Chapter 2

Un-lucky Romance

word count: 2949

Please enjoy reading! It was a roller coaster ride of mixed feelings! 


Baekhyun put her on his bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself. Thinking if he would be thankful because it saves him another novel to tell on his parents or not because that that hit his face really made him wake up and the cold water from the pool is too cold that it washes out the alcohol he had.

Walking out of the room on his robe he saw some maid changing the girl clothes as in he saw from far away that her clothes being throw out in the clean plastic. He look away and walk mindlessly to his clothing area. “Mr. Byun! Your mom said to let her borrow your shirt to her.” He glared at them, “What are you saying? My mom said that to you?” His anger went up on another level that he didn’t mind that he walk over there and swears to heaven it was accidentally! His sight travelled down to his bed, the girl’s body is just lying in there.

He immediately shut his eyes but someone hit his head. “Where are you looking at? Are you a ert?” He glared behind him and saw his father, looking away.

“No dad! I shut my eyes! And she isn’t even ! Why would she borrow my shirt? Borrow her one from the maid!” His dad smack him again on his head, “So you mean you did saw something?!”

“No! I don’t see anything!”

“You are loud Baekhyun! Just lent her one and come down!” His dad shake his head and walk out to the room.

Baekhyun just lend one of his and came down in the dining room. Talk about no choice and although the cold washes out his drunken state but never the exhaust that he need to sleep it all day.

He pulls the chair, getting ready to eat but her mom shouted at him like some criminal, Baekhyun look at her with a shock expression, betrayed. “Baekhyun! Wait for the guest, have some manners okay?” He rolled his eyes, did his mom sound like that the girl is her daughter?

“What is she even doing here at the morning? She throw that rock right at my face mom!” She just look at him and scoff. “For your information Baekhyun, she is your stylist. That rock is your suit for tonight’s welcome party.”


“Wait…there will be a party later?” He just couldn’t keep his mouth and was too late to realize his mistake, look like he put himself on his own trouble.

“What happened to you Baekhyun? We talk about this last night.” He sighs and awkwardly smiles. Looking away to find another solution for this crisis. But thankfully she didn’t mind his silence because of her phone.

Seol on the other hand wakes up from a tap on her arms. “Good morning ma’am. Mrs. Byun wants you to come down for breakfast.”

Blinking her eyes and for a moment she feel like a queen because she sleep well and the bed is so comfy, but her clothes…where they did go?

“Oh, your clothes is now on laundry, that shirt are from the old clothes that maintain their cleanliness although they are not used even once.” Baekhyun clearly told them to say that to her upon waking up and everyone could still say that the tee is from him because of its personalized name that engraved on the back of the shirt. It look like a dress to her, like five times bigger than her average size.

She remember her mom, that waiting for her response about the clothes. Arriving at the dining, “Hi Seol! Are you okay now?” His mom greet her, she nodded saying she sleep well.

“You sleep well? On that span of ten minutes?” Kim Seol is also shock that it’s just a nap, but she nodded with a smile anyway, she was force to seat by Baekhyun side.

He is just quietly observing the talk between them and looks away because of his tee that make it look a dress to her and she just look like she sleep well. As they start eating their breakfast he notice that she look like no-have-appetite.

He put an egg roll to her bowl. “Dig in. it is not nice to see you eating like that.”

“I’m just…intimidated.”

“So what?” He said and Seol stop herself from saying anything as they are in front of the food so she eat faster and they finish the breakfast like that, now they are seated on a sofa at this whole floor of closet. 

“Baekhyun, I wanted you to know that Kim Seol’s family is our close friend, they ran a clothing repair factory in the neighborhood.” He just nodded nonchalantly. “This is your suit and they want to hear your opinion about it so that they can fix it immediately.”

Her mom handed him the suit and obediently went to the changing room to try it. A whole five minutes have passed, he keep sighing tiredly as the suit have some he don’t know how it works.

“Hey can you call Kim Seol here. I can’t fix this.” He said and it didn’t pass a minute when Kim Seol appears outside of the room, just waiting for him to finish up, however, it look like on the other way.

“Where is she? Did you even call her?!” He annoyingly called out and opens the door and saw her, rolling his eyes and grab her inside, and she saw how some of the maid look so shock from what they just see. “All of you…get out of this area from the meantime.”

But they just stood like some scarecrow, “Get out.” He said with authority and just like that all of them get out instantly.

He exhales, exhaust feeling is creeping him now. He wants to sleep it. “Fix this for me. I don’t know how this work, I can’t remember owning a suit like this…”

Kim Seol glares at him, “Why are you giving me that glare?” Baekhyun said as he also returned the very same annoyed stare at her.

