Prom Disaster [TW//slurs]

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers

"Chaewon there's a boy here!" You hear your mom call for the other girl who was putting finishing touches on her makeup.

"I'll be right there auntie" She responds, quickly grabbing her purse. 

Chaewon looked absolutely gorgeous. No, that was an understatement. She looked more than that, she looked captivating, enchanting, stunning, you could honestly go on with the amount of synonyms you have in your head. You had helped her pick out her prom dress, since her boyfriend decided he had plans and could barely accompany the girl anywhere.

The cheerleader wore a ravishing, long, mint green dress that reached her knees, with the right shoulder being exposed. Her hair was also curled by you, but you couldn't really help her with the makeup as you had little to no experience. Still, her red lipstick and volumizing mascara that brought out her beautiful eyes was enough to make you starstruck.

"I'll meet you there?" She asks you, putting you out of your little trance.

"Yeah! I'll text you." You smile back at her.

Chaewon closes the door and you can hear her walk down the steps, with your mom in adoration over her outfit and complimenting the other girl to no end. You snort at your mother's antics and turn back to your closet, getting ready for the night.

If someone were to ask you during your first year in high school if you were to ever attend prom, you'd say no right away and rant about how useless the night is. You'd talk about how much of a waste of time it is to spend so much money for one dance that would probably be forgotten in a few years. Now, however, you realize how important it is to try new things, and get out of your comfort zone for a bit. You're still young, and in high school, where arguably the most memories are made in your youth.

You reach into your closet and find the off shoulder, long, white dress that you bought for the dance. Chaewon hasn't seen you in it, and you want to surprise her with it. 

You hear the doorbell and the loud voices of Yena, so you predicted your friends were here, which was weird since you thought Wooseok would be the only one to pick you up. However, the more the merrier, and it would be a lot more fun going to prom after a victorious competition, which by the way, you were still extremely ecstatic about.

"Minju we're going to your room!! Thanks auntie!!" You can hear Yena's piercing yelling and you swear you can probably go deaf, even though you were upstairs in your room with the door completely shut.

The door doesn't stay closed forever though, as your friends barge in with their stunning prom outfits.

Yena and Yuri wore matching spaghetti strap black and red dresses, with Junho and Yohan wearing maroon and royal blue suits respectively. Sakura and Hyewon wore light, pastel pink coral dresses. Yujin wore a gorgeous blue dress that matched her eyeshadow. Wooseok wore a white suit that matched your dress.

"Hurry up unnie I want to see Wonyoung!" The youngest exclaims.

"I'm trying my best here Yujin, but I'm not exactly the best with doing my makeup." You say, as you try to look for the lipstick you had bought earlier, not even remembering what the shade was.

"Oh we can help you with that Min!" Yuri perks up, walking over to you and surprisingly finding the lipstick you've been trying to scavenge. 

A mere few seconds later, your friends start to pile up and try to make you look as stunning as possible. "Unnie you are so kissing Chaewon unnie with this look." Yujin says, making your cheeks turn a rosy color.

It was quite fun actually, with Hyewon and Sakura curling your hair, Yena and Yuri working on your face, Junho letting you decide between which perfume to wear, and Yujin, Yohan, and Wooseok getting your belongings ready. You all laugh and enjoy the moment while talking about the after party that they wanted to go to. You've never been fond of parties much, but you suppose this is the one night you can loosen up and make amazing memories, hopefully one that included a certain strawberry haired cheerleader.

Once you head downstairs, you're bombarded with pictures from your mom, and frankly, the flashes are making you way more blind than you already are. "Mom I think that's enough pictures." You say as you guard your face from the blinding flashes from her camera.

"Nonsense! Come, let me take pictures with all of your friends with you!" She says as she signals for your friends to get into frame.

Hundreds, or maybe even thousands of camera clicks later, you kiss your mom goodbye and head out of the door. You're met with a limousine parked near your driveway and you can barely stop yourself from gasping, looking at your friends in disbelief, wondering which one of them payed for such expensive transportation.

"Uhh...I asked my dad if we could get a party limo for the whole team after winning the championship and he said yes, so, there's that." You hear Junho perk up behind you.

"Minju you are not gonna believe how cool it is inside, let's go!" Yuri excitedly grabs your hand and leads you to the long black vehicle. 

Yuri wasn't kidding, actually, 'cool' was an understatement. The vehicle was filled with color changing LED lights around the limo, with black leather seats that curved around the vehicle. There was even loud party music playing that already pierced your eardrums, but the best part was probably the area where a lot of snacks were contained. 

