A Barista and TV Star

Barista and TV star
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Sungyeol’s Apartment


Sungyeol sighed, looking at his brother absentminded, staring at the TV; it’s been a week since he left the hospital and since Dongwoo disappeared. So, instead of returning to his house Sungyeol invited him over to his place to look after him now that he can’t use both of his hands, plus Hoya would’ve rented a hotel room rather than stay at a home that belongs to Dongwoo.

“Say, Hyung.”


“Did you hear anything from Dongwoo Hyung?”

“Why would you bring up his name now?”


“! You’re already bored of me!!!” Hoya got up. “Fine, I’m leaving.”

“Wait- Hyung, don’t leave, uh? I’m sorry.”

“I rather stay at Sunggyu’s house instead”, Hoya sat back, “But I’m sure he won’t hesitate to update that about me.”

“Dongwoo Hyung loves you.”

“I love him too, so whatever.”

Sungyeol helped his brother eat his soup, “is it worth fighting for this?”

“I wanted that baby so bad; I never get what I want; it’s like I’m cursed.”

“You got Dongwoo Hyung.”

“Hmm, but I lost him too.”

“He’s just upset like you, isn’t he allowed to feel sad?”

“He is sad for the wrong reasons.”

“He is sad because he doesn’t want to see the love of his love hurting himself.”

Hoya scoffed, not believing that his brother actually said something right, “How do you know my husband so well?”

“I’ve always watched you and him together and always wanted what you guys have”, Sungyeol smiled, “I’ve always felt jealous of you because you had a best friend and a lover that were willing to fight the world for you.”

“Sunggyu and Dongwoo.”

“Hmm, call him Hyung.”

“I don’t know what to say” Hoya never started the conversation; he was always the hot-headed one that waits for Dongwoo to calm him down and do the talk, “It was his thing for years.”

“Maybe he wants to know how much you care about him for the first time ever.”

Hoya stared at his mobile, “What if he doesn’t answer?”

“He will, and if he doesn’t, it means his battery is dead, or he is dead.”

“YAH!! You just killed my husband!!!”

“Ahh, ~~~ cute you love~~~~~~ him.”

“Shut up!”

Sungyeol got off the sofa and headed toward the kitchen, “Call him.”

“Y-Yah, come back here. I can’t dial by myself, you idiot.”






Sungjong found himself at the clinic the moment his break started, it’s only 30 minutes lunch break, but he felt like he had to say things to Rain before it’s too late. To his luck, Rain didn’t have appointments at this hour and was taking a break too.

Rain smiled, happy to see his boyfriend at this hour. Usually, Sungjong rejects his lunch break invite, claiming it’s easier to eat at the café.

“I’m glad you changed your mind and came over” Rain offered his lunch for his boyfriend, “It’s not much, but you can have it all; next time, I’ll make sure to order more food.”

“…” Sungjong stared at the food silently, which made Rain nervous.

“Unless there won’t be next time.”

Sungjong looked up, shocked, “What!”

Rain chuckled nervously, “You’ve been here for like 7 minutes and didn’t say a word.”

“Because you won’t let me talk!!”

“Is it because of the proposal?”


“Did I freak you out?” Sungjong nodded; he wanted to be honest; Rain deserved that much “I figured, forget about it, I was caught in the moment.”


“Let’s eat.”

Sungjong stopped Rain from opening the lunch boxes, “What do you mean caught in the moment?”

“Baby, forget about it, let’s eat, we’re still good, and I’m not mad; you’re right; I was irrational.”

“So, you take back your proposal??”

“Hmm, now can we get back to our normal self?”


“Sungjong~” Sungjong pulled a box from his jacket and handed it over to Rain, “What is this?”

“Open it”, Rain gasped when he did, “If we’re ever going to get married, then I’m proposing.”

Rain looked back and forth between Sungjong and the ring, “Baby! Are you sure about it?”

“Hmm, unless you changed your mind”, Sungjong cupped the elder’s cheeks and kiss him, “will you still marry me, or did you change your mind?”

“Of course, I want to marry you!!! I thought you didn’t want it.”

“You’re right; at first I freaked out, I thought you rushed things”, Sungjong laid between his fiancé’s arms, “I was rehearsing how to ask you to wait without hurting your feelings until I found myself checking out rings and buying one for you.”

“So, you don’t think we’re rushing things?”

“Of course, I do”, Sungjong smiled, looking up at Rain’s face, “and that’s what I love about us; we’ve got to be the fastest couple in town!”

“Hmm, we’re fast.”

Sungjong and Rain chuckled, “Hyung, we barely started to date when I agreed to move into your house.”

“Then we proposed to each other in no time.”

“Does that mean we’re getting married tomorrow?” Of course, Sungjong was kidding, but the excitement in Rain face said it all, “Hyung, I’m kidding.”

