First Dinner


The car stopped in front of a huge twin black metal gate as seen on the CCTV camera. The guard stationed inside the guardhouse pushed a button that automatically opened the gates and bowed as the car drove past him.

The car drove in a long driveway with Emerald Green Arbovitae standing 12 feet tall lined on both sides. Grass stretched beyond with array of plants, flowers and trees.

Inside the passenger seat, Taeyong can already see the modern huge house made of glass wall for most part. The car drove around the roundabout fountain and could see a familiar figure standing on top of the porch with ivory marble porcelain paving slab front steps.

The car went to a stop and one at a time, the siblings got out of the car.

David slowly ran up the steps. Their mother received David into her arms and tenderly kissed him on the forehead. Once David was released, he then excitedly ran towards inside the house.

Y/N then kissed and hugged their mother and asked, "So, did we got the right person?" as she gazed down towards Taeyong climbing up the steps. "Tell me its not him," she added.

Their mother smiled and touched her cheek, "Oh sweetie, that's your brother alright."

She opened her arms and hugged Taeyong as soon as he got to her.

"Tsk tsk.." Y/N lightheartedly disapproved and walked inside the house.

Their mother was thrilled as she cupped Taeyong's face, "Taeyong-ah! Finally, you're here! I missed you."

Taeyong was bashful but pleased, "Me too, mom."

He looked at her and flattered, "Mom, you look like a teenager."

"Oh, come on," She fanned her hand, keeping modest. She held his right arm and led him inside, "Look at you, so tall and handsome. You absolutely look like your father."

"Where else would I get it from?" Taeyong flattered with a smirk.

"Ooh, that smirk. Just like your father," exhilarated as she perceived the similarities between the two.

Taeyong was astonished as he entered the house. The foyer had a stylish black glossy round center table that is a contrast from the white palette concept of the house. Different kinds of fresh flowers and leaves sit atop in a transparent vace. A modern LED crystal ring chandelier highlights this area from it's high ceiling.

On the right is a huge living room with white u-shaped sofas facing an accent rusty barnwood laminate wall panelling. Below is a recessed electric fireplace with a floating shelf and a tv on top.

Next to it is another area where only a grand piano sits, unused.

In the middle of the living room situated on the glass wall is the main stairs that leads up to the 4th floor.

Their mother led him to the other stairs behind a solid wall that separates the living room and the dining room and kitchen, "Use these stairs if you want to go directly to the kitchen. If you go down, you will find the garage, gym, wine cellar and an indoor pool. Come on, I'll show you your room."

As they got to the second floor, she pointed, "This is a guestroom and that other door is our master bedroom."

Taeyong wondered, "Oh yeah, where is dad?"

She replied, unbothered by his constant absence, "He's on a business trip."

They turned right on a solid wall entryway and got to the open entertainment area filled with billiard and pingpong table and a living room set with dropdown projector for movies.

They took the main stairs and got to the 3rd floor's very spacious hallway and stopped on the first door on the left, "Here is your room. Your luggage is inside. For now, I want you to change so we can all eat dinner."

She then kissed him on the forehead and left.

Before Taeyong went inside, he saw Y/N go inside her room on the opposite far side of the hallway.

Out of nowhere, a voice spoke, "Something wrong, hyung?" which made Taeyong jump. He looked behind to find David looking up at him.

He grabbed his chest and let out a sigh of relief, 'that surprised me.'

Taeyong bent over and patted David's head, "Hyung was just wondering where your room is so we could play video games together any time." as he smiled.

David beamed, "Really, hyung? This is my room, right across your room." as he pointed towards it.

'Ha, ha... Of course we'd be on the same floor.' Taeyong was slightly not thrilled with the idea.

He then told David, "Okay. Before any games, go get changed and go down for dinner."

David obeyed, "Okay hyung," and went inside his room.

Taeyong then entered his room.


Taeyong used the main stairs to get to the groundfloor.

He looked at every corner of the house which has a consistent floor to ceiling panelled glass wall. He stopped by the grand piano, touched and stared at it for a minute, then went on to the area next to it.

It is a 2-steps recessed square area with a square-shaped lounging sofa and a coffee table in the middle. Above it is an open ceiling balcony of the second floor with a beautiful hanging diamond teardrop chandelier in the middle.

Looking straight outside is a high ceiling glass panelled wall with collapsible glass door in the middle overlooking the outdoor infinity pool and the city of Seoul.

He proceeded to walk on the left side where a bar station sits with a pass-through window on this solid segment wall. High chairs were placed inside as well as on the other side of the window opening.

A little on the left is the modern open concept kitchen and dining room.

Taeyong was the last one to arrive as the rest of the family were gathered on the dining table.

Their dining table is so huge that it could seat up to 20 people. Y/N and their mother sat beside each other on the far end of the table on the left while Taeyong and David on the right side; Taeyong sat across Y/N.

Since it's a special day for the family, their mother specially requested for their family chef to cook. You could see him behind the long center island prepping the cooked dishes.

Their mother looked at her children and praised, "It's really astonishing how the three of you almost look alike."

With a disapproving look, Y/N contradicted, "No, we're not."

Their mother propounded, "Really. Look at the mirror and tell me I'm lying."

The housemaids placed the dishes on the table while the chef poured a soup appetizer on each of their bowl.

While the chef was at it, Taeyong humorously interjected, "Could it be that you really gave birth to me?"

