Chapter 3

Pirates Stories 2min SHINee history au


Bling-Bling and Key were stunned that he managed to bring so many fruits, more than usual, but even more, stunned when he did not return with the clothes he went out with. The fruits were stored in the belly of the ship at the place for storing food and Taemin was taken by Key by the ear for a hearing. "Why did you not follow the plan?" The captain asked the young boy. "I got more fruit and managed to get us out of a situation that could have been bad and that's how you scold me?" Taemin looked at the captain with an annoyed look. "That's not what I asked. I'm the one who took you to my team..." "Yours and Bling-Bling's," Tae interrupted, which made him get a flick to the head. "And you do not perform a simple task properly?" Key kept talking, Bling-Bling just entered the room asking, "What's all the fuss about, Key?" 


"This boy can not perform a simple task," the captain said what he won "and you can not trust me," from the boy. The other captain looked at the two, "They came back alive, right?" Bling asked, looking at Key. "Yes," the other captain replied, folding his hands. "They were not caught or caused too much commotion, so what's the problem here?" "Failure to follow instructions from his captain," Key said in the same annoyed tone.


"Taemin?" Bling now turned to the boy. "Yes?" "You did a good job, you can go." That statement from the smaller captain made Key look up in surprise, prompting Bling to say, "Trust your team as they trust you. Something good came out of all this, especially from the boy, you know we need him." Key nodded and added, "I know."


These were good two months for Taemin, they moored in the ports, stole, broke the law, what not? And even made paper planes from the captains' "wanted" flyers.


But eventually, they returned back to the Shila capital for a new mission.


The Royal Guard, which intensified mainly after the same incident two years ago, roamed the city but because two years had passed since then, the guards became less strict so mooring in the old area of the pier in the daytime was more convenient for the Pirates of the Shining Devil.


Key and Bling-Bling, that after these two months Tae found out that Bling’s real name was actually Jonghyun, sat in the captain's room organizing the next mission while some of the crew sat helplessly on board. Eventually, they left their room to tell their crew about the mission. Because the King of the Silla is having an engagement party for his son the next day, there will be a festival in the middle of that day. Some of the crew will be sent to the festival, without getting caught or getting any unnecessary attention, to get all sorts of things such as silver and gold from the citizens, enough time has passed since the last incident they did in the capital.


Of course on the way, they will have to get information about the party that got held in the evening so that one of the crew members will be sent in for his own mission.


Because most of the ship's crew members did not come from the capital city of Gyeongju at all, only those who knew the area properly were sent, including the new pirate Taemin.


While the crew prepared for the next day, Taemin was asked to the captains' room where he was seated and explained his mission. Not only will he sneak into the festival, but he will also be sent disguised into the palace. Key and Jonghyun had known about the king's plan for some time thanks to the spy they had inside the palace who told them there would be a ball for the prince, so that’s mostly the main reason why they asked Taemin not to cut his hair and leave it long. 


They wanted him to dress up as a girl and enter the party. Thanks to his slim body and feminine legs he won’t get too much attention. Just like how key Loved to describe, he is the perfect person to do the task, not to mention that he is the only one from Gyeongju who will fit the task in question. Taemin didn’t want to think about his mission too much, so he got ready for the festival event where he would go as well.




The festival was held on the main streets of the city where the citizens gathered and opened fruit and cake stalls, as well as sold loaves of bread and meat, and, of course, alcohol. Gaming stalls were also among them which were located among the stalls loaded with all goods. Everyone enjoyed the happy atmosphere that filled the city. Children ran and laughed, and even, at some point, the royal carriage would also go out for a ride, where the prince will be.


With all the people, there were a group of pirates dressed in assorted clothes like those of the townspeople who seemed to forget all about the past raids that had happened in their city in a similar event.


With Taemin’s magic hands, he managed to steal purses, jewelry, and other valuables without being caught, avoiding people on the way who would supposedly recognize him because it was his hometown. The pirates were scattered along the wide and bustling street, which spread out over many meters, though there were some who snuck into houses and stole unsupervised laundry. With all the hustle and bustle the townspeople would not notice the raid, at least not until it was too late.


As Taemin walked down the street he saw his ex-fiancee standing with her father in front of a cake stand. Tae hurried away from the place when he saw a small dog walking in the middle of the street where people were moving as they saw the approaching carriage, only the dog remained standing there looking at the sight in front of him, at the carriage that was approaching him slowly.


Taemin immediately ran in front of the carriage that was moments from running over the little creature. He picked up the dog with his hands just as the horse was in front of him. He grabbed the horse's leashes with his free hand, which caused the carriage to stop. Many eyes looked at the boy who dared to jump in front of the carriage and for a moment Taemin felt embarrassed. He wasn’t used to such attention. Luckily he wore a hat on his head which hid his face from the people who could supposedly recognize him.


