Chapter 35

Pirates Stories 2min SHINee history au


Taemin saw a group of guards walking down the main street, talking to each other. They walked towards him but did not notice him. The pirate was able to hear their conversation. "There was a girl in the palace, she ran away and needed to be found? It's bull." "How did a girl even enter the palace?" "Do you think I know?" The group stopped, and Taemin noticed that they were five, they all looked the same. The two guards who spoke seemed to have a blinking competing with tired pouts, but a third guard decided to ask, "What about the fire dancer?" "What about him?" Said the fourth guard. "They have not seen him again ... No one knows where he has been for four days, rumor has it he has returned to his ship," the fifth explained. "But every ship that arrives at the port is stopped for search," the fourth said. "I do not know more than that," the fifth pushed his friends to keep going.


Taemin decided to move fast, all he knew was that he was supposed to be in the southern part of the port at midnight. The pirate remembers the first time he arrived at the Shining Devil, it felt so long ago. Taemin was already eighteen, he grew up while on board. Although he was disguised as a guard, he sneaked into the area anyway so no one saw him. When he got to the port area he saw a group of guards everywhere, some of them complained that they had been there for days and there was no sign of the pirates, so why the hell are they there?


Taemin passed by the groups and went further south towards the old pier where he saw the old pub completely dismantled and smashed, with no sounds of drunken people or of people at all. On a pillar of a fire lamp not far away was a page, it was written on it that anyone caught wandering in this area at night would be sent straight to the dungeon and then for clarification because if he was found to be a pirate, he would be hanged. Not nice. Since then the young pirate has decided to look around to see if there is anyone around.


"Hey, you!" Someone had just emerged from behind him. He turned around to see who was approaching him, it was a guard. "What are you doing here? What is this bag?" The guard asked. Luckily for Taemin, his face was hidden because he was standing with his back to the lamp so the guard would not recognize him as someone who's not really a guard. Taemin thought of an excuse, "I came to see if anyone comes from this direction, people are not allowed to walk around here." Wow, good lie. "About the bag, it's mine, I was thinking of going home to bring back some things, but what can you do when you have to do tours because of these pirates," Taemin spoke in a deeper voice than his usual voice. At least what he said made the other guard nod and go back, leaving him alone on the old pier. But before the guard went a few steps he turned back to Taemin with a slightly frightened look. "You better be careful, they say that on a full moon the wind kidnaps people, especially in deserted areas," the guard said, pointing to the beautiful full moon in the sky.


"Do not worry, it's probably a fairy tale, I'll be fine," Taemin wanted to laugh because very soon he was about to disappear, not in the hands of these ghosts, but in the hands of his shipmates. The guard turned around and left the place as quickly as possible, mumbling to himself that Taemin did not know what he was talking about and that he would be kidnapped sooner or later and that it would not be his fault. Now all he had to do was wait for the ship to show up. Taemin decided to go further south away from the sign and the sounds of the guards being heard in the distance. A place where they heard the waves and old beams. The waves were not stormy at all, the sea was almost calm, so when he heard a certain sound from the water, large ripples formed.


It was dark, only the moonlight shone on the beach not far from the old pier where Taemin stood surveying the sea. Slowly a small paddle boat advanced towards him, no one spoke about the boat, the only sound heard was the movement of the paddles on the water. The pirate clasped his hand on his bag, his other hand also gripped his sword tightly, and his heart accelerated because he had not seen his friends for so long. 


Three people came to pick him up. He smiled as he recognized the voice that spoke to him. "What's the password?" Jongain's voice was heard. Taemin grinned. "What password?" He asked because they did not agree on any passwords. "That's it," Tae could very well guess his friend smiled when he said that. "But if you really need at least something then, there, eighteen-year-old Lee Taemin, son of Lee Songmin also called Blue Sword."


"Okay, so get on now, we have a long cruise ahead of us," a new voice said. Taemin looked at the new person. "I will introduce myself, I'm Lui Yi-Yun, new on board." "New?" Her voice was deep, and her appearance was reminiscent of a masculine sight, at least from what he could see by the moonlight. "Yes, is there a problem?" "Absolutely not, welcome aboard ... So how long will it take us to get back on the ship, you said?" "Too long," Jongain replied.


