Dancing With Your Ghost (WinRina)

Songs About Us



"Our targets are gonna be at the party and will be heavily protected by their men, so make sure your team eliminates them before they get away, otherwise we'll never get the chance again" the bunny leader, Irene, informed Karina as they planned their next assignment.


They belong to an all-girl team of 'cleaners'. Not the ones who use mops and stuff, but the ones who get rid of evil people, like mafia bosses and such.


They have been doing this for years now and it was fun and all when they started, making them feel like real life superheroes, but it's now taking a toll on her, especially her girlfriend Winter. She's the one who wanted to quit a couple of assignments ago when they had to eliminate a group of deranged people who kill children for fun.The money they get after a job is done is large enough for them to move on with that part of their lives and start on their own. And so she planned to propose to her when they finished this job. Karina told her leader about it and she promised to let them both go after they eliminated their next targets. She too shares the same concern about leaving the team, but when their previous leader suddenly vanished, someone had to step up and she did. Her wife Wendy supported her decision and they had been leading them for five years now.

After finalizing the plan, Karina left the room and went to their quarters where the rest of her team were hanging out.


Upon entering the room, she could see Chaeryeong and Yeji sparring in the corner, Giselle and Ning working on something on their laptops, Yuna working out, Ryujin and Lia fixing their getaway cars and Winter cleaning her guns.


They all had their own specialties in the team. Chaeryeong, Yeji, Yuna and her are the best in combat. Giselle and Ning are great with technology, Yuna and Lia are their best drivers, while Ryujin and Winter are the best at handling weapons. They work well as a team, hence the reason why this big job was given to them.


Their seniors would intervene only as a back up. But right now, they're handling different assignments, so it's only Irene and Wendy who will be backing up just in case.

The assignment was to eliminate the biggest mafia in town. They've been tracking their whereabouts for years and a lot of teams have tried and failed to do so. That's why the task was given to them. Giving them the element of surprise since they had never seen them in action.


Karina sat beside her girlfriend who was still concentrating on her cleaning. She just watched how she delicately wiped all the smudges on the handles and how she easily disassembled and assembled every gun in front of her.

Once she was satisfied, she leaned her head on her shoulder.


"Will this really be our last assignment?" she asked.


Karina nodded. "Irene promised that after this, we're free to go and live our own lives. Something about wanting us to have the freedom she wasn't able to get"

She saw her sigh and she knew what she meant by that. Their line of work is all about luck. luck of not being killed in action. She honestly couldn't imagine if anyone in her team would die while doing our job. More so, if Winter was taken away from her. She'd probably do something stupid and follow her shortly.


They still had three more days to prepare for the big job and what they did was keep a low profile and just stay indoors as much as possible. They wouldn't want anyone of their targets to notice them lurking around the area where the party would be held.


Hours later, everyone was sitting around the table and sporting their own drinks. Music was being played by their resident DJ Giselle and everyone was having a good time. Irene and Wendy joined them later that night and it was the most fun they'd had since their last assignment.


The countdown began the day before the attack. It helps them keep their minds focused on the task they are about to do. They wanted to avoid any mistakes since this was going to have a great effect on everyone in the city who wanted to get rid of this mafia.

Karina also had her countdown to the time she proposes to Winter when all of this is over. She imagined them packing their stuff and moving to a different country where no one knew them. Starting their own lives and eventually getting married and settling down. Winter and her talked about it and they both wanted to have a family of their own. They were just waiting for the right time to do so. And that timing would start once they're away from this kind of life. They also don't want their children to grow up in an environment of violence.

Luckily, Winter had the right part for them to create life and, well, yeah, Karina enjoys every moment they make love, just like last night.


The timer said three more hours and so they geared up and made sure they had their disguise on. Irene and Wendy gave them the go signal to move out and go to their positions.


Yeji and Ryujin were stationed at the bar and took the roles of the bartenders. Giselle was the DJ while Ning took care of the other technical stuff. Lia, Yuna and Chaeryeong dressed up as waitresses while Karina disguised herself as a hostess and Winter readied her position as their eyes on the roof.


They all have our communication devices, which were either earrings, bracelets and necklaces.One by one, the members of the mafia entered the bar and sat in the VIP sections of the place, as expected, guarded by their men.