Y/N retorted, "Unlikely," and asked their mother, "So, can you explain now?"

Their mother sighed, "So impatient."

"Enjoy your meal." the chef announced as he finished serving.

"Thank you." their mother appreciatedly replied.

Their mother started, "Okay, start with your soup while I talk. While me and your father were in Vegas, someone left a baby in front of our door. This happened while you were 1 year old. We wanted to have a baby boy so we decided to adopt him. Then, a few months later, a woman came who claimed to be Taeyong's biological mother, wanted him back. With all the supporting documents that states she is the real mother, we had no choice but to give him back."

Taeyong continued, "When I was 10 years old, I found out that I was kidnapped by them, so I secretly took my adoption papers that they've taken from the registrar and ran away. I've been living in the homeless shelter for years and have been searching for the people who adopted me to know any more information. Then, 2 years ago, I finally made contact with mom and dad and have been in constant communication since then."

Meanwhile, their mother was placing bits of meat and vegetables on David's plate as Taeyong was talking.

Y/N asked their mother, "Why didn't you tell us then?"

Their mom nonchalantly said, "Well, there's a saying that goes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "U-huh. I've heard that before." as she scooped a braised short ribs unto her plate.

Their mother still pushed the idea, "Oh sweetie, I told you we wanted to surprise you two."

"Surprise!" Taeyong made a peek-a-boo gesture to Y/N.

"I just can't believe it took you this long to tell us the truth," discontented as she told their mother.

Their mother just shrugged it off, "Oh, c'mon, just accept it already. Aren't you glad that we have an additional member of the family?"

David answered instantly, "I'm fine having a big brother."

Taeyong felt grateful to David, "Eyy, high five." to which David answered with a high five.

Then, the three of them looked at Y/N to which she answered, "Unclear."

She then asked Taeyong, "What were you doing in the US for the past few years?"

Taeyong responded, "Going to school and parttime modelling."

Their mother interrupted, "So, how was school? Did you like it?"

Taeyong answered approvingly with a thumbs up, "It had a nice view." as he was looking at Y/N.

Y/N remembered what happened that afternoon in the parking lot and had the feeling that Taeyong was referring to that event so he glared at him.

Taeyong could feel something menacing in Y/N's glare as well as below the table.

He sneaked a glance below and found Y/N's right foot just 1 inch away from his left knee.

Taeyong's eyes widened and took a step back from his chair, 'I'm glad her legs are short. My innocent knee was spared.'

He then laughed nervously as he rephrased, "Ha ha ha, I meant the campus was nice. The students too were friendly."

Their mother was satisfied, "That is nice to hear."

She scooped a spoonful of meat to Taeyong, "Here, you said this is your favorite."


Y/N was half asleep when she could feel someone's presence around her.

Her room was dim, so when she opened her eyes, it took her a moment to adjust until she could focus on the entity above her.

She swung her left hand when she realized it was Taeyong, who was able to swiftly dodge, "Easy. I was just here to say goodnight."

"What the hell!" Y/N sat up and grabbed the remote on her side table. She pressed it which instantaneously lit up all the lights in her room.

She then checked her clock on the side table, "Taeyong! It's already midnight!"

Taeyong corrected her matter-of-factly, "It's 12:05 in the morning to be exact."

"You-" She got out the bed and called aloud, "Mom! There's a ert in here!"

On his guard, Taeyong asked, "What? Where is he? I'm going to catch him for you."

Vexed, Y/N exclaimed at him, "That's you, moron!"

Taeyong raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. The reason why I'm here is I wanted to check if you're okay. I knocked several times but you didn't answer. Since the door was unlocked, I decided to come inside."

Y/N roared in disbelief, "That's because I'm already sleeping!"

She briskly moved towards Taeyong, "Come here. I won't be able to sleep if I can't beat you up tonight."

Taeyong ran towards her living room as he continuously , "You know, it's really dangerous leaving your door unlocked. Lock it next time."

Y/N started to throw things at him, feeling mortified, "Thanks. I'll remember that next time."

Taeyong was preoccupied in avoiding the things thrown at him when a pointed ballpen missed his face by a centimeter. He exclaimed, "Hey, not the face!"

She glowered, "I can't guarantee that."

Taeyong was running around in circle as he was continuously chased by Y/N, who, every now and then, would pick and throw things found lying on the floor.

Unfazed by her rage, Taeyong more, "You know, I'll feel great if you think about me all night."

Riled up, Y/N increased her speed to get to him, "Oh yeah? Come here."

At this time, he quickly got to her door and ran outside the hallway with Y/N in pursuit.

Taeyong frantically entered his room then quickly closed and locked it just in time for Y/N to slam her palms on the door.

Her blood pooled up in her head as she stared daggers at his door.

Taeyong could still feel her presence outside so he never dared to go near it.

"Tsk." After awhile, she calmed herself and decided not to cause a ruckus as she didn't want to wake David up.

She glared once again at the door and plotted something as she sweared, "I'll have my hands on you later."

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Finally! I was able to finish chapter 10. I was stressed at work this whole time thatbI could not find the time to work on this chapter. Anyway, enjoy reading!


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ladykwonxiwu #1
First comment! I was caught off guard when Taeyong was introduced like just a snap of a finger but I'm liking how the story goes so far.

Fighting authornim!