Someone came out of the carriage. It was one of the prince's guards. "How dare you stop the royal procession?" His voice was loud and sullen. He looked at the cheeky boy in front of him.


"And how dare you almost run over a helpless dog?" Taemin blurted out, causing choking noises from the people watching. Then, the prince came out of the carriage looking at what all the fuss was about. Tall, sturdy, dressed in his red and dark blue regal robes with hair flowing down his back, his big, round eyes watching the boy while all the attention was on him. "Your Highness, get back inside," the guard asked. The prince looked at the boy and the little dog in his hands and could not help but think of how cute the creature was, but kept a serious face, "it's all right," the prince told the guard who stepped aside. "You," the prince turned to the boy, "do not be rude to people in a higher class than you." Taemin felt how anger flooded him. He was about to say something but one of the pirates dragged him out of the way while the dog was still in his arms. The prince and the guard looked at what had happened. For a moment you could see the prince even watching the two move out of the way but immediately looked away and went back into the suffocating carriage.


"What do you think you're doing?" The pirate scolded him.


"They ...", Taemin did not have time to say anything. "Key will kill you. You made a scene. That's not what we were told to do." Here was another scolding for him for not obeying the instructions.


"But ..." he tried to speak again. "No buts," the other pirate told him.


Taemin looked down at the dog in his hands him while mumbling to himself "annoying prince." He looked at the crew member in front of him and said, "I'm done here, I'm going back to the ship." He took the dog with him.


"That was fast," Jonghyun sitting on the deck carving a small tree branch said. The captain raised his head and immediately saw the dog in Taemin’s arms. He stopped what he was doing and went to pet the cute dog. "I'm not asking Key, let’s keep him," the captain said. Taemin lowered the dog so he could walk on the deck which caused Jonghyun to take the dog into his own arms. 


Taemin tossed the hat he was wearing, it hit a pirate, who had just climbed the stairs to the deck, and sent him a confused look. Tae also released his hair from the tight hair bun which caused his hair to slip on his back. A few other pirates working onboard stared at the two. Jonghyun giggled. Everyone quickly returned to work as if nothing had happened. While he was sweating he gathered his hair in a swift movie, muttering, again, "Stupid prince."


It made Jonghyun look at him and ask, "What happened?"


"His carriage almost ran over that dog, what a heartless person, and then he tells me to talk nicely to his guard? You will not tell me how to talk," Taemin said, venting his anger by kicking an empty barrel.


"Be careful, Key is less nice than me," Jonghyun told him, "and the fact that you made a scene there, be careful with what you do," the captain warned him.


"You didn’t listen ..." It was the thousandth time that day that he was stopped when he was about to speak. "Take your anger out, as long as you're calm this evening next to the prince," Johnhyun warned him. Taemin made a grumpy face which made the team glancing at the conversation quickly look away from the angry boy.


the room asking, "What's all the fuss about, Key?"

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The next couple of chapters are going to still be in the palace ... their relationship is going from 1 to 100 fast because they know they know that they don't have much time together until the Shining Devil is back.


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 45: It is so sad that they had to both die. :( But it does make sense... Never would his father ever allowed them to be together. But I'm glad they might have found each other in their future lives... A bit like the drama of the Goblin. :) Thanks for a great story. :)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 41: Taemin is royalty, nice! Can't believe the king still want to capture the pirates more than he wants to defend his kingdom. I hope Minho will be able to get out and use the help of the navy.
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 37: Yeah... Taemin made it safely to his ship and pirate family! But Poor Minho... he's been made prisonner in his own home. :(
Chapter 36: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1444730/36'>Chapter 35</a></span>
Oooh adventure time! I wonder what other SM, YG, JYP Idols will come into the story in the future. Edit: It wouldn't post and ended up posting multiple times(If the "deleted" comments are shown)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 31: I really wonder why the King, Minho's father, care more about catching the pirates than defending them from the coming war?
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 30: Taemin got himself a new friend. :P What I got from this story is that a lot of people on the Shining Devil come from high class people who run away from the live they never wanted...
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 29: Wow... Jinki is Taemin's brother! And basically, Minho's dad kept Taemin's dad in the donjon so he could steal the land they own. Minho had help Taemin's dad from being execute. And he knew all along that Taemin had the other engagement bracelet and wants him to keep it. I hope they will be able to stay together. I am worried about someone noticing Taemin's presence and the King's reaction to his presence.
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 25: Woohoo - I think something magical gonna happen!!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 25: This is amazing.... another 4 chapters... THANK YOU!!! I hope the person opening the door is Minho!!! So stressful. They are really meant to be together. :) I wonder if Taemin is also a prince (his mom being a run away princess who left to marry Taemin's dad).
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 21: Wow... 4 chapters in one day! You sure spoiled us! :) Thank you. I wonder if Minho knows that Taemin has the other bracelet which is why he's wearing his. :)