Wait For You (WenRene)

Songs About Us


-so this is the third and final part of All I Want and Don't Forget Me-

Seungwan's POV

It didn't take long for Irene to let me in. We started as friends of course, but during the months we've worked together, I was starting to feel something more. I didn't tell her about it and maybe not anytime soon. I know it's been years since her wife died and I know that it takes time for someone to move on. It still feels weird that I look exactly like her, maybe she was that voice I kept hearing before. That maybe, this is not yet the end of their love story. Or that maybe Wendy somehow possessed me or something, that her spirit somehow made me her vessel to continue her life with Irene. And who am I to complain?

Irene is a strong person. The first day we met was the only time I saw her cry. The time that I got to spend time with her, I saw how there would be moments she would just stare into space and when asked what's wrong or what she's thinking, she would say nothing but her eyes tell differently. I never forced her to say anything to me cause I respect her like that.

We went on our usual routine in the hospital. She helps me out even at times I don't really ask for it. We sometimes go out for lunch or dinner when our schedules match. And slowly, she started opening up to me.

I still hear the voice in my dreams but I kept it at first. I couldn't find the right timing to let her know about it. These messages I get from the voice are all about Irene.

Telling me subtly about the things she likes. It became a daily occurrence that I kept a pad by my bedside to try and remember everything when I wake up. Without realizing it, I already filled out several pages. It varied from her favorite dishes and drinks, places she wanted to visit, places she wants to revisit, and such but upon reading my notes, I noticed some of it talks about some book. I can't seem to remember the title but it kept coming up.

Her birthday came and I talked to the team and decided to surprise her. We knew she was on leave so we made sure we drop by her house. I took care of the things we would bring like the carrot cake I personally baked, the special tteokboki recipe and tickets to see her favorite group. I gained a lot of teasing from the team when I got to the hospital where we would be coming from before going to her house. Her assistant Yeri took care of communicating with her. Asking things regarding certain concerns just to keep her responding. She kinda overdid it with the questions making it sound like an emergency that Irene had to go to the hospital but I told her there was no need. Also a good thing that none of the team had scheduled appointments or surgeries after six so we all met up at the parking lot and followed Yeri.

While driving, I the radio and the new song from this solo artist Wannie came up. I found myself singing along and imagining me singing it to Irene.

I want you to love me
I can feel your pain too
I’ll cover your deep wounds
And embrace you
It makes you rise again

I laughed at how silly I looked. She's still healing and it's going to take some time for her to be fine.

We reached her house and noticed all the lights were out.

In whispers we talked among ourselves.

"Yeri are you sure she's home?" Amber asked as she carefully balanced a box in her hand.

Yeri checked her phone and confirmed.

"Yes. She just responded that she just got out of the bathroom and about to sleep"

"Then can someone ring the bell now? My hands are getting numb from these bags" Krystal complained so Victoria, being the one closest to door rang the bell. We waited for a couple of minutes before she opened it. The look on her face was epicly beautiful. I wish I had my phone ready to capture the moment but sadly my hands were full.

"W...what are you guys doing here?" She asked, still in shock.

"We can't let the day end without celebrating your birthday Dr. Bae" Yeri answered. She let us in and the relief when I was finally able to put down everything I was holding felt great. We settled in the living room and since I was the last one in, I was also the last one seated, beside her.

The impromptu party started. Everyone was enjoying the food and drinks, and for the longest time in a while, she was smiling longer.

We got to the gift giving part and everyone boasted their own presents. Yeri gave her a new bottle of perfume, Krystal gave her a new Prada bag, Amber gave her a new pair of shoes, Victoria gave her a new set of dresses and Luna gave her some home decorations. All that was left were my gifts. The first one I gave her were the tickets to see her favorite group Velvet Sky then I gave her a personalized journal. I had one more gift but I contemplated whether to give it already or not yet. I decided on the latter.

We were on to the dessert, she cut the cake and gave each of us a slice. I know that I bake well so when I saw her eyes getting teary after her first bite, I got worried. I looked around and they seem to be enjoying the cake.

"I...I just have to ask" she said and got everyone's attention. "W...where did you buy this?" She pointed at the cake.

Everyone else looked at me.

I massaged my neck as I was getting nervous for some reason then answered,

"I actually made it"

Irene closed her eyes and tried to suppress her tears. I don't think anybody else noticed but I did.

"Does it taste bad?" I had to ask but she shook her head no.

We continued the party until we finished the three bottles of whiskey that Amber brought. We still have work tomorrow and being doctors, we can't show up with a hang over. I offered to stay behind and help fix up the house and she didn't complain. We bid the others goodbye and we were left alone.

I gathered the trash while she washed the dishes and after everything was clean, she invited me out in her backyard. She already have two cups of coffee ready and so we sat down on the bench, enjoyed the night breeze and stared at the sky full of stars.

I took a sip from my cup and noticed that she hasn't drank hers yet. I looked at her and saw her still staring up. Her eyes still with a hint of sadness. It was very different from the smiling Irene earlier.

"The eyes shout what the lips fear to say" (credits to William Henry). She was startled when I spoke.

"Did you say something?" She asked and I just looked at her with an understanding smile.