“This is not some ! This is my mom’s hard work! I don’t know about that but we just repair the clothes according to what our clients want, ask your mother about that.”

“What now? Just quickly put on this to me. I want to sleep like hell.”

He walk towards her for without knowing how much it's startle her. The room is just like the space of comfort room, he is too close. Kim Seol’s anger is still at a boiling point but the closeness really shock her.

“Kim Seol…let me sleep hmm? Fix this now for me.” He said and look at her eyes. She blink her eyes and grab the suit from his hand, she exhales and looks away. She fix the suit goes back to its original form and carefully put on his shoulder, she pat the hem neatly as the easy part is now finished, the left thing to do is the hardest part of all of them. On her own opinion for just a suit, this is a lot of work to put on, it has style of buckle after all.

He is also tall that made it harder for her to work it. “It is done?” he said closing his eyes and she can feel his breath on her forehead. “Not yet Sir, can you look at the right?” as he look at the side, she quickly button the sleeve white shirt because some of them were misplace.

Baekhyun only have this small patience because how warm her hands that keep patting his back, shoulder just to straighten the suit. It making him sleep. “It is done.”  She said as they both look at the big mirror in front of them.

“It is comfortable? Do you want to change a particular area?” She said as they walk out the room.

“Is this came out with neck tie or what?” they stop at the middle, and she quickly get back on the changing room to find it, went back to him.

“Put it to me.”

“What?” He raised his eyebrows. “Just do it.” Kim Seol sighs and tip toe as he lean down. They didn’t notice the stares coming from the maids and his family.

“Did you think what I think?” His mom said as the maid look at her. She was smiling that calls for plans.

“Let’s have a meeting after this. I’m sure Baekhyun would still choose to sleep after this.” Her mom said and everything look away when the two walk towards them.

“So did you like it son? The neck tie look good.”

“Do you want it like that or you want to change something?”

He really want to sleep that he didn’t think carefully of his decision. “No…it is okay.”

Her mom clapped all of sudden, “You look so handsome on it son! I like it too!” the idea of inviting Seol for later party is now validated as the suit needs some assistant to put on and she is the perfect person to do it, especially putting the neck tie.

“I want to sleep mom, just wake me up when it is time to prepare.” He walk out and went to his room.

Look like her plan is now starting.

“Seol, you are also invited later. I hope you don’t turn me down…I was really happy to meet you.” She smile sincerely, that was the truth. With some "but" from her, she still lost to the power of her convince and insisting.

They are back from the closet and now she is the one who get to try bunch of clothes and she now know what Baekhyun feels. After good thirty minutes, they settled on a white formal dress.

“You can now go home Seol! Give my regards to your parents! Also I will be waiting for you.”

His parent even walk her out outside…”Thank you for the breakfast.” She put her things on the basket. They didn’t give her the dress because someone will pick it up for her.

“Mom! I’m already home.” She said as she enters the working station, some of her mom’s co-worker is already there, she also greet them.

“What took you so long?! I heard what happened to you.” Her mom said putting down her eyeglass.

“Hehehe, the luck must be love to beside me.” She said awkwardly. Her mom just shake her head.

“Mom, they invited me at the party.”

“I am also invited but we have to meet our quota for today.”

Like the other daughters, she also said to her mom that she will help from time to time. Saying that leave the work to the youngsters. Three more hours have passed on her work when one of co-worker said that someone is waiting for her outside.

She was shocked when there was a car outside and a woman get out of it. “Good afternoon Ma’am, you can now get in.”

“What is this?”

“Mrs. Byun said that you forget your dress at the house.” As she is confused that someone will deliver it to her, “Oh…She must be forgot it…but she said you can get it done at the house.”

She was still standing there, still not sure what to do “Do you want me to call her?” Kim Seol gasp at the tone of the woman and put her phone on speaker and she confirmed that she really forgot to send it to her.

Now she is awkwardly sitting and staring at a big mirror in front of her waiting for the dress to arrive…she just couldn’t believe all the luck that has happened to her right now.

“Mrs. Byun wants you to go to Baekhyun’s room.” The assistant said to her finishing up her dress. 

“She said that someone needs to dress him up.”  She just want to finish it all and just went to his room. She get in as she didn’t hear anything from him.

“Where is he?” She talk as she was busy observing his dress, getting rid of some thread of it. “I’m just here!” Baekhyun said while brushing the towel on his wet hair, thinking that person is just some maid.

She turned around and saw him on his robe, Baekhyun frowns. “What are you doing here?” At some point he didn’t recognized her right away because of her clothes. “Your mom said you need to someone to assist you.”


