The Colors of Spring

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♫ Sondia - The Day We Met


“It was only after I met you that I felt my heart begin to beat again. The light of your soul pierced through the darkness I let surround mine and brought me back to life. You showed me that there is still beauty in the world. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

S.J. West


“This will be your room while you’re here. I hope you don’t mind sharing it with other patients.” The doctor said as she showed Chaeyeon her room.


“Of course not. I’m in a hospital and I’m a patient, aren’t I? I’ll be fine. Thank you again doctor for letting me be here like this and taking care of me.” Chaeyeon replied.


“No need to thank me, I’m very happy to be able to help you. Your parents and I are good friends anyway, and you’ve been like a daughter to me too. I’m just sad that this is all I can do for you.”


“You’re doing a lot already by watching over me. I’m just glad I get to travel a bit before...” Chaeyeon trailed off as she lowered her gaze.


“If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. Just remember to show up to your appointments, okay?” The doctor replied as she placed her hand on Chaeyeon’s shoulder.


“I will. Thank you again.”


“Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place? I have an extra room. Plus, I got the apartment for the both of us in the first place.” Hyewon said as she walked into the room.


The doctor excused herself and left the two girls to converse with each other.


“Sorry for not telling you earlier, but I think staying here will be better.” Chaeyeon replied.


“It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just don’t want to bother you with taking care of me and bringing me here for my appointments. Besides, what if something happens to me when you’re in your classes? I’m already burdening you by coming here with you.” She added.


“Hey, what did I say about you saying that you’re a burden?” Hyewon said, furrowing her brows.




Hyewon sighed as she flashed Chaeyeon a smile, swinging her arm around her shoulder and pulling her close.


“It’s fine. Just promise to come over whenever you can. You’re always welcomed to stay with me if you don’t want to spend too much time here or when you’re missing me.” Hyewon playfully teased. 


“I will. Thank you Hyewon.” Chaeyeon replied as she turned and hugged Hyewon tightly.


“Anything for you. Anyway, I’ll go grab the rest of your stuff from the lobby. I’ll be right back.” Hyewon said as she broke from their embrace and rushed out.


Chaeyeon turned her attention towards the window as she let out a little sigh. She walked towards the window and opened it. It had been a while since she was able to travel anywhere, so she was happy she got to be somewhere other than her hospital room in Korea. She took a look down below her and saw all the students walking around. Some were rushing to get to class while others were chilling, enjoying the company of their friends or taking little naps under trees. As she stared, It made her think about her college days and how she wished for a normal life as well.




Chaeyeon’s daydreaming was interrupted as she suddenly heard loud crying coming from a child outside in the hallway. Chaeyeon was going to ignore it since hospitals would sometimes have crying children, but she felt bad, worried that the child may be lost or something. She slid the window closed and made her way towards the hallway. She cautiously peaked her head out of the room and saw the crying child standing in the hallway in front of the next room down. She looked up and down the hallway around the child, but it seemed like there was no one coming for her.


Is she lost or something? Maybe I should go ask her what’s wrong.


Chaeyeon thought as she began making her way towards the child.


“Nako-chan!” Chaeyeon suddenly heard someone call.


From the room the child was standing in front of, a young lady came running out. 


“Nako-chan, I told you to stay there and wait patiently for your turn. You can’t just run away like that without getting your shot.” The girl said, scolding the little girl.


“But I don’t like getting shots!” 


“You need it though. It’s flu season right now. You have to get one so you don’t get sick.”


“But they hurt!”


“It’s only a little pinch. Look at your friends, they’re doing just fine.”


“No, I don’t care. I’m not getting a shot!” The little girl exclaimed as she began to cry.


Chaeyeon cracked a smile at the child, relating to her somehow.


I wonder how that girl will convince her to get her shot.


Chaeyeon thought to herself as she continued to watch from afar.


The young lady sighed with a smile as she knelt down to the little girl’s eye level.


“How about this, Nako-chan.” The young lady said in a slightly hushed tone.


“I’ll buy you your favorite ice cream after you get the shot.” She suggested. 


The little girl stopped crying immediately as the offer had peaked her interest.


“Will you really buy me ice cream?” Nako cautiously asked.


“Mmhmm, but that secret will stay between us okay?”


“Okay!” The little girl immediately perked up.


“But can you get one for Hii-chan too?” Nako quietly added with puppy eyes.


The older girl seemed to be taken aback, but quickly smiled and agreed as she gestured to the little girl to keep it a secret. 


“Thank you Saku-chan!” Nako flashed the older girl a big smile as she hugged the girl and rushed back into the room. 


