway.”


Chaeyeon still seemed worried, despite Sakura assuring her otherwise. She moved her eyes to the floor, seemingly hesitant to move and go in. Sakura smiled a gentle smile while looking at Chaeyeon as she grabbed her hand.


“Please don’t worry about it. Once I become a doctor, I’ll earn it back anyway. Just enjoy yourself today without worries. That’s all I ask, okay?” Sakura added as she bent down, moving her head under Chaeyeon’s face to meet her eyes.


Chaeyeon couldn’t help but crack a smile. She nodded quietly before grabbing Sakura’s hand tighter and walking into the restaurant. 




“This is amazing!” Sakura exclaimed quietly as she savored every bite of her sushi.


Sakura had to admit, out of all the sushi she has had in her life, this was the best. The rice was seasoned just right and the fish was to die for. Each cut and type of fish had its unique flavor brought out perfectly. Even the ones she’s never heard of before were delicious. Sakura wished she could eat this everyday.


“No wonder this place was so hard to book. It’s so good!” Sakura said with full.


“I’m surprised you even got us a reservation.” Chaeyeon replied.


“Haha, I had to pull some strings, but let’s not worry about that. Are you enjoying the food? I haven’t heard you say anything yet.” 


“Huh?” Chaeyeon said, seemingly caught off guard.


“Were you expecting it to be better?” Sakura whispered, switching to Korean to be sure the sushi chef didn’t understand.


Chaeyeon looked at Sakura for a moment before covering to silence her laughter.


“Saku-chan, you’re so silly. Of course it’s delicious.”


“Then why haven’t you said anything?”


“I like to savor my food quietly, my dear, Miyawaki-san.” Chaeyeon replied, softly clearing as she sat up poshed.


“Ah, right. Of course you do… Lee Chaeyeon-ssi.” Sakura teased, causing the two to giggle.


Suddenly, Sakura’s phone vibrated. Chaeyeon moved her eyes towards the phone, but Sakura quickly grabbed it off the counter and checked the message before Chaeyeon could see anything.


“Who is that?” Chaeyeon suddenly asked.


“W-what?” Sakura slightly choked as she started feeling nervous.


“Your phone has been going off nonstop since we’ve been here.” She added.




Sakura paused for a moment as she tried to think of something quick. There was no way she could tell Chaeyeon that it was Hyewon messaging her. Since Hyewon doesn’t usually text this much, Chaeyeon would catch on that she was planning something behind her back. Plus, if Sakura didn’t admit it, she’d start interrogating Hyewon and Hyewon could never lie to Chaeyeon for some reason. No matter what, S

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Sorry for taking so long to update. I honestly have no clue how long it will take me to post the other one shots, so sorry in advance. Writer's block is a pain. I'll try my best to not take too long though, but no promises. Hopefully it won't take me a month. Anyways, hope you enjoy the update.


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baesjbae_ #1
Coming back in here i realized that this is a pain i freaking crave.
Alpha51 #2
Chapter 12: It was really a great story thank you author nim, I cried hard but it's okay
maomao88 #3
Chapter 14: This is like stanning izone, you still enjoy reading this even though it will hurt in the end. 🥺
Chapter 13: This is good and it made me cry. My heart is so broken rn
Mizone #5
Chapter 13: This is great!
misslovelyjr #6
Chapter 13: Ahhh chaeyeon's pov is comiiiing huhu imma prepare my heart~ thanks for the update authornim ^_^
Chapter 13: Oh my God
Im going to cry again?!
But anyway, thanks for that author-nim ^•^
Chapter 13: Authornim.. you are the best :")
Thank you for feeding angst to us again on cy pov. Ill prepare myself to cry again
Leechaeyeon11 #9
Chapter 13: it’s chaeyeon pov ???
violentsushi #10
Chapter 12: I expected angst from the beginning, and I got what I expected. 😭 It was really good and that ending made me emotional. I think sakura just had to have a hint that something was wrong with her. Looking forward to extra chapters that you could provide.