Taeyong's Uneventful Encounters


The school's cafeteria offers a wide array of healthy and balanced meals akin to restaurant quality and standard that's why lunch time is always packed with students and faculty members.

Y/N, David and Taeyong stood in line as they waited until it was their turn to be served at the booth.

Y/N grabbed a tray and picked out meals for her and David. The ahjumma on the other side handed them their selected dishes.

Y/N glanced at Taeyong's tray that was almost full which could probably fill up to 2 stomachs, "Yah! Just how much can you eat with that thin body of yours?"

Taeyong smugly replied, "Of course, the rest goes to my good looks."

'Good looks my ,' Y/N disapprovingly thought.

"You're already handsome, hyung," David interjected in between them.

Taeyong smiled and patted David's head, "Aw... Kamsahamnida."

Y/N rolled her eyes and paid for their food in the counter.

They found an empty table at the farthest corner of the cafeteria. Once they were settled, the dull area seemed to brighten with sparkles, diamonds and flowers that none of the students dare to go near. The visuals are too blinding and heartbreaking for ordinary people.

Y/N and Taeyong laid their plated dish on the table and started digging in.

"Noona, David, you can get some if you want," Taeyong offered.

Y/N replied, "Thanks," and they ate while having light conversations.

When they were unto their desert, Y/N remembered, "Oh, by the way. You should join a club as extracurricular activity."

She pulled it out of her bag, "Here, I have gathered brochures for you to check," as she laid them down on the table for him.

Taeyong felt emotional by Y/N's concern, "Aw, noona. I'm touched. Will you go with me to check them out?"

Y/N savagely answered, "What makes you believe that I'll go with you? You're old enough to go by yourself. Besides, I'm busy."

Taeyong pouted, "Boo," as he gathered up all the brochures.

David interjected, "I'll go with hyung if you like."

Taeyong smiled, "Thanks David, but you have classes. I'm fine by myself."

Y/N advised him, "Oh, don't try the Taekwondo club."

Curious, Taeyong asked, "Wae?"

Y/N answered straightforwardly, "Because then you'll be able to defend yourself whenever I beat you up."

"Noona, don't say it like that with that kind of face," Taeyong looked dejected.

David encouraged him, "Hyung, if you become a member of the Taekwondo club, you'll be able to practice together with noona."

Taeyong got excited, "Then Taekwondo it is," as he got up and ran out.

Y/N watched him run, "Oh well. He'll never have a chance with the preliminary exercise."


Inside the Taekwondo dojo, the newbies were given a uniform to change into.

As all of them gathered up in the main hall, they were lined up in rows. Taeyong was in the middle row at the very back.

They started warm ups with light stretching then to complicated stretching. The succeeding exercise drills vary from kicks, jumping and punches.

Taeyong did it stiffly all throughout accompanied by joint cracking and popping.

"Bro, are you okay?" asked a concerned newbie who's also struggling by himself.

"My mind wants to escape but my body can't," answered Taeyong weakly, looking dazed.

After 30 minutes, Taeyong was on the ground, 'That's it,' as his soul left his body.

"That guy on the back, don't die!" the instructor pointed at him.

Taeyong didn't make a move so he was dragged outside by the club members along with a few who passed out.

Taeyong cursed as he changed back to his uniform, "! Why is the exercise so hard? I'm never coming back here again."


He was walking in the hallway while flipping through the brochures when he found the Yoga Club, 'Hmm, let's try some relaxation.'

Once in the Yoga Club room, the newbies were given spandex clothing for ease of movement and a mat.

As they were all gathered up in the main hall, they were lined in rows as Taeyong stood in the middle row at the very back.

The instructor started warm ups with light stretching for 3 minutes then gradually proceeded to simple and complex poses.

Again, Taeyong did it stiffly accompanied by further joint cracking and popping.

After just 30 minutes of yoga, Taeyong was lying on the mat, 'That's it,' as his soul left his body once more.