"I know it's hard for you talk, to bare your soul and open up. I can't pretend to understand what you're going through but know that I can hold your hand and wait for you until your ready"

Irene's POV

It hasn't been easy going to work and seeing Seungwan everyday. Yes she looks exactly like Wendy but my wife is already gone. She died three almost four years ago. Working with Seungwan made me miss my wife even more. To be honest, I still don't know what I should really feel.

She reminds me a lot of Wendy. From the way she rambles when she gets excited to share a story, the way she massages her neck when she's nervous, the way her eyes bulges when she's surprised and a whole lot more. It's weird to admit that there are times I just wanted to hug or kiss her but I know she's not Wendy. I can't do that to her. At least not yet. We got close enough to go out for meals and at times I would just assist her even if I was not really needed.

I've been visiting Wendy's grave before going to work and just talk to her. I know she won't answer back cause as much as I want to hear her voice once again, that would really scare the out of me. It's also weird that some of my questions gets answered when I get to the hospital. I would get there and see Seungwan chatting with my team and often times what she would say would be related to something I asked Wendy. I remember her telling me when we met, that a voice led her back in Seoul to find me. That maybe it was really Wendy's way of communicating regardless if it was indirectly at me.

My birthday was coming up and like what I always do, I took a leave from work. I was just planning to visit Wendy with our friends Seulgi and Joy and just stay at home but the couple was away for a family reunion in Jeju so when my birthday came, I went alone to visit her resting place.

I lit a candle and said my wish, stayed for another hour just talking to her then went home.

My assistant kept bugging me though. Asking me questions interrupting my peace at home that through her messages it made me think I needed to be at the hospital but Seungwan assured me that everything was fine. I continued doing my chores and even when I was about to finally sleep, Yeri still kept pestering me.

My bell rang it got me curious as to who would be visiting me at this hour. It could not have been my parents because I just spoke to them and they were still in Daegu, and definitely not JoyGi.

I went down and opened the door and to my surprise, it was my team. I let them in and we had an impromptu celebration. I received a whole lot of gifts but what struck me the most was Seungwan's gift. Tickets to see Velvet Sky! I don't think I ever mentioned it to anyone except Wendy and JoyGi so that was really surprising to me.

When we had the cake, another thing I never mentioned out loud, I found myself getting teary eyed. Why? Because it was exactly how Wendy used to bake it for me. Then finding out that it was Seungwan who baked it, I mean, how more similar can they be?

The party ended and everybody except her left. She helped me out cleaning what we used and when it was done, I invited her out in the backyard.

We enjoyed the night breeze and just stared at the beautiful sky over a cup of coffee I haven't really taken a sip of. It keeps me warm just holding it. I love how the stars are all out tonight. It wasn't how I planned my birthday to be but I enjoyed it.

If I'm going to be honest with myself, I'm not yet fully there but I know I'm attracted to Seungwan. Not because she looks like Wendy or because they share a lot of things in common. All those aside, she is still a different person. She's someone any girl would be lucky to have in their life as a partner.

She said something I didn't understand and how she looks at me now, just confirms why I have this fluttering feeling in my stomach.

Seungwan's POV

Irene is really beautiful and with how the evening sky illuminates her being, I feel like I'm in the presence of a goddess. Without even realizing it, I was leaning closer and as soon as I was just really inches away, I felt her stiffen so I pulled away.

I finished the rest of my coffee and stood up, embarrassed as to what I just did. Bowed, apologized and turned away, I was about to leave when she stopped me.

"Please don't go"

My eyes bulged and I gulped hard. Did I hear that right?

So I turned around slowly and faced her. She wasn't mad or anything. She was actually smiling a little which made me sigh in relief. I sat back again and fidgeted with my fingers.

"Thank you for tonight Seungwan"


"The gifts, the food and... for staying"

"Oh. That...that was nothing. I...it's your birthday after all"

We stared at each other for a few seconds before she shivered slightly. It was getting cold after all so by instinct, I wrapped my arms around her and she didn't stop me.

We stayed in that position for a while before we decided to head back inside.

While I was checking my things as it was also getting late, I almost forgot the last gift.



I moved closer. "There's one more gift I wanna give you. I'm not sure what you'll think when you see it but" I pulled out a small rectangular box from my pocket and handed it to her. "here goes nothing"

She took off the lid and revealed a necklace with heartbeats as a pendant. When she saw it, her tears fell.

Remember the title of Wendy's book?

"H...how did you -" she wasn't able to finish what she was about to say but I already know what it is.

Irene's POV

I felt her staring at me and I really didn't mind. She leaned closer, waited for her next move but she pulled away. To be honest, I really wouldn't stop her. But she got embarrassed at what she did and was about to leave when I asked her to stay. Gladly she did.

It got too cold as the night deepened and me not being a fan of it, shivered. The next thing I know, I was already in her arms. Another thing she has in common with Wendy? She's also warm. I could just fall asleep in her embrace. We stayed like that for a while before heading back inside. I saw her fixing her things, a sign that she was also leaving and I didn't really want her. I didn't really want to be alone tonight.

