
Barista and TV star
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Innisfree GREEN CAFE


It’s been a week since Sunggyu and Woohyun had that conversation that night at the balcony, and for the first time, Sunggyu felt like he did the right thing. Woohyun was nothing but very supportive; not only he didn’t tell anyone as Sunggyu requested, but Woohyun’s looks also didn’t change. He still looks at him the way he used to, with love.

Their relationship improved by telling Woohyun about his past; Sunggyu doesn’t flinch when Woohyun suddenly holds his hand or touches his shoulder. Yet, the celebrity didn’t cross the other line when it comes to being intimate with the barista; Woohyun still waits for Sunggyu to initiate a hug or a kiss, which was okay with him Sunggyu satisfied him when it comes to skinship.


Sunggyu smiled, watching Woohyun hiding behind the newspaper in the hope no one recognise him, so he joined him behind the newspaper and pecks his cheek, making Woohyun smile, “This is nice.”

“Don’t you have work or something to do! It’s been a week already since you left the show! And all you do is drink coffee all day here.”

“Awch!! Are you bored of me, Mr Barista!!!”


“For your information, I have new events to cover starting next week.”


“You’d miss me so much that I won’t have time to answer your calls!”

“Can’t you start this week? Tomorrow? Or now!!!”

“Yah!! Kim Sunggyu, you’re mean!”

“I’m kidding.”

Woohyun pouted, looking away, “No, I’m hurt.”

Sunggyu smirked. “Then how can I make it up to you?”

“A kiss, maybe.”

“That’s easy.”

Sunggyu turned Woohyun’s face gently without pressing hard on his chin and surprised Woohyun with a kiss, not a peck. To Woohyun’s bad luck, he was holding the newspaper that he couldn’t do anything other than stay still and enjoy whatever Sunggyu is offering.

“Let’s go to the back”, Woohyun whispered, eyes fixed on Sunggyu’s lips, “I’m not done with you.”


Before they could move their session to the back area, Hoya snatched the newspaper, revealing both of them, “Yah!”

“Shut up, Nam Woohyun. You’re all over the internet!!”

“What!” Woohyun looked into Hoya’s mobile, “How did this happen?”

“What happened?” Sunggyu read the news about Woohyun and Saeron, “Hyun, they’re accusing you here!”

“Hyun, did you beat her up!!! Are you dumb!!” Hoya said.

“I didn’t touch her, I swear!” Sunggyu moved away a little from Woohyun as a reaction, “Sunggyu- come on I-”

Then Woohyun’s mobile ringed and it was his manager, “Where are you???”


“Woohyun, we need to talk. Did you see the news?”

“Hyung, it’s not true; I didn’t touch her!” Woohyun answered his manager while looking at Sunggyu, who wasn’t looking at him.

“She has bruises and hospital reports; let’s meet somewhere far from KBS. The reporters are everywhere. Do you have somewhere we can meet?”

Woohyun looked at Sunggyu lost; he doesn’t want to ask him such a favour, yet he doesn’t have anywhere else to go paparazzi already know his house address; they’re definitely gathered there waiting for him, “My mom’s restaurant, it’s not open yet.”

“Araso, see you there.”


“And Woohyun, be careful.”

The minute Woohyun hung up; he turned to Sunggyu, “Sunggyu, listen to me-”

Sunggyu took off his hat and put it on Woohyun’s head, silencing him, “Wear your mask.”

Woohyun wanted to hold Sunggyu’s hand before he leaves but the barista’s hands were shaking, so he stopped himself, “I didn’t do it.”

“Hmm, now go.”




“Can you please accompany Woohyun to the back door to the restaurant?”

“Sure, let’s go, Hyun.”




Nam’s restaurant


Woohyun arrived at the restaurant before his manager comes; he and Hoya used the back door to make sure no one sees them. The place was dark, Woohyun called his employees and asked them to leave early to finish their work later.

“When will you open it?”

“Really, Hoya!”

“What! I’m just saying it looks ready.”

Woohyun unlocked his mobile to call him manager, “Where is he!!”

“Hyun”, Hoya took the mobile from him. “Calm down.”

“How dare she frame me!!!”

“You blew her off in the middle of a project! What did you think! She’ll let it go easily??”

“Don’t defend her, Hoya.”

“I’m not defending her”, Hoya forced Woohyun to sit down, “I’m just saying, you should’ve seen that coming. But I’m sure we can fix this; just calm down.”

Woohyun nodded, “You think Sunggyu believes me?”

“Now, it’s not the time to talk about your love affair.”

Hoya wanted to avoid that answer, judging from Sunggyu’s reaction back at the café, things don’t seem okay. He doesn’t want to break his friend’s heart and tell him the truth.

“That’s all I care about!”

“Your reputation is ruined; I think you have better things to think of right now.”

Woohyun’s manager walked “Woohyun.”

“Hyung, she is lying!”

“I know she is lying; I warned you not to break off the contract that way; you didn’t listen.”

“What do I do now?”

“We have to find a way to prove that you are innocent.”