"Kai has four men with him, Sehun has six, Chanyeol has eight while Baekhyun only has three. Suho and Xiumin will be entering together with a total of ten men with them and their leader, D.O, will be the last one to arrive. No word on how many men will be with him", Winter told them through their devices, as she also had eyes on the entrance.


They all copied her update and went on with their roles. As the hostess, Karina has the chance to roam around the area and make sure they are comfortable and such. Drinks kept coming to their tables even before the party started.


"Hey babe, why don't you join me here?" Kai asked while she was fixing the drinks on his table. She heard Winter on her device making coughing sounds.


"I'm sorry sir, but I have other guests to attend to". She politely declined. He was about to make some moves on her but fortunately, their leader appeared.


"Jongin, this is not the time nor the place".And Kai just bowed to his leader, giving her the chance to leave.

"I have a clear shot at this er, can I eliminate him now?" They all heard Winter, so Karina looked up to where she was stationed and shook her head no.

The party started and as the event progressed, they saw them getting drunk by the second. Karina checked her watch and told everyone to get ready.They heard the signal which Wendy took care of and started firing on their men. Chaos started as shots were being fired from every direction. The other guests tried to escape but, unfortunately, some didn't make it.


They knew each member of the mafia members hired big men and so everyone on the team targeted their weak spots, a.k.a, their baby makers. It was chaos inside the bar as her team and theirs were fighting for their lives. Winter being our eyes made sure the seven main guys don't leave the place.

"I'm out of ammo" Ryujin said through their device before they heard her grunting in pain. Lia immediately went to her area and helped out.


"Me too", Yeji said this time. When most of the ammo is gone, the fight turns into combat.


They were all struggling to fight them off given that they were all stronger than them, but they had a job to finish.


"I'm coming down," Winter said, meaning she was also out of ammo. We saw her slide down one of the cables with her katana in hand.

More blood was spilled as the fight continued. And by the time they were all out bullets, half of their targets were down as well. No one was able to leave as Ning hacked - locked every door.

"You're never getting away with this babe", a bloody-faced Kai said as he tried to slash Karina with his knife, but with her quick reflex, she was able to dodge it.


"No, you're never getting out of here unless you're in a body bag" she spat back.


Winter and Ryujin were able to kill two more targets and that leaves Kai and D.O, who both couldn't believe that their men were slowly getting eliminated by women.


"What do you want, huh? Money? We can give that to all of you" D.O said as he fought off Winter.


"What we want is to get rid of pests like you. You've been tormenting this city for more than a decade now and people are suffering because of it. It's time for you to take your leave"


She said before she swung her katana to D.O's chest, making him stumble back and eventually stand down.

By the time the actual police arrived, they were all exhausted. Lia was attending to Ryujin who had several stab wounds. Chaeryeong and Yuna were helping Yeji who broke her leg when she fell from the second floor while Giselle and Ning were catching their breaths as they were nursing their own.


Winter and Karina sat down by the bar and checked each other for any wounds. Fortunately, they were both unscathed except for their bloody faces and clothes.


It wasn't the right setting or the one she had in mind to ask the question, but realizing that they had just finished their job and soon after they will be out of this, made her fish out the ring she'd been holding on to for months.


Winter poured them some shots and leaned back to scan the area. A smile formed on her face and Karina knew they were thinking of the same thing.




She turned her head and looked at her girlfriend. "Yes?"


"After today, we can be on our own now. We can move somewhere where no one knows us. We can start our own family like we talked about. We can finally be free"


"I can't wait for that jagi. I'm gonna miss these guys, but they can always visit wherever we go."


"Yes definitely. And we will still invite them to our wedding, right?"


"I haven't even proposed yet."


This was it.


"But I am. Jagi, we've been through a lot together. And I mean, a lot. You've been my rock ever since and I wouldn't want to know a life without you by my side. I love you. I love you Kim Minjeong. You are my person and I can't wait to start our lives together. So here I am, asking you, despite where we are and what we look like, will you marry me?"


Winter didn't even wait another second as she took the ring from Karina's hand and placed it on her finger and said yes.


They could hear the cheers from their friends who were starting to walk towards them.As everyone gathered by the bar, Winter gave them the shots she poured earlier.


