Prove it

Barista and TV star
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KBS Apartment Building


Saeron walked into the apartment singing or, more likely, humming a song radiating with happy vibes; it seems that Sunggyu’s polite smile is actually doing something for her. On the other hand, Woohyun was ready to leave the apartment to meet Sunggyu, of course.

“You’re back.”

“Hmm”, Saeron them remembered, “Oops, I forgot your coffee, Oppa. I’m so sorry.”

Woohyun smiled, fixing his hair, “That’s alright; I’ll get it myself.”

“No need, I’ll get back there and order it for you.”

Woohyun grabbed Saeron hand to stop her from leaving. Lately, all she wants to do is hang out at the café, which is so unlike her!

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t usually visit the same café twice because you don’t want to mislead your fan into thinking you’re sponsoring the place.”

Saeron was impressed, “How do you know all of this about me?”

“I googled you, obviously!” Woohyun explained more, “I always google people I work with; it’s not a big deal.”

“Well~~, I think it’s cute. I better hurry and get you that coffee”, Woohyun was far from letting go of her hand, “Oppa? My hand?”

Woohyun released her, “Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you like Sunggyu?”

Saeron paused for a moment, trying to phrase her answer, “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Sunggyu Oppa?”

“Sunggyu Oppa?”, Woohyun crossed his arms, “Since when you call him, Sunggyu Oppa!!”

“I thought you made it clear that you want us to stay friends! Don’t tell you changed your mind!”

“And I’m on my words.”

“Good, then what’s going on?”

“I like the guy you’re flirting with.”

Saeron smiled softly, “Are you two dating?”


“Then I don’t see how is that my problem.”


“It’s up to Sunggyu Oppa to choose not you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you had your chance, and you blew it; it’s not my fault you couldn’t win him!!”

“It’s complicated.”

“Ugh~~, I’m sure it is” Saeron rolled her eyes, “he has a daughter, for god’s sake.”

“So? Is that a problem?”

“Not at all; the girl will soon go to college and disappear busy with her life and dates.”

“Shi-ah happens to be a lovely girl.”

“She is a teenager; I can’t deal with teenagers; they are moody.”

“I- I thought you liked her; you even took selfies with her.”

“Aww~ that!! I was just trying to impress her dad, which seems to work; that girl talked about me to her dad. So, Yeey me.”

“Please, tell me you’re kidding.”

“Silly~~”, Saeron chuckled, “I thought you googled me already; you know those stuff about me. Now that we’re done talking, I’ll go get your coffee.”

“Wait, I’m coming with you.”




Innisfree GREEN CAFE


As if it was fate, Sunggyu returning from the back after smoking and Woohyun walking into the café along with Saeron, of course. The barista smiled as Woohyun came closer; though they were wearing masks, he can tell that the celebrity was smiling as well.

“You came.”

“Hmm”, Woohyun lowered his mask to show Sunggyu how happy he was to see him, in case he didn’t notice the smiled behind that mask. “Hi.”

Then Sunggyu did the unexpected, he lifted Woohyun’s mask back up to cover his face, “It’s crowded today.”

“Hmm, thanks.”

Woohyun and Sunggyu returned to their usual self when Saeron joined them next to Woohyun, “I’ll get your coffee.”

“Right, Oppa will have-”

“Iced Americano, I know. I’ll be back.”

When Sunggyu left the two alone, Woohyun said firmly, “Leave Sunggyu and his daughter alone.”

“I’m sorry?”

He then turned to look into her eyes, “I mean it.”

“And what you’re going to do about it? Tell him what I said?”

“As a matter of fact, I would.”

“It’s your word against mine!”

“I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but that guy will believe me any time.”

“So, confident”, Saeron then challenged him, “You’re talking like you two are in love.”

“We are.”

“Don’t get me wrong, Oppa, you might fell in love with him but are you sure he is too?”


“He has a girl; I’m sure he is straight and just being polite with you.”

“That’s not it!”

“Prove it.”


“Prove it that he is taken, and I promise to walk away and never question that matter.”


It was unexpected and sudden; Sunggyu couldn’t digest what happened and how it happened or, moreover, how it happened!! Woohyun jumped behind the counted and cornered Sunggyu behind a wall away from the customers' eyes but made sure it’s visible to Saeron.

“W-Woohyun? What are you-?”

“Close your eyes.”


Woohyun lowered his mask and repeated, “Close your eyes.”

To Saeron, it looked like Woohyun is kissing Sunggyu while, in fact, it was just the perfect angle and Woohyun, like any celebrity, mastered it making it look like he is kissing Sunggyu.


And with that Saeron left, Woohyun heaved a sigh, happy it worked. “It worked; I can’t believe it worked!!”


Woohyun returned his eyes on Sunggyu, “Hmm?”

“I can’t- breath.”

“I’m so sorry!!!” Woohyun backed fast, giving Sunggyu his space, “Are you okay?”

Sunggyu nodded and left to the rest area, Woohyun wanted to follow, but Dongwoo stopped him, “You better not.”

