My Person (SaTzu)

Songs About Us


Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are currently in a bar for their usual Friday Night Out that happens every two weeks. They've been doing that ever since they graduated from college just to catch up on each other's lives. Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung had been checking out girls and then rating them from 1 to 10 which Tzuyu think was quite absurd cause they already got themselves girlfriends. They kept telling her they're doing that for her cause she was too lazy to find herself a girl. It's not that she doesn't find anyone pretty or anything but she believes that when the right one comes, they will meet eventually. What she didn't know was, that will be tonight.

"Yoda, we're out of beers. It's your turn to buy the rounds" Chaeyoung shouted at Tzuyu who was busy bobbing her head to the music.

"Nah. I'm heading out smol. I'm not feeling the vibe tonight" Tzuyu responded which earned her some chips to be thrown at her by a certain ostrich.

"Yah! You said that last time and you promised we'll have a sleep over since Mina and Nayeon are away for the weekend. Some company team building and "

"One last round and we're leaving" Tzuyu responded as she got up from her seat while the other two cheered then continued scanning the area.

Tzuyu approached the bar and was waiting for the bartender to notice her. While waiting somebody bumped into her and called the bartender's attention and was immediately assisted.

"What the ?" She thought.

"One Mai Tai please"

The girl said her order then looked at Tzuyu's direction, well past her as if she was looking for someone. And when Tzuyu saw the girl's face she was just stunned at the beauty in front of her.

"Hi I'm Chou Tzuyu. I'm sorry for being straight forward like this. You're just so beautiful. Is it okay if I get your name and number?" Tzuyu was surprised with herself because she has never done this before. She was mentally preparing herself for a slap on her face or something but that never happened.

The girl got her order, smiled at her then left. Bummed out, Tzuyu went back to their table with two beers and a Mai Tai. Only realizing that the bartender messed up her order when she sat down. This earned her a series of teasing from her friends.

"Have you gone soft yoda? You don't order freaking cocktails" Chaeyoung started and Tzuyu instantly came up with an excuse.

"I saw someone order it and it looked…tasty" Tzuyu patted her back mentally for coming up with such quick thinking.

And the teasing continued.

When they were about to call it a night, Tzuyu excused herself to the bathroom. There was a small line so she leaned on the wall when someone bumped into her for the second time that night. She was about to shout at the person as she was having a rough night but when she saw the same girl she turned her frown upside down.

"Hi again"

The girl looked at her scrunching her eyebrows.

"Have we met?"

"Ugh. Ugh. Yeah at the bar"

Still with a look of confusion. "Tzuyu?"

”Oh my gosh she remembered my name." Tzuyu thought again and just nodded excitedly.

"Wow. I keep bumping into you tonight. Must be fate."

Tzuyu not knowing how to answer just smiled in a sort of creepy way.

"I'm Sana. Minatozaki Sana." The girl said then smiled and extended her hand for Tzuyu to shake which she did and held on her hand a little longer. The person inside the bathroom went out so the line moved. When Tzuyu was done doing her business she waited for Sana outside.

“Are you going home already?” Tzuyu asked as soon as Sana came to view, although she was already expecting to be turned down she still hoped she could at least get her number.

“Already planning on taking me home, huh?” She teased and Tzuyu gulped hard and just went all shades of red. “I’m just kidding…unless I’m not”

Tzuyu ditched Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung and just sent them a message that she’s not joining them and of course they again asking for details about the person she met. They already knew she met someone because Tzuyu would never leave them just like that. As for Sana, she bid goodbye to her friends who also questioned the sudden leave. They met in the parking lot where Tzuyu parked her car and they both decided to go to the nearest diner.

The diner was designed liked it was in the old times, dim litted as there weren't a lot of customers at that time of night or rather morning.  Tzuyu and Sana ordered some milkshakes and fries and started getting to know each other. As they were both foreigners to the country, they immediately shared stories about each other's experience. From learning the language, adjusting to the culture and making friends.  They were both just enjoying each other's company and didn't even notice that the sun was already shining and the lights in the diner had been . It wasn't until the waitress approached them for any other orders that they decided to leave.

Tzuyu offered to take Sana home and the latter agreed. When they arrived, Tzuyu walked Sana up to the front door where they exchanged numbers then before Sana went inside, she kissed the taller girl and giggled right after.

"I had a fun time Tzuyu. Hope we can do this again soon"

"Definitely. I'll text you when I get home."

And then they said their goodbyes and Tzuyu went back to her car and drove home. As soon as she stepped inside her own house, she immediately sent a message to Sana, showered then went to sleep.

