Chapter 11

Un-lucky Romance


Word count: 2600+

I'm so sorry for long long time i update this! Took me damn month! Since i was able to post this, there might be update sooner. I am truly sorry for those who waited! So here! It is longer that I usually wrote! So that i can make it to you!

(Spoiler: How can a chapter made a lot of events??? A lot  happened here so i hope you read this one! ^^)


The night feels so long for Baekhyun, he couldn't sleep everytime he tried to close his eyes...he always saw and feel the pain and blue of those eyes.

"Are you listening to me my dearest son?" Baekhyun snap out of his gaze on the boring TV. His dad is currently scolding him at early in the morning

Last night he couldn't make a permission to his parent that he have his friends crashing on their house because the dorm has a curfew. Baekhyun is just thankful that they let them stay the night. They're really shameless to think they could stay in Kim Seol's house.

Not on his watch.

"I'm so sorry dad, This will be the last time I'm doing this. It's just that...we decided to have fun because you know... we won the home court."

"It's not a big deal to me that you bring them, but like what you said, you have caused a commotion to your other member. That....that is your own problem to solve. You should've been thankful that someone managed to sort out the situation and there is no issue flying out there."

He once again got absent minded. Thinking about the punch he throw to Jay's face last night feels slightly guilty but he is satisfied for it.

What he said really offended him, rather than the latter he is very bothered that he wants to convey something about Kim Seol's hard work. Anyways, he will talk to him later when he wake up. Whatever will happen this day, happens.

But first, he needs to talk with Kim Seol that is what keeping him awake and worries.

His dad got confuse when he get up and walk out of the house on his pajamas and slipper. "Where are you going now Baekhyun?!"

Baekhyun walk mindlessly on the way to Kim Seol's not bothered by the cold circulating in the place. Nothing important but to make it there or he will not be okay throughout the whole day.

Outside their house, he anxiously walking back and forth whether to wait or call her, but whatever it is now or never. He confidently walk to their gate and ring the bell. It was very suprising that it answered quickly.

Her mom greet him, "Good morning Baekhyun, what are you coming here for?"

He shyly greeted her, now embarrassed on his own action. "Is Kim Seol already awake Ma'am?" Hoping for a good comeback but her facial expression says otherwise.

"Oh, she isn't here."

His eyebrows knitted, where she would even go when he was the one who...oh, right. "She will not be go home last night because of her school. She stayed at her's blockmate dorm."

Baekhyun regretfully sighs and walk and he did actually feel the cold right now. Just by the time he arrived in the house, the rest of them arr now eating their breakfast. He winced when he saw Jay's face. The punch did leave a slight bruised, alright maybe it's time to get his demerit.

"Oh captain! Come eat with us! Your parents are so nice."

"Okay. Now if you have class to attend then you guys should finish your breakfast and..." the rest of them anticipate what he has going to say. Baekhyun look at Jay.

"Jay let's go back to the Uni together."

The breakfast ended somehow atleast peaceful. Jay is waiting for him to come out because apparently he don't have a class coming soon and that is just perfect for confrontation.

"You aren't sorry for me at all?"

"Why? You are the one who punch me. "

He hissed. Their conversation goes on blaming on each other, like why he would say something like that...It makes sense.

"I don't know what is wrong with what I said. You are the one who attacked me."

Baekhyun sighs "Fine, I'm sorry. But please next time watch what you say."

Jay just shake his head, "Anyways, i did have fun with you. Even if the coach ask me, I would just say I tripped myself." He laughs.

He feels relief and before reaching the University. They get off from his car. "Jay, I'm really sorry for what happened, sincerely."

"It's nothing captain."

Baekhyun decided to finish his class before he talk with the manager since it was a stupid decision of him to go on her place at early in the morning.

Stopping at the door and knock, he saw his manager like as usual chatting on his majesty chair.

"Oh Baekhyun! Welcome!" The manager looks very pleasant and has a good mood. Seems like he is the only one who's not on the mood today.

Anyways, he must know what is the reason for that good mood. "You look happy."

His manager smiles so big that he look like a clown to him. "Yes I am! I have a good news for all of you! But since you are the one who notice my happy mood, then i should tell you!"