The instructor pointed at Taeyong, "That good looking guy at the back, don't die!"

Once again, Taeyong was dragged outside by the club members.

Taeyong cursed again as he changed back to his uniform, "! I'm not good with this stretching and stuff."


He walked in the hallway as he held out his brochures again. He thought that the academic subjects club might be too boring for him so he skipped it.

He was so focused on the brochures that he didn't notice the flock of girls in front of him.

Girl 1: "Hey there, are you looking for a club?"

Girl 2: "Why don't you try our club?"

Girl 3: "You're so handsome. Can I be your girlfriend?"

Girl 4: "Hey! You're off topic."

He looked above the room's signage that says 'Ghost Club'.

Taeyong inquired, "What do you do in the ghost club?"

Girl 1: "Everything scary."

Girl 2: "Why don't you try going inside."

Girl 3: "Are you free later?"

Girl 4: "Stop it!"

'Finally, something interesting,' Taeyong grinned. "Let's do this! Aja!" he roared to himself.

The girls were excited so they dragged him inside the room.

After 5 second, shouts and cries echoed throughout the building, "Aaaaaah!" "Andwaeeee!" "Jebaaaaal!" "Ummaaaaa!"

It was a good 5 minutes before he got out of the room and darted as fast as he could away from the building.

When he got farther away, he stopped to take a breath, "! Why does their puppets look real? Their makeup also looks scary and believable."

He composed himself, "I'm never gonna go to that building ever again!" he exclaimed as he walked, scanning through the few remaining brochures that he had.


"Would you like to play rock, paper, scissor?" someone asked Taeyong as he stopped on his tracks.

He looked at the girl and saw her headband that says 'The Rock Paper Scissor Club'.

He grinned, confident in his luck, "Sure. I've never lost in rock, paper, scissor."

He stretched and popped his fingers as he readied his right hand for the battle.

After his preparations, they got into ready position.

After 10 rounds, Taeyong fell on his knees, "Wae?" It's unfathomable to him why he's been continuously defeated by this girl member.

The girl asked, "Would you like to join our club?"

Dejected, Taeyong got up and meekly said, "No. Can't you see I haven't won not even once from you," and walked out.

The girl said, "We have a technique to win. Don't you wanna know?"

Taeyong despondently walked out, not hearing what the girl said.

He was so absorbed by his loss, 'It seems like today is not my lucky day.'


Taeyong didn't notice that he passed by another club. When its guy members saw him, they instantaneously blocked his way.

The tall guy judged Taeyong's looks, "What a perfect visual," then snapped his fingers.

Four guys came and dragged Taeyong inside the room before he could even refuse.

He found himself wearing a suit and was escorted out to what looks like a lounge with lots of girls sitting in the sofas and drinking tea together with guys who wore suits just like him.

Taeyong was mesmerized as there were lots of beautiful girls and inquired, "What is this club?"

The tall guy earlier answered, "This is the Host Club. We serve and entertain girls that come here to relax and relieve their stress."

Taeyong's eyes brightened, "Entertain girls?"

He was elated by the idea and instantly approached two girls waiting and escorted them to an empty seat.

Taeyong introduced himself, "My name is Lee Taeyong, your host for today," he bowed and smiled blindingly.

The two girls were squealing with hearts in their eyes.

With a sullen look on his face, "Ladies, it saddens me to be separated from you even for just a minute, but I shall be patient. Very well, I'll fetch your tea," then he left.

One of the girl was weakened, "Oh no! He's just too good. He's too handsome."

The other girl supported her, "Please be strong! We will survive this day."

Majority of the girls there were also captivated by Taeyong as he passed by them.

He got back in an instant with two cups of tea in hand. He served it to the ladies then sat between them.

They were having fun talking about a lot of things while the rest of the other girls were jealous.

One of them mumbled, "I hope they leave already. That host is too good for them."

Another said, "Quickly so that Taeyong oppa can serve me."