They spent more time together the following weeks and eventually Tzuyu decided that it was time for her to introduce Sana to her friends. Their Friday Night Out is approaching and after some convincing (more of herself if she was really sure it was a good move especially with her friends), Tzuyu informed her friends that she will be bringing a plus one. As expected her friends kept asking her about the details but she just shut them up by saying they'll just have to wait. Friday night came so Tzuyu was waiting for Sana in front of her house. She was fidgeting as she held the steering wheel that more pressure on it would leave an imprint. They've gone out with just the two of them although nothing was labeled yet, she  was just really nervous about the girl meeting her friends. Their girlfriends she has no problem since Mina is also Japanese, she's sure they'll click right away and Nayeon is you know Nayeon, she gets along with anyone easily.

Sana came out of the house and Tzuyu just gulped hard as she saw the girl wearing the shortest dress ever. If Tzuyu was a guy she would've gotten a . Sana got inside the car and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you okay Tzuyu? You look constipated?" Sana asked. And to redeem herself with how funny she may have looked just now, cleared and assured the girl she was doing alright. She started to drive towards the bar when she received a call from Chaeyoung. Since she was driving she let Sana answer it.

"Yoboseyo?" Sana greeted. Loud music was already playing in the background so that only means they are already inside.


Sana had to move the phone away from her ear to save her hearing before answering. "Hi. Tzuyu is driving. We're in our way now"

Sana switched it on loud speaker this time as another person spoke on the other line. "Kon'nichiwa Sana, koreha Minadesu. O ai dekiru no o tanoshiminieimasu. (Hi Sana, this is Mina. We can't wait to meet you.)"

"Mina arigatōgozaimasu. Tzuyu no tomodachi zen'in ni mo au no ga machi kiremasen. (Thank you Mina. I can't wait to meet all of Tzuyu's friends as well.)"

Then the call ended and Tzuyu had no idea what just happened so Sana had to translate. When they reached the club, it really was indeed a full house but good thing about patrons of the place, Tzuyu already had a parking spot reserved. They also didn't have to wait in line as the bouncers knew her. Upon entering, they were greeted by the loud music and the strong smell of alcohol. Their group was seated in their usual spot and before they reached the table, Tzuyu stepped back.

"What's wrong Tzuyu?"

"Ugh. I don't think I can do this"

"They're your friends babe. It's going to be alright"

Sana stepped forward but Tzuyu hasn't, stunned with Sana calling her 'babe'. So the other grabbed her hand and walked towards the table. (How she knows where to go? Of course Tzuyu already showed her some of their pictures) When they reached the table, four pairs of eyes stared at them and two of those had a sneaky/teasing smiles on their faces.

They sat down and as Tzuyu expected, the questioning began. Some of the questions were inappropriate but Sana answered them easily. It was like Sana just jelled in with the group and Tzuyu was really was happy about it. As the night grew, so was their ‘relationship’. Sana clung on to Tzuyu and the latter was not complaining. Everyone was having a great time and the drinks were flowing. When Sana, Mina and Nayeon excused themselves to go to the restroom, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon scooted closer to Tzuyu and continued their questioning.

“So, Sana is quite something, huh?” Jengyeon started. “She’s literally the first girl you introduced to us that means only one thing”

“She’s definitely ‘the one’” Chaeyoung continued.

Tzuyu pondered for a moment then answered. “It’s really too early to say. I mean we’re not even official yet”

“Keyword: Yet. Who knows, maybe tonight it’ll be” Jeongyeon said.

Chaeyoung drained her beer then said, “I’ll bet you my next paycheck if that doesn’t happen. I mean, she’s been clinging on to you since you arrived. Maybe she’s just waiting for you to ask her” And the ostrich just nodded her head.

The three other girls arrived and they continued drinking. No one was really that drunk yet despite the amounts of alcohol they consumed that night. Closing time came and they all decided to go home. As Tzuyu and Sana sat inside the car, the latter was unusually quiet and was just staring down.

“Are you ready to go home?” Tzuyu asked which startled the other.

“Not really”

Tzuyu thought back on what Chaeyoung told her and was contemplating whether to ask Sana about their status. “Is there anywhere else you’d like to go? Maybe we go get milkshakes and fries?” She suggested, remembering the first time they went out.

Sana looked up and stared at Tzuyu. “Hmm. Can I stay over at your house?”

Tzuyu was surprised to hear the question. “Ugh. Yes sure”

“If you don’t want me to, it’s okay” Sana continued and Tzuyu thought why Sana was like not in her usual bubbly sometimes flirty self. So she started the engine and drove away.