Taemin sat down in the only spot that was empty on the little rowboat that set out, sailing in the moonlight. The cruise really took some time. Longer than he thought it would take. But of course, they eventually came to see the Shining Devil flooding the calm waters of the early morning hours. And how good it was to be home, to where his family was, though the prince and his brother were left behind. Key and Jonghyun were awake, with a small crew of pirates who boarded their boat from the water to the deck and then hurried to keep the ship away from the Silla area.


"Good to see you're back," Bling-Bling said as he hugged the young man. Key stood behind him with crossed arms but a smiling face. "We heard the whole area was full of guards so we sent a small boat, luckily the guards were not awake enough to see it," Key said, "the crew missed you very much." "Where exactly were you?" The pirate asked his captains. "We sailed north to Hokkaldo." Taemin nodded and told his captains who had heard of Kyong-Ju's stubborn king not agreeing to help the war because he thought it would not reach the Silla at all.


"You must have met Amber," Jonghyun said, pointing to the first woman on board. "Her name is Amber?" "Did she present herself differently?" The captain asked him. Tae nodded. "Then call her Amber." Taemin nodded. "On the way we got some things we needed," Key said, "and of course more information through your brother," he added. Tae nodded again. "You better go rest," Bling-Bling suggested to him, Jongin just stood next to him and took him to the belly of the ship to the sleeping area. When they got off, to their surprise, a small group was awake waiting for their arrival. Baekhyun, when he saw Taemin's guard boots before he could even walk enough stairs, immediately jumped up from his seat next to his partner who looked very tired but with a small smile.


After exchanging a few words with everyone, the group decided to rest before having to do their chores on board. With the sounds of the boots rigging in the wood, the sound of the waves hitting the ship, and the salty smell, Taemin went to bed with a smile on his face. How much he missed the ship. The sea. Excited that another adventure will start soon.

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The next couple of chapters are going to still be in the palace ... their relationship is going from 1 to 100 fast because they know they know that they don't have much time together until the Shining Devil is back.


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 45: It is so sad that they had to both die. :( But it does make sense... Never would his father ever allowed them to be together. But I'm glad they might have found each other in their future lives... A bit like the drama of the Goblin. :) Thanks for a great story. :)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 41: Taemin is royalty, nice! Can't believe the king still want to capture the pirates more than he wants to defend his kingdom. I hope Minho will be able to get out and use the help of the navy.
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 37: Yeah... Taemin made it safely to his ship and pirate family! But Poor Minho... he's been made prisonner in his own home. :(
Chapter 36: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1444730/36'>Chapter 35</a></span>
Oooh adventure time! I wonder what other SM, YG, JYP Idols will come into the story in the future. Edit: It wouldn't post and ended up posting multiple times(If the "deleted" comments are shown)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 31: I really wonder why the King, Minho's father, care more about catching the pirates than defending them from the coming war?
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 30: Taemin got himself a new friend. :P What I got from this story is that a lot of people on the Shining Devil come from high class people who run away from the live they never wanted...
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 29: Wow... Jinki is Taemin's brother! And basically, Minho's dad kept Taemin's dad in the donjon so he could steal the land they own. Minho had help Taemin's dad from being execute. And he knew all along that Taemin had the other engagement bracelet and wants him to keep it. I hope they will be able to stay together. I am worried about someone noticing Taemin's presence and the King's reaction to his presence.
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 25: Woohoo - I think something magical gonna happen!!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 25: This is amazing.... another 4 chapters... THANK YOU!!! I hope the person opening the door is Minho!!! So stressful. They are really meant to be together. :) I wonder if Taemin is also a prince (his mom being a run away princess who left to marry Taemin's dad).
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 21: Wow... 4 chapters in one day! You sure spoiled us! :) Thank you. I wonder if Minho knows that Taemin has the other bracelet which is why he's wearing his. :)