Mumbles of protests emanated from the girls while the members of the host club protested internally at the same time, 'Damn it! We could hear you! We're good looking too, you know. It's him who's just abnornally good looking.'

Meanwhile, Y/N passed by the Host Club and as she glanced towards the lounge, her eyes immediately darted towards Taeyong. She stopped in her tracks, dumbfounded.

Taeyong also immediately noticed Y/N outside and beamed a smile. He waved at her, "Noona," and promptly rushed towards her, overlooking the two girls he was serving.

Taeyong was like a puppy in front of Y/N with imaginary dog ears and wagging tail. She asked curiously, "What in the hell are you doing here?"

Taeyong excitedly explained, "It's the Host Club. I was just trying it out. You know what, it seems I have a talent in this. By the way noona, don't I look extra handsome in this suit?"

Y/N denied flatly, "Not more than usual."

Taeyong said, "Yah!" as he pouted his lips.

He grabbed her hand, "Come inside noona, I'll serve you tea."

Y/N declined as she remained in her spot, "I will never go in there nor will I ever come to see you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some matters to do," then she left.

"Eh, wait!" Taeyong wasn't able to stop her.

Taeyong rushed inside to tell the girls, "Ladies, it sorrows me to leave you all alone here, but if my noona doesn't want to come here, then there is no need for me to be here as well. Ciao."

"What! Taeyong oppa!" the girls called out, but they were unheard.

Before he reached outside, he bellowed to the other host, "I'll return the suit later."

Taeyong tried to catch up to Y/N, "Noona, wait for your cute dongsaeng."

Y/N invalidated this, "The only cute dongsaeng that I have is David."

Taeyong was thrilled, "Noona, you're really cute when you reject me," he teased.

Y/N swiftly turned to face Taeyong to punch him but stopped midway when her phone rang, "Tsk."

'What tsk?' That scared me,' Taeyong sighed a relief.

She distanced herself as she answered her phone. While she was at it, Taeyong was silently looking outside the balcony and was deep in thought.

When Y/N got off the phone, she glanced at Taeyong who was still staring on the school yard below.

Curious, she peeked beside him and spoke, "Did someone caught your attention?"

Taeyong was startled, "Wah!"

She distinguished them to him, "Hmm, those hugging people are from the 'Free Hugs Club'. Do you want to join?"

Taeyong teased, "Would that mean I can hug you every minute of the day?"

Y/N sighed, "Stuuuupid. Then prepare to accept my fist in return," as she started walking.

Taeyong followed suit and replied, "If it's a fist of love, I'll gladly accept it."

Y/N sighed another one, 'There's no end disagreeing with him.'

She then remembered, "You're good at swimming. Why don't you try it out?"

Taeyong unrelentlessly as he agreed, "Okay then. If I can see noona everyday in a two-piece bathing suit, then why not."

Y/N's temple veins popped as she stole the brochures Taeyong was holding and began smacking him in the head and body.

Taeyong prostested as he tried to avoid, "Ow, ow! That hurts! Noona, not the face!"


That evening at the Kim's residence, their mother asked Y/N, "So, how was school today?"

"Taeyong was trying out all the clubs in the school but he seems uncertain," she answered.

Out of nowhere, their mother revealed, "Taeyong is a good singer."

"Huh?" Y/N was stunned in disbelief, 'Taeyong? Singing?'

Their mother smirked, "You don't believe me?"

Y/N was confounded, "Wait! That's really hard to believe. Lee Taeyong? That dongsaeng?"

"Yes! That dongsaeng! Why don't you find out yourself," their mother suggested.

Then, Y/N remembered that afternoon. Taeyong was not looking at the Free Hugs Club people but at an individual who was singing, playing a guitar surrounded by audiences.

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Finally! I was able to finish chapter 10. I was stressed at work this whole time thatbI could not find the time to work on this chapter. Anyway, enjoy reading!


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ladykwonxiwu #1
First comment! I was caught off guard when Taeyong was introduced like just a snap of a finger but I'm liking how the story goes so far.

Fighting authornim!