“Are you a baby?” She said blatantly while looking away.

“What the hell?” Baekhyun march towards her, it sound like insult to him. “What the hell did you just say?”

Kim Seol step backwards as he look like so mad right now. “Here I brought it. Let’s just finish this up here.”

He let out a blow of breath. The statement comes out so powerful to heard coming from her. “Okay, like what you said I’m like a child, so do your work.” He stand in front of her. “Do you want to undress me in this thin robe?”

“Did you just prove it to me? That you are like a baby?” He gritted his teeth in annoyance and grab the pants and sleeve from her hands, walking out.

“Help me buttoned this .” He went out of his own changing room and Seol quickly did it for him, starting from the easy to hard things to do.

“Wait… the suit also come with this thing.” She said and took out some chain, her mom forgot it to include it earlier. She slightly squatted and put the chain at the bottom of the suit. Baekhyun is just quietly observing her.

After that heated argument with him she comes down to the big garden and the party just started, just her luck. She just stand alone at a high table...with some champagne she drink it too.

The Byun’s family is so busy greeting other people too. She is pretty much alone on the party, she is enjoying her alone time at a large space away from the venue itself not until she saw her long-distance-boyfriend far from her…with a lady in red?

She knitted her eyebrows for clearer vision and walk slowly to them. “What is this hyungsik?” the guy stops and she feels like a new planet called “bad luck” just lay right in front of her very eyes, she was right. Her eyesight is not lying from herself. Like she expected, it is the same that always happens with the same status of her relationship with this jerk.

“Who is that baby? Did you call a maid for me?” The lady in the red dress said to him loud enough to insult her.

“What? Excuse me, maid? Are you even invited here Hyungsik huh?”

She wanted to cry when the girl laughs, “Of course girl, couldn’t you even tell on how we are dress?” she just said that Kim Seol is not belong here.

And she just said the worst bad luck of hers and she didn’t know why she sounded confident when she saw Baekhyun behind them looking drunk as hell. “Are you sure? Okay I will ask my boyfriend behind you, because his parent hosted this party.”

Kim Seol feel like she won when the girl shiver, not sure if from a cold or what? She walk passed by them without looking at her now ex-boyfriend, who the hell makes it clarify for a break up with a cheating-jerk like him?  She run on her heels towards the clueless Baekhyun.

Her bad luck even support her when she stumble in front of him, together with him on the ground, the scenarios she had that maybe Baekhyun would catch her just completely vanished into air.

“What are you Baekhyun? Are you already drunk?” She gritted her teeth, she could hear the laugh coming from the girl.

Baekhyun laughs, “I’m so caught off guard from you Seol. Of course I would fall with you even I am perfectly sober up now.” He just keep his position with her, on the ground on an awkward position you can imagine.

“It look like some cheating drama I watch from here Seol, you just got cheated on and you used me to boast your pride and ego…what do you want me to do if I decide to leave you here----?”

Seol flinched and shut her eyes to stop her tears to fall. All her bad luck didn’t matter to her but she didn’t deserve this, when she was working hard to save it. Baekhyun saw how she look in pained and with all his might. He carried her like a princess, he wasn't drunk, all he drink from the party is just a beer.

“Okay baby, let’s just rest at my room, hmm?” He also use his sweet voice when they passed by at the other couple. “You aren’t even invited here. Wait for the guard to pick you up here, okay?” He said and when the girl also look familiar with him, “Oh, didn’t you just date my friend last week?” He smiles worth a win when he heard how the guy got so mad over it.

“Serves him right.” He also heard this coming from the Kim Seol, he let out a chuckle.


did Baekhyun use his luck on a good cause?

To be continued...


Hi!! thank you for reading this chapter!  I hope you enjoy! Please comment what you feel about this chapter! ^^


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Special chapter coming up! My uni ending in 2 week! You might expect some update 😉


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Chapter 13: Ohmagod I didn't understand this chapter.
1882 streak #2
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: i'm impressed that you portrayed a heavy topic so beautifully 👏🏻💖
i feel bad for baekhyun and everything he's going through, oof
oh, no... it's already ending?? :((
omggg are you fr??? we getting a sehun one-shot uwu sjsj 💘💘
Chapter 12: Nooo,it can't be near end.
xoxoteah #4
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhh authornimmm...!
Chapter 11: This is getting interesting.
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Chapter 10: overprotective and possessive baek is hot
the ending,, oof baek :(
1882 streak #7
Chapter 9: shiyoon is sweet
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Chapter 8: loving the angst!!
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Chapter 7: they're so cute u.u
your choice of gifs are a killer 🤤
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Chapter 6: hahaha water splash, ded XD