She called me and moved closer then handed me a box. Another gift she said and when I opened it, my tears fell right away.

The pendant looks exactly like the cover of Wendy's last book. The one I have not read nor seen in a while. Her parting gift. Has Seungwan read it as well? Possible, yes.

I found myself once again in Seungwan's embrace and this time I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I don't know if I should be happy for receiving such gift from a wonderful person here with me now or be sad about being reminded of the wonderful person I lost.

When I calmed down, she handed me her handkerchief to clean my face and got me a glass of water.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Irene. I'm sorry" she said with her head down.

I looked at her gift one more time and said, "It's not your fault Seungwan. I just... I wanted to ask you how you picked this"

"Would you believe me if I told you that it came in a dream?"

I was confused at what she said. Was she referring to the voice? Wendy's voice?

"I know I remind you a lot of your wife and I guess it's really her I've been hearing in my dreams. I didn't want to say anything before but maybe it's time to let you know"

I don't know where this is going but I let her continue.

Seungwan's POV

"As I told you when we met, I heard this voice back when I was in coma. I can't explain how I remember that but even when I woke up it's like she talks to me. She tells me things about you. And please don't take this the wrong way Irene, but she's happy where she is. She told me about a wish she made before she passed. A wish that she wants to fulfill through me. Before I got into that accident, I had everything working out for me then it all went away. Wendy was the opposite, she fought her way into the world and when everything was working well, she was taken away. It was unfair I know. That I was given the second chance that she didn't. And so through her, she let me meet you. She wished for everything to be alright with you when she leaves. So here I am. I'll be whatever you want me to be Irene. A colleague, a friend, stretching it but I can also be your partner. I came here because of Wendy. Because she wants you to be happy. Because she wants to let your heart beat again. But only if you want to Irene, only if you want me to stay"

I was breathless after I explained to Irene what's really going on. I let her absorb everything I just said. I know it was overwhelming. I've been trying to keep it to myself but I guess this was the perfect time for her to know.

A moment of silence enveloped us and it was making me nervous again.

"I don't even know where to begin Seungwan. It's a lot to take in"

I nodded in agreement, adjusted my position and waited for her to continue.

"Just seeing you reminds me of Wendy. Sometimes I forget that she didn't die because when I look at you, I see her. I miss her everyday but I know she's in a better place now. We had a great marriage and though it ended painfully, I know she would want me to be happy again" she paused then looked straight into my eyes. "It's not hard to like you Seungwan. Ever since you came to the team, you brought out nothing but joy. Anyone you ask would agree. I'm lucky to have you in my life and... I know you said you'd wait for me. So please don't leave anytime soon, yeah?"

I took her hand this time and replied. "I can't imagine everything you've been through Irene. You've taken the bad times and made 'em good. As long as you want me with you, I am here to stay"

She leaned in and I did the same.

We kissed for the first time that night and that began our own love story.

We visited Wendy's grave the next day. She introduced me to her and we just talked for a while. Before leaving, we lit a candle and said a prayer. The wind blew a little hard and as it passed, it dropped a single flower on her grave. We both saw a figure from afar not long after and we knew it was Wendy. With a smile on her face and one last wave, she disappeared. We took it as a sign that she's finally leaving. That her last wish has been granted and seeing us together made her really at peace.

I held Irene in my arms and I know that I won't ever let her get hurt again. She deserves all the happiness in the world. I've never met someone as strong or as loved as her. This second chance I was given, I don't plan to ever let it go to waste

Irene's POV

Seungwan became my rock after that night. She had done nothing but prove to me everyday how much she loves me. I introduced her to Wendy and we both know she was happy finally leaving. She met my friends and my family and they were really approving of our relationship. Months turned into years and I had a deja vu moment when we celebrated our third anniversary when she got down on one knee and asked me to be her wife. I said yes and we got married a year later.

Soon, we had our first child Seunghyun who was the male version of Seungwan then he was followed by his sister Chaeyoung three years after, who looked exactly like my younger self. We were a happy family.

I was promoted as the medical director as Seungwan became the head of Cardiology. And every year on the twenty seventh of October we would visit Wendy's grave. We wouldn't be where we are without her. She was our angel right from the beginning.

And after all these years I finally realize why Wendy chose the title for her book. It wasn't because she wishes to keep her heart beating, but because she wants mine to continue beating through Seungwan's love. 



Song Used:
Like Water - Wendy of Red Velvet


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Chapter 19: I'm thinking if you will write a winrina story in your list here and I saw this your latest update I guess but then I saw the ending and I don't want to bawl my eyes out crying 😭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 13: This freaking trilogy has me bawling my eyes out. Kamsahamnida author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 11: Wait... whaaaaat... reincarnation whaaaat 😭
-WenRene15- #4
More WenRene fluff please 😊
Chapter 11: I love seeiing wenrene with a happy ending
remove the SR tag here lmao 🤣
1130 streak #7
Chapter 10: Atleast chaelisa are together again not like jensoo in the previous chaps....
1130 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😭😭😭
Chapter 18: I'm not okay 😭😭
it's just... i miss xiaorina so much 😔
thank you authornim
nabongs97 #10
Chapter 14: 2yeon please