“She agreed so quickly, I feel like I just got scammed.” The older girl said to herself with a smile as she made her way back into the room too.


Chaeyeon chuckled as she heard the older girl’s comment. 


How nice of her.


Chaeyeon thought as she walked back into her room.




Days passed and Chaeyeon spent her time wandering the campus. As she wanted to stay close to the hospital but not stuck in her room her entire stay, she decided to explore the campus. She walked around to see what interesting things she could find, as well as observing the people around her, but one day, something caught her eye. She wandered behind a building and was pleasantly surprised when she stumbled upon a courtyard. There was a lone tree sitting in the middle of the courtyard with an empty bench next to it. 


I wonder what kind of tree this is.


Chaeyeon thought to herself as there were no flowers on it since it was already Fall. 


Maybe I’ll be able to see it bloom in time during Spring.


Chaeyeon cracked a little smile as she sat down on the bench and stared up the bare tree. She took a deep breath in of the chilly air and closed her eyes as she let her mind go blank. For a moment, she let all of the thoughts she constantly has disappear for a short while. A moment later, she opened her eyes and returned to her reality. Her eyes fell upon the building in front of her and something caught her attention again. She looked up through the windows of the building that were facing the courtyard and saw someone she didn’t expect to see. 


“It’s her.” Chaeyeon said to herself as she saw the young lady who comforted the small child on her first day there.


The girl was just sitting by the window, staring out, somewhat looking like in a daze. 


“What was her name again? Sa...Sa…” Chaeyeon asked herself as she tried to recall her name.


“I think that little girl called her Saku-chan.”


Chaeyeon didn’t know what it was, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the girl. It wasn’t like she was even doing anything. She just looked like the typical medical student you usually see in tv shows with messy hair and always looking tired, but for some reason, she captivated Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon remained sitting a little longer, just looking up at the girl.




Chaeyeon continued to go to the same courtyard everyday as it had become her favorite spot to sit and without fail, that girl would be at the same spot every time. Even though the girl probably has no clue of her existence, Chaeyeon had become comfortable watching the girl from afar. One day, the weather had become slightly more chilly so Chaeyeon felt that it’d be a bad idea to go sit at the tree. She thought maybe spending one day in her room wouldn’t be too bad, but it proved harder than she expected. 


She laid in her bed, trying to get some more sleep, but she couldn’t go back to sleep. She then tried watching videos on her phone, but there was nothing interesting to watch. She even tried to read some books and manhwas, but she couldn’t get into them either. She placed her phone down and let out a frustrated sigh. 


“What are you sighing about?” Hyewon suddenly asked as she walked into the room.


“Ah, hey.” Chaeyeon replied as she sat up


“I’m just a little bored, that’s all.” She added.


“Well, staying in bed for a day isn’t bad. Haven’t you been going out everyday since you’ve been here anyway?. There’s not that much to see on the campus by now, you know.” Hyewon said as she set down a bag of snacks for Chaeyeon.


“I know…” 


“Here are the snacks you asked for. Do you need anything else before I head off to my classes?”


“I’m good. Thanks.”


“Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll see if I can get them after my classes. You’re coming over for dinner this weekend, right?”


“Ah, yea.”

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Sorry for taking so long to update. I honestly have no clue how long it will take me to post the other one shots, so sorry in advance. Writer's block is a pain. I'll try my best to not take too long though, but no promises. Hopefully it won't take me a month. Anyways, hope you enjoy the update.


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baesjbae_ #1
Coming back in here i realized that this is a pain i freaking crave.
Alpha51 #2
Chapter 12: It was really a great story thank you author nim, I cried hard but it's okay
maomao88 #3
Chapter 14: This is like stanning izone, you still enjoy reading this even though it will hurt in the end. 🥺
Chapter 13: This is good and it made me cry. My heart is so broken rn
Mizone #5
Chapter 13: This is great!
misslovelyjr #6
Chapter 13: Ahhh chaeyeon's pov is comiiiing huhu imma prepare my heart~ thanks for the update authornim ^_^
Chapter 13: Oh my God
Im going to cry again?!
But anyway, thanks for that author-nim ^•^
Chapter 13: Authornim.. you are the best :")
Thank you for feeding angst to us again on cy pov. Ill prepare myself to cry again
Leechaeyeon11 #9
Chapter 13: it’s chaeyeon pov ???
violentsushi #10
Chapter 12: I expected angst from the beginning, and I got what I expected. 😭 It was really good and that ending made me emotional. I think sakura just had to have a hint that something was wrong with her. Looking forward to extra chapters that you could provide.