Willing to Try

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

You wake up to a delightful aroma of mint. As you slowly open your eyes, you see yourself snuggled into Chaewon's chest. It felt...warm. You two haven't had a sleepover or cuddled in a long time, so it felt nice being able to snuggle with your best friend again. You forgot just how adorable the sight of her sleeping face was, and you form a smile without knowing as you stare at the supposed 'cold' and 'rude' cheerleader who looked like a cute, tiny cub on your bed.

But...you don't know if you fully trust her yet.

Of course, she was your best friend. Your Chaewonie who saved you from the wild playground when you were younger, but you can't simply forget what happened during your first year of high school. Out of all people, Chaewon was the one who knew how insecure you were about displaying your passions, and she was the one who gave you the courage of finally being able to showcase that there's nothing wrong with being you.


She was also the one who said you were manipulating her. She called you a freak in front of everyone, knowing just how much you were being bullied for a long time. You had nightmares of your best friend ever since that night, and she never seemed to care at school. 

Thankfully, you were able to pick yourself back up on your own. Granted, you had your friends who helped you along the way and were there to keep you company. They were also there when you needed a laugh, and you could just walk in the robotics room to endless bickering. But you didn't rely on them like you did to Chaewon. You didn't anyone's saving. You learned how to not rely on others to protect and defend you all the time, you learned how to be confident. Although it obliterated your heart, Chaewon leaving you did make you learn some things. 

You knew the other girl didn't mean all the harm though. You knew how easy it was for Chaewon to let her insecurities and weaknesses get to her, like you, which made you two best friends, as you always knew how the other felt like. You felt how sorry and sincere she was last night. Knowing that, it still hurt. 

You still haven't fully forigven her.

The kisses and snuggling felt nice, but you weren't going to easily let Chaewon forget about everything that happened in the past two years. You did feel bad after slapping the other girl, but to be honest, it felt good to finally be able to voice out your feeling to the girl who abandoned you. Even after everything, you still somehow loved her. Maybe you were blinded by love? Who knew.

You sit up from your position on Chaewon's chest and feel the other girl moving, signalling the fact that she was starting to wake up. She stretches in the cutest way possible and looks up at you with a smile, making your heart melt. God damn it Kim Chaewon.

"Is this real life, Minmin?"

You let out a snort, which you definitely didn't mean to do, and are now covering your face in embarrasment. The strawberry haired cheerleader laughs at you, only making you more embarrassed. "Cute..."

"Stop laughing..." You pout and whine at the other girl.

"I can't help it"

She continues to laugh for a solid five minutes, and wow, you didn't even know somebody could straight up laugh for that long. When she's done, there's silence, but this time it isn't awkward. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence and just take in each other's presence, glancing at one another. 

Suddenly, she interrupts the quiet environment and asks you a question. "Minju...this has been great, snuggling with you and all, but are you sure it's really okay with your mom for me to stay here?"

"Trust me! It's completely okay!" You give her an okay sign with your hand with a wide smile. 

"Fine...but I'm only staying until I find a place to live. I don't want to burden you anymore."

You figure now's a good time to talk to her about your earlier thoughts as well. You didn't have school today since it was Saturday, meaning you had the entire weekend to just hang out with Chaewon. You definitely didn't mind that, but you also wanted to be honest with her about what you were feeling.

"Can I be honest with you for a minute Chaewon?"

This prompts her to sit up right beside you and take your hands in hers. The sudden affection makes you blush, even though you two were in each other's arms the entire night, but still, Chaewon made you feel the fuzzy feelings in your chest and stomach everytime she intitiated the skinship. That was something you definitely didn't mind getting used to though.

"Of course...you can tell me anything"

She looks at you in the eye with a serious expression and you give her a little smile. You take a deep breath and finally tell her.

"Look...being with you now, it's great and all but...I don't think we can go back to how things were before too quick. I-I honestly don't know how long it will take, but I haven't fully forgiven you...I don't know if I can completely trust you just yet."

Her face falls at that, but you make sure to lift up her chin and have her look you in the eyes once again. You didn't want the other girl to lose hope either, although it would take a while.