Baekhyun shamelessly make a face, he doesn't know what reaction is the best with all that clapping and , it's just making his time wasted. "Play for more division and you guys can now play on the season games! And..."

"Well, congrats to all of us Mr. Han.'" He said nonchalantly, "I have a another good news for you!"

He looks away, waiting for him to say that good news because it's pissing him off already. He was too tired to say anything.

The manager take a hold on his shoulder, "I have already signed a new and long term contract assistant for you guys!"

Now, he glared at him and took off his hand that almost feels gripping his whole body. "What did you say?"

He just can't believe it. What is the point of going here? How would he talk to her when this happens? What the hell just happens now? Even looking at the Manager Han is making him mad. He looks very happy. What the hell.

"Well, didn't you guys read the contract? It is only valid if there are no replacement for her . Heck, she should be thankful because it was a good deal, she got her payment---a large sum of that, every week. Also she was the one who called it off and we are just one week away on this month. I'm saying that this is reasonable.".

What...the , it's had been a month? Baekhyun didn't mind that he raise his voice. "Why did you say to me that she can stay for a long time and why are just saying this to me now?!"

The manager look at him with a confuse expression, "Why are you even getting worked up Baekhyun?it isn't that easy to convey? She can stay long if someone didn't grab the opportunity, but it happened."

"I can't believe you." Baekhyun said and walk out of the club. He feels devastated and disappointed to see through all of this. He would like to talk with Seol but she isn't even answering her phone and he is nowhere to go.

He feels the worse, he can't even doing anything to ease it because it looks like nothing is working for him.


Meanwhile, Kim Seol wakes up tiredly. Stretching and all, she saw her friend glaring at her direction. She smile awkwardly. "Good morning?"

Her friend stares only deepened, "What is good in the morning Seol? It is freaking 11:30! Don't you have any class soon?"

Seating up, "Nope, I have one at this time, but later, it starts at 5pm."

"Next time do tell me that you are going to spend the night here so I can ready myself hmm?"

She hugs her friend on the waist, "I'm so sorry Yuna!" Yuna were the only one when she can do this. This her friend since Junior, they are only have different courses.

Her dorm is so spacious, to give her more way to focus on her studies, her parent rented the whole floor. Their lives with each other is way too unbelievable but they did it and stronger than what they think.

"You think you can manage here alone? I have a class to attend later."

Kim Seol is folding the blanket and pillows, follow up to Yuna who is busy ironing her clothes. "I think i have to go home now, my mom will kill me if I don't show up on the lunch time."

Getting ready to leave, she pat Yuna's head. "Thank you for everything! I will go now! Also good luck for the date later!"

Yuna can only nodded at her shameless statement. Kim Seol made her way to home looking like a stupid---avoiding someone that may recognize her.

Alright, there is a reason why she did this. To be honest she didn't know why it was sad to hear it from him. Strangely she felt sad and disappointed to Baekhyun last night, she knew it wasn't supposed to feel like that. It's confusing to her feelings so she need to be off on any Baekhyun radar. It help enough that the contract on being assistant of the team were already terminated there are still a few days though but the manager already replace her, there is nothing she can do. 

Upon arriving at the house, her mom instantly recognized that she was avoiding someone. She just kept quiet about it. After spending making delivery for her mom's work, Kim Seol is on the way to the Uni for her first class praying that she wouldn't bump to any hockey team members.

Just her luck (?), Shiyoon just ran into her on the way to the class. "Hey Kim Seol!" Seems like he is coming off from his class too.

She awkwardly nodded and walk ahead but he hold her wrist that last too long before he let go. "What?" He looks away and put his hand on the back of his neck, contemplating what he will say.

"Are you busy?" He wants to take out for a meal...

"Yup, I have classes now at 5pm...The building right there. I will go now?"

As she walk further, Shiyoon grab a hold on her right arm and try to master his courage. "Can i take you out to eat later?"

Kim Seol look at him, just stared at him that made him stutter. "Ah, It's just...just a friendly date! Nothing to worry about!"

A quiet space surrounds them before she speak, "i don't see the reason why do you need to do this...?"

"I'll have to go now though, you can text me where the place is." She says because he look like clueless and scared.

