Chapter 7

Black Swan (Vampire AU)

Mina closes her eyes at the sensation of Jeongyeon's fingertips gently scraping against her scalp.

Jeongyeon somehow developed the habit of running her fingers through Mina's hair as she lie awake beside Mina.

Jeongyeon halted when she feels a rustle from the girl beside her, burying further to her side.

"Good morning." Jeongyeon whispered as she continued Mina's golden locks.

"Morning." Mina replied in her raspy voice.

It has been a month since Jeongyeon's revelation and everything is going smoothly for them.

It makes Mina think that Jeongyeon was normal, that they were normal.

Mina accepts the truth, she thinks, piece by piece. But it stays at the back of her head as much as possible; doesn't tug on it if it wasn't necessary.

And unnecessary it was when Jeongyeon fullfills her duty to Mina; taking her out on dates, a fancy dinner or long walks on the beach at night.

Their first fight (which was actually petty when Mina thinks back) was when Mina teased Jeongyeon about not getting to walk under the sun.

It was a fine day. The weather wasn't too cold for a walk outside. The blanket of snow lays on the ground, sparkles with the rays of the sun penetrating through the leaves of the trees.

Mina wanted to go out for a stroll and Jeongyeon had strongly refused the idea.

Jeongyeon dresses up anyway with her thick black hoodie with a white sweatshirt underneath. She paired it up with a pair of black denim shorts that hugs her thighs in a way that accents her perfectly toned legs.

Mina sees the extra snap Jeongyeon had when she tugs on her socks and puts on her shoes, she hears the grumble as Jeongyeon opens her closet to look for her beanie.

Jeongyeon's attitude was pushing Mina to the edge that she couldn't help but snap at Jeongyeon. 

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. I forgot that you disintigrate in the sun."

The realization came later, when Jeongyeon turns to Mina with eyes clouded by hurt.

"Why do everyone think that? Stop watching movies about vampires, geez. Do you even know how much being in the sun hurts?"

Mina was about to cry.

"I'm sorry, I haven't thought of it." Mina scurries to Jeongyeon and touches her arm.

Jeongyeon snorts at Mina's concerned face.

"I kid. It doesn't hurt, we just hate the sun. We thrive with the moon, that's maybe why we hate it."

(Jeongyeon has to retreat to the living room when she sees Mina about to throw a chair on her.)


"Do we go to school today? I don't want to go." Jeongyeon whined.

Mina smiles at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon normally gives off a cool and dreamy aura that won both boys and girls' hearts in the university. Mina wonders how it's going to be when they see this cute but petty side of Jeongyeon.

"Baby, we have to. At least, I, have to. I've got a scholarship to keep." Mina gets up and stretches her arms.

"Right." Jeongyeon flips and buries her face in the pillow. 

"Good thing the university decided to make us play indoors for the intramurals, I really wanted to see Dub and Chaeng play sports instead of those damned video games." Jeongyeon says, her voice muffled by the soft pillow beneath her right cheek. 

The university's sportsfest was supposed to be last summer, but it was pushed back due to the sudden change of weather. Most of the students doesn't really care about the hap; some take it as an opportunity to take a break from being a busy- college student while students like Mina find it advantageous, seeing it as an opportunity to do some projects and unfinished take-home exams.

Mina wasn't really fond of sports.

Her innocence at sports was one thing but the high-pitched screams on either side of her head when the partaker they like scores was a whole other experience that Mina doesn't want to go through ever again.

Mina always wanted to go, though. She wanted to enjoy her college life as mush as she can. But Jihyo, her only friend, was always thrilled everytime a campus event was involved; moving here and there. Mina can't keep up with the busybody so she shrugs it off and goes home. She understands and so does Jihyo.

Surely, Mina knows, that she can't get ahold of Jihyo nowadays. The fest fell three nights in October and today's the last week of September.

But Mina has Jeongyeon now, and she's going to watch Dahyun and Chaeyoung play volleyball with her.

Mina starts to tug at Jeongyeon's hand.

"Come on, get up." Mina tries to pull harder only to fall face down on the pillow beside Jeongyeon, an arm automatically wraps around her torso and pulls her in.

"Five more minutes." Jeongyeon inhaled Mina's scent and it wasn't hard for Mina to oblige.


"Momoring," Sana's soft, airy voice floats through the air and a certain pair of ears picked up the tune.

"Mistress," Momo bows down low; her hands on her sides, her back straight from the countless reprise of the deed.

Sana saunters towards her. "Fancy playing volleyball for me?"

Momo tilts her head at her mistress' question. Her narrow eyes gives the signal that she doesn't quite grasp Sana's intent.