“I didn’t mean to upset him.”

“Come, let’s have coffee together.”



Woohyun found himself sitting in front of Dongwoo, waiting to be scolded like a child, “You didn’t do anything wrong”, Dongwoo started, “I’m sure by now you know that Sunggyu has haphephobia.”

“Hmm, he told me.”

“I noticed he doesn’t flinch from your touches, which is good. You have probably done something that we, his friends, couldn’t do all these years.”

“Hmm, we- we practised.”

“I see; I’m impressed.”

“But I don’t understand what happened; I didn’t kiss him I just-”

“Grabbed him from his wrist and cornered him in the corner out of the sudden?” Woohyun nodded, head lowered, “Even though he is used to your touches, he doesn’t do well with sudden touches. Even Shi-ah doesn’t suddenly hug her father; I’m sure you noticed he is the one initiating it whether it’s a hug or holding hands.”

“I blew it, didn’t I?”

Dongwoo smiled, confusing Woohyun, “I like you, Nam Woohyun.”


“I mean, I’ll support your relationship with Sunggyu if it ever happened.”

“I appreciate it, thank you. But your friend’s head is made of stone!”

“Hmm, so are you going to give up?”


“But if you’re the kind of getting hurt and use Sunggyu’s condition whenever you fight or have a misunderstanding”, Woohyun looked up when Dongwoo rose from the chair, “then walk away, don’t break his heart.”


Resting Area

Woohyun knocked on the door before he opened it to find Sunggyu swallowing his pills; he felt sorry for what he did, the way Sunggyu’s face paled broke his heart. Instead of frowning at his face, Sunggyu smiled for Woohyun as he walked towards him.

“Can I come in?”


Woohyun walked toward Sunggyu, leaving good space between them, “How are you?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“Sunggyu, I’m really sorry-”

“Thank you.”


“She’s been getting wrong messages from me all this time, and I didn’t know how to turn her down without getting my café shut down.”

Sunggyu knew that if he upset or rejected a celebrity, one tweet from them could ruin his café reputation.

“You’re welcome.”

“And don’t worry, I understand.”

“Huh? What do you understand?”

“If you change your mind”, Sunggyu looked down, “About us.”


“I’m sorry for hurting your feelings; I don’t do well with sudden moves; I didn’t mean to scare you.”


“I won’t blame you if you don’t want to be with me anymore, I-”

“Did you just accept my confession???”


“It’s yes!!!!”


“Yes, I will go out with you, Kim Sunggyu”,

Woohyun then offered his palm to take, “What are you doing?”

“Take it, I won’t do anything you dislike, I promise.”

Sunggyu placed his hand over it, almost touching, trusting Woohyun’s words; the celebrity then leant to kiss his hand but stopped midway, settling for his nose barely brushing over Sunggyu’s hand before he backed, “I love you.”


“Will you be my boyfriend?”

“I don’t know what to say!”

“Give me your answer later.”


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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 5: It really seems like Howon hates Sungyeol 🥺
Oh no, it makes me want to know who the woman is. Hopefully Woohyun doesn't end up heartbroken
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 3: I wonder if Howon likes Sungyeol 🥺
I don't know, it was very hard on him.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 1: It's the hair 😂😂😂😂😂
702 streak #4
still one of my faves 😭
Simran20 #5
While seeing this I realise how time flies so fast😭
Absese #6
Chapter 21: I loved it! Great job!
Simran20 #7
Chapter 21: That was another beautiful journey with you author nim. I really love how you summarize each and every one of their views in a line. Can't believe it's over but it's okay I have already start reading 'i got you'.
You are one of the most persistent authors I have come across in asian fanfic. Thank you so much author nim for all these fics. Lots of love. God bless 💙
Chapter 21: So it is the end of another great story of you.
Personally this was so healing. It had its up and downs but ultimately everything fell in to right place and as you have said this story is a light story. But I am happy that you wrote a story like this story. This had so much happiness. And communication, love, understanding, apologies. This was really beautiful. I know beautiful is a simple word but for me it has a deep meaning. So for me this story was beautiful. As always I loved this story of yours too. Much love ❤️
Chapter 20: Gosh I really can’t wait for the next update!! Their relationship is getting better and better! Meanwhile yadongs not so great so I’m really looking forward to see what happens with them
Chapter 20: Hope everything is fine with you now. ❤️
And the update. The relationship of woogyu is such a healthy one. I love reading about healthy relationships cuz we have so much of toxic relationship now in the society. So even if the fiction world is giving me a healthy relationship, I will take it.
And I love the way Shi Ah handled the things. And to see her opening up to Hyun not only because she loves her father but of the reason that she has also started loving Hyun is a major step in this process.
And yadong, a break is much needed but I don't know whether it is the right time. Perhaps it is the right time. Even though Dongwoo has shown everyone he is happy why I think it is not like that. A time off would give both of them space and time to heal their selves.
Loved the update. ❤️