Chapter 9

Un-lucky Romance

word: 2000+

New contender!!! Enjoy reading!


Kim Seol did catch a flu and what it make worse is she lack sleep and obviously tired. Before he leave for practice, he buys her a meal and the prescribed medicine and told the doctor to call him upon she wake up.

“Let’s practice for one last time.” He says right after they finish the mock game. “I promise this will be the last time and no more rush practice tomorrow even the game will start in the evening. Do this for me.”

He wants to do well to prove it to someone.

Just like that, the game run for another time as per his request. The members senses that he is doing this for a purpose, so they just obeyed. Also Baekhyun keep guiding them in the rink that’s why the game ended up just what he expected and they are happy that he is helping them.

“Okay, let’s work hard and give ourselves what we deserve hmm? Good luck for tomorrow!”

Baekhyun also clean up after the game, smoothening the rink and all. Passing by the clinic, arrived just at the right time when the doctor called him. He saw her calmly seeing the sunset, knocking at the table, Seol look at him.

“Are you okay now?” He ask and put his hand on her forehead, sighing “Did the doctor check your temperature? We should admit you to the hospital.”

“I’m okay…Let’s just go home. It’s uncomfortable here.”

He sit in the bed beside her. “Okay, we will go home but let’s us talk first hmm?”

“What is there to talk about Baek?”

Baekhyun sighs when she called him that, he have brighter days ahead of him…”I’m so sorry about what happened earlier… I didn’t think the possibility.”

Seol nodded, “what else you should say sorry for Baekhyun? I think that is not enough.” She just want to be honest and clear.” I will believe it if you know it yourself what is your fault.”

He shake his head, admitting that she is right. To be honest the things that happened last night confused him too and to the fact that he choose to ignore, made it upset at himself. After all being ignorant doesn’t make you a man.

“It just…” Seol is now anticipating what he have to say looking straight at his eyes, “What?”

He looks away, “It’s just….I just wanted a hug from you…” Baekhyun stand up because it embarrassed him.

She looks so surprised and flustered, “Is that all? Are you upset because of that?”

While still looking away, he put his arms over his chest and glares at her with a pout? What is happening there? Why is he suddenly like this?

“Are you being serious Baekhyun? For real?” she still couldn’t believe him. Baekhyun looks so serious and his expression just stays like that.

“What is wrong with that?”

“Nothing! Now that you have admitted your wrongdoings what is the next step you should do?” She is trying to be smart to stop herself from laughing. It’s a new expression from him to see.

“That…I will never make the same mistake again.” It took him a lot of minutes to say it and even though it is uncomfortable to him, he was glad to see her smiling.


“I will be good to my team and win the tournament tomorrow!”

“That it’s! You are now forgiven. Now let’s go home.”


D-day for the tournament has finally come. The ice hockey club is in the locker room for their meeting before they go inside the rink, Seol is so busy running to give them the lucky charm. Their cheering stops when she enters, wearing a shy smile. “Good luck to your game! I have a present to all of you! Do you want to see it now or later?”

Seeing Kim Seol made an effort to give them a present make their nervous go away, Baekhyun look at the circle and saw that they are actually glad and calm. “Well! Maybe we will see it later because we are confident that we will win and you have a present to us! And…for me right?”

The cheering of the team couldn’t get embarrassed her, really. “You know what Baekhyun this present were literally for all of you guys. So do well!”

“Yes, we will!”

The rest of them get out when their coach reach out to them, Baekhyun and Seol were the only one who left, He let out a breath feels so nervous…this will be the first time of their tournament. As a captain he feel so anxious of his action. What will be the result of his teamwork? Suddenly all of his confident just betrayed him.

All that thought just melted by her arms on his back. She is hugging him hoping that it will help him ease the nervous.

“You can do it, Baekhyun. I believe in you.” 

Baekhyun really feel at peace knowing she was here when he had this attack, he needed this. Hugging her back with the pressure to show how he need a hug.

“Thank you.” Putting his chin over her shoulder, Seol smile and pat him. “I have a gift for you, so show them what you have got! Let’s go! This is my first time to watch a match!”

Seol walk him up to the entrance, He look at her and saw her holding the banner with his meme worthy face that she stole from social media, laughing out loud while walking to the bench ruin their moment. The other girls and audience had a good laugh from it. 

Meanwhile the game finally started by the signal of the referee. The opponent got the puck unfortunately, their center is such an advantage compare to him. But at least their team is quick-witted and the wingmen success at their attack, manage to get a hold of the puck.

It has been ten minutes of torture attacking and defense between the two team. Baekhyun’s coach requested for a time-out. Their manager scolded them for that whole two minutes but then they saw Seol’s banner and her silly moves. Shi yoon smiles when he sees her being confuse while they’re being scolded. He literally didn’t comprehend what their manager has said.

They eventually forget the mean words of his and Seol presence made them motivated.

As they go back to the rink without changing the players and eventually manage to score a win with all their hard work. Their university finally had score a win on their own home court. They are getting their moment in the ice rink, Seol is watching them from her seat. She was the happiest all of them because she knows their hard work. It wasn’t all easy, dealing with their own personal problem but they need to comply with their practices after class, everything was worth it.