They arrived at Tzuyu's house and it was actually Sana's first time there. When they got inside, Tzuyu showed her the rest of the house and Sana still was unusually quiet, just nodding as the taller girl showed her what room is which. They ended back in the living room and Tzuyu offered to make some coffee. While Tzuyu was in the kitchen, Sana looked around the room and looked at the pictures displayed. There were photos of her friends whom she just met, another group picture which she assumes are the rest of their group, some picture with an older man and woman and with the resemblance of the woman to Tzuyu making them her parents and some more old photos of Tzuyu when she was young. One particular photo really caught her attention though. It was clearly a stolen picture probably taken by her parents. It was a picture of Tzuyu handing a squirrel plushie to another girl who was clearly crying and as Sana looked closer a certain memory came to her mind. Tzuyu came back with two cups of coffee in hand and she took the picture with her as they sat on the couch.

"Do you remember when this was taken?" Sana asked.

Tzuyu looked at the picture. "Yeah I think I was about eight or nine at that time. My parents took me to Hong Kong Disneyland for my birthday. Why?"

"Do you know who this kid is?" Sana asked again.

"Not really. I just remember that I wanted the plushie so bad that I begged my mom and dad to play and win the game and when they did I got the plushie. Then this kid came up and tried to take it from me and when I said no she started crying. I didn't know what to do so I just gave it to her. I remember my mom telling me how proud she was of me cause after begging them to win the plushie I just gave it away."

Sana was suddenly smiling like an idiot as she remembered the memory. "You know I still have that plushie and I don't think I never got to thank you"

Tzuyu was dumbfounded. She never thought that she would be meeting the kid again and it turned out that it was Sana.

"Guess it really must be fate" Sana said when Tzuyu somehow forgot to function for a moment. Sana placed the picture down on the table then leaned a little closer to Tzuyu. "I really like you Tzuyu" The taller girl still remained immobile to her seat and when Sana closed the gap between them, she saw fireworks as she closed her eyes and responded to the kiss. Sana then straddled Tzuyu and the latter's hand just automatically went to the other's waist hugging her tighter as if she would fly away.  Several minutes passed by and they had to pull away to catch their breathe. They looked each other in the eyes, and they both had a clear understanding of what the other wants.


The coffee was left cold and untouched and clothes were scattered all over the floor. They made love the first time that night and when morning came Tzuyu was the first to wake up but did not want to get up. She took in everything that happened as she stared at the person sleeping next to her. After another hour, Sana stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

"Do you know it's a crime to stare at someone so creepily" Sana said and Tzuyu just smiled.

"Then I'm guilty as charged" she answered as she kissed Sana's head and the latter just snuggled closer.

They stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes and with the sound of a grumbling tummy signaled that it was time to finally get out of bed. Tzuyu got out of the room first after putting some clothes on and Sana went to the bathroom then came out with nothing but a t-shirt on. After Tzuyu finished cooking some eggs and bacon, they enjoyed their breakfast. Sana spent the rest of the weekend at Tzuyu’s house and they made sure to make use of the time they had together.

Their relationship strengthened as the months went by and after six months, Tzuyu asked Sana if she wants to move in with her and of course she said yes. The day she finally moved in, they held a party with their friends and Tzuyu finally introduced Sana to her parents who also came from Taiwan.

Tzuyu was talking to her parents in the kitchen while Sana entertain their guests.

“To be honest Tzuyu, I wasn’t sure you were getting serious with anybody. And then out of the blue, you called up and told us about this girl” Mr. Chou said as he sipped on some champagne.

“But she does look familiar, don’t you think honey?” Mrs. Chou asked her husband who nodded. And just on cue, Sana entered the kitchen.

“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Chou. My name is Minatozaki Sana” she greeted while shaking each of their hands. The older Chou’s were a bit surprised with the ball of sunshine who just introduced herself and wondered how on earth she broke down Tzuyu’s wall.

Tzuyu cleared and held Sana’s hand. “”Dad, Mom, this is Sana my girlfriend.”

“Oh we figured Tzuyu. You never hold hands with any of your friends” Her parents teased and Tzuyu just blushed.

“Really? Was she a cold one to her friends?” Sana asked with a teasing smile.

“Yes. She usually don’t show any emotions and when she does it was to the bare minimum. So thank the heavens, she met you. Everytime she mentions you when we check up on her, she can’t seem to remove the smile on her face. And mind you, we know the limited different smiles she has” Mrs. Chou said and all three of them except Tzuyu laughed.

When Sana noticed that Tzuyu was getting embarrassed already, she kissed her cheek, not minding that they were in front of the girl’s parents. She then excused herself again to go back to their other guests.

“She’s definitely a keeper Tzuyu.” Mr. Chou said as she patted her daughter’s shoulder.

“I still can’t seem to shake the feeling that we’ve met her before.” Mrs. Chou asked.

And Tzuyu went on about telling them about her birthday trip and her giving the squirrel plushie.