"Jeongyeon's... minions..." Sana snorted at her own quip, making the corners of Momo's lips quirk up. "...they're playing, too, and I don't want to miss the fun."

"What do you want me to do?" Momo asks and gets an inriguing smile from Sana.

"I know you don't think it but it's time to get Jeongyeon back." Sana runs her finger on Momo's collarbone, as if she was checking for dust over shelves and watches the lump on Momo's throat move down then up. 

Jealousy rose up from deep within Momo's gut, threatening to choke her up and spill angry tears from her eyes.

Of course, it was always for Jeongyeon. It was always Jeongyeon for Sana.

So she buries the illicit feeling just like she always did, countless time back.

It was flawless, the way Momo instantly supresses it. So her voice was steady as a boat on still waters as she speaks, "I'm yours to command."


"Did we get everything?" Jeongyeon pats on her pockets and asks Mina if she got what she needed.

"Baby, we've already packed everything last night. Come on, we're going to miss the match." Mina beckons a tense Jeongyeon to come.

Jeongyeon opens a car door for Mina and she ducks her head to get in.

As soon as Jeongyeon got in from the other side of the car, she was paler than she already was.

"Are you okay? Can you drive?" Mina asks, grabbing Jeongyeon' wrist before she could put the key in and start the vehicle.

"I'm fine. Let's go."

If Mina didn't know better, she'd assume that Jeongyeon was really nervous.

Well, she is but for a completely unexpected reason.

"Calm down, Jeong, we're not going to miss the game." Mina peeks through the car's speedometer and grips her seat tighter.

She closes her eyes and muttered a curse.

A driving Jeongyeon will be the death of her.

Mina sighs her relief when the mobil halted. She sees that Jeongyeon already parked her car not far from the campus gym.

"I'll get the things. You wait for me here." Jeongyeon instructed as Mina clambered out hastily from the contraption.

"Jeong, I don't think-" But Jeongyeon already pulled out the big banner from the back of the car, and Mina sees the letters; set out in bold, plain red text that read "GO GET 'EM, TIGERS!" and was decorated with a picture of Dahyun and Chaeyoung on either side.

Mina bit her lip. She was trying not to laugh because of amusement or second-hand embarassment.

People passing by looks at them and snickers at maybe Jeongyeon's comical pose of imitating a proud baseball dad, displaying the damned banner for everyone to see, or at Mina's sullen look because of her predicament.

When a group of boys passed by and called out, "Nice banner!" and followed by a series of guffaws, Mina knew she didn't want anything to do with the banner.

So she gently tugs it away from Jeongyeon and chucks it inside the car.

"No banner." Mina says sternly.

Mina knew of the trio's dynamics, knew how deeply Jeongyeon loved the two even if she doesn't admit it.

"But-" Jeongyeon starts to pout.

"I'm sorry, baby." Mina tries to think of words to soften the impact. "I know you worked hard for that. It's a  sparkling piece of . But its a piece of nonetheless."

Mina finds Jeongyeon's eyes.

"I-it was a compliment." Mima stuttered as Jeongyeon narrows her eyes at her. Mina tugs Jeongyeon towards the gym before she could make any rebuttal.

Deafening cheers greeted them as they entered the building, the intensity changes as the ball floats back and forth in the air.

Jeongyeon and Mina spots vacant seats on the foremost bleachers which gave them a fair view of the game.

The game was already halfway to the set, in which Jeonyeon grumpily grumbled about. Mina was focused on the game so she just catches a few unintelligible words from Jeongyeon.

Chaeyoung dribbles the ball a few times while waiting for the whistle.

She holds the ball in one hand and runs the other through her short hair. Mina ignores the controlled squeals from the girls around her.

Chaeyoung hits the ball a second after the whistle.

Her serve was countered by the opposing team, stopping the ball and gently passes it among the members. A member attempts a spike only to be blocked by a taller member of Chaeyoung and Dahyun's team.

The ball however was returned to the duo's court amicably, a teammate failed to take the ball but Dahyun dives in a blur and made the ball bounce on her balled fist. Booming cheers erupted for Dahyun.

When Mina thinks the cheers couldn't get any louder, Chaeyoung sets the ball and let their team's spiker hit the ball.

The ball hits the floor. The gym was shaking.

The first set was won by Dahyun and Chaeyoung's team. Their team's harmony continued until the next set, until halftime, the opposing team calls for a substitution.

A beautiful woman with black, silken hair and sharp features enters the match.

Mina was so hooked that she doesn't notice how Jeongyeon stiffened at the sight.

The game went on normally, the ball going back and forth more fluidly with the new player onboard.

They rotate until Dahyun plays on the attack zone. She was across the black-haired girl.