You see Hyewon dash her way to the food and take a couple bags of chips, but making sure not to get any crumbs on her dress. The girl loved food, but she wouldn't mess up her outfit that took her hours to prepare. 

"Min, watch this." Wooseok says from beside you as the group gets seated.

The boy grabs a remote from a compartment near his side of the seat and presses a button, which let down a disco ball, letting even more light in around the vehicle. Your jaw drops at the sight, and you swear you could probably be content with staying here with your friends and partying in the limousine. However, you had a very pretty cheerleader waiting at the venue, and you're also sure that Yujin would strangle someone if she didn't get to dance with her Wonyoung back at the prom.

Once Junho signals for the driver that everyone is all set, the limousine starts moving, and you friends start cheering. You'd be lying if you said this wasn't fun at all. You could tell this was going to be one of the best nights you've had, and you could probably sneak in a slow dance with Chaewon with your excitement.

Speaking of which, you take out your phone from your handbag and text the other girl that you're already on your way there with the rest of the gang, to which she responds to in a flash.

Huh, that was weird, from what you knew, she was with Soobin, so you assumed that the two were most likely talking. You still despise the guy with every bone in your body. He didn't even bother showing up to any of Chaewon's cheerleading events, he showed absolutely no support and proved how much of a terrible boyfriend he was.

You're confident you could treat her so much better because you knew her way more than he ever could.

Putting your phone down with a sigh, you look back at your friends who are acting like literal wild animals, and you can't help but to laugh along with them, well, whatever it was they were doing. You're not gonna let a trashy jock get in the way of your fun tonight, absolutely not.

As the limo heads down to your school, you can see a lot of students in their prom dresses, suits, and various outfits making their way to the entrance. A lot of them were mainly couples who wore matching attire, or dazzling, extremely expensive clothing that could probably be seen from another galaxy. You feel a bit underdressed, especially with the fact that your glasses were still on your face, compared to everyone else who had taken them off.

You and your friends follow the crowd of students and enter the school, with loud music blasting from the speakers upon entrance. "I'm gonna go find Wonyoung!" Yujin quickly says, and dashes off in another direction.

You smile at her and join the rest of your friends who found a table to sit in. Once you set your belongings down, you look up and find the beautiful girl you've been wanting to see all night.

"Hey nerd" Chaewon tells you, causing you to immediately roll your eyes and let out a scoff

"Hey ms. cheerleader" You talk back at her, but swiftly standing up and heading towards her direction.

"Where's that boyfriend of yours?" You ask her, looking around for Soobin, who was nowhere to be found.

"Ah I uh, I don't know really." Chaewon says, scratching the back of her neck.

You scoff, but you're honestly not that surprised. He was a total idiot to just leave his girlfriend during prom night out of all events. You shake your head and cross your arms, showing your disapproval towards the other girl. Oh how you wish she would just pour some of that lasagna right down his-

"Um Minju, I'm gonna end things with him. After tonight." She interrupts your endless thoughts of ideas of torturing Soobin.


She looks at you with a certain glint in her eye, but you don't want anymore false hope. Chaewon is looking at you with something that looks like...a sense of longing? You're not sure exactly how to pinpoint it, but the sparkle and seriousness in her eyes convey a message more than her words will.

"Oh...that's good! I never liked him anyway." You furrow your eyebrows at the thought of the other jock. You don't think you've ever disliked someone as much as that no-good airhead.

"Yeah I think I could tell." She smiles at you.

That smile alone made your heart melt. There was something about Chaewon in this environment, in these dark lights, with the pounding music in the background. The way her smile complimented her outfit, the way her long, pink hair cascaded down her shoulders. She was the most beautiful person you've ever met, and you don't think you'd ever stop falling in love with her deeper everyday. You're still way in love with Kim Chaewon. 

You don't form a response fast enough, so she clears up the silence between you two. "Anways, you wanna dance? Would Wooseok mind?" She asks.

You turn around and find that Wooseok, and well, the rest of your friends has left the table, and made their way to the chaotic dance floor, who was jumping around to some fast paced song. 

You see Yena making Yuri laugh with her embarrasing duck dances, making you smile. You also see Wooseok with another guy, you remember seeing him in the amusement park. Jinhyuk was his name. What a coincidence that he would be here too, you thought. You don't think you have to worry about him now though, seeing as he's found himself some good company.

"I don't think we have to worry about that...let's go lose some calories." You tell her, making her laugh at your weird and awkward phrasing.

She smiles and takes your hand, leading you to the dance floor filled with hyped and sweaty high school students. It was a lot more fun than you could imagine. You didn't know how to dance, but Chaewon does well in taking your hands and just moving you around, making you follow her lead. 