"But, I know you're willing to try, and so am I. I...I was hurt a lot, but I learned how to take care of myself you know? I learned how to defend myself and not always rely on others to be there to defend me...I gained some confidence. However, I still love you, and...I want to trust you. So, I guess, it'll take a while..."

Chaewon looks at you for a bit before pulling you in a hug. You're shocked by her sudden move but you hug her back with no hesitation. Chaewon was still Chaewon, and Chaewon felt warm and cozy. You lay your head on your shoulder and release a breath, taking in her scent and warmth while closing your eyes.

"I don't care how long it takes Kim Minju. I made a promise to you, and I'm seriously not breaking it anymore."

You miss the 'I love you' she says quietly. 

"Say...why don't we go to the theme park today? You...you still like the rides right?"

You gasp and tackle her into the bed, ignoring her groans.You haven't been able to ride roller coasters in years since you were always so busy in school.You loved, no love, theme parks, possibly more than Chaewon. 

"Yes!! I would love to!"

You hold her tighter out of excitement, and you don't even care that you're most likely suffocating her right now, you're just much too excited to finally be able to go to the theme park.

"M-Minju I don't think I can breathe."

When you feel that Chaewon might literally die from your tight hug, you let go, albeit keeping your huge smile. Suddenly, an idea pops in your head and you think of inviting your friends so they have a chance to rethink about your friendship with the other girl. You knew how they hated her, but you wanted to get rid of the hatred between the two opposite clubs.

"Hey Chaewon, what if I invited my friends along?" Her eyes widen at the statement, taken aback by your sudden idea.

"I don't think they're very fond of me Min..."

"Well...why don't you invite your cheer friends too? Like Chaeyeon, Wonyoung who I think may have a thing with Yujin?, and those two Japanese girls...I really just want to get rid of this whole hierarchy thing in school."

Of course, Chaewon's cheer friends were more of the nice cheerleaders who didn't look down on the other kids. You weren't very close with Chaeyeon, but you vaguely knew her through Eunbi because they were dating for about a year now. As for Wonyoung, you're pretty sure she was dating, or close to dating Yujin, which you haven't established yet, so this was a great time to interrogate the two of them. The two Japanese girls, Hitomi and Nako, also seemed nice compared to the other cheerleaders and athletes.

You hoped this would set an example to the school that two different departments and two different sides of the school could still coincide. Besides, you knew you weren't the only one who got sick of the continuous rifts in the school and the stupid cliques that existed. Then again, it was high school, but who says unity couldn't exist between the whole school?

"Fine...but I'm not sure how this will go..."

"Trust me Chaewon, I make great plans...just don't invite Soobin..."

She gives you a look of doubt, but you ignore it with a smirk and go on your phone to text the group chat about the event. You don't think your friends would find the idea great at first, well maybe except Yujin, but you figure you'd give it a try anyway. As much as you wanted to spend time with Chaewon alone, like a date perhaps?, you had a better idea and your date could wait until a later time.

Besides, you're known to be pretty persuasive with your friends, so they'll come around for sure.


Memejoo: Hey guys would you want to hang with me and Chaewon at Everland today?

Duckyyena: CHAEWON?? WHY HER?

Yurii_uwu: Yeah why Chaewon?? We hate her!

Yujinnie: uH

Woahseok: ...

Junhohoho: -_- I do like roller coasters...

YoHANriver: Me too

Kkuragamez: Minju are you sure about this...?

Hyewonisbetteratfortnite: Yeah as much as I love their food I don't know about this Minju...


After a little bit more convincing, you got them to agree with hesitation. You turn to Chaewon who gives you a thumbs up signalling the fact that her friends gave her the okay as well. You ask permission from your mom downstairs, who agrees and is very fond of your idea and the fact that Chaewon will be living with you for a while.

"I never liked her parents...she can stay for as long as she wants!"

You smile at your mother. She was there for you after the whole situation with Chaewon a few years ago, but she also believed the other girl would come back to her senses soon and apologize. She was right.

You told her about what happened with Chaewon's parents and she tells you about how her distaste for the so called parents of hers. Your mom was always supportive of your uality despite all of your tears that day you told her.