The ball was served and Mina caught a glimpse of the shade of orange that she hated among the audience.

She frantically searched with her eyes until she saw what she's looking for.

Sana was smirking at her.

Mina's hand automatically searches for Jeongyeon's.

It grasps at nothing when she doesn't feel Jeongyeon at her side anymore.

A sharp shriek of pain echoed in the hall, and Mina sees Dahyun on the floor hugging her  knee to her chest.

Mina stood up as she scans for Sana in the crowd again.

She mentally cursed as she practically runs down to where Dahyun was carried to.

Mina was a few steps away when a firm hand grabbed her wrist and pulls her away from Dahyun urgently.

"Chae-" Mina tries to peel Chaeyoung's fingers off her wrist to no avail.

Chaeyoung roughly pulls her outside the gym.

"Let's get out of here." Chaeyoung growls.

"But Dahyun-" Mina starts but Chaeyoung cuts her off. "She'll be fine."

Chaeyoung tugs once more at Mina's bruised wrist. Mina grimaces. "Where the is Jeongyeon?" She asked Chaeyoung out of annoyance. Her head was throbbing from the noise and her wrist hurt.

Chaeyoung doesn't answer and almost flung Mina inside the car and shuts the door. Mina hisses at the impact.

While Chaeyoung walks to the other side of the car hurriedly, Mina gets out of the car and runs back inside the gym.

In the distance, she hears Chaeyoung call out her name. But it wasn't the voice she dreaded to hear at this moment. So she doesn't stop.

Mina pushed her way into the gym.

When she opened the doors, the place was awfully quiet; devoid of the loud cheers and the mess that was left a few minutes ago.

It was like nothing happened. And it made the turmoil in her chest intensify.

Footsteps echoed in the corners of the structure.

Soft clicking of heels against the concrete, followed by sharp, and steady ones.

Mina looks to see the orange-haired temptress, her dress flowing around her like an extension of her body.

She sees another woman at tge edge of her vision, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed infront of her chest.

The volleyball player.

"Dear, Mina." Sana smiles at Mina, an unsettling one at that.

Mina looks over Sana's shoulder to see a very different Jeongyeon.

Her jet black hair parted ang slicked back, the clothes she wore a while ago were replaced with a very exoensive looking pant suit, a gold blazer with intricate patterns worn over a white shirt.

Mina's breath hitched when Jeongyeon lays her eyes on her.

It wasn't the same soft and kind eyes that she sees.

But Mina presses on.

She boldly walks to Jeongyeon and tugs at her hand.

"Let's go home." She says.

Jeongyeon harshly pulls away from her touch. And the next words that slips out from Jeongyeon's mouth made Mina dizzy.

"You disgust me."

Sana giggles and latches onto Jeongyeon's nape, pulls her down and kisses her.

Mina watches as Jeongyeon reacts to the kiss, holding Sana by the back of her neck, angling her down to deepen the kiss.

And it was the sound of the door being shut for Mina and oblivion followed. 

She even hears a cracking sound; it's her heartbreak, she supposes in her near-death state.

She was so sleepy, can barely open her eyes.

She vaguely hears the voices before she drifts off but she's too tired.


She catches some words her mind partially can process.

"not touch her..." 

But she hears Jeongyeon's voice, clear as daytime.

"Wait for me."


Mina woke up with a start. Her forehead and neck beaded with sweat.

Her back hurt. She sat up, bundled up her blankets and moved to her bed.

She climbs uo to her creaking bed and stares at her century-old couch across her.

It has been three months of this cycle.

Mina falling asleep on her damned couch, wakes up at 2am, and stares at her apartment window like she expects something or someone to come.

She waits for an hour and falls asleep again. 

This time dreaming of a tall, pale girl with short, dark hair whom Mina doesn't have any recollection at all.

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Chapter 10: reading this. this 2022, i hope the author will update this story.. :((
Chapter 10: It has been a long time since I encountered a vampire story and get lost in reading one like this story. You got me hooked up with your story author-nim. Please update soon.
kiddoatheartu #3
Chapter 8: So I assume that Chaeyoung is the first born 🤔
pepi__jr #4
Chapter 10: Can’t wait for the update<3
kpopfanSNSD #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhh...Can't wait for the next update
Softwolf02 #6
Chapter 10: uwu ty for the update :)
jeong1412 #7
Chapter 10: Jeongyeon, please comeback soon :(
jeong1412 #8
Chapter 10: Oh myyy Mina :(
Softwolf02 #9
Chapter 9: You can't call this fic "crap", it's really good.
Chapter 9: Haha.
This is so mysterious that make me hooked