“I think it’s a good idea.”

“Hyung, I want to have a big wedding.”

“How about we go to court and finish things up, then plan a wedding.”

“Hyung~~~, I want to wear a white suit!!”

Rain smiled, watching Sungjong talk about what he wants, “What else do you want?”

“I want to write our vows and exchange them in front of everyone.”

“You will write your own vows?”

Sungjong chuckled, “I might ask the boss for help.”

Rain flipped them over, having Sungjong underneath him as he slowly ed his shirt, “Why does it feel like this proposal was your boss idea?”

Sungjong bit his lips, knowing what will happen next, “Kind of?”

Rain kissed Sungjong’s nose, “I should be thanking him then.”

“Hmm, maybe you should.”

“What else you want for our wedding?”

“After we say ‘I do,’”


“And he says we can kiss.”

“And we kiss.”

“Pretending as if we didn’t kiss, and it’s our first kiss.”

Rain kissed the younger a little longer before he broke the kiss, “How much time you’ve got?”

“10 minutes.”

“It should be enough.”

“You talk too much”, Sungjong silenced his fiancé with a kiss, knowing that these 10 minutes won’t ever be enough but who cares? He’s getting married to his boss’s best friend, Sunggyu will understand.




Sunggyu’s House


“Guess who’s back~~~~~~~.”

Sunggyu peeked from the kitchen, “Oh, it’s you again.”

“Y-Yah!!” Woohyun dropped his jacket on the floor, pouting, “Ugh, the disappointment in your voice!!”

“Come here”, Sunggyu pulled Woohyun for a quick hug before he pushed him off him. “There, happy?”

“Why does hugging me feel like an assignment?”

“Hmm, it is; you’re my toy.” It’s true; Rain asked Sunggyu to use Woohyun for practice, not that Woohyun minded he gladly took that role.

“Rain Hyung said at least 2 minutes!! Your hug was barely 30 seconds!”

“Aww~~, you counted.”

“Shut up”, Woohyun looked around, “Where is Shi-ah?”

“With Myungsoo at her room, she has a math test coming; Myungsoo happened to be the brain in the family.”

“That’s a given; he looks smart.”

Sunggyu folded his arms to his chest, “So, I look dumb??”

“Ani”, Sunggyu smiled when Woohyun pulled him closer from his shirt, lips dangerously close, “You look hot.”

At that, Sunggyu initiated the kiss taking his time to pull back and lean again to continue kissing, sending Woohyun over the moon; whenever Sunggyu is in the mood, things get steamy.



“Here”, Woohyun offered Sunggyu a glass of water to swallow his pills, “Are you okay?”

“Hmm, I was greedy. I wanted more.”

Since they met Rain a week ago, Sunggyu and Woohyun’s relationship improved, Sunggyu no longer push the celebrity and initiate skinship as a practice. Symptoms didn’t stop entirely, but they decreased a little; Sunggyu learned to control his reflex a little, but at times he just can’t help it and need air or his medication to calm down and tonight was one of these nights.

Woohyun leant over the table, “we can continue practicing in your room~~.”

“Ugh, always finding the right time to ask for more!!”

“Is that a yes?”

“It’s a no.”



Sunggyu chuckled when Woohyun pouted; he looks cute like a bunny “Araso~.”

Sunggyu lightened his cigarette, “What are you going to do with Saeron? Now that everything is clear.”

Yes, Woohyun proved his innocence, but it’s not always a happy ending; just like fans who believed Woohyun and cheered for him, some fans chose to believe Saeron, claiming that Woohyun fabricated the evidence to get himself out of this mess.

“My manager thinks I should sue her.”

“So, will you?”

“I don’t know; what do you think?”

“You think by suing her, everyone will believe you?”

“Not really, fans who chose Saeron will stick to her for life”, Woohyun sighed, “I just want to get back to work; I miss standing in front of the camera and reporting.”

“Then you do that.”

“And Saeron?”

“Forget about her; you proved your innocence; nothing else matters.”

“And the ones who believe her?”

“Weren’t going to believe from the start; they weren’t your fans anyway.”

Woohyun unlocked his mobile and showed it to Sunggyu, “I’ve got an email for a new reporting show.”

“That’s good news”, Sunggyu frowned at how down Woohyun looked instead of being excited. “What’s wrong?”

“What if the fans don’t accept me again? And I fail the show?”

Sunggyu held Woohyun’s hand and smiled, “Then you try again, you know why?”


“Because you’re Nam Woohyun, my boyfriend and one day my husband.”

“What!” Woohyun had to think for a second, “Did I just get a proposal?”

“Ani”, Sunggyu retrieved his hand and continued smoking, “Geez, do you want to get married badly!!”

“We’re definitely practicing tonight.”