The moment you arrive at the theme park, your eyes immediately land on the tall wooden coaster you've been dying to ride. The last time you went to Everland, you were too short to be able to ride the roller coaster, but your time has finally come. Before doing that though, you see your friends slowly walking up to you and Chaewon in the main gate. You feel the other girl stiffen at the site, so you squeeze your hand in reassurance and give her a small smile to let her know it's going to be okay.

It's awkward at first, and you don't miss the glare Wooseok is giving the cheerleader. Yuri and Yena were holding hands, as usual, and glaring at the other girl as well. Actually, your entire friend group was glaring at her, instead of greeting you.

Chaewon clears and starts speaking up to your surprise. "Um...I just want to say sorry, for everything. I don't look down at you guys at all...I know I shouldn't have any excuses, but I'm going to try to make it right. Um, my friends are also coming here so-"

Before she finishes her sentence, you hear someone from far away yell in your direction. "Yujinie!?"

You see a tall figure, along with Chayeon and the two other Japanese girls. You're also surprised to see Eunbi holding hands with the other girl. You greet the older girl with a smile and she waves at you. You thought she was busy with college, but you're happy that she can come over for the weekend and hang out with her high school friends at Everland.

Now, your friends aren't known to be intimidating, but you can practically feel the cheerleaders melting because of the glares being given to them. They continued standing in front of your friends looking down in an awkward position, before Chaeyeon decides to finally break the ice between the two groups.

"Ok look, I know you guys don't like us that much...but can we at least try to get along? We aren't as bad as you may think...we had nothing to do with the whole thing at the cafeteria. We're willing to try and friends so...can you do the same?"

Wonyoung and Yujin glance at each other with a knowing look. It seemed like they were the only ones who actually didn't hate each other between the two groups, you still need to interrogate the other girl about that though.

Wooseok steps in and confronts the other girls. "I think that you're right. Minju wants us all to get along...we can try, right guys?"

He looks behind them, with you following his gaze and watching the other girls reactions. They seemed hesitant at first, but each of them slowly give a nod and tell each other that they would be willing to give it a try. You cheer and smile widely, knowing this is the first step to finally taking down the social classes at school. Besides, it would be a lot more fun now with all 15 of you in the park all day.

"Can we go get something to eat now? I'm starving,"

Hyewon interrupts the silence, earning a laugh from you. 

"There's this really good restaurant here that serves good bread too!" One of the Japanese girls, Hitomi, states.

You see Hyewon's eyes immediately light up at the statement, and she dashes towards the other girl and starts talking about food. You're not surprised. As the big group walks through the park, you find them striking conversations with each other, making you happy.

"Why are you so smiley Minmin?" Chaewon, who was holding your hands looks at you with a smile and asks about your mood.

"I'm just happy. We have the whole day in this park, then there's you here with me as well, and we're all finally getting along. I'm glad we're all trying. I think this is a step closer in all of us becoming friends."

She gives you an adorable chuckle before looking around and...making sure nobody was watching? You're confused of her sudden action and-


She gives you a quick peck on the cheek, earning you a blush. You only hold her hand tighter and start pointing out all the rides you wanted to go on. You see the others do the same as you made your way to the restaurant, and you feel accomplished. 

All the doubts went away, and you think this is going to go well. You see Yujin and Wonyoung holding hands and looking at different rides and booths. Hyewon and Sakura was getting along well with Hitomi and Nako, with Sakura sometimes speaking to them in Japanese. Wooseok was staying close with Yohan, but you find him giving you a look of concern, but you smile at him and tell him it's okay, to which he nods at. Yohan and Junho was getting along well with Yena and Yuri, with the two girls holding hands. Chayeon and Eunbi were catching up with each other and you figure you'd want to catch up with the other girl as well.

You smile once again.

Everything's going to be okay.




I'm so sorry for slow updates and shorter chapters :(

I've been really busy with AP exams (I'm taking 5 oof), and I also needed time to work on my college applications, which by the way, I don't reccomend applying for colleges since it can get quite stressful haha. Along with SAT prep, I rarely had time to focus on this fic so please bare with me.

I hope you're all doing safe! Every comment and view means a lot to me and always makes me smile, so thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy future updates to come!







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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1760 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!