You both laugh for what feels like a lifetime, soaking up each other's energy and letting loose. All this stress and pressure from the past few weeks were finally being let go. Dancing with the love of your life was probably the best stress reliever you could ask for. This was fun, and you're pretty sure your dance skills were improving each second.

You were honestly pretty stiff at first, but you learned to finally loosen up a bit and just enjoy. You didn't have to think about any school work, or study for an important exam, or worry about another tournament. For now, it was just loud and energetic music pumping through your veins, making you move in a way you've never moved before. You try your best to treasure each and every second.

The two of you start getting caught up with your friends who start surrounding you. Hitomi and Nako are pushing themselves against you, making you get a lot closer with Chaewon then you initially were. Once you bump into her, you start blushing and mumble out a little "sorry"

You and your group stay like that for a while, with Sakura even taking out her phone and going on an instagram live to record the whole mosh pit. You couldn't ask for any better friends, you loved them all so much, even your new friends you had made.

Once some other lively music starts playing, Chaeyeon immediately puts all her energy into dancing, "Oh I love this song!"

The girl was a serious dance machine, you don't think you've ever seen someone dance with as much passion as she did. As the feather-like girl started moving her way through the choreography of the song, you think it was an English song called instruction, the crowd quickly notices and starts making way for Chaeyeon to shine.

Everyone starts circling the girl and cheering her on. Chaeyeon looked like she was basking in all the energy and definitely popping off. You had no idea how danced with that much energy in heels, but if anyone could do it, it would most definitely be Lee Chaeyeon.

A few songs later, the DJ switches the atmosphere and plays a soft, slow tune, making the students around you calm down. Everyone starts getting close with their partners and leaning on each other, slowly dancing to the song. 

You look at Chaewon, and find her looking at you, asking permission to dance with her eyes. You nod your head and lean towards the other girl, not knowing how to slow dance that well. You never practiced it, so you just hope you don't look like a fool in front of her right now.

"Relax, just follow my lead." The shorter girl tells you in the softest tone you've ever heard her speak in.

You take a deep breath and try to relax your body as much as possible. Grabbing one of her hands and putting the other on her waist, you follow her movement and start swaying side to side. Your heart feels like it's running a marathon, and you don't want it to stop. This moment, with Chaewon, you felt your love for increase so much.

You think her eyes are glowing much more than they ever did before, and you see her pupils dilate. You don't have to speak to each other. You know. You know exactly what she's saying through those eyes you've come to know since you were kids. You love her too. So much.

You decide to be bold and lean your forehead against hers, closing your eyes. She doesn't back away, so you take the hint that this was okay. You couldn't ask for anything better.

With the soft melody in the background, and with Chaewon's fingers interlocked with yours. With the cheerleader's other hand placed on your waist, guiding you to the dance moves you've come to get accustomed to, it felt comfortable. It felt safe. You could almost kiss her right here with all the affection you had for her right now, but you decide to have some self control. This was night was already perfect. Nothing could ruin it.

But perhaps you spoke too soon.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my girlfriend you ing lesbo!?" Chaewon quickly pulls away from you at the sound of an angry voice, moving to your side.

Opening your eyes, you're met with fiery eyes of Choi Soobin. You've never seen him look this angry before, not even during the fight in the cafeteria. You're shocked, but you don't let his nasty slurs get to you. Or at least, you try.

"S-Soobin it was nothing-" Chaewon tries explaining, stuttering on her words. You could tell she was nervous, and you've never wanted to deck someone as bad as you did right now.

"No shut the up Chaewon! You've done enough already!" He yells back at her, making her look down, her shoulders deflating.

At this point, you've managed to gather a crowd, with the music stopped, as even the DJ was wondering what all the yelling was about. Everyone started looking at the three of you, circling around you and giving you attention. There's whispers going around and some people were even getting their phones out, ready to film if anything escalates.

Your friends quickly get behind you and Chaewon, while Soobin was looking at all of you in absolute anger and disgust, scoffing at the behavior.

"Are you seriously gonna leave me for her? Are you ing stupid? No wonder your parents want nothing to do with you anymore! You're just a disgusting homo, you ing queer! I swear I'll-"

"ing leave her alone!" You finally yell at the top of your lungs, earning gasps from the crowd.

Yes, the soft and shy, quiet nerd Kim Minju has finally had enough. You just wanted this one night to go smoothly, but this idiot had to to go and mess it up. He wasn't even there with his girlfriend in the first place. He didn't deserve her, not at all, never in a million years.