“Oh my goodness! She was that girl?” Mrs. Chou asked and Tzuyu nodded. “I guess you really are meant to be because she was the first kid you ever shared, well given your toy to. Are you planning on proposing to her?”

Tzuyu was shocked with what her mother just asked. I mean, she doesn’t see herself with anyone aside from Sana so yes, she will be proposing to her in time. But it was too soon to do so, or is it?

The party went on and everyone were having fun, it was also unusual for Tzuyu to hold a party at her house so her friends were really taking advantage of it. They at least had the decency to clean up after so Tzuyu was not complaining.

Months turned into years, Tzuyu and Sana was about to celebrate their fourth anniversary so the younger thought of surprising her girlfriend. She had never paid attention to her backyard so when Sana mentioned one time that she misses her home and the garden she used to go to as a kid, remembering the details, she immediately contacted her architect friend Chaeyoung and asked for help turning her barren backyard into a beautiful Japanese garden. She had people digging and constructing the design and in just a week’s time, everything was set. Tzuyu asked Mina and Nayeon to distract Sana by inviting her to the mall as Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and her prepare the final touches. When everything was done, she took a shower and put on one of her best suits.

“Tadaima!” Sana shouted as she locked the door and Tzuyu scrambled to get out of the room to greet her girlfriend.

“Did you buy everything in the mall?” Tzuyu said as she took notice of the several paper bags Sana just placed on the floor. Sana just smiled and leaned in to kiss Tzuyu.

“Hmm. Nope, Mina and Nayeon made sure I didn’t” Sana responded with a sinister smile and Tzuyu mentally did a face palm.

Tzuyu then got a blindfold and asked Sana to put it on and just trust her so she did. Once the blindfold was on, she carefully led Sana to the backyard.

“You’re not planning on murdering me right?” Sana asked and Tzuyu was stunned with her question.

“Now why the hell would I want to murder you?”

“Cause that’s what most people do when someone blindfolds them”

Tzuyu was trying hard not to laugh at what Sana was saying so she just went with it.

“You blindfolded and even tied me up last time when you went all Christian Grey on me, remember?”

Tzuyu heard her girlfriend snicker as she remembered one of their rendezvous.

They finally reached the landing so Tzuyu slowly removed the blindfold and Sana’s eyes just widened. Taking in the view she was seeing, her eyes began to water and Tzuyu knew they were tears of joy.

“Y…you had this made f…for me?” Sana asked. Tzuyu nodded in response and Sana just engulfed her in tight hug almost making her lose her balance.

They walked on the small wooden bridge connecting the now two spaces of land and Tzuyu guided her towards the table set for two. Several plants and trees surround them and the place illuminated by Japanese lanterns. Sana could not help but feel overjoyed by what she is seeing and the fact that her girlfriend had this done. Tzuyu pulled up a chair and let her sit then opened the bottle of champagne and poured some on each of their glasses before she sat down.

"Happy 4th Anniversary babe!" Tzuyu began.

"I still can't believe that it has been four years already" Sana responded.

They enjoyed their dinner and some dessert then Tzuyu played a song on her phone which was connected to the speakers.

Tzuyu stood up and held out her hand and as soon as Sana took it, she swayed them along with the music.

As soon as the song ended, Tzuyu looked at Sana then began her speech.

“I love you Minatozaki Sana. I’ve never loved anyone else before you. My friends could attest to that. Ever since I was young I’ve never been good at making friends cause most people see me as someone who’s cold and unapproachable. But that day on my eighth or ninth birthday, you jumped over that wall I had. Who knew that years later we would meet again. Then I got to know you more and started hanging out. I always wait for the day we would meet up so I could spend time with you. I’ve shared things with you that I never told my friends, you became my best friend. When we started living together, I always rush to go home just so I can be with you. You’ve made me a better person and I’ve never been more sure of anyone because you are my person.”

Tzuyu then knelt on one knee and got the box she had in her pocket. “Will you marry me?”

Sana was already crying the moment Tzuyu began her speech and she also would not like to be with anyone else aside from her, so she said yes.

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Chapter 19: I'm thinking if you will write a winrina story in your list here and I saw this your latest update I guess but then I saw the ending and I don't want to bawl my eyes out crying 😭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 13: This freaking trilogy has me bawling my eyes out. Kamsahamnida author-nim
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Chapter 11: Wait... whaaaaat... reincarnation whaaaat 😭
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More WenRene fluff please 😊
Chapter 11: I love seeiing wenrene with a happy ending
remove the SR tag here lmao 🤣
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Chapter 10: Atleast chaelisa are together again not like jensoo in the previous chaps....
1129 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😭😭😭
Chapter 18: I'm not okay 😭😭
it's just... i miss xiaorina so much 😔
thank you authornim
nabongs97 #10
Chapter 14: 2yeon please