Woohyun’s manager looked between Woohyun and Hoya, “I don’t know, but we will figure it out.”




Sunggyu’s House


Myungsoo drove fast to his brother’s house after getting a call from Shi-ah, “Where is your father?”

“At his room”, Shi-ah sounded worried, “He locked himself in his room ever since I returned from school; I don’t know if he is okay!”

“Did something happen between you two?”

Shi-ah shook her head, “Ani, I didn’t even touch him; I felt something was off, so I held back from hugging him.”

“Hey, Shi-ah”, Myungsoo hugged the worried teen; how could a teen understands her father so well!! “I’m sure he is fine.”

“Is it because of the news?”

“What news?”

“It’s all over the internet” Shi-ah looked into her mobile then showed her uncle, “They said Saeron broke off the contract because Woohyun samchon beat her up.”

“You don’t think it’s true, do you?”

“I don’t know! Woohyun samchon is nice, but what if we were wrong?”

“Listen, why don’t you heat your dad’s food? I’ll talk to him then join you, uh?”

“Araso, thank you, samchon.”


Sunggyu’s room

Myungsoo knocked on the door, “Hyung, it’s me. Open the door.”


“Hyung”, Myungsoo knocked again, “Shi-ah is worried, come on! Open the door!!”

The door finally clicked open; Myungsoo walked in and closed the door behind him just in case he doesn’t want Shi-ah to hear them.

“Tell Shi-ah I’m coming down to eat together.”

“Hyung”, Myungsoo looked at the ashtray, which was filled with cigarettes, “Hyung, did you smoke a whole pack!”

“Maybe, what do you want, Myung!”

“Shi-ah is worried; you can’t do this to her Hyung, she is just a kid.”

“I know!!” Sunggyu finally looked at his brother showing his tired red eyes, “I’m locking myself in for her sake.”

“What’s going on? Why are you hiding from her?”

“Because I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

Myungsoo noticed how Sunggyu’s hands were shaking; he doesn’t know if it’s because of smoking or something else.

“Hyung, your hands are shaking”, without saying a word, Sunggyu looked away, “is it because of Woohyun Hyung’s rumour?”

“I can’t touch my girl because of this.”

“Hyung, don’t worry about it, Shi-ah understands she is smart”, Myungsoo then added, “I’ll help Shi-ah with the food; please shower and join us, don’t make her worry.”

Myungsoo was about to walk out when Sunggyu spoke, “He is innocent.”

“If you believe him, then why are you acting like that!”

“I-” Sunggyu looked at his shaken hands, then back at his brother, “I can’t help it.”

“Hyung”, Myungsoo walked toward his brother carefully, “Talk to me; I’m your brother; you can tell me anything.”



“Give me five; I’ll shower and join you downstairs.”



By the time Sunggyu joined them downstairs, Dongwoo was already there preparing and helping Shi-ah with the food. To tell the truth, Sunggyu was thankful for his friends and family; they’ll always be there whenever he needs them.

Shi-ah ran towards her father when he walked into the kitchen with wet hair but made sure to give him his space suspecting that her father needs i

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 5: It really seems like Howon hates Sungyeol 🥺
Oh no, it makes me want to know who the woman is. Hopefully Woohyun doesn't end up heartbroken
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 3: I wonder if Howon likes Sungyeol 🥺
I don't know, it was very hard on him.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 1: It's the hair 😂😂😂😂😂
702 streak #4
still one of my faves 😭
Simran20 #5
While seeing this I realise how time flies so fast😭
Absese #6
Chapter 21: I loved it! Great job!
Simran20 #7
Chapter 21: That was another beautiful journey with you author nim. I really love how you summarize each and every one of their views in a line. Can't believe it's over but it's okay I have already start reading 'i got you'.
You are one of the most persistent authors I have come across in asian fanfic. Thank you so much author nim for all these fics. Lots of love. God bless 💙
Chapter 21: So it is the end of another great story of you.
Personally this was so healing. It had its up and downs but ultimately everything fell in to right place and as you have said this story is a light story. But I am happy that you wrote a story like this story. This had so much happiness. And communication, love, understanding, apologies. This was really beautiful. I know beautiful is a simple word but for me it has a deep meaning. So for me this story was beautiful. As always I loved this story of yours too. Much love ❤️
Chapter 20: Gosh I really can’t wait for the next update!! Their relationship is getting better and better! Meanwhile yadongs not so great so I’m really looking forward to see what happens with them
Chapter 20: Hope everything is fine with you now. ❤️
And the update. The relationship of woogyu is such a healthy one. I love reading about healthy relationships cuz we have so much of toxic relationship now in the society. So even if the fiction world is giving me a healthy relationship, I will take it.
And I love the way Shi Ah handled the things. And to see her opening up to Hyun not only because she loves her father but of the reason that she has also started loving Hyun is a major step in this process.
And yadong, a break is much needed but I don't know whether it is the right time. Perhaps it is the right time. Even though Dongwoo has shown everyone he is happy why I think it is not like that. A time off would give both of them space and time to heal their selves.
Loved the update. ❤️