Chapter 1

Pirates Stories 2min SHINee history au


It was a summer morning. The very early hours of the morning. The hours when all the merchants were getting organized for the sale of their goods in the market and in the port. At the same time when most people were still asleep, and when the voices of pelicans and farm animals in the area began to be heard. A young boy came out of his master's house dressed in dull clothes and his long hair was sloppily gathered on his head because of the fact that he hurried out before the owners of the house woke up.


There were wanted flyers everywhere, on the buildings of the city, near the tavern, on wooden pillars, ads about pirates who were wanted by the royal house, with a large sum that the king was willing to pay to whoever caught the bandits.


Bling-Bling, a wanted pirate with a somewhat strange name, young, very young. He appeared on the day of the festival, the sound of a bell from his right ear warned on his arrival, the flyer read:








A dangerous pirate and a thief, a bell on his right ear, whoever catches him will win a high price reward from the royal family. "






In the flyer next to him was another pirate, Key, was his name, identified by the chain of keys around his neck, marking any place he robbed. On the flyer was written:








The pirate with the keys, a robber, the catcher will receive a high price reward from the royal family. "






And each flyer even had an illustration of the two pirates.


The boy who passed by the tavern on the way to the port ripped two flyers and put them in his small bag. From the same bag he took out one coin and held it in his hand. He knew exactly where he was headed.


He walked along the platform, looking at all the stalls starting to come to life, people starting to walk and looking at fishes, which kind of sent chills through the boy's back. The fish looked like they're looking at you everywhere you go. Stall owners were heard in the distance shouting that their stand was open for business.


He stopped at a certain stall that was in an empty area where there was a bad smell of garbage and rotten fish. An old man who lacked most of his teeth sat behind a fish stall that looked rotten looking, and smoked.


"How do I get to the Shining Devil?" The boy asked.


"Who’ askin’?" The boy placed the coin on the stand with a loud clunk. The same merchant looked up. "And what would ya like to kno’?" The trader revealed a toothless smile looking at the glowing coin.


"And what's your business? You're just a trader, so take my money and tell me the information or I'll get it from someone else." The merchant's smile disappeared, he looked at the boy in front of him, "Two more coin’ and we have a deal," said the merchant.


The boy took another coin out of his bag and the merchant went over each coin with his hands, then with his remaining teeth and nodded. "Furthe’ down the harbor is the rotten part of the old pier. You have luck, kid, today is a full moon.” The merchant grinned and put the coins in a hidden compartment in his shirt, returning to smoke, blowing a ring of smoke towards the boy's face. The boy waved his hand in front of his face to get rid of the stinking smoke. He thanked the merchant who only cared about the money he had made so early in the morning and went back to walking along the platform.


The same boy stumbled across the platform and walked through the market, he got bored quickly. He managed to steal an apple from some drunken-looking merchant when he felt the hunger of noon eating him from within. Luckily, no one was looking for him, none of the servants of the house of his master who had taken him under his care a year ago. After his father died, his life was garbage. He felt how his life in the masters house was suffocating, he did not want to be what they wanted him to be. He didn't want to be a husband to a beautiful young woman, to work in land trade like the master who took him, he just wasn’t ready for something that would ruin his life and make him like a simple human being, he did not want his life to be simple, adventure is what he was looking for, just like his father.




As the sun began to set, the boy walked south along the dock he had been walking for several hours. When the sun was not visible on the horizon, he reached the old pier, the ground was crooked and broken, the sounds of the waves hitting the stone and rotten planks floating were heard, while there were no longer the sounds of birds in the sky. He hid behind an old bin that smelled of rotten fish, seaweed, and salt, which rested near a building that looked like it was about to collapse. He waited for the ship to anchor. 



He could see a ship on the horizon, advancing slowly toward the land, stopping at the old pier where the planks that built it had been half-eaten from the years that had passed since they were built. The same ship decided to anchor when the sky was completely black and only the full moon moonlight shone on the dark blue sea. A bunch of sailors got off the ship, the boy could see the menacing figures of the two pirates from the flyers, one could hear the sound of the bell and the clinking of the keys, which made his hair stand and a chill run through his back.


As the ship crew disappeared into the old pub, the boy walked on the dock towards the ship, from time to time looking to all sides to see if anyone was approaching. He climbed on the beam that came down from the ship’s deck and climbed onto the ship. He looked at the empty deck, a pile of ropes was placed on the side next to a group of large barrels filled with what smelled like alcohol. He walked on board towards the barrels feeling how the planks that built the ship moved a bit under his feet and made a creaking noise, the same noise made a movement heard from the belly of the ship. The boy hurried to hide between the barrels, shut his mouth with his hands. He noticed a large, old sheet that was well folded. He slowly and quietly opened it and took cover under it.


The boy heard the voice of someone walking on board. He could imagine the man walking around and looking to see if anybody had come back up to the ship but because he had not seen anyone he got back to the belly of the ship. The boy felt like years had passed before the pirates returned from the pub to their ship, drunk and happy. Some of the sailors fainted before they could even reach the belly of the ship and their bodies remained unconscious on the deck or on the stairs. The two captains were hugging, one hand on the other's shoulder, singing to themselves some song whose words got mixed up in their mouths, each holding an empty bottle in his free hand. They swayed from side to side but managed to get to their room where they fainted at once. You could hear the sound of crushing on the ground filled with the sounds of a bell and keys hitting the wooden floor. The boy rolled his eyes. In the end, falling asleep behind the big barrels under the old, dirty sheet, the boy did not plan what would happen after he boarded the ship. He just wanted to run away.

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The next couple of chapters are going to still be in the palace ... their relationship is going from 1 to 100 fast because they know they know that they don't have much time together until the Shining Devil is back.


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 45: It is so sad that they had to both die. :( But it does make sense... Never would his father ever allowed them to be together. But I'm glad they might have found each other in their future lives... A bit like the drama of the Goblin. :) Thanks for a great story. :)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 41: Taemin is royalty, nice! Can't believe the king still want to capture the pirates more than he wants to defend his kingdom. I hope Minho will be able to get out and use the help of the navy.
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 37: Yeah... Taemin made it safely to his ship and pirate family! But Poor Minho... he's been made prisonner in his own home. :(
Chapter 36: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1444730/36'>Chapter 35</a></span>
Oooh adventure time! I wonder what other SM, YG, JYP Idols will come into the story in the future. Edit: It wouldn't post and ended up posting multiple times(If the "deleted" comments are shown)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 31: I really wonder why the King, Minho's father, care more about catching the pirates than defending them from the coming war?
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 30: Taemin got himself a new friend. :P What I got from this story is that a lot of people on the Shining Devil come from high class people who run away from the live they never wanted...
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 29: Wow... Jinki is Taemin's brother! And basically, Minho's dad kept Taemin's dad in the donjon so he could steal the land they own. Minho had help Taemin's dad from being execute. And he knew all along that Taemin had the other engagement bracelet and wants him to keep it. I hope they will be able to stay together. I am worried about someone noticing Taemin's presence and the King's reaction to his presence.
Beau1996 1378 streak #8
Chapter 25: Woohoo - I think something magical gonna happen!!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 25: This is amazing.... another 4 chapters... THANK YOU!!! I hope the person opening the door is Minho!!! So stressful. They are really meant to be together. :) I wonder if Taemin is also a prince (his mom being a run away princess who left to marry Taemin's dad).
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 21: Wow... 4 chapters in one day! You sure spoiled us! :) Thank you. I wonder if Minho knows that Taemin has the other bracelet which is why he's wearing his. :)