Chapter 2

Black Swan (Vampire AU)

Mina rolled to her side and stretched out her left arm to tap her alarm clock. Mhmm, I didn't know this couch can be as comfortable as my bed. Her eyes flew open and suddenly sat up. Yoo Jeongyeon was nowhere to be seen. She recalls last night's events. She was certain she slept at the couch last night. Oh my God... She crossed her arms over her chest, either hands on the opposite shoulder. She didn't... Did she? She shook her head. Why was she thinking of that? It seems like any logical reasoning Mina had had left her the moment she saw Yoo Jeongyeon passing out last night. She got out of the bed and flung her blanket halfway across her small bed. She knocked on the bathroom door to check if Jeongyeon was there. She wasn't though. And it wasn't a big deal to sleepy Mina, so she went back to sleep.


"Hyung, where were you?" Chaeyoung ran up to her with a bear hug. "Dahyun and I have been looking for you all night." The small girl looked up to her. Jeongyeon hasn't allowed anyone to come as near as two feet from her except Chaeyoung and Dahyun. Dahyun came as soon as she saw Chaeyoung clinging to Jeongyeon's side. "Unnie~ you've got mundane patches on your wounds." Jeongyeon struggled to walk witg the two girls clinging on either side of her. They collapsed on the couch. "Some girl saw me before I passed out last night and took me in." Chaeyoung detached herself from Jeongyeon. "You're not one to pass out, hyung." Jeongyeon maintained eye contact with the young girl. "I was hungry," she said. She really was. Dahyun and Chaeyoung shared a look. She stood up and Dahyun and Chaeyoung let her. "Well, there's human food in the fridge if it helps." Dahyun called out as Jeongyeon walked away and disappeared into her room.

Jeongyeon slipped out of her black hoodie and jeans. She lies on her bed, resting her right forearm on her forehead. She closes her eyes as she hears Dahyun calling out. "Unnie! We're going out for a bit!" Jeongyeon doesn't bother answering. She hears the front door open and close. She felt the right side of her bed dipping and cold fingertips traces the outline of the bruises on her stomach. She sits up and takes that hand into hers. "What do you want?" she asked as calmly as she could. The orange-haired girl giggled softly, menacingly. "You know what I want Jeongie."


Mina woke up for the second time that day. It was already past lunch time. Her stomach growled as she walked to her mini fridge, groaning when she can't find any leftover food to eat. She shut her fridge's door and a small piece of torn out paper fell out. 'Thank you' it read. So Jeongyeon left her a note. She didn't just leave. Her heartbeat quickens as she clutched on her chest and a blush crept up on her cheeks. Okay, this is weird. Why was she getting worked up on a single note? She decides to take a cold shower in hopes of flushing away whatever this was. She crumpled the piece of paper and tossed it in the bin on her way to the bathroom.

She shut the door to her bathroom and started undressing. She turned the knob and sighed in relief as the cold water makes contact with her heated skin. She squeezes soap onto her hands, lathers it and massaged it on her skin. She lathers some more soap for her neck and shoulders. Until she feels a sting on the base of her neck. Just an inch above her collarbone. Hissing, she rinses herself and studied the two newly discovered wounds on her neck. They were angry red, two adjacent wounds, one above the other. They were round in shape, like punctures. Mina wasn't sure where she got it from. She decides maybe she got it last night from carrying Jeongyeon and didn't notice because she was tired. She concludes that it wasn't serious from the way it doesn't hurt when she moves or head, plus it seams partially healed. She gets out of the bathroom and slips into a pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater. She contemplates wearing a scarf, then deciding against it. I don't think it'll be cold. She then walks out of her apartment and out the building. 

Wrong. It was freezing. Mina mentally scolds herself for not bringing along her scarf. She couldn't take it, it was too cold. She sprinted back to her apartment ti dress more warmly. 

In the distance, Dahyun whispered to Chaeyoung. "Did you see the wounds in her neck?" Chaeyoung took a bite from her corndog before she replied. "Yeah." 


Jihyo's 9a.m. class was cancelled. It was three hours until her next class and she's got nothing to do. She thought it was a good idea to go to Mina's dorm, get some food and hangout for a while. She punched in Mina's combination. She was greeted by a sleeping Mina, her long blonde locks blanketed delicately over the half of her face. Jihyo shrugged, she hasn't known Mina to be the type to sleep in. She makes her way to the mini fridge to get some food. A lone apple was sitting inside the fridge. Buy Mina food. She mentally notes as she takes a bite into the apple. Her phone rang, cursed as she answered too quickly without reading the caller i.d. She glanced in Mina's direction, the latter still slumbering peacefully. "Who's this?" Jihyo leaned on the small counter as she takes another bite. "Okay, Nayeon, calm down. I'm coming." Hag. She whispered under her breath as she ended the call and pocketed her phone. She tears a small piece of paper from Mina's recipe notebook beside the microwave and scribbled a 'Thank you', pinned it on the fridge door and left.

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Chapter 10: reading this. this 2022, i hope the author will update this story.. :((
Chapter 10: It has been a long time since I encountered a vampire story and get lost in reading one like this story. You got me hooked up with your story author-nim. Please update soon.
kiddoatheartu #3
Chapter 8: So I assume that Chaeyoung is the first born 🤔
pepi__jr #4
Chapter 10: Can’t wait for the update<3
kpopfanSNSD #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhh...Can't wait for the next update
Softwolf02 #6
Chapter 10: uwu ty for the update :)
jeong1412 #7
Chapter 10: Jeongyeon, please comeback soon :(
jeong1412 #8
Chapter 10: Oh myyy Mina :(
Softwolf02 #9
Chapter 9: You can't call this fic "crap", it's really good.
Chapter 9: Haha.
This is so mysterious that make me hooked