"You-you're a piece of ! You really are, you know? You've abused Chaewon. You've manipulated her, hit her, abandoned her, who the hell do you think you are? She...she deserves so much more than you. She's a kind, loving, sweet, person, and you try to take that away from her. Why? What made you so evil? What makes you such an , huh? You don't deserve her. You can go yourself Choi Soobin." You finally tell the other boy. Letting out all the unsaid feelings in your chest. That felt good.

He scoffs at you, " you queer! You're disgusting. You're gonna rot in hell!" Soobin yells back at you.

"Hey man just leave them alone." Wooseok quickly defends you, standing up to Soobin, with the rest of your friends nodding along, refusing to leave you and Chaewon's side.

"Ohh what now? The lesbo's never gonna love you back, man! She's a ing weirdo homo don't you see? You're pathetic for falling in love for someone like that !" Soobin tells Wooseok, who looks down with shaky eyes.

You're confused. Falling in love? What? You never knew about this. "Wha-Wooseok is that true?" You step forward and ask the boy.

"Yes I did, but I'm moving on now and I-" He doesn't get to explain, since he gets quickly cut off by Soobin. The entire reason the night quickly went downhill.

"Of course it's true! You know what else is true Minju?" He psychotically smiles, clapping his hands together.

You don't want to listen to whatever bull this guy has to say. You so badly want to just turn around, or punch him in the face to stop him from talking, but there was something that was making your feet stuck to the floor. Something that made you stupidly stay and listen to whatever announcements and 'truth' he had to say.

"The truth is, Chaewon will never love you back! Hmm, did you hear about what she said about you before? How you're a you're an abomination. How your dad left because of you. How your deadbeat mom blames you for her husband leaving. You know, all I did was asnk Chaewon. Isn't it funny? Isn't it hilarious and so interesting how you managed to up your family? And your best friend? Face it. You're never going to be anything more than a filthy, no good, dyke, Kim Minju. And Chaewon here agrees with me."

Your heart stops.

You look at Chaewon, who has tears in her eyes, trying to form words with , but nothing comes out. You could feel the tears starting to come too. You told yourself you wouldn't let his words get to you. Now it feels like all the progress you made the past few years about Chaewon, about your uality...about your family all went downhill. Everything is starting to come back and you think you're gonna go crazy.

"Wouldn't you like to know how it feels to kiss her like I did? To touch her like I did? You'd love that for your sick little wouldn't you, you ing homo?" He tells you in a menacing tone, knowing exactly what to say to make you vulnerable again.

He walks up to you and grabs your glasses, throwing it on the floor, with a sickening laugh.

You had no energy to fight back, to say something, anything. The entire crowd stopped taking pictures or videos, and just looked at the situation in shock. The students looked in disbelief over what Soobin had said and done, definitely crossing the line by a lot.

Although you had no energy to fight back, your friends did, and they immediately start moving their way towards Soobin with seething faces. You didn't want to start another fight though and get everyone into trouble, so you tell them to stop.

"Stop! I-I just...stop, please...I-let's just go..." You say with a cracking voice. The tears start blurring your vision, and you think that if you stayed only a second longer in there, you'll start bawling.

You turn around and make your way to the exit as fast as you can. You ignore the callings of your friends, you ignore the mocking laughs of Soobin, it was all just ringing in your ears anyway. All you could hear was the sound of your heart shattering, yet again. It hurts. It hurts so much, and you just wanted it to stop. You would do anything to make it stop.

This has got to be your fault, right? You were always getting your heart broken. There must have been truly something wrong with you. You keep damaging your heart, yet you still want to feel love. You still wanted to find hope, somewhere, deep down within you. You just wanted to be happy. You just wanted to repair your heart. What could you have possibly done to deserve this? 

All you wanted was one night. One night to let loose and be happy. Sickeningly enough, the universe never wanted you to feel an ounce of joy. It seemed that everytime you felt that you were finally moving on from the past, everytime you felt that you were moving forward and making amends, the pain just awaits you. It waits to strike your heart, and when it does, it ing hurts. A lot.

You're about to run outside into the cool air as your hand comes into contact with the doors, until you hear a loud voice coming from the speakers. Was that-?


You see Chaewon on the stage with the microphone on the side of the DJ. She was taking heavy breaths, tears staining her face, and eyes longing for something.

"Kim Minju I love you. I'm so in love with you Minmin. And I-I'm so sorry that I hurt you...I...I broke your heart. But please...p-please trust me when I say he's lying. I-I know I said bad stuff to you, I know I treated you like absolute , and that-that I ruined our friendship. Minju, I-I ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me and for what? For some stupid validation and popularity? I'd throw all of that away, I'd throw anything away as long as it meant that I could just go back in time and stop myself from ever hurting you. I'm a coward. I'm an idiot. I was so ing terrified, Minju...but-but I'm not anymore. I love you. I love you more than anything, Kim Minju. Forever and always."