Shiyoon almost lost his breath--waiting for her answer and out of glad. It is the second time that he found Kim Seol is smart. Too smart that it made him on awe.

Meanwhile Baekhyun suddenly think of that he have the copy of her schedule. No other intention, he just want to explain on everything that happened, of course he got to do that.

Patiently waiting for her class to ends, his girlfriend just showed up in front of him looking so chic and energetic. Maybe not today.

Oh right, They have a date. How he could even forget that? Anyways he just go with the flow and bring her to a dine-in near the University. "What do you want to eat?" He says while they are waiting in line.

Baekhyun is really not having this day when he saw Kim Seol and Shiyoon walking together. Mixed feelings starting to rose inside of his heart. How he will describe this...anger, confusion, disappointment and pain gather all together, it's the worse.

His eyes slit so that he can see a better vision of them from afar. How could she laughs like that when she is with him?

He even wait and took all of his efforts just to make a talk with her because of guilty and sorry he feels and yet there she is, walking with Shiyoon?

What does it makes him then? It is even annoying that he can't do anything right at this moment and it's painfully irritating just to see them.

"Do you want to eat at this dine-in? We can just take a walk after. " Shiyoon says, as they stop by infront of this eatery.

"I'll order for us, you can take a sit over there."

Baekhyun just saw her taking a seat at the right side. The emotions creeping at his mind seems stronger when it look like she didn't even mind his presence, they're literally one seat away from each other!

"Oh, hi captain!" His attention divert away when he heard a voice, coming from Shiyoon. His eyebrows arch and stand up, greeting him back.

His girlfriend greet him too, "you don't need to stand up, I think I'm interrupting your date." Shiyoon says with all smiles that made him annoyed.

"You have a date too?"

"Well...i don't care what you think it is but she is waiting for me. Bye for now Captain."

Baekhyun exhales and stop himself to frowns even though the laughters can be heard. He has this urge to bring her home and talk with her but with all this hindrance the chance is small.

"Baekhyun, it is okay for me to go first? My parents needs me at home."

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"It's okay, it just hassle for you. You can just dropped me off at the bus station."

"Okay then, Shall we go?"

Baekhyun then walk her off to the bus station, "Call me when you get home hmm?" Baekhyun says. Sohyun nodded and stared at him.

"Baek, I love you. Always I am."

He smiles, "Why are you saying it so out of blue Sohyun? I love you too."

Sohyun smiles, "I just want to say that!"

As she get on the bus, the feelings of being scared creeps up. Once again she is tormenting herself in pain. How she is going to say that to him that she was set up in a arrange marriage? Someone they are close back on their childhood.

Baekhyun goes back to the restaurant as soon as he made sure she got in safely. He saw them getting comfortable that is not suitable for his liking. 

His eyes slit to get a better vision and put on his right hand on one pocket and walk towards them. Shiyoon really think he got all the time today. 

Shiyoon greet him but left dumfounded when he comfortably take the seat in between them. "Where were you? I almost made it out of the country just to see you and sneak a little conversation, Kim Seol."

"I will make an order for me too." Baekhyun says to Shiyoon. "So I may not look like an uninvited guest here." 


Let's talk and make up, Shall we?

To be continued...


HI!!!! Lmao I'm so sorry!!! I will get it back a new update any soon! I am truly sorry! See you at the new chap!! 






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Special chapter coming up! My uni ending in 2 week! You might expect some update 😉


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Chapter 13: Ohmagod I didn't understand this chapter.
1873 streak #2
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: i'm impressed that you portrayed a heavy topic so beautifully 👏🏻💖
i feel bad for baekhyun and everything he's going through, oof
oh, no... it's already ending?? :((
omggg are you fr??? we getting a sehun one-shot uwu sjsj 💘💘
Chapter 12: Nooo,it can't be near end.
xoxoteah #4
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhh authornimmm...!
Chapter 11: This is getting interesting.
1873 streak #6
Chapter 10: overprotective and possessive baek is hot
the ending,, oof baek :(
1873 streak #7
Chapter 9: shiyoon is sweet
1873 streak #8
Chapter 8: loving the angst!!
1873 streak #9
Chapter 7: they're so cute u.u
your choice of gifs are a killer 🤤
1873 streak #10
Chapter 6: hahaha water splash, ded XD