Sunggyu smirked when Woohyun leaned for a peck, “And why is that!?”

“To prepare your body for our wedding night because nothing will stop me that night. Mark my words, Kim Sunggyu.”


Shi-ah’s room

“Oh, you’re back fast.”


Myungsoo went downstairs to get a snack for Shi-ah but returned empty-handed, “Were there no snacks? Where is Appa?”

“Your father is- busy.”

Shi-ah chuckled, understanding what that means, “Ah~~, Woohyun samchon is there, isn’t he?”

“There is a child in this house; can’t they act a little more mature!!!”

“Someone is jealous~~.”

“Y-Yah, that’s not true.”

“And I’m not a child; I’ll be 13 in a month.”

“Wah~~, very much an adult”, Myungsoo joined her in bed, “How are you okay with that?”

“Will everybody stop asking me that question!!”

“Hoya Hyung asked you too?”

“Hmm, as if accepting Appa’s relationship is a wrong thing, you guys, please stop.”

“I didn’t mean it that way, Shi-ah. It’s just- you won’t understand.”

“Understand what?”

“You practically have a normal relationship with your dad, which is great.”

“You mean hugging and touching?”

“Hmm, but this doesn’t apply to the rest of us.”

“By us, you mean you because Dongwoo and Hoya samchons don’t seem to mind.”


“You’re angry at Appa because he accepted Woohyun samchon and not you, right?”

“Hmm, this is so like your father since he was young; he pushed me away and kicked me out from his room and rejected all of our touches, including mom but decided to accept dad randomly-”

“S-Samchon- you don’t know what you’re talking about- Appa-” Shi-ah lowered her head and stopped talking; she felt like she wasn’t in place to speak for her dad.

“Continue, what is it?”

“A-Ask Appa, I can’t say anything.”

“Ask him about what?” Myungsoo lifted her face gently, “Shi-ah?”

She nervously looked everywhere, avoiding her uncle’s eyes, “About grandpa.”


Living room

“Hyung”, Myungsoo didn’t waste time and rushed downstairs to get things straight from his brother; why does it sound as if his brother is hiding a big secret from him!

The way Myungsoo entered the living room looking panicked made Sunggyu worry and immediately thought about Shi-ah, so he rushed toward the stairs to go and check on her, “What!! Is Shi-ah okay?”

“Hyung, wait”, Sunggyu stopped and turned to see his brother’s face, “It’s not Shi-ah.”

Sunggyu heaved a sigh, “You scared me, don’t do this again.”

He was about to return to the sofa when Myungsoo’s question stopped him, “What happened between you and dad?”


“Hyung, please tell me!”

Woohyun stood up from the sofa and walked toward Sunggyu, “It’s okay to tell him, Sunggyu.”


“It’s about time”, Woohyun then excused himself and gave the brother time alone to talk about it.


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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 5: It really seems like Howon hates Sungyeol 🥺
Oh no, it makes me want to know who the woman is. Hopefully Woohyun doesn't end up heartbroken
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 3: I wonder if Howon likes Sungyeol 🥺
I don't know, it was very hard on him.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 1: It's the hair 😂😂😂😂😂
702 streak #4
still one of my faves 😭
Simran20 #5
While seeing this I realise how time flies so fast😭
Absese #6
Chapter 21: I loved it! Great job!
Simran20 #7
Chapter 21: That was another beautiful journey with you author nim. I really love how you summarize each and every one of their views in a line. Can't believe it's over but it's okay I have already start reading 'i got you'.
You are one of the most persistent authors I have come across in asian fanfic. Thank you so much author nim for all these fics. Lots of love. God bless 💙
Chapter 21: So it is the end of another great story of you.
Personally this was so healing. It had its up and downs but ultimately everything fell in to right place and as you have said this story is a light story. But I am happy that you wrote a story like this story. This had so much happiness. And communication, love, understanding, apologies. This was really beautiful. I know beautiful is a simple word but for me it has a deep meaning. So for me this story was beautiful. As always I loved this story of yours too. Much love ❤️
Chapter 20: Gosh I really can’t wait for the next update!! Their relationship is getting better and better! Meanwhile yadongs not so great so I’m really looking forward to see what happens with them
Chapter 20: Hope everything is fine with you now. ❤️
And the update. The relationship of woogyu is such a healthy one. I love reading about healthy relationships cuz we have so much of toxic relationship now in the society. So even if the fiction world is giving me a healthy relationship, I will take it.
And I love the way Shi Ah handled the things. And to see her opening up to Hyun not only because she loves her father but of the reason that she has also started loving Hyun is a major step in this process.
And yadong, a break is much needed but I don't know whether it is the right time. Perhaps it is the right time. Even though Dongwoo has shown everyone he is happy why I think it is not like that. A time off would give both of them space and time to heal their selves.
Loved the update. ❤️