Finally they are now qualified to the season games, after their ceremony, the hall is full of new fans and girls. She decided to seat in the cafeteria near the club waiting for them.

“They might have their own celebratory dinner. Maybe I will just go home.” She called her friend from phone who are calling her just to remind their movie date tomorrow.

“Why don’t you just go home then? What are you even waiting for? It is already late for you. Be thankful that you have no part time to do.”

She keep it quiet for a seconds before answering her, she has a point. “Well…I’m already walking out okay? See you tomorrow!” all lies, because she is still hopeless.

It is another wishful thinking that she is part of the win, but remembers that she didn’t do a lot of work for them too… looking at the lucky charm bracelet that she make for them. So that means this will go to waste? She was busy wondering about it when a knock distrupt, Looking up she saw Shiyoon waving at her.

“Hi Seol! What are you still doing here? Let’s go to the dinner!”

“I thought you guys have gone…”

“What? No, of course not. Some of them got ahead by I forgot my wallet in the locker. So do you mind if we will go together?”

Seol think about it for a moment, she wants to ask about Baekhyun…”I don’t know about the captain…he already gone when I got back for this…” Shiyoon also wants to say about the girl who visit him back on the club room earlier. He was thankful that it was only him who got to saw that, if it the whole team, for sure it will be a backlash for their relationship.

“Are you sure that I am invited?”

“Of course! You work hard too!”

She wants to cry upon hearing that, “Thank you for recognizing me…”

“Shall we go?”

Shiyoon lead to the parking lot where his car is sitting, open the door for her. “It is okay for me to sit here?” because he open the shotgun seat for her. “Yes, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I thought it is only reserved for your special someone…” anyways she just seated and put on the seatbelt. “What? There are really things that exist like that?” He laughs and started the engine. “I didn’t know, all I know that I get offended if someone seat in the back because I look like a driver.”

“You can laugh at it Seol, that was really lame of me right.” Seol agrees, nodding and laughing at his joke.

He decided not to tell her, her happiness is too good just for that moment that can ruin this. It was a good drive, Seol is still look happy when they got out of his car and entered the dinner.

“Where’s the captain aye?” He ask while looking for Baekhyun.

“Oh he already go home because there was emergency. He didn’t even say goodbye to the manager. Look like it’s serious.”

She vacant the seat next to him, after all she is already comfortable around him.

“We did win the game Seol…where is our gift?” Shiyoon ask and eat a piece of meat from the grill. She bring it out from her pouch. The lucky charms. “Here! Tada! You know what the clover means right? But I make them more special by adding some beads and your jersey number. Congratulation on your first win!!!”

She distributed the bracelet to all of them and Shiyoon accidentally make his hand touch the grill when she comeback to their table. “You are also clumsy huh?” she took out her band aid and ointment from the bag.

“Are you a girl scout no?”

Seol cringe, while putting on the ointment. It got burned. “What are you saying…I’m not a girl scout who is always ready I always make sure I have one for me because I always get myself in some kind of accident.” She also put on the bracelet to his wrist.

They’re having fun exchanging interesting talk without being aware they are being filmed by one of the student to put something on his story in the social media to let his friend know that they celebrated the home court win, looking like stupid because he is already drunk from a shots of soju thinking that they are at a bar when they are in the restaurant.

In the video, it was a very clear sight of Shiyoon looks so intimately close to each other with the girl. Baekhyun keep calling her cellphone but no answer from her. It is making him mad. It is driving him crazy when he doesn’t have any choice beside for calling her because he couldn’t go to pick her up right at the moment, and she isn’t even answering to his call.

Someone really added the fuel to the fire when he saw a group picture including her with Shiyoon sitting beside her. It is nothing at all but the comments from that post really made him agitated for the fact that someone is Shiyoon.

“Baekhyun are you okay? Let’s eat hmm?”

He didn’t even know why he isn’t feeling okay when his long-time girlfriend made an effort to see his game anyways, he look at her and smile like everything is okay even when he just want to go there and pick her up right away.


Intensely looking at Shiyoon's post with cringe-worthy comments of family member who support him with Seol.

To be continued...


Look like this story have a lot to tell! Things are getting interested soon...see you at the next chap!

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Special chapter coming up! My uni ending in 2 week! You might expect some update 😉


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Chapter 13: Ohmagod I didn't understand this chapter.
1882 streak #2
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: i'm impressed that you portrayed a heavy topic so beautifully 👏🏻💖
i feel bad for baekhyun and everything he's going through, oof
oh, no... it's already ending?? :((
omggg are you fr??? we getting a sehun one-shot uwu sjsj 💘💘
Chapter 12: Nooo,it can't be near end.
xoxoteah #4
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhh authornimmm...!
Chapter 11: This is getting interesting.
1882 streak #6
Chapter 10: overprotective and possessive baek is hot
the ending,, oof baek :(
1882 streak #7
Chapter 9: shiyoon is sweet
1882 streak #8
Chapter 8: loving the angst!!
1882 streak #9
Chapter 7: they're so cute u.u
your choice of gifs are a killer 🤤
1882 streak #10
Chapter 6: hahaha water splash, ded XD