Your jaw drops and you stare at Chaewon in shock, but also in awe. She...really said all of that? In front of everyone? You're not sure what to feel. Just moments ago you were ready to cry for weeks, but don't even know. All you could see was Kim Chaewon. It was like everything else was blurred, and your eyes decided to focus on the girl standing on the stage, ignoring the teachers telling her to get down.

Before you could utter a word, Chaewon starts running down the stage, grabbing a cup of punch on her way to you. The students make a path for her to get to you quicker, and you could start moving forward too but, your feet were still frozen, and your legs didn't seem to respond as they were stuck in place as well.

As the cheerleader finally makes her way in front of you, just a few feet away, she turns towards Soobin and dumps the entire drink down his head, earning gasps and laughs from the crowd. Chaewon makes sure to pour every last drop of the drink on his head before throwing the cup at his chest.

You smile and let out a gasp along with everyone else. The students seemed to have their phones out and were recording the boy who was drenched in the school's punch, looking absolutely angry.

"You -" 

Before he can finish his insult to Chaewon, your feet finally decide to listen to you and makes it way towards a table with a plate of lasagna ready for your disposal. You make your way towards Soobin and slam the plate right onto his shirt, making sure to rub every single piece on his suit, making his eyes go wide and gasping in surprise

The students let out another round of laughter and take more pictures of the boy. "You-you're all gonna pay for this! You ing sons of es!" 

Nobody pays him any attention, as the students, and even some of the teachers started laughing at his figure. Choi Soobin was drenched in punch, with lasagna smeared all over his outfit. It was time that people finally saw what the boy was on the inside, which was someone disgusting. Someone who had a trashy personality. It was finally time he was humiliated.

"Get out of here Choi!" Yena yells at the boy in between her hysterical laughter.

Soon enough, everyone starts shooing him away, but making sure to take all the pictures and videos they can of the way he looked. Soobin let out a grunt in anger and made his way towards the exit, but not before tripping on the leg that Wooseok secretly put out.

The students laugh even more at the boy who dropped down to the floor, and started taking even more flashy pictures. You can see his face turn ever redder, if that was anymore possible, and he starts to run out of the school, slamming the door on his way out.

Once you were done laughing at his exit, you turn around and find Chaewon standing a few feet away from you. 

You start walking slowly towards her, and she does the same to you, except she makes sure to pick up your glasses from the floor that was thrown down earlier. You two start walking towards each other with adoration and smiles on your faces, and yep, you could feel your heart running that marathon again. All that adrenaline from throwing the plate of lasagna on Soobin really made you want to do something impulsive right now.

Once Chaewon was only a few inches away from you, the other girl puts your glasses back on your face, the smile never leaving her face. "There, now you're back to being my Minmin."

The two of you stare at each other for what seems like forever, and you're sure Chaewon practically had stars in her eyes. You decide it's okay if you fall deeper into those brown orbs of hers. You decide it's okay if your heart starts beating rapidly everytime in involves her. In every lifetime, you're sure you'll find your way towards her. No matter what. She looked way too stunning to be real, and-

Oh it.

You grasp onto the back of her neck and finally pull her in, closing the distance between the two of you. You're kissing her. You're kissing Kim Chaewon, your Chaewonie. And no, it wasn't a dream.

You didn't feel any fireworks, or any electricity coursing through your veins. Heck, you could barely even hear the crowd in the background cheering. All you could focus on was Chaewon's lips on yours. 

It felt soft. It felt safe, warm, and content. Kissing Chaewon was like lying down on a large and comfortable memory foam bed after a long, strenuous day at school. It was like coming back home after a few months of being away.

It felt right.

Once you pull away due to the lack of oxygen in your lungs, you place your forehead against hers and let out a content sight. She was finally yours. You finally got the chance to show her how much you've been craving for her affection. You finally got the chancce to show her how much you're deeply in love with her. 

"You belong with me, Kim Chaewon." You whisper against her lips, before leaning in and capturing those soft, sweet, and rosy lips once again.




Yay!! The long awaited kiss! This story is nearing the end, only about a chapter left unless I change my mind lol. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you yet again for reading this, I had a lot of fun with this prompt.

Every comment really makes my heart swell and I enjoy reading them so much! I hope you all are doing fine, and please look forward to the finale of this story :)


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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1760 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!