"To freedom and to my future wife!" Winter said as she raised her glass and drowned its contents. She poured another round and their friends asked for a love shot.

They crossed their arms and drank together, but unbeknownst to everyone, celebrating, one of their targets was aiming his gun at one of them.


"You...don't...get...to...have...a...happy...ending" Kai said and fired the gun.


It took a few seconds as they watched their target get shot by the police and one of them fell on the ground at the same time.


It was a headshot. And there was nothing else they could do.


Their organization went on hiatus to grieve for the loss of one of their best. And for months, no one was able to reach out to their fallen friend's partner. As originally planned, she quit the team and moved away and no one has heard from her since.

It wasn't until their friends' first death anniversary that they saw her again, but this time, she wasn't alone. In her arms was a baby bundled up, being as it was winter.They watched as she sat down on the cold grass beside the grave with her fiance's name written on it. The tombstone says:


Here lies Kim Minjeong


A friend, a lover, a mother.


"A year without you feels like an eternity, jagi. I never even got the chance to say goodbye. You were taken so early and so fast. I don't think I could ever move on from this. But seeing our baby girls who look like you gives me the strength every day to get on with life. I miss you. I miss you so much. I miss the times you hold my hand and tell me that everything will be alright. I miss the way you hug me and make sure that my nightmares don't scare me. I miss the way you would just randomly pull me out of bed and dance even when there's no music playing. I miss seeing your face first thing in the morning and the last thing I see before I sleep. I...just miss you so much"

After giving her some much needed alone time, Ryujin was the first one to approach Karina who was silently crying.

"Hey, how have you been?"

Karina looked at her friend and Ryujin immediately felt the pain in her eyes. It brought her back to the day Winter was taken in front of them. Karina didn't need to say anything else so she just hugged her.

Their other friends and the rest of the organization came as well. Although they were glad to see Karina again, they knew how much pain she had been through, especially that they didn't know that she was pregnant as well when she left.

They said a prayer before going back to Irene and Wendy's house. Karina refused to join them at first but was eventually persuaded to come. The team had gathered most of Winter's stuff and created memorabilia in one part of the house. The place where they put a remembrance of their fallen friends. And Karina broke down once again when she saw Winter's favorite gun and katana.

"If I could have everyone's attention, please" Irene said, and everyone looked in her direction. "Today we remember the life of Kim Minjeong who was taken from us too soon. When I met her and Karina, I already knew that they would be a great addition to the organization. Even before joining, they were already doing what we have been doing as well. All on their own, but the good will always out-win evil. They were inseparable because where one goes, the other will follow. It pains not just me but everyone present losing Winter. More so for Karina. We want you to know that we are doing everything to give her death justice. Also, if you need any help, we are here for you and your baby"

Karina felt every word her former leader said. To her, being part of the organization was like being in a supportive family she never had. They both never had.

When she left after Winter's funeral, she had planned never to look back on anything that would remind her of their old life. She tried to stay away but she couldn't do it. She knows Winter would have wanted her to enjoy her life, but for Karina, it's not going to be the same without her person.

When Winter died, she thought she lost all the will to live as well, but a few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant and that gave her hope to start moving forward. To live the life they planned together, only this time, Winter would be in the form of their baby. Every time she looks at their baby girl who she named Jiyeong, she remembers Winter and everything they did together. And so she did her best to raise it on her own.

Every year on the Winter's death anniversary, Karina and Jiyeong would visit her grave and she would tell her stories about her other mother. She may not have been able to meet her, but she knows she is always watching over her and her mother Karina.



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Chapter 19: I'm thinking if you will write a winrina story in your list here and I saw this your latest update I guess but then I saw the ending and I don't want to bawl my eyes out crying 😭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 13: This freaking trilogy has me bawling my eyes out. Kamsahamnida author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 11: Wait... whaaaaat... reincarnation whaaaat 😭
-WenRene15- #4
More WenRene fluff please 😊
Chapter 11: I love seeiing wenrene with a happy ending
remove the SR tag here lmao 🤣
1129 streak #7
Chapter 10: Atleast chaelisa are together again not like jensoo in the previous chaps....
1129 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😭😭😭
Chapter 18: I'm not okay 😭😭
it's just... i miss xiaorina so much 😔
thank you authornim
nabongs97 #10
Chapter 14: 2yeon please